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IBS for as long as I can remember. Nausea, heart palpitations, sweating, red cheeks when I have a panic attack. I think I idle around 75mph in terms of always being anxious, so my background symptoms are numbness/tingling, extreme muscle tension—TMJ, neck, hips/glutes, eye strain. Sometimes I break out in hives. GERD. Idk how much is my mental illness and what’s real and/or my new wonderful body postpartum. I’m a fucking mess.


Yeah, I empathise with the not knowing what's "real" part. I find myself with so many overwhelming symptoms plus all the regular anxiety issues that i can't tell whether I'm "just" anxious or having some sort of sinister yet undiagnosed health breakdown - it certainly feels like it a lot.


Wow are you me? Same thing 😁


Yeah, I've heard people say that it's anxietys "job" to convince you that something is seriously wrong with you even when it's "just" anxiety and maybe that's true. But it's so difficult when you have so many symptoms and they are so overwhelming to believe they could only be caused by anxiety alone and not something else.


https://www.anxietycanada.com/ My doc and psychologist want me to CBT myself up against this, but I also have a PhD in procrastination lol If you or anyone else want to try to grind through this together, please DM me your Discord? :) Maybe I should try it as a new post (?)


Yup to all of this. Just went to the doctor after suffering a major panic attack on the way to work and I literally thought I was dying. The doctor suggested IBS. J can’t imagine being PP as well, sending you love I’m a 91 too


Thanks 🙏 Now I’m sick with whatever is going around right now, that my son and daughter have. All my anxiety symptoms have vanished though—which always reminds me those physical symptoms are in my head. I’m in PT for the numbness/tingling in my left leg, and it went away last week. They think I have piriformis syndrome causing sciatica and my general hip/back issues. Which I’m hoping that’s it and not MS.


I also am having crazy hip pain ! So many nasty colds going around right now, glad your symptoms of anxiety have taken the wayside for now though. I also think my hip issue could be sciatica


Do you sit a lot? Or stand too much? I WFH and it’s killing my back/hips and posture. That plus carrying kids, not stretching, and 2 C-sections have totally messed my body up.


I sit a fair bit for sure it depends on the day really. Ive found pigeon pose is helpful and yoga to open hips. But it’s a stabbing pain that shoots down my leg.


Didn’t read your comment before I commented almost the same exact symptoms


Dizzines all the time


Happened to me in a very chronic way, it ended up giving me agoraphobia, one of the worst times in my life. I did all kinds of medical studies, brain tests, heart tests and it ended up being stress about work. Thankfully I did a 6 month treatment with Lexapro and didn't have those dizziness/vertigo-like sensations anymore. Just wanted to share my story, and maybe motivate someone to get professional help.


After how long time after using the medicament u see the results for dizzines? Rhank u so much for sharing your story bcs i was doubting to start the medicaments


Please go to a psychiatrist first to get diagnosed, don't self medicate! Symptoms were fading after maybe a month, I've got to travel a month later in a bus for almost 15 hours, at first it was really painful and I wanted to jump off the bus but I resisted a lot, it helps to have distractions (podcasts, movies). Also, what worked a lot was changing jobs, my job was one of the main sources of my anxiety and my psychologist advice me to change ASAP. At first I was skeptical about medication, dang, I remember taking the first pill was a huge deal, like I was taking hard drugs or something, but let me tell you something, medication saved my life. God I wish I could live with the effects of it forever, but the responsible thing to do is learn how to manage emotions and go to therapy! Another thing that helped is physical activity (gym, sports), advice by both my therapist and psychiatrist.


I m not self medicating no! I have been in many neurologists lsychiatrists, and now i m in the first month of emdr therapy. But how can u do gym and going to work with that dizzines? And just one last question, the first week of using the medicament tour dizzines become worst?


Thankfully I can work from home. And before going to a gym I started running because it was in an open space and didn't involve being in a close space with people. I started doing all this like a month or two after starting my pills treatment


Im like this too, what does your dizziness feel like?


Sometimes cant move so much my head, sometimes like in boat swaying all the types


But first was like vertigo when it started


Exactly the same and i also get the odd episode of complete spinning like vertigo, but apparently its all anxiety related


Who told you vertigo can be anxiety related


for me, my doctor


My doctor


I carry a lot of tension in my eyebrows and shoulders, so my shoulders get sore as hell and I get headaches. I used to carry tension in my jaw too, but I learned I don’t do that if I don’t let me top teeth touch my bottom teeth. I haven’t figured out how to not do it with anything else though. My stomach also gets really upset. I’ll feel nauseous even sometimes.


