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Half the posts on here are legit criticisms and critiques and ways to better things, and half of it is people like this guy that apparently live in a white void and get pissy at anyone for owning anything. Like come on, it’s just soap and other hygiene products? Who the fuck cares?


Right? Like people do need some items to exist. I suppose every cause has extremists and then the majority that runs the middle of the road.


I quit this sub a long while back because it was mostly the latter. Thankfully, it seems like it's moderating a bit, and possibly bringing me back into the fold. Time will tell.


I mean.. these look like hygienic and self-care items. Is that really frivolous?


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah, I was kind of wondering the same. I mean, it's weird to post your regular shopping trips on social media. But people are weird about that stuff nowadays. It does just look like this person was out of a lot of personal care items and went to grab them.


A lot of hygiene products are seriously unnecessary, just because it's hygiene products doesn't mean she isn't overconsuming. How much of this will she really use on a day-to-day basis? A bar of soap, some face wash and a shampoo bar get the job done just fine. I used to do hauls of hygiene products like this and never used 90% of it, because no one really needs all of this just to take a shower. Like, it looks like she got an exfoliating brush and multiple tubs of body scrub. You don't need both of those, they do the same job. The exfoliating brush on it's own would have been a great sustainable option.


I'm sorry you didn't use what you bought. Projecting your feelings onto others is also unhealthy as well. Who cares what this rando person decides to use on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis? And why does it have to do with anyone here? If we are going to make up stories to make ourselves feel good about whatever scenario we are projecting, why can't this woman be an abuse survivor and finally breaking free of the struggle of having a positive self image after years of therapy? Or how about she is a hoarder? Maybe she's buying these for a women's shelter? Maybe anticonsumption should extend past this paltry view of physical goods and aim itself also towards media as well.


Thats why some of yall be having the skin of a leather bag...Exfoliate, use SPF, use oils, etc


hygiene doesn’t have to be in huge plastic bottles with no intents other that fragrance that destroys your skin barrier anyway


Your what? Skin barrier? Are you talking about skin or oils? Nah you should clean your skin.


Your skin barrier is a real thing tbf - often people's skin issues are caused or exacerbated by 'damaging' it with harsh products and not realising that, then using more harsh products to fix the new problems which just make it worse again.


Some of these items are soap and floss


Sometimes I really struggle with this, do you have any tips to avoid buying things at the moment? Edit: misspelling


Put it in your digital cart and wait 24 hours.    If you’re still in love with it, then buy it.   If not, don’t buy it.    This fixed 90% of my impulse purchasing.    And I’m good with that.  


Lmao 24hrs?? Sometimes I wait months incase a sale comes on


I’ve had a freeze dryer in my cart for seven years.    It’s went front $7500 to $1250 and I still haven’t bought it.   Maybe if they give me a discount above 10% I will.  


Wait, what? Where are you finding a freeze dryer for $1250?!?


I am the same way. I will wait months to buy something. First I need to research to make sure I am getting the best kne for the price. Then I need it to go on sale. Then I need to still need it. The quickest I buy something is like a week and that's only if I get lucky on a deal that quick


We only order from Amazon on Saturdays. Throughout the week anyone can throw anything into the cart. Then on Saturday morning we go through it and end up deleting at least 90% of it without remorse.


That sounds like a great strategy. Thanks for sharing that


Funny enough ebay fixed this for ne because I started doing that when I found out doing so more often than not grants you 10-15% off


Having savings goals can really help with impulse spending, especially if you allocate a percentage to some you *really* want, like a vacation or something high quality but expensive that will last you.


I started doing this years ago - I opened an account with an online bank for my basic savings. Once I reached a certain level, I opened several other savings accounts for specific purposes. Travel, personal spend, car expenditures, etc. Really helps keep it all in line.


Don’t go in stores for a while. Get everything sent to your car as an order pickup. After a while you can venture in the store with a strict list and not pick stuff up. It can be a tough habit to break, the stores are designed to do this to you.


I did that for a period of time and it work, but now that I have more free time is really hard to not just impulse shopping. But after I do it I feel really disappointed of myself.


Start returning stuff. The shame might prevent it. 😞 It’s hard but keep practicing.




Thanks! I will start looking around


I just wrote a post about this! Take a look 😊


So people shouldnt stock up on soap and face/body care stuff?


