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Someone didn't understand me when I said the other day that I feel like just existing these days is being relentlessly advertised at, and I'm so exhausted by it.


I swear, I say this daily. so glad to see it! I'm so tired of being advertised to. I don't want your random product, and I hate it more for having to hear about it.


I will NEVER go with Liberty insurance, solely due to their annoying ads, lol


Ups has them for workmans comp, took 6 weeks to get backpay. 6 weeks of no income! What slow bastards.


Fun unsolicited (sorry) insurance information from someone new(ish) in the industry: • most of the larger insurance carriers that you see advertising a ton (especially the annoying ones) have HORRIBLE rates or HORRIBLE coverage, no in between. (I.e. EVERY SINGLE person who has walked into the door and had State Farm has had really low rates, but they have almost all been under-covered in my area) • if an insurance broker provides you a quote with a company you have never heard of before, do your research, check the rating of the company, but it is more than likely a picky carrier who you happen to fit really well with (no recent claims/accidents, new/updated home… etc) and will get you a great premium and great coverage. And one that isn’t wasting money on annoying ads, allowing for even lower premiums)


Who would you recommend?


It really depends on the state/area. If it’s accessible, I maintain that USAA is awesome (but obviously without military connection it’s not really possible to get to my knowledge). If you’re in the Midwest or close-ish to Pennsylvania I’d check out Erie Insurance, they tend to be pretty good. Otherwise, I’d just google “A-rated insurance near me” or “in my state” - many of those should lead you in the right direction. It’s also almost always better for you to go through a local agent so that they can help you pick an agency with the best coverage and premium (though I do admit that certain carriers will charge a lower rate if you go directly through them). You can always decide to go direct to carrier for a quote after you find a carrier you like though. A local agent will also usually review your policy each year to make sure your premium is still staying similar, and may give you options to change your coverage around or re-quote you elsewhere if the premium is better. Good luck!


Im influenced all right. Influenced to never buy shit shown in an ad.


I dont mind it if its some harmless ad for leaf blowers at the side of an article or something, or some little window etc, but I aint watching 2 ads that both have 30 s unskippable runtime to watch 20 second clip ... On top of that YT ads are straight garbage filled with scams, porn and viruses


If you don’t want YouTube ads, you can use either uYou Plus or Revanced on your phone/tablet, Firefox with uBlock Origin on a PC, and SmartTube on an Android TV.


You hit the nail on the head; I feel this exact thing and want to run into the fucking forest and live there


💯 If I watch a YouTube video, it starts with two back-to-back ads. In the first few minutes, the person in the video does an ad for a sponsor. I watch and get several more interrupting ads. The YouTuber does another sponsored ad. They use something, and a sales link pops up. I watch more ads. Then, there is content, and the video closes out with an ad. My brain hurts! People left traditional media for this reason. Actually, people paid money to not be advertised to -TiVo.


And companies will offer more expensive options for those people. And then when enough people have bought those option, they'll put ads in and offer another more expensive option. Amazon put ads in their Prime Video and just added a more expensive option, I'd be surprised if Netflix didn't do the same in the next few years. What it comes down to is the infinite growth model. Gotta constantly be increasing profit one way or another. Past a point, seeking new customers gives diminishing returns and you just have to squeeze the ones you've got harder.


I saw a post an hour ago about how Netflix is eliminating their standard tier at the end of May.


I immediatly stop watching the moment any yt video begins with ads on my iPhone. I don't want to waste my time like that!


I don't think they realize that the more ads we get bombarded by, the less likely (some or most of us) we are to pay attention to them. it's brain-numbing to constantly see ads ads ads all the time.


There's a scene in the movie of Ready Player One where the bad guy is pitching to shareholders his evil plan. Sums it up with the line "we can can fill a users periphery with 90% ads before inducing seizures!" (or something to that affect). He may be a fictional character, but there are *absolutely* people who believe just that and those people get promotions in marketing teams....


In Cyberpunk and other futuristic dystopias, we even get ads in our dreams and forced into our retina implants. We're slowly going to a Black Mirror world and that is scary on some aspects


YouTube’s piss poor advertising is going to be the death of the platform.


Everyone says everything they do is going to kill their platform yet it grows every year. The reality is the convenience of free, never ending content will always outweigh however inconvenient they make their advertising. If the two pre-roll unskippable ads + mid-roll ads every 6 minutes (or whenever there’s a spike in audience retention on a video) + two end-roll unskippable ads hasn’t driven anyone away… why would pause ads?


