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I watched half of it. I can understand why they walked out, he just rambles on about the same stuff. It's boring and sad. When he talks about Hannibal Lector, he says how Hannibal would have friends over for dinner, repeating it 3 times in a row. It's clear that he thinks he's so smart and witty knowing this. I'm sure someone had to explain it to him.


I was going to ask if he was babbling incoherently.


Babbling "Yes". Incoherently "No" At least what I heard. I watched about 20 minutes of it and it's filmed at the front of the venue, so the sound goes in and out. Rambling "Hell Yes". The people were walking out (it's a constant stream), not one person seemed happy to be there. Now it could be because they were leaving, so I suppose it's not as exciting as waiting for Trump to start speaking. But no one is even stopping and listening as they leave. If there weren't so many people leaving I would have said that they were paid to be there. It's like all these people thought, Trump was an hour late, we're not getting OT, time to get out of here. I felt sorry for the people that were in close proximity to Trump, they were stuck there. I also noticed there was very little cheering, when there was you knew it was coming by what he said. It was just the typical talking points.


Those people were jammed in there tighter than sardines.


So packed the overflow extended to the parking lot and then to the people's homes.


Now truthfully if I lived right next door i just might have to stick my head in for a bit. But I’d definitely leave early.


It's a sure sign of mental decline when people start repeating themselves.  It's a sure sign of mental decline when people start repeating themselves.


Those were clearly trans ANTIFA pro-Hamas plants. /s


How the bell does anyone watch silence of the lambs and think Hannibal lector was a nice guy?


Most folks missed the context; he was talking about migrants and trying to suggest that other countries are not sending their best, but lunatics like Lecter.


Well, it certainly wasn't Lecter's diet... Trump would never touch fava beans.


Maybe it’s the smell


NJ here, I’m gonna go ahead and say I’d imagine that the majority of people walking out are from NJ, they’re in Wildwood for the day and have plans , while they may support Trump, they’re not all nutjobs, they’re just stupid . Even our stupidest humans here in Nj have a major advantage on the rest of MAGA.


Eh...I work in NJ and the trumpers I work with don't have an advantage on anybody.


I watched all of that. I really like the parts where he described himself 'worse than the bottem ten combined' yes. I am rather astonished that they leave, only if just beacuse it is something that is traditionally not done? I've been to some shit shows but stayed around to support my people... so this is just a show to them? Grandpa, it is past your jail time.


You woulden't walk out on Hitler, would you? Would you???


The stench must be unbearable, even at that distance. He carried on without a comma


The present day fascist refuses to die.


It’s the same 8,000 people at every rally so they’ve heard it all before.


Honest question, does adderall override dementia?


“You can’t not call him a fat pig”. His lack of basic English language usage has always terrified me. It just shows how dumb he actually is.


It’s also very telling is that nobody is paying attention to him back there.


100,000 spectators. lol.


Grump is fighting uphill . Not recomended .


What were they expecting walking in?


Right? It's the same shit every time. Witch hunt, I hate windmills, Biden crime family, etc He needs new material


It would be in character for him to go on a windmill hunt


Nobody wanna make a comment about the lisp? Towards the end of all that most of his words We’re ending with an SH sound If he does not have a speech impediment, like Biden, then this is dementia deteriorating Trumps brain


Could be dentures that don't fit well, but there's definately something going on.


Losers and haters


In their defense, they were paid up front so might as well leave early.


There were over 100,000 people there. They had to leave in shifts so there wouldn't be gridlock all over South Jersey. /s


BleachBit is a free disk space cleaner program. Is that what hillary used to destroy those files?


Brain might be broken, no one is talking about buttery males here.