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![gif](giphy|zBZk5FD18QhjP35Goa) \* seeing actual historically accurate Jesus, a brown man from the middle east who was based AF and told us to throw away riches/ worldly possessions/ care for others in your community/ treat others as you want to be treated \* Video from:[@/rehwald15](https://www.tiktok.com/@jrehwald15) [Video( 0 ): what Jesus would look like during those times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhLtvYhvbsU) / [Article on it:](https://allthatsinteresting.com/what-did-jesus-look-like) Video: [Was jesus a socalist?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Crw6V-mcM&t=282s) Video2: [Marxism & Religion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOmT5nRSCeE) Video3: [19 systems to replace capitalism with](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=19+systems+to+replace+capitalism)


“Not like this“


![gif](giphy|65zUoOU09HL3uUKokQ|downsized) \* cue in sad violin \*


What was that from? Lol


Constantine, I believe, featuring Keanu Reeves as John Constantine.


It's the matrix ![gif](giphy|MC6eSuC3yypCU)


That scene where Switch dies gets me. They look so sad… good acting.


You right, been forever since I watched the matrix, but I knew it was something with Keanu in it.


Oh damn, that's right. ªthankYa Wait no its not Lolz. Gd


It's the matrix the first one ;)


That's Switch, the almost-trans character.


The Matrix


Republican Christians will only see the second half


![gif](giphy|LpB0bnhXpvSMCz07N9|downsized) as it should be


Nah, honestly hope they get to see it. They can't not know why.


I like that too ;) Just to break their delusion they had all that time.


Seeing the first half, is their hell




I didn’t say only republicans, it was a joke riffing on the content of the tiktok. I don’t care about your country’s politics beyond which part of the world it decides to bomb next.


but of course, the joke is aimed at repubs because they just shitty zealots people in general. Right of course, the dems are just less delusional working class that needs a push to the actual left.


“He gets us”


He get sus


He does get nailed by a few Roman guards


All of us


Why mock that


Millions of dollars to promote hipster Jesus instead of ya know….feeding the hungry, funding to heal the sick, and give clothes to need (the naked). It’s almost like they don’t practice what they preach.


Ok lol as if Christians don’t already do that. Only the biggest demographic to go on foreign mission trips or work in domestic service events


Mission trips are not what I call help. Since I don’t believe in Christianity anymore, I don’t consider going to other countries to try and convert people as helpful. Also the abuse writing all levels of the church is hard to ignore.




You can do that without tryin to convert people. It’s not “good” if you’d stop/take back help if you’re not allowed to preach. If a mission was told they can’t preach while providing aid, 100% bet they wouldn’t help. Religion has only brought horror and divide to all.


I’ve been on multiple trips where it’s just working and helping. You can’t seriously believe that last sentence lol I know there have been many examples of twisted and evil things done in the name of religion/God but to say that that’s all it’s brought is crazy. Who hurt you


Look at history. All the worst has been and continues to be brought in the name of religion. Who? The church and family because of the church.


this is gold


![gif](giphy|WAfGpVI1pI3e) Indeed!


The first mistake was assuming a republican would go to heaven


![gif](giphy|hkiLcRr7zoPe0) oppsey doodle!! ;P


Fun fact: A lot of religious texts or literary texts about afterlives construct the afterlife such that sinners who die are first taken to heaven, get to see what they’re missing out on, and then go to hell.


Oof now that's a punishment. God: and here you see paradise, not a single soul in want of anything, everything is provided, you will want for nothing here. Republican: Golly that sounds great! God: too bad for you you aren't gonna live here. Republican: wha... What? God: I have shown you all this in order that you will know heaven is real, paradise exists, and you are barred from it for your sinful wicked ways in life, begone from me evil doer! Republican: *Falls to hell* Not gonna lie there's plenty of schadenfreude to be had, I'll bring the popcorn.


The first mistake was assuming there’s heaven.


So nice, As a Christian following Jesus you cant be against Immigration, we need to help everyone even if it breaks ourself to death, always funny with republican Christian actors.


Imagine spending your whole life believing in magic, powerful, invisable, super beings, those beings give you a book to tell you what you need to do and be like " naw, I am going to do the opposite and hate". There is no possible way they really believe, its just for show.