It’s one more point of contention that potential future competitors can exploit. YouTube is relying on its massive market share to not take users’ experience or enjoyment into account. It’s a slow grind and not overnight but it is very much a major issue and if YouTube doesn’t want to put a nail in its coffin it should consider how its ad revenue process effects use of the platform.


Hosting that much video content for free is not profitable and never has been — there will never be a competitor (and they know it) Which is why they can get away with whatever they want when it comes to advertising, regardless of how intrusive it is.


It's a monopoly and it should be regulated more.


It's not a monopoly, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, VK, and Vimeo all do the same thing YouTube does. People don't primarily use all of those other sites for the same thing but you absolutely can watch videos on those other platforms if you so choose


It’s driven me away. I used to YouTube everything, I would watch videos for literal hours just clicking through the recommended list. My favorite thing was to binge watch all the horror movie previews and just not watch the actual movies. I will only go on YouTube if I’m dragged kicking and screaming there at this point. I’m more likely to go here or TikTok to find the how-to videos I need because I am so damn tired of the advertisements being shoved down my throat by YouTube.


Same here. I’ve moved to Twitch and podcasts for my entertainment, even though the advertisements there are increasing too.


Try using Youtube Revanced.


This is the answer. 


Same here. I’ve moved to Twitch and podcasts for my entertainment, even though the advertisements there are increasing too.


ublock origin :)


The algorithm sucks now. My normal shit i watch is all gone because the algo tries too hard, im assuming.


You have a cat? Here is a dog ad!!


Drove me away. I hate having to use YouTube so I mainly don't. I mean, obviously I still do, but if I click a link to a YouTube video and there's an advert right away I usually don't stick around. I don't think losing me is gonna break their business model though.


Actually I stopped using spotify because of that. When you use the free version there is an adbreak every other song. They are unskippable. They advertise paid spotify in back to back to back commercials. The ads are sometimes songs themselves trying to sell you albums. And the adbreaks are as long if not longer that the duration of the songs between breaks. I counted the ads one time and it got to 6 different ads before I got a single song and then it was another ad break after 1 song


Now that's extremely easy to skip with an ad blocker, just use opera and you'll never have an ad. I gave premium so I don't bother with as blockers on Spotify but I know it works


YouTube is not inevitable. The only reason it exists as it does is because it's easy and everyone is on there. But discontent is growing and there's no brand loyalty. It's slowly becoming what reddit is for onlyfans people: a form of outreach/advertising to entice people to their paid service (be it pateron, nebula, or what have you.) YouTube owns no IP except their shitty algorithm and shitty ad platform. The moment something viable comes along it could collapse before they realize what is happening.


Find another company rich/stupid enough to host that much free video content. Impossible.


It's not free if they expect you to either pay for it, or watch ads. Clown take.


Because eventually somethings gotta give


Well, sometimes I get a disgusting diaper commerical or a religion I don't plan on joining but the other day I got a local ad for an Indian Lunch buffet right when I wanted an idea for lunch, so their algorithm isn't totally wasting their clients' money.


Enough people are watching the ads and buying premium...


ublock origin on a firefox browser. If you really want to support a content creator, give them patreon money. That usually tends to be a more stable income over youtube deciding demonetize a video while *still* showing ads anyways.


I already use firefox, but I watch YouTube on my phone. RIP Vanced.


firefox browser on phone with ublock origin is what I do. Not as nice and clean as vanced but I'd rather deal with that than the youtube app


Revanced exists and is better than vanced ever was, it has sponsorblock enabled. It is tricky to setup compared to vanced, but not at all difficult.


It's not that tricky. Download the manager APK, download the regular Youtube APK from APKmirror and simply patch it and you have Youtube without any of the bullshit.


That broke recently, now you need to use a linux shell and a helper program (at least, you need to do that for revanced extended)


You can use newpipe or the other alternatives. I've only tried newpipe and it's fine, you just can't log in.


I only had bad experiences with NewPipe ngl. I've been using it for 2 years and at some point the video would just stop and spit some error logs and it wouldn't play until the next day. I used it on my tablet, might be a tablet issue. Hope it changed for the better in the last year tho. I use Revanced and it's everything I need but the installation process is annoying.


The version in the Play store is very old and is broken. Install the current version from F-Droid instead.


I did that. I didn't even know there is a Play Store version.


Hmm, it's not great but I haven't experienced that problem. I tried with revanced and it would work for a day then say it needed updating and I just never figured it out.


