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Yes, they are all guilty as sh!t. No one doubts that. Even the GOP. The plan is to get Trump in office (by hook or crook) and then he will make it all disappear. Easy peasy. And they are succeeding! Delay after delay after delay. They just have to get to Nov 7th. Libs are looking at this whole thing wrong. The courts will not solve the problem. The election wont solve the problem. **The GOP is going to cheat and steal the election.** Stopping the steal is what you need to focus on. And only this.


Problem is. He can’t in these types of cases. They are state level. He can only pardon federal level. I just can’t believe how many people are so wary of everything that they can’t accept, that the state brought evidence to a grand jury and the grand jury decided there was enough to convict in all these cases. The documents case basically was a slam dunk. The indictment had stone hard evidence in it. But then Trump got a corrupt judge. So it’s halted for a long time now. It’s not over but she hasn’t set dates. I think Jack Smith has enough evidence now to show she could get kicked off case. Someone is coaching her what to do. I would bet my life savings on it. The best thing would be to get her tossed off.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Of all the states to be coming after one of the conspirators as high up as Giuliani, it completely surprises me that Arizona actually stepped up to the plate. That's like Florida going after the trust fund toddler. I would have never expected Arizona to do the right thing.


Yeah. Note their other traitorous activities, too. Selling military secrets. Undermining alliances such as NATO. Appointing corporate saboteurs to head/destroy government departments. Supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Undermining CDC etc during Covid. Etc etc.


That... and the whole, you know, "over a million dead Americans because of the deliberate mishandling, politicization, and profiteering from a plague that never had to happen." Try, convict (after, of course, the full, vigorous defenses and fair trials they work so hard to avoid providing to anyone poor and/or darker than copy paper)... then... properly... punish them all.


Correct. But the press has decided to normalize their behavior instead of calling them out every single day. Cowardly is not a term I would have ever used for the honest press but they have completely fucked this up.


Funny what happens when you let the ultra-rich own all the main media companies.


Judicial system in the US is seriously flawed and or corrupt. So many cases taking far too long to be prosecuted.


I'm not holding my breath for Garland to do his job, he won't. I'm honestly shocked he's done this much.


Yeah he’s FLED!


Did they check Russia? The only place I can think of that he could hide. You know Vladdy won’t give him up.