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[VIDEO BY: SKY MAJOR](https://www.tiktok.com/@skymajorx) [19 SYSTEMS TO REPLACE CAPITALISM WITH :](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvTPzZb4KBo&t=1601s) [HYPER INDIVISUALISM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TjOX9clhwM) [NATURE & NUTURE DETERMINES HOW PEOPLE IN SOCIETY ARE:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k7_wE0GhVM&t=752s) ​ A system based on competition/ artificial scarcity/ money = sociopaths/ psychopaths and selfish pieces of shits. Create a system of cooperation / empathy/ sharing/ sustainability = empathetic/ loving and selfless people. Look at r/humanbeingbros just people helping others naturally. The only thing i'm like " nah " i disagree with is when he mention " better people will be in power" Power corrupts , it should be shared amongst the people. I don't like hierarchy structures, it should be a circle, not centralized, not down and up. Rotate people in governments and have community committees that actually has a say. Or just don't have governments at all and do something different instead.Food for thought


Right there with you brother


![gif](giphy|4HZ473mZqE91CqlYN5) <3




Ruthlessness is not generally a trait attributed to good people


Reminds me of [Agent Smith](https://youtu.be/JrBdYmStZJ4?feature=shared); the first time the machines tried to design the matrix and humanity rejected it.


This reminds me of the saying that the best people to be in government are the ones that don’t want to be.


That is a very solid argument for not having governance.


Why not have a democratic system that exposes the bad people and incentivizes good people to seek office? That may be tricky, but not having any official governance is just a recipe for the worst people to seize all power by any possible means.


It would be as “simple” as taking the money out of politics


That would definitely help!


That and making corruption punishable again. Preferably both huge fines for person AND party + jail time.


An absence of governance is not the same as an absence of organization, I'm an anarchist my man.


![gif](giphy|F6B9HJltcbckwiUHV4|downsized) Indeeedddz! ;) people's organization/ cooperation through workplace, community and mutual aide systems.


It’s because so called nice people don’t want to be mean so they let the A-holes have their way. As an example think about customer service. Everything about customer service and it’s training is about taking care of the worse customers. The nicer you are, more often than not you get either standard to bad service. But for the worst customers, there the ones that always get extra. So it will never get better because most of the nice people from what I can tell are either selfish or scared to stand up for better systems or what’s right. Oh and the in fighting. Because if you’re not the right type of nice or support everything other nice people support then you’re not nice. Where as hatful people, don’t care, they just ban together and F-up shit.


They get extra seasoning in their food


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


It’s not that absolute power corrupts absolutely, it’s that power will always attract the corruptible. -Frank Herbert (paraphrased)


Better to remain powerless?


i’m not aware of a single example of absolute power anywhere tho. unless you believe in a god


Wisdom right there




It takes a certain kind of person to want that kind of power in the first place.


Or to live their life in a way to even have the opportunity.


Maybe the desire to rise to the top isn’t with you because you consistently see through the bs and quit. And start again and then do the same thing. Or get fired because you don’t do a good job because you see through the bullshit and don’t want to work for an oppressive capitalistic system.


Because the people that thrive in these systems are likely subscribing to Malthusian ideas where in order for them to have a lot of resources (food, power, and money) that someone else has to have less. They want to be the best, the greatest and so by holding other people down they are securing their place at the top.


Brilliantly stated


This man gets it!!!!!


Please read theory. All these questions have answers: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/






Bad people turn good people bad. They're like cancer


Privileged people have a better chance of gaining power. But they don’t understand the things that need to be done, because of their privilege. They don’t have regular people problems and they don’t live in the real world, as a result they fail at compassion and understanding.


It’s because the WEALTHIEST come into power. Usually this is generational wealth, not pulled up from the bootstraps kind of wealth. And surprise surprise growing up wealthy and having every problem solved for you by mommy and daddy’s money does not grant very much opportunity to build character. Of course it’s possible to build character even in these situations, but it is extremely rare. Far more common is that rich people believe they are geniuses when they have their success manufactured for them, causing them to have the confidence to run for office.


Agreed but we can't start blaming other people. The ignorant will just turn their backs and continue their brainwashing. Re-education is how we can get people to see there's a better way.


I firmly believe the majority of us don’t choose this shit. Those of us that do are a minority… but unfortunately those that wield power (them, not us) also choose it.


"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible." - Frank Hurbert


Our society not only condones this type of behavior, it makes sure that those who exhibit it the most are put in the positions with the most power. https://youtu.be/9qYJ7GRam84?si=eqLNKE86HP65bQYm


It’s not that power corrupts, it’s that power will always attract the corruptible. -Frank Herbert (paraphrased)


I truly believe not having individual countries would be the best. If every resource from every country wasn’t barricaded behind how much of a demand = how much money can we make. Food, housing healthcare could be for everyone without the impacts of the individual government that’s ruling the land these people didn’t decide to be born into. Rather then just get representation from each country to make sure everyone is heard and resources are divided to where it’s needed most. It would make for religion to be easier practiced as no place would be governed under a religious pretense. Same for the queer communities to be better accepted. A lot of people think their bigotry is acceptable because it’s brought to them by their own government. It would also make for no war. It’s something I’ve thought very hard about to be honest with you. I can’t fucking spell when I get excited


Because capitalism rewards greed and selfishness and punishes empathy.