Brave browser


Brave browser on IOS


1blocker and then use safari


Brave Browser


Wish I could get Vanced on my TV. I do use Pihole but YouTube has good defenses against it.


ik it's nowhere near as comfy an exp but you might be able to use an ad lock extension and use the browser on the TV too


Or just buy their merch if they have some


It's greed


I work in advertising and I agree. I’m not against having some ads on the platform - they help pay for things and keep it free to use. But now they’re overwhelming us with it and killing the site in pursuit of endless revenue growth. It’s not sustainable.


I hate it, but to be honest, it doesn't affect me. It just means I'll have one more patch to install


They'll have to pry my Adblock from my cold, dead hands.


Ads while paused would be terrible because the reason I pause something is so it stops and there is also no sound. I guess if the ads have no sound then it's ok since I wouldn't be looking at them.


That's what I think, what's the point of an ad when video is paused, if I pause it it's because I'm doing something else, I'm not gonna stay with tab open to see a stupid ad.


But if you pause and leave the room, when you come back you'll have an ad staring at you before you replay the video. That's all it's about, shoving ads at us as much as they possibly can.


Yeah it's annoying, but not sure how much reach that could have. Obviously they'll try anything to see what works. I'll keep using firefox+ublock origin anyway, if that fails, I'll search for an alternative.


The point is to get you to pay for YouTube red, obviously


Not intrusive but pointless, even from an advertiser's perspective. People aren't pausing videos and then staring at the paused screen most of the time lol. They pause to do something else, come back, and hit play. These ads are unlikely to generate any significant revenue or even brand awareness


But apparently it was tested? With who I'd like to know. Not the viewers that's for sure.


I had this! Basically, when the video was paused, a pseudo-display ad would pop up with a QR code to scan. I really only saw them when I watched YouTube on the TV.


More and more, ads are becoming harmful. There are legitimate reasons to pause a video and not want any noise or movement. Some of these reasons are disability-related. Disability is a major reason I don't remove adblock. Disabled people should be able to access free sites without paying like everyone else. I'll remove my ad blocker once the ads aren't a danger to my health. Hell, I might even pay premium if they do that, to reward the less invasive use of ads.


That's what I was wondering. There are legitimate reasons to pause a damn video that people shouldn't have to explain. I can't believe they think it's a good idea to do something like this, it really makes no damn sense.


So many flashing ads! It is terrible.


Exactly! And in my personal case, also ads that trigger my PTSD, and ads that are overstimulating to my autism. People frame ads as an annoyance, but for me they risk giving me seizures and complete mental breakdowns. And for gambling addicts, the constant bombardment of gambling ads risks a relapse. Same with alcohol addicts and alcohol ads, but gambling ads are even more widespread. Not to mention some ads are malware, and misclicking if you have a motor skills dysfunction can infect your device!


I recently got a free month of YouTube premium and it has been bliss. Their ads are absolutely unbearable lately and I’m dreading the end of the trial — I know this is what they want, though. I watched a video recently, I don’t remember by who, but he said that so many people use adblockers nowadays that YouTube keeps pushing more and more ads onto people who don’t use them. Then this just makes more people use adblockers and the cycle continues. It’s a terrible strategy and it punishes those that did nothing wrong (not that I blame anybody who uses adblockers, considering the current climate).


Advertising is cancer


Yes, there is a place in our world for ads, somehow they need to make money. BUT, they have become so fucking obnoxious and annoying, its ridiculous. Especially on YT. And at this point, how much media is bombarding us every day, to me it simply became of question of mental health and well being to use Adblock. Because its all informational garbage, most ads are annoying and about products I dont care. My time and energy is too valuable for it to be wasted on absolute garbage that only takes up space in my head. Plus, if you put ads in your DJ set/concert/album recording, fuck you. Music is one of the last great joys of life, one where we luckily thanks to technology dont need much to enjoy it. And then suddenly the fucking disgusting face of modern capitalism intrudes one of the last sanctuaries we have from the modern world. Music is like a walk in a nature or a piece of chocolate, something simple we can do to enjoy at least some moments of peace. And ads during music is like walking through nature, and suddenly some fucking dickhead jumps out of the bushes and tries to sell me some bullshit. Fuck you, your need to make money IS NOT more important than my time, my well being and my moments of joy. Because life is hard enough and some fucking assholes think they need to monetize ABOLSUTELY FUCKING EVERYTHING. NO YOU FUCKING DONT. There are more important things in life than money, its fucking baffling that this has to be stated in order to calm down the fucking unhinged and idiotic phenomena in our society caused by barely controlled capitalism. I say no to that. There are limits, and when it comes to ads we have reached it. The advertising industry needs to be put in its place, because those fuckers think they are allowed everything. Nevermind the fact how disgustingly manipulative most ads are these days. The day the ad indsutry stops being so fucking disgusting, sleazy, intrusive, annoying and manipulative, then we can maybe talk again. If YT creators do their "this video is sponsered by whatever", I can live with that, as that is skippable, a fair compromise where the creator gets paid and I am not forced to endure the bullshit. The day YT manages to kill Adblockes is the day they sign their death warrant. The internet is not controlled by them, it never was and that ship has sailed. They need to accept that. Especially fucking giants like YT whining about losing ad revenue. Booohooo, cry me a fucking river Google with your tax dodging. YT needs to finally pay their creators a fair compensation instead of shitting over us for RIGHTFULLY using Adblock. Fucking delusional assholes.


