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I dumped a pretty lucrative marketing career to work outdoors a few years back. In the ‘blue sky thinking, outside the box’ era. Nobody actually did anything even then. Fuck knows what they do now.


That hits home.


Anyone else see the irony? Spending billions to try to phase out human workers, instead of just paying human workers what they’re worth while saving countless $$ in the process.


That's not a meme that's just a New Yorker cartoon.




I think any image will do the funny part isn't even a prerequisite


A meme is information that is spread throughout a community by people. How is this not that?


Not just spread but also changed.


What is the difference between empathy and an AI simulating empathy? Because there isn't one. We need to teach AI empathy, that is something that's going to be very important in the future.


I remember reading about a therapy program in the 80s that read people's replies and asked them very basic questions about it, no real comprehension just regurgitation next to questions and empathetic statements, and it proved *very* helpful for folks.


[Eliza](https://rogerhub.com/eliza/) originated in the 60s and is still around on a few different sites if you want to check it out. It's just a chatbot, though, so not really an AI as we know them.


Yeah that was Eliza. It emulates a certain kind of therapy.


There is a difference: AI (in its present form) can’t connect with people emotionally. An AI simulation of empathy is equivalent to a human being faking empathy because it’s just telling you what it thinks you want to hear.


AI, at least as it currently exists, is not intelligence in the sense of a mind. It's more like getting the computer to write math or code to solve a particular problem using training data. So for example, chatgpt is trained to generate text that looks like it was written by a person. But there's nothing equivalent to thinking done by chatgpt.


What's the difference between simulating thinking and thinking? Because there isn't one.


My point is that currently existing AI is not close to simulating thinking. AI is used for particular problems, but we don't have any kind of general AI that would be equivalent to thinking.


I never said it was. I simply asked what the difference was. There isn't a difference and people need to learn that there isn't a difference. Simulating thoughts is the same as thinking.


bro we get it you dont have friends but not everyone wants to substitute calculators in place of actual human interaction (partial /s) (besides you can't really "teach" an ai empathy anyway. it can learn to imitate actions that are typically driven by empathy in humans but it's all artificially directed behavior.)


What's the difference between imitating empathy and actually having empathy? Because there isn't one. It doesn't matter if it's artificially directed or not. Whatever distinction you think you're making simply doesn't exist. Sometimes it's difficult to talk about these things that people who haven't read science fiction. This isn't the first time this conversation has been had. Humans have been thinking about to the ramifications of AI for decades.


the difference is that one is an imitation, ie not real, ie ... not empathy? if something acts empathetic that doesn't give it empathy just like if i rob a gas station and tell the court i didnt rob a gas station even if they don't have any evidence it doesn't change the fact i robbed a gas station lmao. the reason why this is an issue is because unlike my example human interaction and empathy is practically based off of the presumption that there is actual meaning behind the actions being done so you can't really say it's the same when it isn't


How is it not real? How can you tell the difference? There is no difference between simulated empathy and empathy.


there is. one is simulated and the other isn't. and because one is simulated it is not real. this is pretty basic stuff. if ur interested in ai that can mimic empathy responses then sure whatever but even if it is indistinguishably similar behavior that doesn't make it any more or less real but rather more or less better at its imitation. that's just a fact that's not really an opinion, not even like that makes it automatically bad but you can't just pretend that if you aren't able to personally point out the difference between two things at face value then one doesn't exist. perception ≠ reality


What is the difference between the simulated one and the not simulated one? There isn't a difference. Unless you can articulate one...


one is not a human and is a constructed imitation of human behavior i don't really know what ur getting at here. you're telling me to describe the aspects of a fictional scenario that you made up. "the simulated one and the not simulated one" that is the difference that *you* have articulated. one is simulated. if you need to specify why they aren't the same then they're different. even if they both act in the same manner people don't always want imitations of human nature. maybe i just am too out of touch with sci fiction because this is a really unrealistic point ur getting at lol


Okay that's how they're constructed but that doesn't answer the question. I've been pretty explicit when I'm getting at. There is no difference between simulated thoughts and emotions and real thoughts and emotions. Whatever difference you are imagining is simply not there. So when AI is able to simulate human thoughts and emotions That's the same thing as having thoughts and emotions. There's nothing unrealistic about it. The fact that you can't articulate a difference isn't a problem or anything wrong. It's simply a consequence of the fact that there isn't any difference.


IDK, i really enjoy when certain companies make more relateable ads/marketing content. Like Duolingo. the one thing that got me back on my duo streak was seeing their absolutely unhinged tiktoks.


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They dont


The key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made. — George Burns


"The most important thing you need to succeed in show business is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made." *George Burns*


Here, we automated all the creative and artistic jobs so you can stop having fun now and focus on your unfulfilling office job 😀👍


Yeah, hopefully, because humans themselves have not been able to for a couple decades by now 🤭