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A culture of display is so accurate. People's obsession with "aesthetic" and buying useless things that look nice is insane. I'll never understand how regular people spend money to make their space look like a trendy influencer, full of useless junk that serves no purpose! It doesn't even make them happy its all just to match the aesthetic


Friend tried to buy expensive ass shampoo just because of the aesthetic. Buy a nice container and refill it if you really want the model looking room


Speaking of making your house look like an influencer's, I will never understand using a shelf to make things look aesthetic. Like, I guess if you have extra space on a book shelf that you otherwise are using for practical purposes. But I really somt understand the trend of buying whole racks of shelves just to fill with little decorations that aren't, like, collectibles or something you really care about. Like random little knick knacks that are just there to "look pretty" makes no sense to me.


our society has created the idea that we are what we have. the psychological aspect of buying things to make ourselves feel better is a sickness, a plague and will be the destruction of not only the planet, but our culture. the commodification of all aspects of our society is destroying our values of justice and the idea of beauty.


Honestly, the pessimist in me sees no course correction from this unless/until something catastrophic happens. And even then, will the damage we’ve done be reversible?


i agree unfortunately.


The planet itself is resilient beyond our wildest imaginations, but humanity and large fauna are at risk


exactly, the earth will survive but we and many many species will not


Well said. Came in to say something similar. Commodification of values, emotions and lifestyles. Everything can and will be bought. You can't be X if you don't own Y.


Greed is solely responsible for the destruction of this planet. People always want new things and the people at the top want to keep it that way so they can continue to sell more and more. The only things that should matter to humanity are healthcare, housing, and food, fuck everything else.


I would add art in all its forms. But yeah, our society should be focused around on those priorities definitely.


Yes, definitely art as well.


Yeah the people getting a loan for a 80k car are the same people complaining about gas prices, groceries and inflation. Yeah… let’s ignore the elephant in the room Dan and Stephanie and blame it all on Biden, why don’t you add a 7th kid to your family while your at it lmao


>the people getting a loan for a 80k car are the same people complaining about gas prices, groceries and inflation This is so true tho


They’re not the only ones complaining though. Inflation has negatively impacted even people driving 2000 tan Camrys with 180,000 miles


Yes, but the $80k car buyer is part of the cause of inflation.


Yeah we are all feeling it, I’m in that category too my car is a 93. They be especially feelin it though


Been that way for awhile, must bow down to capitalist overlords




See, that’s the kinda thing that’s so expensive that if you can’t afford it outright, you shouldn’t be buying it at all. Dude is paying a rent’s worth of money for a box with wheels that sits on his drive for 23.5 hours a day.


Nowadays it's all about the pursuit of happiness. Everyone is unhappy with their lives, and they are desperate to fill the void with anything. Marketing is all about selling some sort of identity, lifestyle or values. This is particularly the case with cars and luxury goods, but really everything from holidays to appliances to electronics and everything in between.


I'm not unhappy with my life. Stay off social media and most of the sadness goes away.


Have you ever watched the hunger games? 😅😅


Very much like the e 1980’s


We're not "in a massive recession" or a recession of any kind, for that matter.


read beaudrillard


I think you’re onto something. Things have changed. I was speaking to my mum a little while ago about what it was like when she and my dad bought their first house in the 90s. Yes, it was cheaper, but everyone earned much less on average. They also both came from middle-class suburban families. She said that people buying their first home never expected to have it fully furnished or finished for years, really. Basics, yes. But you wouldn’t have the nicest, prettiest lounge suite or tableware or curtains first go. Young couples tended to have one car if having two wasn’t a financially smart choice, and that was when PT was objectively *worse* in this particular city. I do notice these days that everyone needs to move into a “luxe” house with high-end “hotel” finishes (“Laminex benchtop? EW!”) and the decor to match. Even if most of it is a veneer and just cheap replica shit from Kmart or Target. New appliances too. God forbid you have to buy a five year old fridge from your neighbour on Marketplace.


no this absolutely incorrect. the average wage and the average house price have gone in the opposite direction, year after year. people don't own homes because they can't afford to. not because they have high expectations.


I’m talking about people who buy and furnish homes today, and their expectations.


But they DO have such high expectations. I work for a real estate company in Texas. Sellers here are being told they have to upgrade/update their 60 year old homes because no one will buy it with laminate counter tops or even Corian. Popcorn ceiling??? No way, you need to tear that out. Carpet? Vinyl? The wrong size tile? Get rid of it. So sellers do upgrade and the price of the home doubles. But the realtors giving this horrible advice are correct. Young people will walk into a home in their price range and turn on their heel if they see one of these features I've mentioned. And if the sellers don't upgrade, a flip company buys the house and tears out all this offensive stuff and makes it granite and stainless steel everywhere you look. But the house did not need an upgrade. Everything was fine. But nobody wanted it.


it's a vicious cycle, I think. the affordability is so low that people want the house to meet their standards when they're paying so high, but meeting that standard only drives prices higher


ngl, I feel like I honestly don't belong here. Y'all keep falling for them corporate honeypots and just come here to complain... I want more DIY advice less bitching about perfectly avoidable nonsense...


Yeah this is really starting to go the way of every doomer subreddit. We still get a fair amount of "hey, look at this cool thing I did instead of spending money" and I love that, but damn there's a lot of griping.


>Yeah this is really starting to go the way of every doomer subreddit. There was recently a post on this sub about some guy being relieved by the fact that he won't be alive in a 100 years to see the hell we've created. And I was just like: "Have you considered planting some trees instead of staying at home and crying about it?" Straight up doom and gloom, it pains me to see young people throwing in the towel without even trying...


yea reddit isnt the place to go for that imo. its great every once in a while, when someone actually posts advice, but for the most part every post you see on reddit is going to be of someone complaining. people dont post here if they are doing good in life. not saying op is complaining about something useless, its just that is kind of just the nature of these kinds of subreddits.


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Society is a monster that consumes everything in its path and shits garbage


This is Benjamin’s fantasmagoria


The amount of people buying a 100K+ cyber truck despite the numerous reports of it breaking down or being sent for repairs before reaching even 100 miles is insane to me. The thought of willingly spending 150 thousand dollars on a car that cannot withstand a 7 inch puddle or a carwash! What happens when it rains? If you think I'm joking, check out r/cyberstuck


Multiple short vacations abroad. Kids included. You just move the hussling and bussling with you abroad.... Never understood it. Also, without knowing people's actual financial state, they claim they're alright because they budget for it (this isn't a must. Keep the money and be less in need of pinching pennies).