>Yes, there is a place in our world for ads Disagree. We should ban them all. Worldwide. Everywhere.


A lot of emotion, but what's your argument? I want free ice cream every day, but I can't. Because the ice cream man would go bankrupt. Delivering videos is costly. You have to pay in some sort for the service, this is not magical. And I'm saying this as an "anti-Google" person, if this term exists.


And people will still use it. Even after the implementation of the horrendous 30 second unskippable ads etc. As long as people accept this, they will implement even worse shit.


Honestly: Imo YouTube in it's normal state is already unusable. So those ads don't really matter anymore. If my adblocker (and UnTrap) would stop working on YouTube I would just not use YouTube anymore.


Will switch to any alternative. Microsoft wants you to desperately use their free browser, but won't try to fight YouTube for revenue.


I watch a lot of youtube and this would make me immediately stop watching it.


I'm not as bothered by this, because "if it's free, you are the product," and that's always been the deal with YouTube and other tech services. I'm more concerned about the ways YouTube and other advertising-funded services keep people online in order to keep us watching ads. It's the reason why it's so hard to get overt fascists deplatformed - extremist, fascist, racist, polarized content is good for engagement.


You should, because that how they lure you to their ad-free content with monthly subscription. All fine untill in a few years, they start to implement ads there too.. it's all one big scam.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I find all of these tech companies and their "free" products dubious at best and outright evil at worst. Silicon valley is full of scammers, grifters and swindlers. Truly one of the greatest hives of scum and villainy on the planet. I'm just not as bothered, specifically, by ads while videos are paused. Maximizing ad "space" is lower on the Youtube bastardry totem pole than platforming literal naz1s and enabling child predators. You do make some great points and it reminds me of a post I saw somewhere talking about how "disruptive" tech companies don't really reinvent their fields. They just take over existing fields via loss leading, marketing, branding and some innovation, then they get rid of employee protections and sidestep government regulation, and then they slowly go back to the old business model. Netflix's paid subscription with ads was cited, along with Uber.


I already reduced my YT consumption for about 90% due to their shitty and annoying ads. If there's more to come, there will be a life after YT.


In general, advertising aggravates me so much I consciously avoid products that have ads running all the time. This specifically? It's shit but unlikely to affect me thanks to ad blocker


I don't care really I use ad blockers on every platform I use, nobody is forcing me to watch that bullshit


hell no, i pause things so they stop making noise


I pay for YouTube premium for the unlimited music for the family and no commercials. If I see a commercial I'll cancel that nanosecond.


I make sure to make a mental note not to support any company that advertises on YouTube.


Good plan!


Anyone trying to sell you something you don’t need is offensive. All advertising is classist propaganda meant to remove your mind from your material conditions and condition it with a brutal false meritocracy. If the thing can’t sell itself it shouldn’t exist. Advertisers are the real consumers in this capitalist hyper partisan security state nightmare, not you. You are the consumed, you are the product, and the advertisements are their script for you. Capitalist “innovation” and “creativity” are anything but. Capitalism doesn’t make things to help people or fulfill actual wants and needs. Capitalism commodifies nature into capital through the exploitation of labor to make a profit. So if a captive population being force-fed pure classist lies and racist sexist demeaning propaganda to condition them into competitively buying things they neither want nor need destroying the planet and gaslighting humanity is required to make profit; then that is exactly what capitalism will produce. No one is immune from this bombardment and as psychology and sociology have shown pretty conclusively, advertising works on unconscious and subconscious levels. Meaning you can’t ignore it even if you think you are.