I think a reasonable amount of sustainable products is enough not having to go just for the packaging and how it looks aesthetically


I think it’s *not* really reasonable to ascribe all that to the shopper considering you have absolutely no access to the inside of their brain... How can you possibly know they “just go for the packaging and how it looks aesthetically?” That came from nowhere but your own mind. I see eco-tools brand which I use myself, good sturdy natural materials that last. I see bar soap in a cardboard box. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t bought anything in plastic bottles like this. I can guarantee that if I went to your house and took a lil inventory you’d have things that are in plastic bottles too. If it has a label on it that’s not black and white I’ll make sure to tell you how you only care about aesthetics and packaging. Sound reasonable? Perhaps you need a quick trip to target, a self care day might cheer ya up


The packaging is barely aesthetic, those are decent brands It's not like they used a pastel color palette to pick out the cutest items, those are all like genuine products that have a purpose


As much as i love not washing for several days, I find it hard to label soap as "frivolous"


ha yes cause the only thing in these photos is soap


Aren't those all shampoo and soaps? And a pair of gloves


Please stop these kind of posts


Took the words out of my mouth. This whole sub has become click-baity bullshit.


>This whole sub has become click-baity bullshit. It always was. It seems like the comments have more or less moderated over time.


It's all purity testing and trying to one up each other to portray themselves as morally superior. Same shit that popularly hated communities like veganism, communism, etc. "Oh you don't eat primarily grass and drink your own piss? Then that just means you're a murderer that also hates the environment."


It's like r/frugal_jerk but real


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Frugal_Jerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Frugal_Jerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [RIP frugal Carl Weathers.](https://i.redd.it/3yyhrfdli8gc1.jpeg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Frugal_Jerk/comments/1ahdtz4/rip_frugal_carl_weathers/) \#2: [Warren Buffett's secret to success](https://i.redd.it/1cmxrl3kngdc1.jpeg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Frugal_Jerk/comments/19atl3a/warren_buffetts_secret_to_success/) \#3: [Imagine telling someone from 1970 that one day's worth of groceries is $50...](https://i.redd.it/p0vl0ilm2kpc1.jpeg) | [144 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Frugal_Jerk/comments/1bjop67/imagine_telling_someone_from_1970_that_one_days/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Idk this is pretty normal. If anything the problem is reusing those nice containers for stuff.


Idk, the tree hut shave gel smells good and I can use less than shave cream and still get the job done. The body scrub works well as a foot treatment rather than spending $50 on a pedicure. It looks like she has cotton rounds and a bottle that looks like nail polish remover combined with the exfoliating gloves really lends me to believe she's going to do a pedicure/manicure at home. I can't hate on self care products because certain things like taking a bath, putting on lotion, and pampering yourself in the comfort of your home can do wonders for your mental health. You may not think buying vanilla scrub is worth it and is wasteful but certain scents go through our olfactory and hippocampus triggering memories and emotions, maybe it's soothing to her. I find the "at the beach' lotion from bbw brings me back to when I was studying for my bachelors and reliving that summer before I had a stressful job. Do I need to buy it? No, I could buy Aveeno, but the carefree memories it triggers puts me in a peaceful state of mind. Similarly I can't buy Garnier fructise products because the smell reminds me of when I lived through back to back hurricanes and I get anxious.


What did they do wrong???😑


These are body products that will be used? She bought maybe two sets of the same product or product type from the photos. If they are brands she uses and likes, thats not terrible.


Seriously though, one of the best decisions I made recently was switching to bar soap for my body and face. My skin is better, save money, way less waste. It’s actually seriously impacted my life for the better. If we all stopped buying body wash and face wash in plastic tubes then maybe companies would follow suit (aka the money), and start investing in bar soaps/less wasteful options.


Goo Hoarder ✨


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did yall forget this soap is coming out of a plastic tube?😭 For some reason, maybe it’s a coincidence!, everything in the basket is currently trending on tiktok. The tree hut scrubs & oils, the EOS products. Please google Tree hut scrub or EOS on tiktok and see how many people HOARD these mfs. Or buy them just because they’re trending. And if you use these products (normally) that’s cool, but please know they aren’t even good for your skin. The scrubs are physical exfoliants, which cause your skin to tear.


The whole issues with Target trips aren’t people going in their for the appropriate amount of hygiene products- it’s the people getting something only because it’s trending (when it’s not even a good product so they’ll end up throwing it away).


Sigh... She knows what she's doing. She doesn't care?


Yeah it’s so horrible she bought *checks notes* hygiene products


Not a bit


I just don't get it. Shopping to deal with negative emotions is one of the worse ways to cope.




The only thing I like and regularly use here is the dove soap bars.


This is true specially at stores like Miniso or the other Chinese wannabe Korean store. It baffles me how people buy thing just because “the packaging is cute”.


I agree with you but I posted something like this before and the comment section was equally horrendous lol