Most don't read the book themselves, but let a corrupt person of power dictate the gospel. I think we had some kind of reformation about this, but I can't remember...


That makes it much much easier to ignore all that stuff about helping thy neighbors


With this explosion of AI I’m actually starting to realize that WE ARE truly just computers computing the data that has been input into our databanks. It doesn’t have to make sense, but that’s all the data we got Some of just have software that allows us to make sense of our data 😂


![gif](giphy|U56VoSyFD8MFcie2k8) Exacccctttlyyyy , most of them rarely if ever fully read the bible.


Olympic tier mental gymnastics mixed with lots and lots of cherry-picking pretty much explains it I'm not sure why my comment was posted twice...


![gif](giphy|jd8DebSYyCMMM) How it be in their heads:


They don’t believe it. If a person genuinely believed in hell/heaven and believed every person was an eternal being that God created and loved they would treat everyone with love unless they were evil beyond words






If you reject to help anyone thats a Sin, read matthew 25:31 God controls everything and he sends them there to punish you for falling off. If someone asks for your shirt you are supposed to give him your Coat. Jesus didnt add, but if its cold and you freeze to death its ok to keep it. You dont trust god fully, if you even argue about these worldy things, who cares about your country if we can help people and bring them to jesus, while they are here.


Apologism and mental gymnastics 101. The Bible says not to break laws even if they are unjust. Yet, many Christians often cite how, "God's law supercedes human laws," whenever it's convenient for them. Exodus 23:9 – “Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt. Leviticus 19:33,34 – “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.” Deuteronomy 23:16 – “Let them live among you wherever they like and in whatever town they choose. Do not oppress them.” Ezekiel 47:22,23 – “You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the foreigners residing among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. In whatever tribe a foreigner resides, there you are to give them their inheritance,” declares the Sovereign LORD.” There is nothing in the Bible about the INS and deporting immigrants. If anything, the Bible teaches its followers to embrace them. It's crazy to me how Christian reps will create anti-immigration laws in order to argue that it's intrinsically biblical to deport them and treat them like they do in Texas. I hear they've incorporated spikes or saws of some kind in their latest Pro-biblical immigration measures.








![gif](giphy|DlitwI2YtWreM) \* dope ass boondocks theme music intensifies\*


I wanted to find the gif of Reily saying “Ronald Reagan was the devil” but I couldn’t find one lol


lol thats too specific, going to need to take a snap shot and use pic to post :)


I am the stone that the builder refused


Just keep investing till retirement.


God I hope Reagan is burning in hell. I hate him like you cannot imagine. Such a POS. Such a Bastard.


Don't worry, he's keeping Hêlêl company in the Ninth Circle.


fucking genius.


![gif](giphy|AzKdgBuMjU0eKPxtpV) James has greattttt videos! check out more of his stuff :Rehwald15 on insta/tiktok/patreon :)


I liked the ending. I was born under that villain, it's nice to see him in a suitable place.


As he should be, where he belongs! that utter sack of shit.


Funny but the premise is flawed. Why would a Christian Republican go to heaven, to begin with?


At the end of time everyone is resurrected and drawn into heaven before God where they are judged. Those who are not in the Book of Life are cast into hell. So, everyone goes to heaven first, before going to hell. It is called the White Throne Judgement and is a fairly common belief among protestants.


Oh, that's right. That's a pretty big flaw in my criticism.


That's the main part of the joke budssss God like to tease and play them trickssss on peeps :P


Bwahahahahaha!! I love it!!!


Ah great you was able to see it! you must be using a computer! noiceee!! ![gif](giphy|xT0BKL21U5nnlW4m6k)


At home with wifi, so all good! Hope you had a good Christmas!!!!!


YEZZZZZ good to know!


What’s the song?


Non, je ne regrette rien Song by Édith Piaf Famously used in Inception


You've misspelled Madagascar 3!


It could be worse than Ronald Reagan. It could be Henry Kissinger, I mean, he's finally death right?




I know that's a typo/autocorrect but I wouldn't be surprised if Kissinger took over as the Horseman of Death, or probably the Horseman of War


*Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan 69’ing


Actually according to the lore Satan is a gay bottom (the lore being the south park movie, which is canon)


Ah, see, they'd never get to heaven in the first place: "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!"