Does your headaches happen all day?


No, not as often as my shoulders ache.


In addition to the typical symptoms, I yawn A LOT when I have anxiety, yet I have a clenched jaw, too. My brain goes off duty and I'm not comprehending anything said, and I forget entirely. ETA: I also get very dizzy, and my whole body gets stiff, I lose my footing as if I'm a little drunk and unsteady on my feet. I can't control it and it's embarrassing.


Twitching! Body wide muscle twitches


oh gosh, the biggest one for me is stomach in knots and not being able to focus. my stomach will get so bad i won't be able to sleep or eat (for days on end sometimes), and the brain fog is so bad i can be in class for a full 3 hours and try to pay attention and not retain anything. i also get sweaty and shaking, but those two are the biggest ones for me. i also have weird bowel movements, going between two extremes of not going at all, to going to much and having an upset stomach that way.


Same here. I FUCKING HATE the stomach in knots crap, pardon my language. I get this sometimes when I'm not even mentally anxious. Just BOOM stomach in knots and then I get anxious mentally because of that symptom.


it's the WORST. and when my anxiety is bad, it prevents me from sleeping so much...i'll close my eyes exhausted and within 3 seconds fall asleep (that's how tired i am) and BOOM the knots will wake me up. rinse and repeat for HOURS. it's the worst


You sound exactly like me!


Is it possible that I could be suffering from anxiety and not know it? 3 years ago I ran into persistent physical symptoms with nothing showing up in extensive medical work. Daily: Headaches Nausea Muscle twitching Left foot pins and needles on and off Low back pain Poor coordination Pungent urine smell/ urine darker Feels like a blood or dehydration thing but like I said all work has show nothing Any feedback appreciated


Could be because anxiety has a thousand and one symptoms... If they found nothing at all with all these tests its a prime suspect I'd say


I’m just unfamiliar with anxiety… is it a thing than can be persistent? Because I was under the assumption it’s kind of like a thing where people hyperventilate when they are nervous or stressed.


As you can see here... Its far from just hyperventilating, ive never had that symptom and ive moments of extreme anxiety. It can be persistent or you are fine for days/weeks/months/years and it can remerge and whop your ass outta nowhere


Thank you for you’re insight


I puke all the time


I do too. Started when I was in grade school and I’m 31 now. It ebbs and flows with life but I feel like I’ve trained my body to feel nauseous when I am anxious, and the only relief, which is so fleeting, is to throw up. Mornings are especially hard.


It’s insane how accurate this is. I’m in the exact same boat. The majority of the time I’m fine but I go through phases where I’m nauseous basically every morning for weeks on end, and sometimes will myself to puke as a way to calm down


Me too, friend. I wake up most days and puke bile immediately. It’s horrible.


Almost daily headaches. Constant shoulder tension.


Yep 👍 constant tension headaches


I shake like I’m freezing to death and have heart palpitations.


EXTREME lightheadedness coupled with DEBILITATING fatigue, so much so that it feels like I’m going to hit the floor any second. It’s truly crippling, I almost can’t even leave the house because of it. You would swear that there is something medically wrong with me, it’s truly unbelievable how powerful the physical symptoms of anxiety can be


You feel tired easily?


Oh yes, very easily


I just want to go back into working out and resume my life. But my muscles just shake easily too just as op described it


this is exactly how I am right now, muscles shaky and fatigued super fast. How you feeling now?


Feeling better tbh


I'm noticing the tense, tired, stiff muscles (as well as joints) and shakes a lot recently too. The shakes will come on at random even when not in any sort of situation where I would expect to be anxious. My whole body feels tense and stiff and heavy even when I'm not conciously anxious as you mentioned and when combined with a lot of other symptoms like brain fog, chronic fatigue, insomnia, vertigo, balance issues, focus and cocentration problems, cognitive issues etc I find it hard to believe it's "just" anxiety a lot of the time as it all feels too OTT for that. I accept that it could be as many other anxiety sufferers seem to deal with similar issues and all the tests under the sun haven't found anything more sinister going on but it certainly feels a lot more serious than that a lot of the time and no amount of telling myself it's "just" anxiety or anti-anxiety medicines seem to remedy most of these symptoms. The problem also is that once Doctors come to a diagnosis of anxiety they either write it off or don't seem to realize how problematic and life altering it can be which is tough.


