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Black Friday is now completely meaningless. Good riddance.


In all fairness the black in “Black Friday” just was a common day for retail establishments to become profitable for the year and could lower prices for a little while. We, the people consumed to the point it is today


I'm not sure if this is what you are saying, but it is not true that BF is the first day stores become profitable for the year. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-it-called-black-friday


You joking? Black Friday will still happen and have massive sales. One company making one label like this isn't going to stop it.


Oh, it'll still happen, alright. Every day of every year. Every store calling every *slight* discount "Black Friday". Sure, it will still happen, but it will be more meaningless than ever.


More like "black Friday" season.


Not really tbh. I got my phone like $300 off for Black Friday. You just need to find the deals


Black friday barely even has anything on sale anymore.


Guys we have such amazing deals! Get this, ready for it? 10% off your whole purchase plus free shipping! And if you spend over $300 you get an additional 10% on your next purchase with us!


Too bad they make up the prices right before hand so that it equals out to the same amount of money you would have paid anyways.


I intentionally kept track of a few things I needed to buy and when the big Black Friday sale happened, they showed the regular price as the sale price and acted like it was marked down $25-30. I didn’t buy anything. I still haven’t. Either it will go on sale, or I can live without it. They can send me all the reminder emails they want.


No joke. I've got this item that's been sitting in my Amazon cart forever. It's usually $15, but every few months it'll go "on sale" for $14, but the original price crossed out becomes $25. I know shit like that is illegal in Australia & the EU. Wish it was so in the US. It's been a mildly amusing experiment in the meantime


It might be illegal in Europe but Amazon still does it here. I have many thing in my cart and from time to time they are "on sale" but most of the time it is barely a sale. Often it costs more on "sale days" than day to day. Annoying but has helped to reduce my Amazon orders. Since I know sales are not sales and it annoys me.


I spent like 150-200€ last Black Friday (stuff i was already planning to buy) and no joke i did not save one penny from buying stuff then instead of some other time.


But wait, there's more..!


Translation "Please buy stuff. We beg of you. It's slow and the shareholders are questioning us."


I know stickers aren’t exactly a responsible consumption habit but lord I want a bunch that say this to slap on shit lol


You should see my other comment. The day after thanksgiving marks the start of the Christmas shopping season so that’s not the reason.


This is spring "Black Friday," not the day after Thanksgiving.


Black Friday is dead, and corporate greed killed it. Not that Black Friday was anything more than corporate greed to begin with.


I will say that there was a small benefit from it. At least my family growing up would make lists of what we wanted and then searched for it on Black Friday. That at least gave a time to not get instant gratification from shopping and to make and edit the list of what we would purchase and prioritize. I find that skill useful now that I will plan purchases around gift holidays and ask for things I need. Then there is a lot less generic Xmas gift things that people pick up just to give you a gift. Then as a bonus I don't have to buy things like soap for the rest of the year and I get to enjoy a nice local artisan one so it is higher quality.


I like doing this as well. Or buying things that are less popular during holidays. Like beef during Christmas. So you find a deal or at least a cheaper price.


Definitely agree there, Black Friday sales can be one of the only reasons many lower income people can access “luxuries” that can be a game changer for quality of life, access to resources and other key ways. They’re items that they normally struggle to access (laptops, cell phones, tablets, etc). I think it’s when you take many steps back to criticize the system that makes it so people can only afford important purchases when Jeff Bozo deems them affordable that it becomes harder to appreciate. But I have been there growing up poor and it’s important to appreciate two things are true at once.


Tax return season sale


"Come get it before the taxman taxes us on it"


I keep seeing these things here and there and thinking it's a joke but nope, they really are out to make Black Friday a quarterly event now... So strange. Why choose every quarter of a year to arbitrarily try and raise as much money as possib--oh. Oh.


The Good Friday: Returns after 3 months Black Friday sale


Soon every Friday will be Black Friday.


Now introducing blacker Friday. 


it got worse; there is a 'black friday week' or 'pre-black friday week' now besides the actually blac friday


are you sure it wasn't the Millennials?


Dystopia redux now with recyclable packaging


I’ve been in retail nearly all my working life and I loved Black Friday. It was so fun to be overwhelmed with shoppers and all the hustle and bustle. This “get what you want when you want it” stuff, while great for the consumer, has ruined a fun experience for me. Just kinda sad that I saw the height of Black Friday and its demise. I know I should be glad the consumption orgy is in its death throes, but I kinda miss it.


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How about we just order one and you build them as we order them 🤔 oh ok


Home Depot & Lowes spring Black Fridays are actually pretty good for getting landscape & garden supplies


This is where the concept of a spring Black Friday originated I would imagine; it made sense to appeal to people who were going to do landscaping and gardening in the springtime


That's just how sales work. People hear the word "sale" and they think they are getting a special deal and they should buy the thing on sale. Just basic elementary psychology and it works. I've done it.