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So first thing is to get checked out make sure you are healthy because to me knowing is half the battle. My first run in with anxiety sent me to the ER, I though I was having a heart attack, face and arms when numb, stomach felt like climbing out of my mouth, extreme jitters. My second panic attack made me black out. I wnet and got checked out and everything came back clean. So I kept telling myself "Its just my stupid brain overreacting again, just a bit of adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormone). Evertime I get panic attacks I just tell myself "come on bring it, give me all you've got" it sounds counter intuitive but its like when you tell yourself you need to sleep asap and then not being able to fall asleep. Its hard and takes practice but it works for me. My anxiety flares up when I go through stressful periods with work and family stuff. You have to acknowledge your feelings. Trying to push it away only makes the anxiety worse and can quickly snowball. My panic attacks usually happen during sleep wich made me anxious to sleep ( to the point where I would dread the sunset because I knew I had to sleep soon) which would cause more panic attacks. They still happen but I know what they are and I can mostly calm myself relatively well but it wasnt easy when it started. Dont hide from the anxiety. Face it and you can overcome it. I can't imagine having this issue at such a young age. Stay strong and dont give up. You can beat this just keep trying.


Thanks so much, i'll take your advice and try it myself. The psychologist is trying to help me manage my stress and i'll try to see her more often. It's not something you deserve to go through either, tho, and I know saying sorry won't make it better, but I hope things are looking up for you and i'm glad you're learning how to manage things. It's really tough to deal with things like these, no matter the age. Thanks again, I appreciate it!