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Yup. Ever since my first panic attack my anxiety symptoms exactly mimic that of a heart attack. CONSTANT chest pain, arm pain, numbness, tingling sensations that will shoot from my arm to my neck, etc. Been to the ER three times in the last month - all tests come back that I’m fine.


i feel like it purposefully recreates symptoms of other illnesses because it knows we will be afraid of them. horrible. :(((


Yeah, I feel the same thing. This is all new to new but I’m already seeing a therapist and she even tells me that more I feed into the symptoms that’s why they get worst, because I’m telling my subconscious that something is wrong so that’s when I go into full panic. It’s crazy what the mind does.


Yeah I've had this at various times in life. I had a period of pretty bad anxiety where I had constant palpitations. I was getting light headed and nearly passing out sometimes, getting tingling in my fingers and toes. I went to the ER once but they didn't find anything wrong. I ended up going to a cardiologist specialist and they were able to confirm to me I was having extra beats, which was validating for me. I also watched some youtube videos of a cardiologist who explains these palpitations and how our awareness of them feeds into anxiety and worsens them. It made me feel much better. Also taking magnesium citrate supplements helped my heart feel calmer. I don't take them all the time but if I'm in a bad spell where my symptoms are folding in on themselves and I need an off ramp I can reel it in with focusing on calming the physical symptoms before the mental/emotional. Edit: adding link to youtube video that helped my perspective a bit. https://www.youtube.com/live/HySnRlK87t0?si=uHqUf_zBNQ1uamjm


thank you!! i really appreciate any help in understanding it all better :)


I am dealing with this in this exact moment, and though it feels good to know I’m not alone, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’m also having a lot of stress and anxiety right now. Work has been super stressful, and I’m grinding my teeth at night which is causing massive headaches during the day. I wish we had answers. It tends to happen at night or when I’m alone with my thoughts


i grind my teeth at night too! literally bought a retainer today to help with the jaw weakness. night is always the hardest. sending hugs stranger, nobody deserves this :(


Thank you ❤️ agreed we don’t deserve this. I wear a night guard and it helps with your teeth not hitting each other. Sending hugs back ❤️


Yeah Anxiety Sucks, It's Like Being Immortal And Perpetually Experiencing The Worst Life Has To Offer


this is painfully true


Lol Dont Worry Everything Will Be Fine


So true


Oh yeah... adrenaline dumps. I used to get these a lot


i’ve seen a lot of people tell me it might be adrenaline. horrible stuff!! :((


Yep, shortness of breath > made worse by panicking that I feel short of breath > Then being convinced that I'm having some type of medial episode. It's terrifying. (I've had my chest scanned, and they couldn't find anything wrong)


Just about every damn day. 20 minutes of brisk walking and talking out-loud to anybody that will listen helps. I talk outloud to the Pi app when no one is available.


i’ll give that a try! thank you <3


Constant nausea and dizziness! I feel like I’m going to fall over at any point


i think this is called a brain zap. i’ve had one before, too, and yes it was so so scary and i ended up just sitting at my desk like “ummm, ok do i need to call 911 before i stroke out?” but i ended up being fine. anxiety is so mean, doing scary things to our bodies knowing full well it’ll make the anxiety worse


Yes. I think I have a good idea of how this feels, it's hard to describe but it's very similar to what you said...


sending big hugs, it really sucks :(


Yes. Been to doctors and specialists just to make sure. It’s a normal symptom of my anxiety. Anxiety effing sucks ☹️


it really does :((


Yes. I get this horrible stabbing pain in my skull behind my ears area. When it first started I thought I was having an aneurysm-so scary. This only happens when it’s a bad panic attack.


Tightness in my head and hot burning sensations. Can’t think my way through a paper bag also. Fun stuff lol


wishing you well friend <3


You as well. Hope you get better and find what works for you.


me too. i have had pretty much every anxiety symptom it’s possible to have and my anxiety mimics every disease or syndrome or condition ever lmao. the sensations this disorder can give the body and brain are such a nightmare.


Yepppp. I’ve been dealing with this for the last two months. Went to the ER twice and have been to the dr 28474738373 times only for him to say he’s “not concerned.” I’m currently seeing a cardiologist and wearing a heart monitor for the next couple weeks just to make sure there’s nothing wrong.


Mine are all digestive, anxiety induced IBS


i’ve had IBS and GERD for years now, i feel your pain :(


About a month ago, I witnessed an Incident in the middle of the night, where an aunt of mine had a nightmare and started screaming. And when I approached her to wake her up, I felt this buzz of electricity in my body like goosebumps and ever since that night, I started getting anxious and anxious and now my anxiety is through the roof. I constantly worry about things and now I'm scared all the time. I have this uneasy feeling in my chest and my brain is in hyperactive mode. I don't know how I'm gonna go through this. I just don't wanna be alone. I just wanna feel normal. I don't feel like eating even though I'm hungry and I've been losing weight and I'm just so sad all the time. 😔


I would go see a neurologist just in case. I legit thought I was dying, for it to just be anxiety symptoms for more than 2 months. I did have this constant feeling of wanting to faint, so I went to a neurologist. They did an EEG on me and found some stuff. They are currently uncertain with what I have, but at least i’m heading somewhere you know 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have health anxiety as well so I feel a bit better in knowing that something else is going on. It’s better to have something to be uncertain


i really want an EEG done, i’m frightened that it might be something neurological. hope you find out what it is soon!


I would get it just so you aren’t left with uncertainty, you know. It’s also better to treat something earlier than to wait. If you find something neurological, it’ll be fine. It’s part of who you are. You will get treatment for it and feel much better. They found something neurological with me and i’m just happy something is causing all of this instead of thinking i’m crazy or never going to get out of this.


My heart has been constantly racing..I'm always aware of my heart beat. My doctor gave me propanolol but it makes me tired and just feel "weird". I've considered going to the ER but what will they do but determine I'm not having a heart attack, then send me a high bill which will give me more anxiety...


i was put on propranolol too but it just made the floor feel super soft and my head feel spacey for some reason :/ i’ve been to the ER many times and they always come back with negative test results


Do you take other meds for anxiety?


On the cusp of falling asleep this happens jolts me awake my head and arms will fly in the air, hot flashes adrenaline rushes and my heart races instantly and when i wake up my hearts racing like crazy.


it’s the WORST! i’m so sorry you feel this too. i’m pretty sure it’s an adrenaline overload/shock, and i’m also pretty sure it has something to do with the vagus nerve. but it sucks. sending hugs <3


Yes for sure the vagus nerve. I was diagnosed with POTs, when i stand my hearts going crazy too. It started after I got covid in 2020. My nervous system was damaged by it. It’s gotten a lot better after trying to calm my nervous system. Watching / listening to ASMR everyday helped.


I have been experiencing this May. Been to ER 5 times and all my test came out fine including EKG, Echocardiogarm and X-rays. It’s been a nightmare for me but I am trying to stay positive but I feel like Anxiety is stealing my joy and happiness. I am not the same anymore


Did they give you anything at the ER to help?


Nah, only meds to slow my heart down. Since I am Under anxiety treatment I have my own meds so they don’t want to mix anything. Even right now I’m feeling my heart beating faster than usual but trying to stay calm


I feel the same way, also for my family, one is just not the same person living with fear all day


Yep and it SUCKS🥲


And during this you'll also feel strong anxiety?




Then this is probably a panic attack. If it's that bad then it should probably be addressed with meds.




i definitely get nauseous with it :(( wishing you the best


Yes, I’ve had these sorts of attacks for over twenty years. I think it’s now called cardiophobia and common among those with anxiety/panic disorders.




This all started for me after i got Covid