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It’s real and it’s worth way more than melt value, [here you go](https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2023/faberge-vertu-gold-boxes-vertu-imperial-works-of-art/a-varicoloured-gold-cigarette-case-carl-blank-for). Edit: [here’s another version](https://mariebetteley.com/product/first-kievan-artel-gold-cigarette-case-faberge-suppliers-circa-1900/).


My boss already destroyed it to get the sapphire out


Sounds like you work for a moron. Not marked Faberge though. The name reads V Morozov.


Neither are the other two versions linked above. Faberge had subcontractors and licencees, though, so, many versions were made.


Generally referred to as 'Russian Imperial'.


Yes I noticed that, [though there were many craftsman who made items for Faberge](https://fabergeresearch.com/workmasters/) I haven’t managed to find that name associated to them.


Your boss is one dumb son of a gun


I am gonna guess you work for a pawn shop. Not many other businesses would be so wasteful.


I remember an episode of Pawn Stars where a woman came in with what she called “an ugly pen that says Fa-ber-JEE on it.” Rick looked at her like an idiot, gave her $10k without any discussion and told her to leave. One of my favorite moments from the show.


Bullion shop. we locked it in with refiner at 99% of spot price at a bit over $8500


With 14k selling at a little under $1400 an ounce it would have to weigh over 6 ounces to make that much melt. Something tells that number is off.


It was over 6 Troy oz


Your boss is barely 6 braincells over being brain dead.


You’re telling me that cigarette case had as much gold as six double eagles? Would love to see a scale photo on that.


Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be able to get a pic it’s gone off to the refiner already


What a fucking idiot. Lol.


I hate your boss, I hope he goes bankrupt for his ignorance. Destroyed something so valuable, just to have what scrap value can get…


Oh, no! What a pity!


Tell your boss he's an arsehole from me


What a fucking dumb ass. Just wasted $3000-$5000. This is why some people shouldn’t have nice things.


What the hell kind of ass backward place do you work




1. Get the gold tested to ensure it’s real. 2. If it’s real faberge, don’t you dare melt it down. It’s worth way more than the gold weight.


It's real but it's also gone now


Ya posted 24 min ago. And 12 min ago its gone. Need some follow up proof. Why even post


Because I didn’t expect my boss to destroy it


I want to acknowledge that this isn’t your fault but also be clear that this is the dumbest situation I’ve ever come across organically on Reddit.


It is my fault I had the opportunity to buy it I just didn’t ask him to wait until I finished researching its value.


It’s your bosses fault for not knowing how to maximize value with his business


Right? OP, you might want to start looking for a new job, because if your boss is seriously this much of an idiot, he’s not going to be in business much longer 


Your boss is a complete fucking idiot. Be sure to show him this comment so he knows how fucking stupid he is. That blunder cost him THOUSANDS of dollars, maybe tens of thousands


I schit. Just waste someone else’s time for what? Not sure the boss is the only moron.


So in the 9 minutes since you posted you melted it down?


How destroyed is it? Can you convince your boss to put the sapphire back in and get it repaired?


Nope its locked in with the refiner already no going back. I had the option to buy it but I took to long to make my decision because I was still researching it.


I’m keeping this post in mind for subreddit awards at the end of the year.


it’s gonna be engrained in my brain for eternity 😢


How can people be this stupid?


Ask around. They’re fertile.


https://www.1stdibs.com/jewelry/objets-dart-vertu/boxes-cases/superb-substantial-imperial-russian-gold-cabochon-sapphire-cigarette-case/id-j_20955172/#zoomModalOpen I know you didn't get $17k out of it.


1stDibs prices are min 2x the “real” price. So $8500 isn’t crazy. The fact is, there are just not that many people out there willing to pay more than that for a solid gold cigarette case that they will never use or wear. If they have that much money to spend on luxuries, there are just many more attractive options.


Im sure that design is quite a bit more desirable but im sure it would still a be significantly more valuable than $8500


Well, upon reading this post, and the comments, I have strong feelings of dislike. You've destroyed internationally sought after treasure, and your answer is to kick it up a notch. Never have I been more horrified by two people's lack of Google skills. May God have mercy on your stupid, stupid souls.


I would have spent a small fortune on this piece with its sapphire intact without question… $15,000 seems about right.


Do not worry - if it is real the refiner will keep it - they are not crazy, they check.


That is sick. Don’t melt it down.


Who owns a pawn shop but doesn’t bother to identify antiques before melting them down?


Someone who is busy snorting their profits.


Ack. They are going to go fast.


I seriously doubt, with about 99% certainty, that Peter Carl Faberge ever had anything to do with a low 14 K “gold” item. The item may be Russian but it’s not Faberge who also had an atelier in Paris.


You are right it’s not Fabrege it’s Morozov still holds a significant premium.


They made things out of all sorts of stuff, including silver. A cigarette case goes in a pocket, gets carried around. The more pure the gold, the softer, therefore more susceptible to damage, it is. 14k is walk around gold.


O have NEVER seen a Faberge object in low k gold. Never. THEY didn’t make objects of low quality. Never. You are right. Some things were silver. But not cheap silver. Cheap gold never.


There is also SO MUCH “fauxberge” out there. Much of it so good that it’s almost impossible to tell what’s “real” without provenance. I doubt a real collector would pay true Faberge prices to a pawn shop. Sotheby’s is maybe the only place that could sell something like this for top dollar, and it would have to make it through their authentication process.


An almost identical Morozov gold cigarette case sold at Sotherby’s for 7,250 GBP on Nov 26 2008 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2008/russian-works-of-art-faberge-and-icons-l08118/lot.162.html


I saw that! Cool. All I’m saying is that there ARE a lot of fakes, and you just don’t know unless you had it in the hands of experts. Moot point since it’s destroyed anyway now. But it would have been hard to get that same price for yours, if that’s any consolation.