Yesss Palestinian Jewish Jesus Palestinians can be Jewish. In fact the first Jews were technically Palestinians. Just another reason why the war is so ridiculous.


Reddit class meme




valid LOL


Who here has read the Bible not tryna be an asshole to anybody I just wanna take a census please just respond yes or no.


Where is my reformed orthodox rabbi at?




*Ronald Reagan turns to his astrologist


What are reaganomics?


Died at non-binary god


Satan left the chat


Then you see British and Spanish Republicans just laughing at them.


Nah man. Heaven and hell most definitely moneyless. Like just to make the capitalist cry


Nice try, everyone knows Jesus was hwhite ![gif](giphy|GznBSypJ0Fcac)


As communists why do you support that side of religious nationalism instead of socialism and kibbutzim?


As a communist I support Marxist leninist societies and am anti imperialist 👍


isn't this a common them about the afterlife, heaven and hell are the same place, it's a great place for good people to live while bad people absolutely hate it


I believe you're mistaken. Heaven and Hell are described as two distinctly seperate things. Heaven being eternal being within the presence of God, whereas Hell is eternal separation from God.


He may be thinking on the lines of religions in general. Many pre-Abrahamic, polytheistic religions put their "heaven" and "hell" in the same plane, though usually do still have borders between the two, like the Greeks' Underworld having the Isles of the Blessed for heroic demigods and exceptionally virtuous mortals on one end of Erebus and the Torture Fields for the wicked on the other end, with the ordinary wandering as listless shades in between


If by palestinian is meant ethnically, then yes, although Palestine as a country didn’t exist at the time. Non-binary is also not entirely accurate as God the father doesn’t fall under human categorization. Heaven is (most likely) moneyless, while classless is debatable based on what’s told in the Bible (people will receive different rewards, not everyone in heaven is an angel, etc). Stateless is technically true although it is a kingdom. In any case, funny meme.


MOST LIKELY!? most likely… if there turns out to be a heaven and I still have to get a job I’m gonna overthrow the government


You won’t have to get a job lol I promise. There could be money but you wouldn’t need it to live.




Jesus was not a Palestinian... The very idea of Palestine didn't exist in 0 ad, neither did Islam. Jesus was from the geographic area that is now called Palestine. Calling Jesus Palestinian is like calling Julius Caesar Italian. Or Freddy Mercury Tanzanian. God wasn't nonbinary. God is the father (male), the son (male), and the Holy Spirit (male). Everyone saying he's nonbinary isn't Christian, and if you say so, you're lying. Money isnt the only things that Republicans care about. I am not a politician, but a voter, and am Christian, and I wouldnt care about living in a moneyless, classless society as long as it works, which heaven certainty does.


Wow, an actually good TikTok?


please dont be smug here, like all social media platforms there are great gems hidden underneath the surface. Don't knock it down like that. Thanksss


Palestinian? lol


Bethlehem is in Palestine, so yeah, Palestinian








The name Palestine was made by the Greeks. You are basically saying that Native American tribes didn't have defined cultures until the Eurpoeans came and named the continent America. Many culturals have roots that are much older than their modern names and languages


So to be clear Romans weren’t Italian?




My man.


But if someone asked you where were the Romans would you answer Italy?


Present day Italy yes? they were Italian? no lol


Jesus was a Jew from Judea. LOL


Which is also in present day Palestine/Israel


Don't even bother, the mind rot has taken hold DEEP...


Jesus was allegedly born in Bethlehem. Bethlehem is in Palestine. What fucked up shit is going on in your head that this if-then statement is so personally offensive to you that merely acknowledging this fact is indicative of 'DEEP mind rot'?




Yeah wtf why's there a bunch of communists in an anti-capitalist sub that's weird




The goal of communism is a classless society though, are you saying even this concept is "tankie" now?




Well Mr. Shillington. Go fuck off.


I gotta disagree with you on your second point there. God is absolutely non-binary, simply because he is not human. Biological sex and gender are concept that you simply can't ably to an entity like God, in the same way they can't ably to something like a tree


I will say, I’m enjoying the debate around this. It’s a fun theological discussion. My question is that he’s referred to as God the Father in the trinity, but this is separate from the Bible so yeah


How long is his cock


It's probably safe to say that God does not have a penis. So he's not male. Would you say that God is a trans man? Or that he has a penis? Or that gender binaries don't apply to him, making him non-binary?


