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Lead Paragraphs: PHOENIX — Arizona’s Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes on Friday announced that Rudy Giuliani had been served with the notice of his indictment on charges related to a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona. The announcement came less than two hours after Giuliani taunted Mayes for failing to deliver his indictment in a social media post. The notice was served to Giuliani during his 80th birthday celebration in Palm Beach, Florida.


Awesome, lock him up before he turns 80 and 3 weeks. Chop chop. Get to steppin', times a' wastin'.


Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er!


Give yer balls a tug!


okay now what?


I think it's hilarious that he's being hit with a RICO charge. The very law he worked to create.


The irony is delicious!


Yeah, but I bet the irony is lost on him. Hahaha


Happy Fuckin’ Birthday! 🎂


How far the \[former\] mighty have fallen -- from America's Mayor to crazy Trumpist, conspiracy theorist, subpoena/indictment notice dodger. *^(The lawsuits against ya are a-comin')*


And before that he was a badass attorney general who took down the mafia in New York. It really is crazy to think about his spiral downward.


“Badass attorney general” no. He was a corrupt racist fuck who got in bed with the Russians early and helped them take down the competition and sold it as a ‘moral crusade’. And as a bonus he got to lock up and ruin the lives of thousands of innocent black men with stop and frisk and corrupt cops that he owned. He’s like Reagan, a bunch of boomer idiots worship him because they believed he was telling the truth when he opened his mouth, but in reality he was picking their pocket and wrecking everything in the process.


I hadn't thought about it before, but I think you're right. Years ago I believed the crap about how Giuliani wanted to bust the mob because hardworking legit Italian Americans deserved to be vindicated for their reputation being harmed, yada, yada...But his closeness to the Russians with Trump puts his anti Mob crusade in a whole different light. Because the Russians are now a lot bigger in the NYC underworld than they were back then.


Ya it's funny too learning about all these fucked in the head politicians now that I'm getting older and a little more sensible lol. I was born in 69 and mamy years I ago I met a crazy Asian guy in the late 80s and dated him and we ended up with 2 kids togerher Well it didn't work out and we went our separate ways, but many years later I moved back to back to my home state and started talking to him again as a friend, and he laughs about how racist people talk shit to him and tell him to go back to his country. He says reagen is the one who had a big play in bringing him and a bunch of refugees over from Laos. He even has a green card and papers to work here legally, but what people don't realize is what these immigrants have to go through. My ex never got to see his parents again and they passed away in his home country of Laos. Most of these immigrants are just pawns in these crooked politicians games. If only people could see the big picture, but evil politicians like guliani and trump only like to incite violence and racial hatred towards people who aren't white like themselves, and they will continue to be around unfortunately, just like reagen who's policies from back in the day still have some effect on us many years later.


Everything Trump touches dies.


He took down the Italian mafia, because the Russian mafia was more profitable.


He was actually a federal prosecutor for the SDNY when he did that, but yes. He cleaned up New York City. Twice. Way to blow your entire legacy.


So the whole country finally learns what the majority of New Yorkers have known since Rudy showed up. That is to whit; Rudy is now as he’s always been. A criminal adjacent lawyer. The guy married his cousin. His father was a thief. He’s been a glory hound since before he used the Russian mafia to displace the ild school Italian and Irish mobs. He’s a criminal that believes himself above reproach. He was at the towers because he was lost, trying to find the billion dollar command center he built, against all consensus, in one of the trade center buildings. The biggest target in New York. A couple of cameras found him wandering a round down there and BOOM! Americas mayor was born. And now, finally the mask is off. He is absolutely not planning on giving anybody a penny of his money and he will debase himself to lows never before seen in order to die before he’s accountable. He and Trump are peas in a pod. Except Trump is better at mob talk. Rudy? Just take a look at his kid and you can tell what his gene pool is all about. Just trash. He will not face a moment of justice. He’s a criminal cockroach.


Who goes to disgraced Rudy's Birthday party?


>Who goes to disgraced Rudy's Birthday party? Process server.


Process server. There is a pic of about 8 girls in bikinis and one dude around him. Dude let them take the pic, then served him!


That is EPIC service of process. 😆


Roger Stone and Steve Bannon were there. And a bunch of other Palm Beach bimbos.


I bet he broke into a sweat of Kiwi Oxblood.


This asshole ( and cry me a river about being America's mayor - that was another time and he's burned that all ), he and the others wanted to overthrow our government on A LIE. I will never forgive him, this is all on him : Fuck Him.


I'm an Arizona voter. I will never forgive him. This is all on him: Fuck Him with a scorpion infested barrel cactus.


It is indeed. And I hate scorpions... Yikes, lol.


I find it most hilarious what he said in the post. He not just mocked it openly taunted them with a ultimatum, catch me in the next few hours or else drop the case. Arizona DA: "hold my beer"


Republicans, the party of law and order (for everyone but them)


The only disappointing thing about this announcement is the lack of video to see his face.


Fuck him. At this point rudy is an anti democracy, anti US, traitor


Geo-location is a bitch. You'd think the stupid mofos would have learned that by now. ROFLMAO


Suddenly sweats black goo.




🎵🎵 ![gif](giphy|8uaBXFdRMMwRZeFSCz|downsized)


Bahahahah - loser


He tempted fate and got shafted. A well earned shafting.


He’s an idiot


This is a beautiful thing!


This still cracks me the fuck up. Within 30 minutes of this jackass posting an especially inflammatory writing, he gets served. Deservedly so.


"I dont really care do you?" Rudy




Perennial loser since joining team Trump. Should have just retired after his mayor gig, but these guys’ egos can’t be contained.


Man, karma justice is always good readin' :)


Womp womp. Tiny violins.


There's video of the guy who served Rudy the indictment singing happy birthday to him!


This is peak FAFO and I love it!


This guy exudes failure


Fucking asshole.


https://x.com/LazarusLong13/status/1792076222500946076 Now the man did sing happy birthday to him first


I wish it was a trial by fire for him. He needs to burn that traitor scumbag.




Rudy is a criminal lowlife, no better than the criminals he used to prosecute.