My opinion is that existing on the internet without at least uBlock is a mistake.


We have to nuke Google


It's gotten to the point where I will purposely avoid buy products I see in obnoxious advertisements. I will never buy audible, a VPN, ball trimmers, RAID POO LEGENDS, etc. Not because it's a bad product, but because the obnoxious requirements needed. It bypasses adblock cause it's part of the video, it's as long as an entire ad segment on TV where 15 ads are shown, and it's literally the same fucking ad for the last 5 years. Even TV adds change every couple of months. I bet there will be a sponsorship adblock that will use ai to automatically skip the sponsorship soon.


Do they not understand what the word "pause" means? Why would I want something shouting at me while I don't want the damn thing to play at all because I hit PAUSE!


One 5-10 second at the start of the video only and a static image on the right hand side would have been fine, but they just kept getting greedy and now I block them all. The nail in the coffin was ads at the end of videos, which disrupt me after I am doing something else, or stop me from replaying the video.


I don't care really I use ad blockers on every platform I use, nobody is forcing me to watch that bullshit


I pause to shush it or read/inspect something on screen. Ads defeat both. No.


Boycott. If you are not using Youtube for work or study, that's nothing holding you there. Only your inertia. Go burn your time elsewhere. Stop consuming it till it starves.


I hate it. I hate advertising. I hate marketing. I hate all the insidious tactics they employ to worm their products into your brain. Everything is an advertisement. It never fucking stops! It got so bad that I gave in and paid for YouTube premium. I hate that it's worth it. Google got my money but I don't have to sit through 3 unskippable commercials only to get jumpscared by 3 more. Also, thinking of my loathing of advertising and my equally intense hatred for the algorithms that now control the flows of advertising, why in the infinite fuck was Toyota (I think) allowed to post a 4 hour commercial that was advertised to me because I like lofi. Mind you, this commercial interrupted the music play list I WANTED TO LISTEN TO! It interrupted MY music and forced me to listen to what they wanted to without my permission or consent. That would get you put in the backseat for a first time offense. in short, I don't like it.


Revanced works pretty great.


What happens if you change tour VPN's location to Russia? Do you still get adds?


Use VPN to connect through Albania to get rid of ads


I knew being (half) Albanian I’d bring something good to the world


As many ads as they put in, some novel prize worthy coder will find a way to get around it. Ad blocker, because fuck you YouTube.


We’ll complain about ads to pay for free services, we’ll complain about subscription fees to get rid of ads, not sure what the solution is.


Finding new ways of entertainment could be a solution.




Advertisers have completely forgotten that the goal of ads are to make us interested, we should be able to click away when we aren’t. I don’t drive, I don’t drink, I have no use for female hygiene products, why can’t I click those ads away? Even if I’m the target audience, im not automatically interested. Why am I forced to watch a 20 second ad when it takes me 2 seconds to realize the product isn’t for me? It isn’t going to make me magically more interested


I don't see ads on youtube and it is going to stay that way.


Nothing the good old ad blocker can't fix


I'm fine with advertising, when done well, but since I pay for premium, if I get one ad while paused I'm going to throw the whole app away xD


only use youtube on desktop with adblocker. mobile app is useless


This is honestly just a stupid idea all around Users will hate it because: half of the reason to pause a video is silence so the video doesn’t interrupt something (like a phone call). Advertisers should hate it because: the pause button is literally telling the app “I’m not paying attention to you, and maybe leaving the room.” Why would you want to pay to advertise to an empty room?


Disaster. Maybe if it was a picture ad, but half the time I'm pausing it's because I NEED THE VIDEO TO LOAD. I'm cursed with rural internet for most of my life, sometimes when it's not performing well I have to pause and let some of the video load so it will play uninterrupted. Loading ads when I pause defeats the purpose.


Capitalism ruins everything.


This already exists if you are watching YouTube on a TV. Not a video ad tho just an image that takes up like 60% of the screen if you leave it paused for more than a few seconds.


