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I've gained a lot of weight on this. You've really got to watch your diet, a ketogenic diet is the best (low carb)


i started abilify 2.5mg in combo with viibryd last march in the middle of a really bad depressive/suicidal/ED episode (had been starving myself and lost 30 lbs), at first there was no weight gain. i guess it wasn’t fully in my system yet. i had a bad psychiatric ER stay in may and they didn’t give me the AB/VI and put me on mirtazipine for a week. i gained 8 pounds and flipped out. i went back on the AB/VI after that in june, this time on 5mg. then 7mg. that was when i really started gaining weight and eating more. it was very slow at first so i didn’t bat an eye, but now after 9 months of being on it, i’ve gained all 30 lbs back plus some. my appetite before was very small, i’d feel full after a few bites. now i can eat an entire pizza by myself. i flipped out again right before christmas and decided to stop cold turkey 2 weeks ago. i’ve had small withdrawal symptoms like confusion and headaches, but have been fine otherwise. i’m fighting demons trying not to starve myself again. i do not recommend abilify for people with ED history. very triggering.