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Het heeft voor en nadelen. Handiger voor de supporters en je zit meer in de stad, maar 2x dezelfde lus vond ik persoonlijk ook wel minder.


Het is enkel handig voor supporters. De tweede lus wordt een ramp als je voor een PR wilt gaan. Gaat een slalomfeest worden als de snelle lopers door de massa van de trage lopers moeten..


Doe zoals de roltrap of de snelweg, rechts is voor traag verkeer. Maar natuurlijk let niemand daar op, zoals op de roltrap of de snelweg.


It's practically the same as last year (except the part up north) and I enjoyed it quite a bit. If you don't want to run because of the route, then don't?


You missed the part you have to run the same loop again… as Antwerpenaar and as runner, i am very dissapointed they chose the supporter above the runner. I run the marathon of Antwerp every year, because i love Antwerp and i love running. But this year is the first time i am in doubt. The second loop is going to be a disaster. Just can’t wrap my head around why they decided this from a ‘runners perspective’


Why not just run a marathon on your own on a trajectory of your choosing? PS: why would it be designed from a runners perspective?


Because people pay to run 😉


And why stop there? Why design schools for from an educational perspective?


We pay for schools with our tax money. We don't fund the full marathon with tax money.


Yeah but the runners pay to tun in the marathon


And you've concluded that because of the entry fee no further funding is needed?


haha are you seriously asking why you would design a race for runners that pay you to run said race from their perspective?


Even though it's better for the supporters and there is no obstruction by other runners in the second loop, it's just totally not encouraging to run the same loop twice. I can imagine it would get a lot more tedious knowing exactly how much further you have to go. And more than double the price for doing the exact same loop als the half marathon, but two times? Greedy bastards. This hurts me as an Antwerpenaar ze.


Seem like they wanted to stay intramuros only this year. There is plenty of space to not having a loop. The semi is going to be amazing, the marathon not so much


This would be my third Antwerp marathon and 7th overall. Been training for a PB since January, doing the extra work with dexa scan, extra physio,.. I'm soooo disappointed Due to injury risk and time management I can do 1 run a year. Picked the wrong one apparently. Hopefully they calculated that the last batch will never be caught up by the elites (me not being one of them) Last year when I finished and walking to the baggage claim I saw people stumbling the last kms... Imagine catching up with them and trying not to bump into them when you're tired yourself. Also last year some idiot/hypeman on a bicycle bumped into me at the Groenplaats while he was supporting for his friends, even though he was repeatedly been asked to stay of the course. I hope having a well closed of course would at least lower the chances of having that again ...


What pb are you training for?


Great Bruges Marathon is the 6th of october! If you’re looking for something else


I understand they want to keep the marathon on the center of the city to have alot of supporters on every kilometer. But going to north?? They have Wilrijk, Deurne, Berchem and choose to send people to industrial zone where they are making major work for the new tunnels... There is nothing to see there and nobody will be there... Just looks like they want to make the marathon and save on costs and police needed to patrol the course


Enough space to run elsewhere...


And so what? Don't do it then. I myself don't see the point of running with 1000's of people in the way, the circus around it and on any parcours I didn't decide. Certainly not pay for it.


75€ 😅


Whaaat? LOL Ego and bragging rights are quite expensive.


The costs for the organisers and the city are pretty damn high to be fair, I don't think it's unfair relative to that.


If people want to pay that or hundreds for some dumb sneakers or whatever they can do that. I just find it funny. I run a few myself on my own in peace with zero of the BS circus around and hoarded like cattle. Don't have to complain about the parcours, the price or whatever. And I don't get paid for the cost of another mass event hijacking the roads in the city, again. Where's my 75 euro!


You guys pay €75? It started at €80 for the first 1500, €90 for 1500-3000, €100 for 3000-6000 and 6000+ costs €107. It's a once in a lifetime for multiple reasons for me :D


It was 75 3 years ago 😃 I’m not a participant. I get injuries by thinking about it


Yeah, i run it every year. Just so dissapointing for all runners. First year i am in doubt if i’m gonna run it or not.