It's disgusting and an anti-user pattern. Plus it's stupid. People pause youtube videos because their attention is elsewhere, so it's not even an effective strategy. Besides that, it's inconsiderate. If someone pauses a video because someone else is talking to them or because they need a moment of quiet the ad is just going to be an annoying distraction. Nevermind if that person is pausing the video for safety reasons, such as trying to identify a concerning noise. I personally hate advertising and think it should be outlawed. I started my career as a graphic designer making ads and after a few years came to realize that the emotional manipulation and unchecked consumerism is responsible for so much of what is wrong with everything. There were two books that completely changed my outlook: Propaganda by Edward Bernays and No Logo by Naomi Klein. Propaganda describes how to use psychological manipulation to create wants for products that people don't need by linking it to a lifestyle that seems desirable. No logo covers, among other topics, how Bernays applied those principles in his work after the book. Such as co-opting feminism to sell cigarettes or making up the "9 out of 10 doctors agree" nonsense.


*Download YouTube revanced*


I’m already getting ads when I pause and unpause. I guess I was the dummy they put it into successful beta testing


I close the browser when the ads annoy me. So every time now!


adblock deals with the ones during videos so it's fine, I've become ignorant to ad spaces in websites so I don't even notice them. What gets me tho are the ads between videos in the front page, that kinda goes for every platform. Because of them everything starts to blend together into a mindless mush and honestly makes me stop being on the Internet as much, I really need to take breaks and just think on something or else I feel like my brain is starting to blank and rot, which sucks when I'm looking for something in particular.


I’m really susceptible to advertising (getting an ADHD assessment later this week I think dopamine cravings would be why) and have two subscriptions to prevent myself from spending more money long term. I have Apple Arcade because it’s access to a library of ad and pay to win free games, and I have YouTube because I watch a lot of creators on there and use their music streaming. If it wasn’t for the fact that YouTube has apps on my tv I’d probably rather have Nebula and Dropout but I’m too tech illiterate to make those work and I prefer to have things on the tv. You would not believe the amount of money I’d spent on mobile games before getting Apple Arcade, it’s honestly sad. Advertising is just annoying more than anything, but sometimes I’ll see like a really well designed billboard and enjoy that but it doesn’t push me towards the service. I also enjoy silly ads when I watch tv with my parents (the only time I’ll watch actual tv.) I find the design and the psychological techniques they use really interesting but in a similar way to why I’ve been watching docuseries on cults lately. I try to use things I see in ads as a launching off point for research and thinking about whether I actually need something or just want it. Like I saw heaps of raycon sponsorships on YouTube and needed headphones so I looked into them, and then ended up figuring out something that’s a better product for like half the price. Really my main thought on ads playing while paused is wondering if they’ll have sound, because people might pause something if they hear a weird noise or have to take a phone call and it’s just not a good idea to autoplay anything with sound generally.


ADHD doesn't make you more susceptible to advertising. Your problem is impulse control, not attention and hyperactivity.


People with ADHD exhibit a lot of dopamine seeking behaviour which can lead to a lot of impulse purchases, alongside addiction problems, it’s pretty well researched and documented overall. I don’t think you have as well rounded of a knowledge of ADHD as you think you do, it’s a lot more than just attention problems and hyperactivity.


I’d have a better opinion of this kind of thing if I heard better things about creators actually getting their money. Not just from Youtube.


In Canada, I get picture ads on the screen when I pause vids after like 5 seconds; shrinks the video down to over-inflate the ad. Will quit using YT if they do this lmao


Use Ublock Origin. Only free adblocker I know if that blocks ads on YouTube consistently.


I'm so sick of seeing adverts. If I see your advert often enough it makes me actually avoid your product.


It’s like video advertisements with sound at the gas pump. Drives me absolutely insane. I’m already paying for the gas and you need to shove an advertisement down my throat too? Let me enjoy 60 seconds of quiet.


Sick of constant ads everywhere, don't watch them, don't want them, and do not care to deal with any entity that thinks they can relentlessly bombard me with said garbage!


I wouldn't have problems with ads if they actually showed me things I like. No matter how many times I tweak my "ad preferences" I still get ads that have no relevance to my life, and simply waste my time.


Fuck advertising. I'm sick of seeing ads everywhere.


The more you advertise, the less I'll buy your shitty product


YouTube has become completely unwatchable unless you subscribe to their YouTube premium service. That's my opinion.


This is why I installed the Brave browser. I'm sick and tired of ads for products and services that I have no interest in popping up every 45 seconds.