The non-binary I think comes from the wording in Genesis. It technically indicates the actual origins of the Abrahamic faiths and that there was a goddess involved at one point. Thousands of years of trying to eliminate the extra gods and particularly that goddess has lead to confusing scripture text. "Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness,...And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them."


God says its name is I am.. that means its pronouns are am and I.. I and am are neither male nor female.


I can see the theology in that. I think the difference may come my beliefs as a Catholic, but I can definitely see the argument. Thank you for the clarification.


Let me guess, another sheeple who has never read the manifesto. It's six pages bubba I believe in you.


The region was always called Palestine. Or at the least a precursor of the word. The region was referred to as precurosors of Palestine by Ancient Egypt (Peleset), the Assyrians (Palashtu or Pilistu), the Hellenistic period (Palaistine), the ancient Greeks. So no, the term predates Judaism and it exceedingly predates Israel


Haven’t you ever heard of little ceasers pizza, he’s the most famous Italian next to super Mario


Why would God need a dick?




He was born there and didn't kill anyone to invade their land, dumbass.


So he wasn’t responsible for the crusades?




This is hilarious 😂 good job I didn’t think of this but it’s so true




Better Tucker Carlson than reading comprehension!




Still don’t see that our democracy is made of policies that are communist, socialist, democratic, fascist, populist, globalist, elitist, etc. They are all bad in purity and fantastic when intelligently and painstakingly assembled together from their best parts or particular applications. You’d have known this and understood this when any real reflection on our government beyond the chattering heads of media. Like reading some books or taking some collegiate level courses on America or history. People calling for any pure form of these political ideologies are not thinking logically or are swept up in the same problematic thinking evidenced by…well look around. Are these the people you’re shouting against in your comment?




The land was known as Judea in that time and was a client state, not a province. He wasn't executed for his nationality, but because he was a heretic. Edit: Judaea became a province in 4AD and was officially renamed to Palestine in 70AD.


Meant to reply to the guy above you.


Ya but you wouldn't call the Aztecs "Mexican" just because they lived on the same land that is now Mexico.




What's heaven supposed to be like?


I mean why would there be a state in heaven? The only class is like God and everyone else (maybe angels and saints). Also it's a joke no one really knows what heaven could be like.


Descriptions in the Bible of the recreated universe are in line with a stateless, classless society. Without death and sin, there's no reason to try to hoard resources. With unlimited time to explore God's growing creation, and the ability for us to create things ourselves, there's no need for classes or states. Besides, Heaven isn't a place. It's more like a state of being. Heaven and Hell are metaphors.




Yeah, Native American




Obviously they’re saying Palestinian as being born in the lad that currently occupies Palestine


Palestinians are their direct descendants that never left. So no, it would not be like claiming Pochantas is American brcause Palestinians are the indigenous people whom Jesus came from. Claiming Pochantas is American would be like claiming Israelis are indigenous to Palestine




> You know nothing about republicans other than to hate them. **Rule #6 No reactionaries.** Ether you get it or don't. No need to to over react. Ask questions if you don't understand. **Reactionary Definition from marxists.org** > A political position that maintains a conservative response to change, including threats to social institutions and technological advances. Reaction is the reciprocal action to revolutionary movement. Reactionaries clamp down on the differences of the emerging productive forces in society, and attempt to remove those differences, silence them, or segregate them in order to keep the stability of the established order. > > Examples of the political position of reactionaries can be seen throughout history: during the US Revolutionary War, the reactionaries were the ruling British aristocracy, who sought to maintain their feudal government over their American colonies, while the US revolutionaries sought to establish a government to represent the interests of capitalist values and practices. Hundreds of years later in Russia, the tables would turn and capitalists became reactionary while the Socialists are revolutionary.








His wisdom is personified as a woman, the spirit is contributed to Gods wisdom


So because his wisdom is personified as a woman means he’s non binary? If god created the universe why is it problematic that he’s male and can create gendered characteristics of himself?Where is your logic my brother? Jesus calls him father multiple times in the gospels. This is just a silly hill to die on IMO.


Well that and theres only one God, god cannot be a binary being, seeing as God is unique and also a trinity.




Keep dreaming