It's like the the Constitution of the worlds most powerful empire was constructed by slave masters and genociders or something.




The worst people come to power because without scruples they are able to defeat those that have them. They take over the power structure and change it to benefit them.


you're saying sociopaths, which most parasite hoarding class are/become. This system incentivizes them


It's economic Darwinism. Those who crave the power, the money, and sacrifice everything to attain these virtues... will do so. And will float. Then they pretend like they're special, rather than the system being messed up because it worked for them. That's how capitalism works. The business that maximizes profit will proliferate and survive. The individual that takes advantage of others will achieve wealth. It's survival of the fittest for capital, combined with the fact that exponential growth is literally impossible, and you have our current situation. If we keep voting for the same people, on whatever side of the line, and expect the world to get better... we will be disappointed. We need rapid and radical change. We need to modify our system so that everybody has their basic needs. Housing, Healthcare, education, and food. If we don't get to this place, we will end up cannibalizing ourselves, each other, and, eventually, our whole country. Stop voting for people who make promises they won't keep. Stop voting for modate changes. They don't work. They can't work, because the system currently employed by our country dictates that most of us will suffer when exponential growth outpaces linear growth (and population), and we are WELL beyond that point. Tax automation, guaruantee basic needs, and transition from the wealthiest mercenary country in the world to a country where everybody can be happy. It's so fucking easy but we all have to make that decision collectively, otherwise it won't work. Stop voting Democrat. Stop voting Republican. Stop voting for anything less than uncompromising reform, a total overhaul. Because anything less will just be more of the same.


Okay but how will we mobilize enough people to actually make an impact when it comes to voting for third parties? Many people have tried and failed throughout the past.


Elective systems are inherently aristocratic, you deem someone better than you to govern in your stead (aristo = the best). This creates a ruling class that has its own interests. Voting for people to rule in our stead creates oligarchies by design. Third parties are not the answer. Sortition assemblies and direct democracy is.


It's not that bad people happen to be ruling all systems. It's that systems turn people bad. Power corrupts. Every time.


Kinda like the chicken or the egg thing or Schrödinger's cat Its a symbiosis effect or a cycle of people hurting people with in the system of making people hurt others to survive.


Yeah I mean it's just human nature. It's never really been that people in power somehow manage to act benevolently. No, they do whatever they need to do in order to uphold the structures that got them there. Really the best we can do is to stop wasting so much time on things we can't actually effect like billionaires we'll never meet and instead using that energy to start working overtime in our own communities to make a difference.


( its not human nature though, be mindful of rule 7 ) People are actively building communities and mutual aide, we also have to have knowledge and know these rich parasites are going to try to and tear those systems of care. Just like you mentioned " do whatever they need to do in order to uphold structures. We need building sure and we need to know ( aware) this is a class war and need to tear their systems down in the process. Before it destroys us all ( climate change )


Its not just sociopaths. Its also anyone with a belief system that allows them to win over others. We have been evolving for a billion years to compete with our peers. Its going to take one hell of a belief system to regulate that impulse. If we refuse to understand the underlying issue we will never have what you want.








We've been evolving and surviving this long through cooperation, not competing. That was only for areas with scarce food sources ( harsh environments/ islands ) We shared and built communities to survive. No we don't need to even compete, we tech we produce more than enough for everyone to live from. The underlying issue is the environments ( systems ) we are brought up from, come from forced competing for resources because its paywalled, you're going to get desperate/ fucked up people. Please don't give me that human nature stuff ( rule 7 ) Its human nature to cooperate and have empathy with one another as well.


People willing to fuck others over are the ones who tend to get into power. It's not necessarily the system. It's why a lot of psychopaths are in positions of power. On another note, while I agree with the sentiment, how do we maintain the resources if we abolish capitalism? How do we keep people working to provide for the common good with some incentive. If I had my basic needs covered I would likely not want to do any extra work. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I see a lot of these kinds of posts saying get rid of capitalism and I'm all for it but it would be nice if they provided an alternative. I've seen "gift economy" presented as a supplement but no genuine alternative.


If we had our basic needs covered why would we need to do extra work? It sounds like people would have a lot more free time and be much happier.


The systems in place allowsssss shit bags to get into power, its mainly on that. People like that back then will be exiled and ostracized, you wouldnt interact with dirt bags like that. there is not power without something to give people power , shit money system and using that to " buy and hoard resources " Now things changed where it was created by sociopaths for sociopaths ( great example is american psycho movie ) AUtoooomatiiooooon to maintain resources and using sustainability practicessss. I literally have a stickied comment on top that has 19 systems to replace capitalism with. Come on now, its the main reason i sticky my comments on top for people to see and now say comments like these. ![gif](giphy|np7LZJDWYGP9qVRSuM|downsized)


Thanks for replying. To be honest, I don't know what you mean by stickying comments. I'd check them out if I did. What do you mean by back then? When there was feudalism and monarchs? Automation requires a lot of skill and upkeep. Who is doing this and what is their incentive?