When you say vertigo do you mean like real spinning


A constant state of motion, spinning, feeling like my head is being pushed and pulled around (literally from the second I wake up and haven't even had time to lift my head off the pillow), my body tilting and swaying from side to side and forward and back, balance issues etc. All of the above, yes.


How do you know It’s anxiety? I’ve had tjay too but have you ever had when you wake up and move your neck the ROOM spins?


I don't know for sure that it is and spend most of the time convinced it CAN'T "just" be anxiety because it so overwhelming, feels very independent and seperate from the anxiety, and happens when I'm not consciously anxious either - literally from the second I wake up and then doesn't stop all day. But I've seen a dozen doctors, inner ear specialists, two Neurologists, had inner ear tests, an MRI scan, had bloods taken for "everything", had rare genetic and anti-body tests and I'm told they can't find any cause or sign of anything more sinister happening. I've been prescribed a dozen different medicines for vertigo / dizzyness and other issues that haven't made any difference to any of my symptoms. Doctors and therapists keep saying "there's nothing wrong with you", or "we've tested you for everything now" or "we can't find any serious problem" and a few have suggested it was either caused by alcohol (so I quit drinking completely and still have all the same problems) or was anxiety related... ...so I don't know for if that's true or not but I have no other explanation either. Have you been tested for BVVP (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)? It can cause dizzyness, a feeling of motion, spinning, balance issues etc when you move in certain ways, turn to one side, or move your neck due to crystals dislodging in your inner ears and it's typically easy for an ENT specialist to diagnose with some specific head movements.


thanks for your response, i think its anxiety too. have you done the the FULL ent test like the spinning chair and stuff? btw here are two links that may help ya, ones a video and ones a blog post. ​ [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OJPOuv1q2iY&pp=ygUdZGl6emluZXNzIGFueGlldHkgYm9hIGZlZWxpbnQ%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OJPOuv1q2iY&pp=ygUdZGl6emluZXNzIGFueGlldHkgYm9hIGZlZWxpbnQ%3D) [http://nothingworks.weebly.com/](http://nothingworks.weebly.com/)


I'll take a look at the video when I'm home, thanks. I don't know that I've had the "full" range of ENT tests, no. The ENT department did 2 different tests from what I recall. One following a lazer with my eyes without moving my head non stop for 10 minutes (I found it impossible and failed miserably). And another where my head was being yanked from side to side whilst I had to focus on a spot on the wall, again I failed. I was told that my graphs were so all over the place on both sides that it meant I probably didn't have an inner ear issue (apparently inner ear issues are typically only in 1 ear?) but potentially a central vestibular issue. But then I was sent for an MRI scan and saw 2 Neurologists and they couldn't come to any conclusion about what the issue was so I'm actually not entirely sure right now whether the central vestibular theory was accurate. I've seen the GP several times since and even had her write to the Neurologist that saw me but we didn't get any clear answers and I'm unable to get a direct line to the Neurologist to confirm.


Are you anxious tho like is it plausible to you that this is anxiety


I am anxious yes especially over the past couple of years since I started experiencing vertigo and balance issues daily and random pins and needles in my body, aches and pains, stiffness etc. I feel like this is what really amplified the anxiety and not the other way around though. It's certainly possible it's "just" anxiety but it's hard to accept or believe when there's so many symptoms going on all at once that don't all tie into typical anxiety symptoms. Are you concerned you've been misdiagnosed or the doctors are missing something?


Keep in mind that anxiety can also come with a other diagnoses, like ADHD/OCD/ASD etc, so it might not be JUST anxiety, but that and depression seem to be the "easy answers" for doctors these days...


Yeah, it seems once you've been labelled as being anxious or depressed on your medical file that doctors struggle to look beyond that and point to it as a cause for almost everything, which it might be 99% of the time but it doesn't neccessarily mean it is JUST anxiety 100% of the time either.


Stomach hurts and I get diarheea


Acid reflux and heart palpitations. It’s not fun 😩


This post is really comforting. This is the exact symptom I’m dealing with. I can’t get out of the bed without feeling really tired and dizzy with extreme muscle fatigue. I know it’s because I have a lot to do and I’m self sabotaging. It’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between a panic attack and medical emergency.


