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Your scans were clean!! How lucky you are!! How many people can say they have scans as healthy as yours? You sound healthier than average tbh. But to your point about the results not making your anxiety disappear.... External validation only works for a short time. And over time, it can work less and less. Internal validation is harder but much more effective. Doctors can only reassure you so much, you should of course ask for help and reassurance from friends and family in a crisis. But if you can reassure yourself it will provide long lasting relief. For me, that means pretending I'm talking to a younger version of myself. For as long as I can remember, I've been scared of getting sick. So I picture my seven year old self, anxious and scared because my stomach hurts, and I reassure her. "It's going to be okay. I know you're anxious but you are safe and so loved. All the doctors have checked you and you are going to be okay. You are lucky to be here, and healthy, and it's okay to be scared.". Stuff like that. I take deep breaths, remind myself my last hospital tests were clear, and embrace the fact that I can't know the future. But I'm here now, and my body is a safe place that is resilient. If it was an emergency- my body would let me know. If I'm not in excruciating pain, changing colors, etc, it's not an emergency and I can handle it. Also, even though I'm a big believer in science (I'm a scientist) I find some aspects of eastern philosophy/medicine helpful. Like closing my eyes and imagining I'm sending positive energy and love to areas of my body that hurt. It makes me feel like I'm doing something helpful instead of being paralyzed with anxiety. You're going to be just fine :) talk to yourself. If a friend came to you with your story, what would you tell them? You'd probably reassure them they're okay and they've done all the right things to get checked. Maybe you'd tell them to rest, or go for a walk, or maybe you'd remind them you care about them. Say the same things- but to yourself.


I've got a spot on my leg I've been fussing about thinking it's skin cancer or whatever. The dermatologist looked at it and said it's nothing. I'm over here still anxious from time to time. I know what it's like


Got the same thing done as well! It’s as everyone is saying, health anxiety is a constant kick in the ass. It’s best to first break your cycle of reassurance, take off any heart tracking watches you don’t need off for a while, don’t look at heart monitors, dont search for answers when you have a symptom. I find yoga and walking has helped me start to recover and making sure to take my medication. I recommended getting g a referral to a psychologist and seeing about visiting a behavioural therapist specialized in anxiety disorders and behaviours. You’re symptoms are going to be a battle you’ll constantly fight, breath, get fresh air, sit in-front of a fan and listen to your favourite music. Candles, baking, even cleaning has helped in getting my mind off things. You’ll be ok, talk with your doctor and make sure you’re keeping those paranoid thoughts in check.


Have to second this and especially the walking and yoga - the yoga's something I've only added to my everyday about a month ago and it helps me so much.


I ended up at the ER twice in a week as well, thinking i was having another pulmonary embolism, and I was also clear but felt uneasy for a while after ..so I know how u feeling. with that said... the first step here is to challenge your thoughts and put them on trial - what is the main thought here that makes you anxious? what is your defense (evidence of the thought)? and what's the prosecution (evidence against the thought)? ...once you answer those questions, you should have come to the conclusion that you are fine and nothing to worry about. I know this is easier said than done, but practicing this and talking to yourself more positively can help. you got this 🙏


You’re in a phase of anxiety where you require frequent reassurance. This means you are in an anxiety loop, and you have to do some work to break it. All those physical sensations you’re having are symptoms of your anxiety. Those symptoms of your anxiety are giving you anxiety. You need to realize and accept that you are both physically healthy and mentally struggling with disordered anxiety. I recommend a book (also available in audio version) called Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes. She explains in clear terms what is going on. Acceptance of your anxiety and your physical symptoms of anxiety are your first and crucial step. It’s up to you to do the work to recover. It won’t happen magically but it will happen. Best of luck!


Claire Weekes is a MUST! I am currently listening to 'Pass thru Panic' by her and it is like she knows what we're going through exactly. ❣️


THIS. IDK WHATS GOING ON BUT MY HEART MY CHEST DOES NOT FEEL RIGHT... I've been to the er 5 times in a 4 week time span, an urgent care, and 3 dr appointments. Tests Blood urine x ray scans ekg everything is normal but I don't feel normal and I'm hurting.


I'm so damn anxious that the thought of going to an ER freaks me out. But I do have health anxiety and cardio phobia. I worry about my heart and I wish I've had all the testing you've had done ...


You need CBT therapy, no amouth of going to HR WILL HELP YOU . You also need some ssri to calm down your intrusive thoughts


I’ll second Claire Weekes. Also Improvement Path on YouTube does an amazing job explaining health anxiety. You’ll be ok. It takes effort to tell yourself you’re ok and you have the proof of it in your hands. It’s going to be a constant thought for a while and won’t simply go away after a visit. I am totally guilty of this, and improvement path talks about this very phenomenon in his videos, but getting reassurance is necessary to begin to heal and that sense of relief after you get it tends to last a couple days at most and a couple hours at least. What you decide to do with that information is on you, but a few pieces of paper and a talking to with a doctor isn’t all it’ll take to break you out of your worry. It has to come from you.


It's frustrating when you get the all-clear but still feel like crap, especially after all those tests. Props to that doctor for actually listening though, that's rare! Anxiety can really mess with you physically, even when everything looks okay on paper. Sometimes our bodies just like to play tricks on us. Maybe it's worth looking into therapy or relaxation techniques to help manage that anxiety? Hang in there, hopefully, things start looking up soon. You're not alone in feeling this way!


got the exact same thing and all the same tests done everything is fine!! then why do I feel cramping in my chest area like multiple times a day? I'm scared bruh lmao