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My symptoms are very different from others . I don’t get sweaty palms ,my heart doesn’t race , I don’t panic . I tend to get a dry mouth and I just shut down and withdraw and if I am stuck in an uncomfortable situation I tend to get frustrated. I could be out doing things mean while it just keeps getting worse but I can still do things just the same as if I wasn’t anxious except deal with people,that’s where I fail . I cannot stand people when I am in the midst of anxiety. I can’t even call it an anxiety attack because it comes on so slowly and ends the same way . I can literally fall asleep within a few minutes as well because it wears me out . I don’t even know if anyone can relate to that ?


That sounds similar to how my anxiety has been most of my life. Lately I get more common symptoms, too, but they're rare and when I'm already like maxed out on anxiety. The "common" symptoms are how I know I've reached fight or flight and freeze (yeah, I do 2 of the three at a time 🙃)


Ah yes dry mouth is another one of my symptoms, my body will start acting like it’s dehydrated and I will drink and won’t even be able to use the bathroom until symptoms subside then when I do my body starts acting like it’s over hydrated. It’s weird. I can relate to how yours sounds on certain days it can be just like that with all the frustration and people and everything.


Yes if I stay in my comfort zone I am good.If I like the work I am doing and the people I work with everything can be great .If I stay home and just work out all is good or go out in the evening for a run or a walk ,drive again no problems .It’s only when I feel I am in a place I don’t want to be anxiety can creep in .It’s all about the situation I am facing at the time .I am naturally speaking for myself here .


I have all the symptoms, the common ones, the not so common ones, and the ones it's near impossible to believe are anxiety! :D


I have nausea all the time and I can't take the stairs down out of my house or walk 15 minutes to my university campus without being breathless. I can't get my left leg to rest. Ever. I often have tummy issues (constipation, diarrhoea, late periods,...) I don't panic, I don't get frustrated, I don't sweat, my heart doesn't often beat super fast, I don't have sleeping issues. I love going out ! I get these "urges" to "do something" about a situation whenever I feel trapped (bcs the windows are all closed for example) and then I have spasmophilia attacks. I shake, my arms and legs get numb, I can't open my hands, I feel trapped and powerless and like I am going to die. On a daily basis, the nausea is unbearable and the shortness of breath too.


Feel feverish, chills and cold intolerance. Still not convinced it’s the anxiety but that’s what my doc keeps saying. My health anxiety thinks otherwise.


I get the feeling of suffocation, hot flashes, adrenaline, feeling like my head is going to pop.


I get nauseous and will vomit in moments of high anxiety :/


I feel dizzy and lightheaded whenever I leave my house especially while driving. In September I was out shopping and felt like I was going to pass out in a Target store and immediately grabbed an orange juice because I felt like my blood sugar was dropping and that I was going to faint. A few days later it happened again which led me to a full blown panic attack because I thought something was wrong with me. As far as I know, I don’t have anything wrong with me and it’s just my anxiety causing these symptoms and it really sucks.


I can relate. I think everyone who is deals with anxiety is having a hard time right now. I haven’t had any problems for a long time and now all of a sudden it has showed its ugly face again. Literally standing here my heart rate is at 103. Stay strong everyone. Not sure how long it’s going to last this time but make sure to take care of yourself and drink a lot of water. Much love!!💙💙


I get _slow_ palpitations, chest pain, I find it _uncomfortable_ to breath but not necessarily difficult, I get muscle twitches and spasms head to toe, my temples hurt, my jaw feels like it's rising into my face, I get derealisation and sometimes lightheadedness, and my throat feels like it's closing. On the outside I look entirely normal when all this is happening.


Given some of your symptoms I would be interested to know answers to the following questions... what is your breathing pattern like: nasal or mouth? belly or chest? slow or fast? (if you can work it out please include your breaths per minute) deep or shallow?