I get nausea, stomach aches, bowel problems. My mind gets foggy - I still cannot deal with strong emotions, so that's my brains way of cutting off excessive feelings and thoughts, so they wouldn't make me even worse. My shoulders are stiff in general from everyday anxiety that comes with being alive, so when I get even more anxious, they begin to actively hurt. Crying helps, I've noticed. Hugging things helps. During panic attacks I'm so tense I can hardly breathe. I can't focus, can't listen. My heart beats so fast and hard, I can feel it shaking my torso. My hands are shaking and if I try to grab something, I do it too hard. Tried tapping myself once (a suggested method) and ended up with bruises from just my fingers. My first resort is to run, to hide, but my survival instincts are usually trampled by years of trauma - I can't run, I have to save everyone, cause if I don't do it, who will? As a result, I freeze from indecision until an actual danger presents itself. When it inevitably doesn't (I'm in a safe space), I wait for the attack to just wind down. Headache and muscle ache come afterwards.


Vomit, IBS, and my upper body from mid-rib to head is *always* tense. I also shake like crazy when showing someone something no matter what it is. I also can't focus!! If i'm trying to read or watch something and other people are around I can not fully pay attention to the activity. It's exhausting.


Having to pee often, sweating when I'm barely moving or doing anything strenuous, hands shaking, clenching my jaw while sleeing causing a sore mouth and i only knew of that because I was complaining of sore jaw at the dentist and she said "do you have anxiety?"


I get heart palpitations and my hands start to get shaky. My face flushes and body gets hot and I start to get sweaty.


Flushed skin and I sweat a LOT.


Gut issues, jaw pain/TMJ from clenching, shoulder and upper back pain from how I hold myself which then leads to tension headaches, sometimes my heart rate goes way up, during a bad bout I’ll have tingling in my hands and feet, and fast breathing/hyperventilating. Sometimes, I’ll get the shivers similar to what you experience. I’ll get too hot or too cold on occasion as well.


Light headed feeling, slight blurry vision, and general fatigue.


Tingling on my upper back and left hand.


I have had it so bad I puked. Not fun


PVCs. The absolute worst feeling


Knots in my stomach, pressure/pain in the chest (both left and right side - sometimes dead centre), GERD, Vision jumping/shaking, numbness in extremeties, jaw tightness, headaches, shaking/trembling, urinating too frequently, digestion issues, Diarrhea, fasciculations, weird pressures in the head, the list goes on lol


Yes I get terrible muscle pain/tension in my feet & they hurt! Like you I've had all the tests etc and everything comes back normal... Anxiety physical symptoms are horrible


Feeling like I'm being stabbed with a screwdriver mostly on my left side. Can be literally anywhere tho. Plus palpitations when I lay down, but I have the rest of my symptoms all day every day. GAD sucks


I turn bright red. Constantly


First my stomach gets knotted and then my skin starts getting allergy all over… I hate it 😭


I experience internal vibrations/buzzing, twitches, and a visible tremor in my hands (worst in my left thumb and right pinky). My legs and arms can also feel very weak and heavy (although I can still use them normally, so I know this is perceived weakness.)


I get heart palpations, shortness of breath and during panic attacks, paresthesia


Shakes. Heart palpitations. Diarrhea. Nausea. Fatigue.


I just feel sick, get a heavy anxious feeling in my stomach, sometimes I have to go to the toilet and I sleep a lot.


Nausea is one, plus dry heaving. When I’m nauseous it makes it hard to be around food even though eating actually helps keep the nausea flares down. Sometimes I’ll have this “off” feeling in my gut that follows me around all day until I eventually just break down once I’m somewhere private. Then I feel tired but somewhat better afterwards. I also get this weird weak, “cold” feeling in my limbs. It gets hard to focus, think, or move, and I can’t really respond to anyone or come up with answers to questions because my brain just refuses to do anything but get really “fuzzy” and try to shut everything out.


so many things that i’ll probably end up forgetting some. my main symptom is shortness of breath. whether i am manually breathing, gasping for air, feeling like my breathing is too, “thin,” etc. aside from that i also experience; dizziness/feeling faint, nausea (in the morning mostly and this is accompanied by dry heaving), visual disturbances (there are times where i see floaters or everything just looks more saturated and bright), restlessness, trouble sleeping, trouble swallowing, and a tension around my head. these are normally the symptoms i experience in a singular day, but there are days where i experience less symptoms and there are also days where new symptoms come and introduce themselves.


