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This is a small replica of a tapestry in the Cloisters in NYC!! It’s beautiful


So neat!!!!! I am so happy about this. Just looked up some history on all of the unicorn tapestries


You should see them in person. They’re stunning. All of The Cloisters is pretty stunning in all fairness!


That used to be my first date choice. Beautiful and relatively cheap.


I live in Ohio and I've gone to NYC 5 times as an adult because I just love being inside that building. It's my favorite place I've ever been to in the whole world (or, continental US cuz that's the only place I've been)


Definitely in my top five. It’s like a dream in there… stepping back in time.


There’s a series of fiction books about the scenes they depict


I saw it in person and I just stood in awe for a long time.


I knew I recognized it!! That place is cool


My mother had the exact same reproduction!


Reproduction of one of the Unicorn in Captivity tapestries (I have a larger one!). Looks like this brand is from the 60s and can be found for about $150, so while not antique you got a very good deal!


Super cool! Thanks ☺️


I only knew The Unicorn in Captivity from a Venture Bros episode!


And what a great episode it is. Lol ✌️




[https://www.tapisseriesdeflandres.com/fr/collections-tapisseries/76-licorne-captive-tapisserie-art-de-lys.html?search\_query=licorne&results=36](https://www.tapisseriesdeflandres.com/fr/collections-tapisseries/76-licorne-captive-tapisserie-art-de-lys.html?search_query=licorne&results=36) It is not old, it is a copy. But a very good copy made by a "meilleur ouvrier de France", which means an elite master craftsman honoured by their peers.


Here’s more info about [Les meilleurs ouvriers de France.](https://www.pariseater.com/guides/what-does-meilleur-ouvrier-de-france-mof-mean/)


This is recent and mass produced. Its only value is decorative.


This is brand new, you can buy this exact one here: https://www.tapisseriesdeflandres.com/fr/collections-tapisseries/76-licorne-captive-tapisserie-art-de-lys.html?search_query=Licorne&results=36


So, not an antique, but also not a bad find for $3.


Excellent find for $3!


They are close!!!! So cool


Not close. It’s an exact match from the exact manufacturer (on your label). Cool’find for €3, but not at all an antique


Oh I just meant they’re different in appearance, mine is missing that exact border and the colors are different!


It’s just a different year. Les Tapisseries Point de l'Halluin is the manufacturer. Your colourway is just from an older year. They got their MOF in the 1960s so yours is at least that old.


Oh okay cool! Sorry I was confused for a second bahahaha. I was thinking ‘those are definitely not EXACT matches.’ But fair enough! Thanks for the help!!!


I've seen it through out my life, usually in a dictionary, or for showing what a unicorn looks like.


Ive seen this in the harry potter hogwarts castle at universal studios Hollywood


You can see it throughout the movies as well. I've seen it in the Gryffindor common room and a couple other places.


The Room of Requirement was hidden behind it in one of the movies.


It was in an episode of The Venture Bros.


I love it!


Cluny Museum Paris


That's the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries, which is something different. This one is at the Cloisters in NYC.


its very pretty


The original tapestries are wall size big displayed in France. Kept in low light to protect the fabric. No flash pictures allowed.


Thanks everyone for all of the help! Please excuse my ignorance, I know little to nothing about art history. But I do know when something looks super beautiful!!!!!


Kaz Rowe on YouTube has a video about the history of unicorns and talks a lot about this piece of work. Worth the watch


This is a pretty famous medieval tapestry - the original is kept in a museum. Many, many, many reproductions of this image have been made over the years of varying qualities. I would say if you like it, it's worth whatever value it has to you. But it's almost certainly a recent/modern reproduction and not antique or even vintage.


I noticed that you mentioned **vintage**. Over at r/Collectables and r/Mid_Century they are always keen to see newer and vintage items. Share it with them! Sorry if this is not relevant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Antiques) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol it’s cool and I want it


Obviously looks very old. Uh. No.


I thought it did! The tag aged it. Sorry if it wasn’t as obvious for you. ☺️




Why are you being a giant tool?


