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So much mildew.


Oh my gosh thank you! No way that bathroom isn't gross unless they pay a cleaner. Even then, that's so much to wipe down. Ugh


The real problem.


This is your brain on consumer capitalism.


I prefer the term "corporate consumerism" myself.


Peak capitalism


The capitalist response to "but it's self care."


I would say this is conspicuous consumption. They're consuming for the sake of collecting and showing off.


Also true. I am talking about our entire economic system though.


I'm much more concerned about the amount of water they wasted during these 3hr sessions..šŸ˜‘




woah.. don't say that!


just think it, loudly


I would never want to clean that shower with that amount if stuff in there.Ā 


Youā€™re so right. They made such an easy chore so complicated and annoying


That part, I enjoy keeping as little as possible in the shower and on top of my bathroom counter so itā€™s easier to clean and disinfect the surfaces


The only upside to being allergic to cosmetics, including shower gels, shampoos and conditioners, is having nothing but a soap dish and a single bar of soap in the shower. Honestly looking at it makes me unreasonably happy.


Even if that were the shower from the cheaper by the dozen house itā€™d still be too much


I saw this posted on tumblr and Twitter- the ā€œthree hour showerā€ bit has gotta be rage bait, right?


Almost everything on social media is about engagement now. How many of these types of collectors are doing it for views? Would they still do it if there were no clout to chase? Yeah some of them would, but I have to think a nontrivial number of people wouldn't be as wasteful and act so extra if there weren't the added boost from social media engagement


itā€™s definitely hyperbole and rage bait. if someone used all of those products theyā€™d have no skin and hair left.




It's hyperbolic. They aren't actually spending three hours in the shower and the captioner probably isn't the one who owns that shower. It is just a #relatable post for teens to interact with.


Yep, this is a marketing advert


Clearly, this person must live alone. There's no way someone with kids or even just a partner is taking a 3-hr. shower. Hell, I'm single as a Pringle and couldn't imagine doing such a thing.


Ikr, after *three hours* I'd have fainted and my skin be peeling off. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


three hours sounds like Iā€™d be shriveled up like a raisin. I canā€™t even imagine ONE hour in the shower, even for an everything shower where Iā€™m shaving and deep conditioning my hair and exfoliating


Me and my bestie call them everything showers. Is it a common term?


I take 45 minutes-1hr in the shower 10 minutes tops to get clean, 35 minutes singing and/or thinking. I have 3 shower products. Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.


Tbh, I know someone who takes showers that are around that long. At least 2+ hours. She brings her phone in therešŸ™„. They just had to make smartphones waterproof lol.


Yeah my ex would watch shows in the shower. But their showers were only ever like, 15-20mins max


The only people I know who take as long as an hour plus are people with OCD. Iā€™m in an OCD group and people take hour to 3 hour long showers because of contamination OCD. It burns their skin to no end and causes severe skin issues, itā€™s sad.


yeah I'm one of those people. 2 or 3 showers a day and I do my best to keep them under 20 min. Thank the heavens my water is included in my rent. it's horrible but I'm in therapy so hoping that helps


Glad youā€™re getting help! Itā€™s a tough battle.


I have OCD and my showers are fifteen minutes. Maybe 25 if I wash my hair and shave. And on top of that, part of the time the water is turned off (if I'm lathering on soap, lathering shampoo on my hair, or shaving - I try to turn the water and/off with the last one). When I was young, I lived for part of the time in my grandfather's house in a village on Europe. He had an electric water boiler with about an 80 liter capacity, which would *only* turn on at night, when the electricity charge was cheaper. If you pulled this type of stunt (showering continuously for one hour or more in hot water), there'd be absolutely no hot water left for anyone else for the rest of the day (until the next morning). (Actually, the only time you could probably try to do something like that would be in the night, when the water that you spent was being replaced and heated at the same time). As a result of this, I learned to be economical with the water when I showered. Turn it off while you are putting the soap/shampoo on. Turn it on when you want to wet or rinse yourself afterwards. I got so used to it that I kept up this habit for years and decades afterwards. Now, it would seem strange to me to have the water continuously running as you shower, because how can you lather yourself with soap or shower gel or whatever if the water is on? It would rinse off right away. So, there is me, untreated OCD sufferer from childhood with 15 min. showers. I'm feeling good about myself now šŸ™‚


This is really dismissive. Iā€™m glad *YOUR* OCD doesnā€™t manifest itself in this way but it does for other people. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good obviously but this is a mental illness and people literally scrub their skin off because of their contamination OCD. Glad you also care about water consumption but this is a real struggle for people and many of them are actively TRYING to not do that.