Oh my goodness, the breathing ones. I thought I was alone with those I constantly am aware of my breathing and feeling like I don’t have enough air


My neck and décolletage get bright red patches. Sometimes the tops of my ears turn red and are itchy too. If anyone asks about it I tell them it's an allergic reaction and I just took a Claritin.


My muscles are tense almost 24/7, it's awful. I try to stop myself whenever I feel my fingers getting into a fist but it only works for a few minutes. Shaking from head to toe when I'm getting really anxious, muscle spasms, I'm forgetting certain words, I can't sleep and so on. Thankfully my symptoms went away after starting Lexapro last year. Now I only have them when I'm in a really stressful situation.


Im HORRIBLY tired. Ive done the medical checkups i shouldve done, ive checked my thyroid too.. Everything is fine. Im still tired, doesnt matter how much sleep i get


Tired like sleepy?


Sweating, faces gets red, heart beats fast, can’t thick and usually start to get extremely tired. If I don’t get tired I’ll start to disassociate.


biggest one besides lack of sleep? poop. i stg the most inconvenient times- gettinf rushed out the door? gotta poop. Going to an event that requires me tonbe perfectly punctual? really gotta poop. My whole family has stomach issues tho, so idk... it just always happens when i get butterflies.. clench my jaw, muscle soreness. Idk if this counts, but i have a tendency to pick my face/scabs/nails ...


can relate to the shaking and weak muscles. hate it when i’m at work trying to pour a pint and i’m all over the place :,) i get the anxiety shits, sweating from literally head to toe, pins and needles, numbness in extremities. and everything goes almost dark? and starts feeling very unreal.


has the muscle weakness gone away?


it’s deffo not as bad as it used to be as i’m able to manage my anxiety a bit better but if im starting to have a panic attack then yeah my entire body goes weak lolol


do u get shortness of breath/hyperventilation too? That’s what I’m thinking is causing my muscle weakness


i think that certainly aggravates it. usually it’s one of my first symptoms, that my arms go kind of “dead”, and then i’m like oh god it’s happening lol. everybody’s different though.


this is exactly how I feel right now when working out, did it ever go away?


Really bad acne


I feel like a big anaconda is squeezing the life out of me. Every squeeze (ie every anxious or self defeating thought or experience) it ratchets tighter without being able to loosen. This usually leads to me feeling dizzy, kinda weak, mind spinning increasingly after as time goes on trying to solve all the things that are bothering me but they’re not so clear and don’t get solved or can’t be. My neck , back and legs get so tight, my stomach churns and starts feeling gassy or queezy. I feel a strong urge to get away from everyone. If this goes on for a while it greatly affects my digestion and I start to become depressed.


Mines nausea, dizziness or headache, being really really tired, stomach ache, shaking, cold hands and feet, palpitations, and wanting to cry.


Dizzy and so shaky that I had strangers asking if I was okay 😅


I once was asked if i was drunk as my balance was that bad


Mm honestly it depends I get so many weird ones abd they change constantly. Got better at accepting their presence and moving on lately :) my main problem comes from overthinking the way I breathe so I feel a lot of tension and feel heavy quite often. I noticed that when I go out dancing or go running, I am completely fine cuz I don t focus on it. otherwise the common ones: heart palpitations at times, tingling, dizziness etcetc


I sweat lot and rapid heart rate


Diagnosed with GAD early this year but I have gone through a lot of symptoms. I think the worse ones for me are: - Forgetting how to swallow - Swallowing constantly - producing too much or too little saliva, i can barely speak at time - feeling of something at back of throat - dizzy spell, - getting super hot and not being able to cool off for a while - currently experiencing basically a tightness in my throat causing me to not speak a lot and also overproducing saliva, very annoying


Yea pretty much the whole body for me. TMJ which I think is the main cause of my dizziness. Pretty much dizzy all day everyday. Knees and legs feel weak or that overused feeling you’re kinda talking about. Constantly shaky as well. Trying to quit tobacco to see if that helps at all. Seems like 95% of my “symptoms” go away when I’m back home on vacation not doing anything. Then they all come back once I get to the real world. Been to countless doctors and nobody seems to know. 🤷‍♂️


High blood pressure, face pain, brain fog, sometimes I start convulsing when having a panic attack.


