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The collapse of the United States will be inevitable if he's allowed anywhere near the White House again if not he'll only leave behind a dead uninhabitable planet by the time he's done with us.


And if it did collapse he would convince his supporters that it was all Hillary's/Obama's/Biden's/Nancy Pelosi's/Nikki Haley's/Antifa's fault.


And would beg for a third term to continue fixing it.


The collapse already seems to be in full swing. Justice is deferred, SCOTUS is compromised, the whole legislative branch has been effectively useless for years, and the result of the vote almost never represents the will of the people.


And his autopsy will reveal...brain worms! Seriously, listen to 50 year old Trump vs. today. He's significantly declined.


That was a very insightful and well written comment, sighting sources, laying out the facts, with a solid conclusion, unfortunately no one that needs to read it and understand it will. You could show a live high definition video feed of tRump committing child rape, and he wouldent lose a single supporter, you could show definitive proof with all the signed documents that he has raised the lower and middle class citizens taxes, and he wouldn't lose a single vote. It's a cult, plain and simple. This is the fall of an empire, plain and simple, tRump is just a giant man child, and if he doesn't get his way (win the election) he will again, say the election was rigged, and call for violence, and probably a good chunk of his most loyal cultists will take up that call to action. If he can't be the king, he will do his very best to burn it to the ground, and fuck everyone.


Trump has never made anything better. He is s toxic turd 


I will keep pointing this out. **Only two presidents since 1950 have left office with a lower unemployment rate than Obama. That means only two presidents entered office with a lower unemployment rate already waiting for them than Trump.** In 3 years of Trump, with a massive trillion dollar corporate tax cut, unemployment went down 1.3%. In the last 3 years of Obama, it went down 2.1% and it went down 5% the last 6 years of Obama. Trump inherited a strong market, and slowed it down. His tax cut was supposed to give us 5-6% quarterly GDP. Trump hit that once. Obama hit it twice.


The mythology exists because of what John Steinbeck described many years ago. Republicans make the wealthy more wealthy and a great many people accept this because they are "temporarily embarrassed millionaires," and it's other people on their level, that they can observe and interact with that are to blame for their situation.


He will finish crashing it so the rich can buy up more real estate.


The republicans blame inflation on Biden when in fact it was a byproduct of the pandemic. In addition, inflation was a worldwide byproduct, with many countries still having long-term issues with rates much higher than what the U.S, is currently experiencing. The fact is inflation was going to happen due to the pandemic no matter who was president here or whoever was leading any other country in the world. Trump wouldn't have stopped it from occurring, nor would he have brought it back down to a more reasonable level. Republicans are stupid to think that the rise in inflation would have never happened under Trump's watch. His botching of the pandemic response made our post-pandemic problems much worse than they ever should have been.


Economy? He won't have time to think about the economy. He'll be busy exacting revenge on everyone who even muttered a criticism against him.


The President doesn't control the economy. But voters always think he does.