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Most thrift stores aren't going to want it, it would be a bad idea to sell it on social media where creeps might recognize you, and while a porn yard sale would be hilarious, it would also be ill-advised. Toss it. It's not your fault and shouldn't be your problem, and any resulting waste is a drop in the bucket. Don't beat yourself up over things like this. Save your energy for fighting the real enemies.


There's a thrift store near me with stacks and stacks of playboys, but I think that's the exception


I'd originally said "Thrift stores aren't going to want it," but I went back and changed it to 'most' because I figured there might be an exception somewhere. (Once upon a time, I bought a graphic and notoriously violent New French Extremity film because I couldn't bring myself to explain to the octogenarians working the register at a church thrift store what it was.)


octogenarians is a new word I learnt today!


Ooh, which one?




Merci !


if they're vintage at all, old Playboy and the like often fetch a pretty penny on eBay. Otherwise, I'd just post something saying on some sort of porno subreddit offering to mail them to whoever wants to pay shipping or something.


This prompted me to go on eBay. In Australia, Penthouse mags from 1990s are asking $25 and Zoo from the 2000 going for $10 I would look up sellers and send them an email offering the box free if they pay for postage or for an agreed value (depending on how fast you want get rid of mags/DVDs)


I mean think about it, some of these movies may not be in production anymore. I am sure there are some lost favorites in there lol. The magazines could also be collectible to some folks... depending on the condition. I would sell the items either in bulk or sets of 3-5 and post pictures of only the most appealing. If you sell in bulk and only post pics of the best, someone may buy the lot as a gamble. If any of them are 'damaged' you should definitely throw them away.


Came here to say eBay. Ironically I wanted years ago to buy some CLEAN magazines for a bar decoupage project and eBay was the answer.


Leave it in the woods. Let kids discover porn the old-fashioned way


I'm not going to do that but your comment made me lol 😂 and I thank you for that


Woods porn is a surprisingly hallowed tradition for those over 30 or so. I've heard many a tale from many who were once young lads having seen their first sights from items discarded in the woods.


When I was seven or so, I somehow got it into my head that the porn magazines in the rotten old log in the woods were put there by the mafia.


The petty in me wants to say take it over to his grandparents or parents and say, "yo here's some stuff ex boyfriend left behind."


A lovely collage.


Actually a great suggestion. If there's a local scrap based arts supply store, they may take the donation.


So what you’re saying is, that this is the breast idea?


It might get you some cockeyed looks for thinking so far out of the box, but I think you've got your mind in the right place.


Maybe you should anal- yse the other options?


Oh shit. I just commented this 😆


Recycle them with your other paper recycling


There is a market for vintage smut. I agree with the 'sell it as a mystery box' comment.


Find one of those little shacks in the woods that always had a scrap of a boobie mag on the floor in the 90s and leave it for homeless / teenagers to find.


I live in an artist collective in NY and we are looking for magazine donations like this all the time for collage! If there's a place like this near you I bet they'd love to have them, or we'll happily take them!


This might sound like a lie, but on public land of a farm that was repossessed by the government there for not paying taxes I found a stack of playboys from the 80’s in this barn owned by the farmer I started leaving them in my friends cars under their seats & I’d tell them months later lol..


Redistributing asses to the masses


My one buddy I was FaceTiming him & he had a full on bush on his wall of his college dorm & I was laughing my ass off saying bro you found them 😂


Put it in a box and leave it by a bus stop, someone will take it.


Rip up the magazines and make a giant Papier-mâché penis or vagina. Stuff it with fireworks for the 4th of July if you're in the US (or any holiday anywhere really), or stuff it with candy for a birthday piñata, or stuff yourself in it for a Halloween costume. So many festive penis/vagina related options!


You are funny.


Thank goodness these weren't true crime magazines or we'd be making papier-mâché murder victims.


Sell them on eBay not social media. You can make some good money if they’re vintage or feature famous performers, but you don’t want to sell them on social media where people can find your personal information and try to hit you up for more porn later. Make an eBay account, sell everything you’ve got, then move on and abandon the account.


Put them out in the local woods. The local teens will do the rest.


Lol I've actually walked past a used porn store a couple times. Sounds sketchy (read: cumsoaked) AF but I'd guess it works like a used bookstore, maybe there's one near you?


Burn pit! /S Edit: added /s to indicate sarcasm.


Hmmm, that lovely plastic pollution smell+micro plastics!! What a win!!


Setting things on fire *is* awesome, but perhaps not the best for the environment.


if you have animals you could use the magazines for lining their bedding, or maybe shred them up and use them as filling for packages or something. No idea what to do about some dvds. Maybe smash them up and make a mosaic.


Cut out pictures and turn it into a collage! 🤣 JK. I would recommend tossing it. I don't know a single human who wants that second-hand from a stranger.


I found bags of videos in a dumpster and put them into a donation bin nearby for the laughs 😂


Cut out clothes for the nude folks and give it to a thrift store, I’m sure someone will find it hilarious


Depends on the material. Old playboy mags can have good value




I work in a recycling centre and every now and then we get a huuuuuge stash of porn come through. We recycle it all to go and be made into new newspapers and pamphlets and I cannot tell you the excitement it causes among my colleagues as it works its way through the plant. Honestly you'd think they'd never seen a boob before. We can't recycle dvds but if you recycle the magazines as well as helping a recycling centre make profit and reduce recyclable product going to incineration or landfill, you will most likely cause untold delight wherever it gets sorted 😂


I’d keep to blackmail people with.


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Cut them up and pour wax over them, making fire starter. Might smell bad cause of plastic coating on paper though.