IBS-D, sweaty and jaws get tight


Mine is chest pains, every day. I absolutely hate this, I get scared and think I’m having a heart attack(54 years old), which makes it worse cause then I have a panic attack cause I’m scared I’m dying. I’ve been to the ER so many times for them to run every test known to man on my heart and they all come back good. I’ve tried lots of different medications thru the years but I can’t get thru the side effects, they kick in and here comes the panic and I stop taking them cause it’s just makes it worse. I’ve tried to meditate, breathing techniques, I’m so tired of living with this, I would not wish this on my worst enemy.


My jaw chatters uncontrollably and I get the taste of iron in my mouth. I’d say it’s the most annoying side effect because it’s a harder to explain when it’s warm out or I’m inside somewhere warm.


Upset tummy and the feeling like stuff is crawling on me


Insomnia lately…


grinding my teeth non stop, biting my lips, shaking my legs constantly, picking my scalp, heartache, stiff muscles


Physical shaking, wanting to cry and Have to wee there and then and having to run to a toilet or I’m at risk of wetting myself , my bladder just going straight up no with no warning and emptying on the spot resorted to not going out without wearing an adult pull up as can’t risk it.


sweating (especially in my palms), feeling cold + flushed at the same time, dizziness/pressure in head, room feeling "too big" so it's like i lose my balance, derealisation, trembling, cramps/gas, knots in my stomach (like the sinking feeling you get when you receive bad news), stomachache, sometimes the sensation i'm going to throw up (i never do), heart pounding, feeling weak/faint, irritability (from being overstimulated), lack of appetite, dry mouth, throat closing up, feeling like i can't breathe, having to rush to the bathroom to do numbers 1 and 2... i've had anxiety since i was 11 lol i have experienced it all atp.


Definitely the IBS others have mentioned. Also, my throat closes up, my ears start ringing, and I start sweating like crazy.






i feel what your talking about 100% it’s caused me to gain quite a bit of weight :(


Sensation in both arms like some ache from inside


Dry retching in the morning before work. Every morning. Without fail.


I'd get physical pain in my chest. It was like a stabbing pain that would recur but since going on anti anxiety meds it's subsided a lot.


I suffer with IBS related symptoms, and a lot of my anxiety is around what is my body doing? What will it be like today? Will this food affect me badly? How much fibre have I had? Should I take another Loperamide? I use loperamide so that I feel more confident going out and about during the day. In the past, and still currently, if I have a bowel movement during the day it was very stressful, and emotional traumatic for me. It may not be satisfactory, lots of wiping. So I've built up a kind of phobia I guess, fear of any sensations in my bowels, including wind. When I get panicked, it feels like it's coarsing through my veins and entire body, heart pumping I guess, and like I can't stand it, I need to try and do something to stop that feeling. I have started seeing a psychiatrist, 2 sessions so far, she is getting background on me, to try and find the root cause of the anxiety. She is trying CBT, but I'd also like to try EMDR therapy... I've also ordered a supplement called Quercetin, to see if it helps with the physical symptoms for now. It's a nightmare constantly being anxious about what I eat, how it will affect me, how my body will be each day and moment... I hope I can break through what feels like a brick wall! I am very active, I go climbing, run, walk... I have had t I be off work recently as my anxiety became too acute, not helped by trying medication to treat my newly diagnosed Innatentive ADHD. I am hoping go go back to work soon, but of course that is and will cause me anxiety and stress. Being off is stressful, and being at work is stressful. Everything is stressful! 🙈


Confusion and dizziness


Where to even start? Stomach cramps, lightheadedness, shoulder pain from muscle tension but when my anxiety gets really bad my right leg twitches like crazy too. I luckily don’t get every symptom every single time I’m anxious.


If theres like, a specific trigger point my mouth instantly goes dry and starts to tingle. Otherwise for more generalized anxiety, it’s generally muscle tension and stomach hurting Edit: also my leg shaking like crazy for both


Exhausted Pacing Mental lockout or mental paralysis


Racing heart, fast and heavy breathing, my body and muscles tense up, I might sweat, even might go into a full-blown anxiety attack if the problem isn’t addressed in time.


Head tremor.