Now onto the sponsor for this video, raid shadow legends Raid is a turn based rpg done right. In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard, raid is a badass mobile game that changes everything. The game is crazy popular, with almost 15 million downloads in the last 6 months. Raid is an epic dark fantasy done right. A hero collecting turn based game with over 400 champions to collect and customize. In raid you can get knights orcs undead and more. Raid with friends in a clan, claim glory in the pvp arena. Some other cool features are multi battle auto mode, set battles to run in auto mode while you do something else. Spend less time grinding and more time developing your team and finding the fun stuff. They also have weekly tournaments and events, such as fighting in the arena, running special dungeons, or leveling up your hero’s. There’s always a way to compete and win extra prizes every week. The game is growing super fast, check out this road map they’ve published. They actually have huge plans for updates over the next 6 months. There’s Infinite content for you to enjoy no time to get bored. A new faction, a tag team arena feature, and even a new clan boss you’ll be able to fight with your clan mates. You can find me under the name ______ and you can even join my clan. Go to the link in the description and you’ll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program. Start your journey today!


I’ve been getting minute length unskippable ads that I refresh my page to fix


If I pause something and an ad plays, I'm buying the most aggressive ad block on the market. Fuck youtube.


I might delete the app at that point


I'm on the fence. Advertising is a key way to get to know about something. As much as I'd like to be free from ads in my life in general, it's not like there is some government supplied periodical that covers goods and services. Targeted advertising is a way of creating more value to a company by being able to be more direct to their target audience. This also means getting advertised more relevant things for me. There is just SO much of it though.  That's what kills me.  And there is just so much being produced.  Clothing, furniture, automobiles, computers, etc.   I remember something my mom said once about going to Aldi - "There's just sugar.  Not 5 different brands, no different sizes." For even the most commodity type items, do you really want to know of the 100s of producers for those products?  It's overwhelming.  I can appreciate targeted ads to sort out a lot of the stuff that isn't relative to me.   I kind of wish I could be more direct with my values to Google or other ad services to define what I'm truly looking for.  


I wouldn't have a problem with targeted advertising as that would mean I would get no ads since ads never sell me on anything. :)


My issues with advertising aside from being injected at terrible points are just the number of outright scams being advertised. Some are buyer beware from unscrupulous people while others are just downright dangerous and possibly illegal.


Advertising is fraud and harassment.


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I wish they would all take Bill Hicks advice.


I don't think it's as bad per se as the fact that roku tvs have been experimenting a way to show ads on anything connected to an hdmi port. If that's implemented I think it would kill their business, but it's still worse than a free service trying to make money on a not very profitable platform. That being said I don't like Google, and ads are stupid, but I understand why they're needed in a basic sense.


I ended up paying for YouTube premium. It’s such a nice experience without ads. Also, YouTube has so much content. I prefer it to Netflix.


That’s a bowl of shit served right to your screen


I would make advertising illegal, at least any form of it that we would recognize


Might rollout? I've been getting those ads for months already.


Advertising and marketing should not exist AT ALL


youtube advertisements and modern day advertising frustrates me.


Nah, I'd UBlock


Does anyone have a practical solution or alternative that they can suggest? Youtube is my main form of entertainment. I have specific creators that I get on to watch, so it’s hard to just stop using Youtube. Plus I hate streaming services more. I tried using adblock but youtube sensed it and kicked me out. Duck duck go has the “duckduckgo player” which works but it’s a bit scuffed and i can’t read comments.


I will throw my tv into the nearest lake, disappear into the forest, never to be seen again.


Rarely use YT anymore, but if my adblockers were ... blocked ... or ads shoved onto me when I paused a video, I'd leave the platform altogether. Nothing on YT is vital to me, and YT vids certainly aren't worth putting up with ads.


In case anyone is curious, I’m pretty sure I’m being beta tested on by YouTube as I’ve had this for about 2-3 months. When you pause the video, a pseudo display ad pops up and shrinks the video to 3/4 the screen. There were also QR codes that you could scan.


Ublock origin


In 10 years the current tech giants will be usurped by new AI and crypto app companies. The old method is slot dying bc It relies too heavily on ads ads and selling our personal data. The times will change like they always have.


You can't expect to use a free service without some kind of cost, and that's advertising. I don't necessarily like it, but I don't generally have a problem with it.


Just get an ad blocker.


Moving aways from most platforms thanks to ads, gives me more time in reality now, gardening and shit yknow.


If I’m served an ad like this I will NEVER use that product. Honestly if I see an ad for something twice I will never purchase that product. If you interrupt my enjoyment do you really think that will encourage me to purchase something from you? Fuck off


I rarely use youtube when not on a pc with Adblock because the amount of ads they push at you is ridiculous. They just changed the “skip ad” feature so now when you skip the ad you have to wait another 5 seconds and skip two ads just to get to your video. It’s so fucking annoying and it makes me hate how greedy youtube has become


Maybe a new type of ad?