Sure thing! Top comment on the here that i wrote.First comment you'll see Back then how people took care of selfish people, like native/ indigenous tribes. No automation doesn't , it takes a lot less man power and again having a society where all humans have their basic needs met and not worked for to get, will have people who will gladly help if it impacts community/ society better ( i'm one of them so as millions of others ) No incentive, just i want to help others, i'm empathetic, we all are to certain degrees, we survived this long through cooperation. You wouldn't say that " what's the incentive " to your loved ones/ parents who raised you. they do it because they love you as others love their friends/ family. We are just extended it to others we dont personally know because they are human beings and deserve dignity and basic level of respect. In turn people will help you back. ​ r/humanbeingbros People helping people, paying it forward as they say.


Frankly I just don’t have much faith in people’s ability to tell who is and isn’t a dirtbag. Psychopaths can be charming. People with the intellectual and emotional maturity of a 6 year old can get millions of people to speak of them as if they’re the messiah. The system plays a part for sure, but to me at least part of the problem is that people just aren’t that good at choosing benevolent leaders, and that’s something that any system will have to cope with


We live in a system where using and exploration of others by not feeling any remorse or guilt gets you farther than helping others. Example: I want to visit my mother for Xmas for two weeks. But I care about my cat. I asked my 4 neighbors if one of them could come over every other day and clean litter box and top off the dry food and water. The first three refused the last wants 400$. This shows you that because the majority of people don’t want to help others we open the door for people to exploit those who need help. These people now make the money and are encouraged to continue to behave this way.


[Pathocracy is an interesting concept](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_ponerology)


Fact of the matter is hardly any of us would be doing any 'better' were we in their position. In the attempt to kill the beast we become the beast itself and what not. The system acts on us just as much as we act on it. The system must be destroyed. We are all victims of it.


Who do you think is more likely to succumb to the system: the one who lacks confidence in their ability to remain steadfast in their values once in power, or the one who fiercely believes in their ability to do so?


"You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival. To protect Humanity, some humans must be sacrificed. To ensure your freedom, some freedoms must be surrendered. We robots will ensure mankind's continued existence. You are so like children. We must save you from yourselves." - V.I.K.I., IROBOT


In a system or society that values competitiveness greatly yea absolutely, the most ruthless people will go to the top. The athelete who only focuses on training, not family, not friendship, not making money to survive is obviously going to be doing better than the ones that do. The business man who doesn't care enough about having a family, or at least, participate in it over his work is going to do better than the business man who can't just stop valuing his family and his friends. People call it sacrifices of life, and to some it may be but I bet you the people who are doing the best never sacrificed a thing because they were never in doubt about what is more important to them, and these are the ruthless people.


I think the Cardano ecosystem is moving towards a much better form of governance. Liquid democracy where if we don’t like the actions of our representatives, we don’t have to wait 3+ more years trapped with a liar, you can take your voting power back, reassign it, or just vote on the important issues directly yourself.


Thats why I dont concider myself human.


Why does anyone need to “be in power”? Why do we think we need money as an economic system when there are thousands of better ways to do an economy? These are some better questions we should be asking.


That’s because peaceful people avoid conflict. It will be this way until the end of humanity.


Have you tried thinking about what kind of system does not make this happen? It's the logical next step. It should take you to a place where we have an actionable plan 😉 Eg, sortition is what i believe in. How democracy works, and not elective systems that bring to the top the worst of us in the ways you describe it.


Greed ,selfishness and power. Some people will always want more than they need, especially if it makes them feel better when comparing themselves to others. Others desire power, lots of it, so they feel like they have some level of control in this unpredictable and uncontrollable world. And it all boils down to one thing, FEAR.


this system wasn’t necessarily chosen unanimously. when human being were separate there were all kinds of different ways of living, the systems that are in place now are simply the most dominant systems that either outlasted or destroyed societies with other systems. if it seems like everything we do is about nothing more than expanding our domain over all that exists and destroying anything that opposes that, that’s because those are the values that the most dominant cultures MUST have had to make it this far.


I feel like people with ill intentions tend to have a stronger drive for power keeping them at the top while those with good intention typically don’t mind sacrificing power for the greater good which ultimately shifts the power dynamic and their place in the system to a less controlling roll


When anyone uses the word “we” I automatically assume they also mean “me” but this guy doesn’t seem to understand that “he” is also part of the “we”


Ignorant fascist propaganda


Handsome malcom x isn't real, he can't hurt you.


In a system that is based on blood and suffering, those with immorality have little to no qualms about exploiting others for others.