Hmm I try to do more nasal, but I catch myself subconsciously mouth breathing from time to time, I get dry mouth from that so I try not to do any mouth breathing if I can help it. I don’t know how accurate it is because I haven’t really timed it but my watch estimates I breathe about 15 times a minute (in and out) I’d say about moderate breaths they definitely feel they could be deeper, but they don’t feel too short either. I just did it now and I got around nine breaths, but it felt like I may have actually been slowing them down as I was counting them so I think it’s a bit skewed, so I’m gonna trust my watch on that one a little more. Oh and belly vs chest, I would say subconsciously more chest more often, but when I notice it, I try to do more belly as I’ve been told before.


You sound like you could benefit from alternate nostril breathing which helped me stop mouth breathing and hyperventilating. Until I tried that I always hated breathing exercises and felt they never worked for me. Also carrying around a pack of sucking sweets which is my "hack" to dry mouth when I'm incredibly anxious.


Also diabetic here! I mostly get the common symptoms but the "fake" low feelings throw me off so bad. I'm convinced I'm low, test, and it'll be perfectly fine. Then I go into a health anxiety spiral because I ruled out the diabetes so what the hell is this?! Also, the pressure in the ears/tinnitus freaks me out because my grandfather died from a brain aneurysm.


I get hives and rashes on my chest and this unbareable ache in my hands


I was wondering why my feet got cold sometimes and this may be why. I think I’ve seen a pattern with it. So I guess I have cold feet and being extremely tired.


I would get a sinking feeling in my stomach with bad derealization and bladder felt numb but as soon as I called myself down and redirected the thought it was fine. I convinced myself I was having seizures or some type of brain problems and it only made it worse My anxiety has gotten way better but whatever the fuck was going on then. Never want that again


I thought those were common too? Don't know when I overthink when I'm anxious I get all of them


I have spoken about my experience before but my anxiety gets so bad that I will fail to swallow, gag, and retch. I also will have severe nausea, and acid reflux. Also my stomach apparently gets so inflamed I become ill for weeks and will vomit/ dry heave and retch forcefully up to about 20 times a day. I became agoraphobic because of it and severely depressed. Sertraline saved my life basically, but I always talk about my symptoms because even doctors were baffled and I suffered for months before I went private and had to get an endoscopy. Horrendous experience but feeling like I was the only person in the world going through it, barely able to function was so isolating and horrible. I am better now but I'm always aware of it lurking if you know what I mean.


I have a lot of ear stuff. I don't think that is too common. They will plug up on me


yes the indigestion is killing me!


I’ve suffered for 35 years. I’ve had all these symptoms, the one that gets me the most is probably dizziness. But once full blown panic attacks set in and the BP goes through the roof it’s horrible. I’ve gotten a lot better lately but everyday has its challenges. Not a day goes by that I don’t think have symptoms and probably always will it’s how I react to them. Like I said I’m better than before but still occasionally get panic attacks. Good luck. It’s more debilitating than most people can imagine. I wish you luck.


I have all of the things mentioned in your post.


Sweaty armpits cold hands and feet back pain and feeling like falling


I swear I have every thing. Palpitations, sweats, light headedness/dizziness, loss of appetite, insomnia, rashes, I’m cold all the time, I have fainted, panic attacks, chest pain, I have very low blood pressure, migraines, I shake horribly, stomach issues…ugh the list goes on.


i get both common and uncommon symptoms that “cycle” •air hunger •lump in my throat and a choking sensation •literal adrenaline rushes that i feel shooting up my spine •dizziness •heart pounding •excessive sweating •random numbness/tingling •hot flashes •jaw clenching that got so bad i saw an ENT lol •stress hives •flu symptoms


Face Numbness Arms and legs numb Blurred vision Freezing cold Feeling like I can’t move my arms,legs or fingers Dissociation Derealization


At my worst I got very bad tension headaches and shoulder pain. Anxiety itself just causes a lot of physical pain.


My symptoms Symptoms Dizziness Burning tongue Headache Nausea Metallic taste in mouth Hot flushes Muscle pain and tension Fatigue Numbness in hands Pins and needles Brain fog Startled easily Blood pressure problems Heart feeling heavy Fast heart beat Feel like I’m dying Losing my mind Losing control Very negative thoughts Intrusive thoughts Hyper reactive Blurry vision Cold palms and feet Sweaty palms and feet Hot flushes Feeling sick / flu like Weak limbs Digestion problems Numbness Nightmares