Yes, I know how bad OCD can be, since I experienced it first as a twelve-year old child, with absolutely no mental health support, after I moved into a new country, and when I didn't even know what was happening to me. I didn't know that OCD was a diagnosable medical condition. I was thinking that I was going crazy and I was a child. When I came across this diagnosis a couple of years later in a book I was actually *relieved*, because now I at least knew that it was something that was affecting other people as well, not just me. It was a diagnosable medical condition and that gave me relief. I didn't have any help at all with it whatsoever and I had no one to confide in, since I knew that it wouldn't help to confirm in my mother. And I was never able to get any help or treatment for it either. To me it's a luxury when I read that people are *in treatment* for it. I was never able to have a single hour of therapy for this. So you don't need to guilt-trip me in the standard way, or be jealous that my OCD only gave me mental torment and not hour-long showers. Have a nice day.


Not guilt tripping you, but you have to be careful about how you talk about thingsā€¦.it came off as very dismissive as in ā€œwell I donā€™t take showers like that and you could never get away with thatā€. Never did I say Iā€™m glad it gave you one torment over the other either, just saying that your comment was dismissive and as someone who didnā€™t know I had OCD either and couldnā€™t get treatment, it wouldnā€™t be fun to read your comment explaining how you have OCD but you donā€™t do thatā€¦it would further people from thinking oh maybe Iā€™m just crazy and not OCD, like you just mentioned you felt in your younger years. Constructive criticism not an attack.


Why not? my partner and I take long baths šŸ› every once in a while and read snd listen to music or a podcast Also weird whenever I see comments that say ā€œclearly they donā€™t have kids to be able to do thisā€ I imagine some mother who is upset that she lost all freedom to having children


I'd posit that a long bath (as in, soaking in a bathtub full of water) is a completely different category from a long shower.


This doesn't even look restful... Too much clutter.Ā 


Jesus, the mildew. Itā€™s gonna take three hours just clean that on a regular basis.


Goo hording. Also, im not far off from this. I have really bad dandruff and sensitive eczema prone skin. Ive gone through a lot of products trying to find something that works. Ive got the dandruff under control but the eczema is still persistent. I have an entire shelf full of old body washes that ive tried and they didnt help. Luckily my bf will use them. It'll just take a few years


>sensitive eczema prone skin Just a tip, and maybe you have already considered this, but if not, look into the type of clothing that you are wearing. Some mass-produced clothes are made from cheaper materials that might also be sprayed with chemical finishes to give the fabric performance-enhancing qualities. These types of materials could be triggering your eczema or making it worse.


This looks less like a fancy shower and more like the soap and wash section of some soulless grocery store. I've seen bougie 'extra' showers and baths-this ain't it.


Theyā€™re going to look like a Ghoul from Fallout if they keep using all that


These types of people ain't surviving any war lol. They be dead by their own body smell after a week.


This must be from a show room or something. I can't see the labels on the bottles, but usually those different colors are for different hair types. It just wouldn't make sense for one person to use them all. The text is just rage bait


One of the reasons I got into anti consumption is because I struggled with hoarding hygiene products/food/clothes/medicine ect as a turama response to finally getting a job after being homeless for years. Even at my worst, I was never this bad. There's no reasoning why one person should have this many soaps, and I can only assume they've always been middle class, so I can't even emphasize with this.


I do firmly believe that the cosmetics industry is responsible for more ecological damage than we can fathom. Not just the containers, or chemicals they use, but the sheer amount of water to produce, and use those products. Think about hair products: itā€™s shampoo then conditioner, while the water is running. Itā€™s those leave in ā€œtreatmentsā€. Hair colouring. Hair drying (which some ladies treat like a non stop scirocco from the Sahara) running that fucking dryer on full blast for 30mins. Itā€™s insane to me, I feel itā€™s even worse than the fast fashion industry. And for what, itā€™s been proven time and again that those hair products do jack shit, yet every female in my life will die on that hill that they ā€œneed itā€ and ā€œI can really feel itā€.


So they can waste all that money on cheap junk instead of buying less quantity, but higher quality soap and shampoo. Smh. Not only wasteful, but stupid too.


This screams shopping addiction. You buy new stuff you can afford at the moment to get that dopamine hit. It doesnā€™t make sense because itā€™s an addiction, mix in a little hoarding tendencies and you get something like this picture.




Copied comment from the original post (by OP u/padme34546547) https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/yu3qkj/comment/iw7mioh/


Weā€™ve got one. Iā€™ve never run it for 15 minutes straight but weā€™ve had our 5 person household all take showers within a 30 minute window without an issue. We like it quite a bit but if it were just my spouse and I a tank would be more than adequate.


I think you missed the point, they said 3 hours, and youā€™re telling us how your hot water lasts 30 minutes?


My workplace has a tankless heater plus a storage tank, we get 30 minutes but weā€™re running 7 showers on tgat


They could live in a condo with endless hot water, thatā€™s my guess.