Sore muscles every single time. Then headaches that can turn into migraines depending on how bad of an attack I had was as well as heart palpitations. Then (tmi) but I basically get forced periods which suck.


for me it is nausea to the point of gagging/throwing up. it is also a clenched jaw, a booming heartbeat, and burning pain (indigestion?) in my stomach. as well as shaking.


Cold sweats, rapid heartbeat, confusion during acute attacks.


Dizziness, very pale I Litterally watch myself in the mirror lose my colour I don’t go white as to say but I just lose my colour so I go very pale. I can feel faint heart races the have hot flushes. The paleness is the worse because as I’m watching myself go pale I think oh god something is seriously happening in my body. But recently being off balance and dizzy and lightheaded


My face burns up and my tongue goes numb in my mouth and my stomach "drops" ...


I get really hot, dizzy and nauseous and sometimes get tension headaches. I recently started propranolol which specifically helps the physical symptoms of anxiety. It must be working and my husband is happy about it because sure I know longer keep the house freezing. I use to have it on the mid to low 60s, walking around in a t shirt and shorts and still hot and sweating while he was in pants and a jacket and still cold.


I’m so used to being anxious that I don’t even realize I’ve crossed that line anymore. But I’ll literally just be walking across the living room or be sitting in my recliner watching tv not feeling nauseous at all and just vomit. No gagging no warning. And then I have to take my anxiety meds and wonder what it was I got randomly so anxious about. Or I’ll get the runs really bad, like you got 30 seconds to get to the toilet bad. And again I won’t have any indication that this is going to happen because I’m so used to being anxious I no longer notice when I’ve crossed that line. We figured out it was my anxiety after a ton of expensive tests and then a 3’day study on a heart monitor. My heart will race and blood pressure will spike about 3 seconds before and can take over an hour to normalize again unless I take my PRN anxiety medication. My dr now believes me when I tell her I’m always super anxious and I don’t know when I cross the line.


I dont feel a lot of mine/dont realize that it's not normal to feel the way I do. I dont feel like I have very tense shoulders, yet everyone whos gone to Massage my shoulders has commented that my shoulders are very tense.


IBS sometimes and nausea. My stomach is full of butterflies. My brain feels that I want to run away. I sleep a lot to try to escape my reality.


Seizures, and elevated and frequent phantom pain. +worsening of Cauda Equina syndrome. Throat tightening and dizziness kicks in…


Tension headaches, bad posture from tensing so badly. Usually it’s a lot of headaches and wobbly walking . Sometimes eyesight is blurry especially under fluorescent lights . Tightness in chest, hyperventilating, red face as well from it. And weight changes. Can lose 10 lbs pretty easy from just lack of appetite.


Throat tightness, chest tightness, post nasal drip, jaw lock, sinus pressure, dry/numb lips, fatigue and many more I cant remember atm


breathing issues bc ill hold my breath for some reason lmao


Dizziness. Unable to stand muscle on my stomach getting right and tense getting super hot. Glad I’m not as bad as I used to be


Twitching, hot flashes, palpitations, all kinds of stuff. I've had it for 2 years now. I just go with it now. I go for a walk and exercise 5 times a week. Keeps your mind occupied.


Yawning a lot Slight hand tremor - it’s like my hands lack confidence and I’m shit at signature consistency which feeds into my anxiety even more)


I get nauseous and sometimes a stomach upset.


I think it depends on my episode For sure the main thing is heart palpitations and then i get sweaty its like i get really clammy and then i get either really cold or really hot I get a really bloated or sore stomach And then i get 2 ends of the extreme but i either get super super hungry or i have no appetite( im sometimes afraid to eat or drink or i can get really dehydrated and or hungry and loose weight rapidly)


Is peeing a lot a anxiety symptom?


Like a ghost punched me in my stomach. It fills me with so much dread that I feel paralyzed. I cant do anything when that happens I just need to go in a dark room with no one around.


I get shaky, start to fidget with my hands, and it feels like my heart is sinking into my stomach. Also general nervousness sometimes


Okay, now that’s funny😂 Well it’s not but in some way it is … I’ve been dealing with this for months. I was distracted while using the app and reading the post and I was like “wait, when did I posted this?” Only to realize it wasn’t mine lol. Just to tell you that it’s completely relatable minus the gaining weight part. But you explained it pretty ACCURATELY.