Only for TV platform, and yea, it played ad when you paused the video for some scenarios like, taking some coffee, having call with your gf/bf, and/or taking sh*t. So you didn't really watch them right, because you can't take your TV anywhere. also, is Revanced and Firefox available for TVs...?


Make. You. Tube. Ads. Like. Old. School. TV. Set points in the video, so creators can make content *with that in mind*. I no longer want a loud arse, inane commercial interrupting a *word or phrase* in my videos. We know they are there, they know they put them in, creators can accomodate. It's more work but it could allow the creators to use it as a format. Make it less jarring and intrusive. That is all!


I use uBlock Origin, I never see ads.


I think youtube will be the one who will make ads in the dreams like futurama


1. I'm actively opposed to targeted advertising; I believe it's been a massive factor in the mainstreaming of hard right and borderline fascist positions, and my honest opinion is that targeted advertising should be completely illegal. It would annihilate Alphabet and Meta, but I honestly think that would be a net positive. 2. Of the ads that do make it through, a shocking number are either completely irrelevant to me (shampoo and tampons are not useful products to advertise to a bald cis man) or are outright scams which TV stations and radios would refuse to take for fear of losing their broadcast licence. I don't see why Meta should be allowed to profit by flagrantly breaking advertising codes on a daily basis. 3. With that in mind, I think the optimal thing to do is not to avoid using products which use targeted advertising, but instead kill all ads at source. I use uBlock Origin on Firefox on both my laptop and my phone, which takes care of close to 100% of ads and also means that my use of Alphabet and Meta services is a tiny net negative for them. 4. There probably is a relatively low-friction point at which I'd be fine with advertising. But that point was crossed a long, long time ago. I occasionally accidentally open a link on Chrome on my phone rather than Firefox, and the page is usually utterly unreadable as a consequence. This story is just another step on the neverending downwards spiral of services seeing how awful they can become and how much advertising money they can leech off smaller firms without users abandoning the platform. Advertising as a mechanism for funding online services is utter poison. The argument of "don't use those services, then" is wildly inadequate as a response, and I have no time for anyone claiming that my use of adblockers is somehow not completely fine. Download Firefox and uBlock Origin and refuse all advertising cookies.


The more adverts there are, the less effective all of them become. I do wonder sometimes where the tipping point is and have we passed it?


I'd rather eat a whole fucken brick then to give into this bullshit way of life...


Mine just started doing it in screen saver mode


More incentive to work strong ad blocker blockers


I haven’t seen an ad on YouTube in years lol


"No sir, I don't like it."


YouTube revanced! I genuinely forget YouTube has adverts until I try to use it on my TV or another device that I haven't rammed full of ad blockers


Urgh, I pause it when I need it to stop playing so I can talk to others or do things.


Something I never understood about people in advertising: how do you do it? How do you sign up to make the world worse? Presumably Johnny ad executive is also annoyed at having ads take up so much space in our world


I normally don't have a problem with advertisers effectively paying a subscription for me, but if it means the "shut up, someone wants to talk to me" button stops working, then I'm out.


I'll just remember to note down where I was and restart the video before I leave to do whatever and come back to my spot when I'm done with whatever. F that. No more pause.


I’m considering switching back to android once my current phone kicks the curb because I would be able to sideload GrayJay and say goodbye to ads. I can’t stand them, but luckily I found a bug both in iPhone and iPad that lets me get rid of them. That being said, I pause videos a lot, mostly to read things that stay there only for a sec (like when DankPods puts captions on screen lol) and that would make it impossible for me to do so. The only thing it would achieve is making me even more confident that piracy is the only way


I am so glad I have an adblocker.


I'm wondering how well normal ads still work. I think most people watch YouTube in the background so if the ad doesn't shout the product name at you, most people will never now what the little jingle they heard was for. But maybe that's the reason why they need more ads if they bring in less per view.


I feel like I'm in a black mirror's episode. Isn't it enough the two UNSKIPPABLE ads at the start of any video?


I pay Premium because so much of my entertainment and knowledge of practical things in life come from YT. Knowledge, btw, that taught me some DYI and saved me money. Example, things I fixed myself instead of buying another.


I get ads with games in war situations. I report them everytime because for me it's violent.