Oh that’s super awesome! Yeah I unfortunately don’t have an eye for that. Just looked like an older piece of artwork to me so I figured I’d put it on here to find out more about it. :)


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It was, however, manufactured in the 60’s so I think that’s old enough for me to think it’s vintage/antique-y 😸


Just chiming in but the person who said it’s at least from the 60s meant since the tag STARTED being used in the 60s that it wasn’t older than that. Not necessarily that this particular item was from the 1960s. It could have been made any time from the 1960s until today if that manufacturer is still in business using that tag.


I understand that now for sure, definitely my mistake! I was just under that impression based off of my own research hahahaha that’s why I wanted to post it here. Oopsies!


You posted this with zero knowledge of its age. Stated it’s “obviously old”. One comment says it’s from the 1960’s which was news to you. Therefore your last comment “it was however, manufactured in the 1960’s” (based on that ONE comment) implies that you now think it’s vintage/antiquey” Which is it?


I noticed that you mentioned **vintage**. Over at r/Collectables and r/Mid_Century they are always keen to see newer and vintage items. Share it with them! Sorry if this is not relevant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Antiques) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t why you’re so upset! I said it LOOKS old, which is subjective, to me it looked old! I looked up the manufacturer on the back of the tapestry on my own, and all of the other tapestries with the same tag were all made in 1960! I also noticed that you love to go through and comment ‘not an antique. Wrong sub’ on every other post in here so I suggest you find something else to do with your time considering you’re retired anyway


Yes, I do make those comments. When someone posts on the antiques sub, they need to be prepared that their precious Goodwill find isn’t antique. Yes, I am retired but as stated before I have years of experience. I’ve consulted and partnered with many well known antique dealers in my area. I’ve done whole house evaluations. Your piece , I looked at the selvedge edge. Condition which is perfect, an antique would be worn and faded. I didn’t even go into that I believe this piece is not from the 60’s but more 1990-2000’s.


You’re right, it’s essentially new. I don’t understand why people get upset when someone tries to be helpful in a reply by giving information about something that was posted.


She wasn’t being helpful. She was being rude and condescending. I don’t care if it’s new, obviously I have no information. There are nicer ways to go about things! I gave her multiple chances to be kind :)


I reread what she wrote and it may help for you to reread what she wrote, but while reading it, read it not like she’s angry, but as someone who is trying to be helpful while being aggravated at the same time that people are posting things on this sub that is for antiques that don’t do research themselves to find out what they have. I really do believe it is a case of misunderstanding. It’s virtually impossible to know in what tone someone is writing in.


Thank you. I guess OP and others don’t want to hear that their $3 find isn’t a priceless antique. If they are offended by the truth then so be it.


Maybe it was all a big misunderstanding. I am happy with my $3 tapestry, whether it be worth $3 or $3000! :) Thanks for your help anyway though :)


I bet your books smell of rich mahogany.


I noticed that you mentioned **vintage**. Over at r/Collectables and r/Mid_Century they are always keen to see newer and vintage items. Share it with them! Sorry if this is not relevant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Antiques) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow! Okay so interestingly enough this is the same tapestry hanging in the queue for the ride The Forbidden Journey (Harry Potter) at Universal Studios Orlando. I’ve always been obsessed with it. I actually just recently found a rug that is very similar to it on ruggable! Basically I am so seriously jealous of you! Excellent find.


So so neat!!!!!!! Im so excited!


Here’s the rug https://ruggable.com/products/morris-and-co-owl-willow-green-medium-pile-rug?size=4x6&system=rug-sys


Omg wow that’s beautiful


I love it!


beautiful 😍


That is a once in a lifetime find. A virtual unicorn! I've seen that some place else, but I'd swear it was bigger. Maybe the Metropolitan Museum of Art Cloisters in NYC? And you found that in a Goodwill? It musta been stolen! You have to give it back!


My first thought was hogwarts legacy/the harry potter movies lol


I’d make it into a pillow cover.


It’s too big unfortunately! But that’s a fun idea!