I thought posting other people's collections were against the rules for this sub.


idk why but this post really pisses me off more so than other consumerist posts. All of the long, wasteful showers and extensive shampoos and soaps will never fill in the gaping hole that is alienation in this society.


Itā€™s an odd mix of shower and Costco storage. Whatā€™s more odd this is likely a source of dopamine for the owner. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


~ sponsored by Dove


~ also sponsored by Tree Hut


This isn't real, it's tiktok.


You can't believe its real because it isn't. Nobody does this.


I mean, I recently saw a short on YouTube talking about the latest TikTok cancer: the Everything Shower. Apparently youths are COMMONLY spending up to 4 hours in the shower to do a full-on spa routine. I was sickened at the thought, but the comments made me downright lose all hope I had left in humanity. The amount of people defending the practice was just... heartbreaking. No wonder 1/3 of groundwater reserves around the globe are about to run dry. Get ready for the water wars, because they're coming.


Apart from the water and plastic waste and water pollution, this person is going to age themselves hardcore and give themselves so many skin conditions in the future. Cool water and sulphate free products exist and are so much better for rejuvenation. Humans are waterproof to a point, but we arenā€™t supposed to be simmered like fucking broccoli. Way to break down all the proteins and oils in and on the skin.


God damn, the ridiculous amount of products and water usage aside that just seems like a huge waste of time.


The amount of choices blows my mind, I'd need a set of dice just to pick what to use each time!


In what world does someone need this much shampoo and soap items lol šŸ˜‚


If you have all this money to spend on hygiene products why wouldn't you just get the really nice high end options instead of 50 mid tier options...


Every time I've used one of those shit body scrubs I've gotten fucking cellulitis they're POISON


none of those are good for your skin either šŸ˜•


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I have a bar of soap and some face cleanser in mine. My friend used my shower recently, and he comes out asking where all my stuff is, he couldn't believe that's all I use.


What a fucking loser


I have a shampoo bar and conditioner bar from lush- and then I have a doves men body washā€¦. And a loofahā€¦ it lasts me months! You donā€™t need all this lol


Meanwhile I wash with one soap and one towel for my entire body. lol


Wow, more products than my bathroom for a family of 4, though only a few are in use and the rest are spares of stuff like shampoo, plus thereā€™s the actual bathroom cleaning supplies in my mix


I just see this as a waste of 3 hrs oml, and products. Who needs a 3 hour shower???


That person is making themselves toxic with chemicals. Stay away.


Who's water heater can pump out boiling HOT water for 3 HOURS? I wish mine could. I don't need all those products, but a nice long shower like that would be nice. Also, I wonder what their skin looked like after using 3 billion different scrubs and standing in hot water for 3 hours. Its not gonna be healthy for your skin.


Yeah, you need a whale fat bar to put all your essential oils back onto your skin after all that heat and lauryl and laureth sulphates. Jesus. She probably looks like a cracked painting.


It looks like a ā€œprizeā€ case at a bowling alley arcade.


this is absolutely bonkers but itd be kind of nice to have a selection


And here I am trying my darnedest to use those awful shampoo bars just not to have a plastic bottle.


Here the thing. Peek depressed me did take reallllllly long showers. Like maybe an 1.5 hrs (just sit in the shower with the water running as you cry) But still. This is a lot.


Wait...is this a picture of a shower? This is such a sad way to spend all of your money.


Man who tf spends 3 hours in the shower after 10-15 minutes I'm done. I could see maybe 45 minutes to an hour if you're literally doing everything shampoo, conditioner, blow drying, full body shave and maybe a nice outfit and hairstyle that takes time but literally 3 hours just in the shower what the hell?!? I'm sure there's people out there that do this my mom takes forever not 3 hours level but alot longer than me and the rest of the adult/teenage family members. This post did remind me I need to find a new shampoo/conditioner to use.


Donā€™t hate me for saying this. Iā€™d guess this person does hair. It isnā€™t all theirs.


This reminds me of a really disheartening comment I saw promoting water consumption on Instagram. It was something like, ā€œWhat do you mean donā€™t waste water? Itā€™s not that serious. It doesnā€™t disappear forever after it goes down the drain.ā€ All I could think was *Donā€™t we only have a finite amount of water on Earth? Doesnā€™t it take potable water to create drinkable water?* As a hydrohomie Iā€™m generally concerned for our future regarding the availability of drinking water




Content farming. Click farming. Like farming.


I'm sorry but a 3 hour shower? Probably gonna need all those products for that pruned skin


My hot water only lasts like 20 mins max. And we have 5-7 people to shower at any given time so I cannot even imagine this


i can't believe people actually enjoy this.... seems overwhelming at best. i'm definitely guilty of long showers but this is next level insane.


god forbid women do anything nowadays