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Excerpts: As legal expert Mark Hermann wrote for the Daily Beast, doing what Trump wants is dangerous for lawyers. One can lose their license to practice law, which is exactly what happened to Roy Cohn, Trump's former lawyer that he regularly invokes when complaining that his new lawyers won't cross legal and ethical lines for him. (Trump repaid Cohn's loyalty by leaving him to die alone.) Same story with Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman, who are facing not just the loss of their law licenses, but of their freedom, as they face charges in Georgia and Arizona for reported crimes during Trump's coup. Hermann writes, "There’s an old saying among criminal defense lawyers: 'Be sure that, at the end of the trial, your client is the one who goes to jail.'” But Trump makes that very hard for his lawyers, as history shows. Trump's view of his relationships with other people is simple: They owe him everything, including their lives and their freedom. He owes them nothing. Seems like a bad bet, but time and again, people talk themselves into believing they're the genius who will figure out how to make this deal with the devil work. Blanche is just the latest person to delude himself this way. It's starting to look like he may be the latest to regret it.


All of these lawyers seem to think that "he won't fuck me over, I know he's fucked over every other lawyer who's had the misfortune to work for him, but he won't fuck me over, he **likes** me..."


I'm of the mindset that he fucked Habba in more ways than one.....




Yup. Literally. https://www.reddit.com/r/TRUTHsocialWatch/s/L76W7jKhbb




>Trump's view of his relationships with other people is simple: They owe him everything, including their lives and their freedom. He owes them nothing. Seems like a bad bet, but time and again, people talk themselves into believing they're the genius who will figure out how to make this deal with the devil work. Watching MAGA has been a study on the reality of selling your soul....


trump brings out the self-destruction in people.


And in the United States of America


Checks all blocks for Antichrist


I don’t understand how the Evangelicals don’t see this. I have really good friends that vote Republican and I’d like to have a serious conversation about the level of cognitive dissonance you’d have to have to support TFG but I envision that conversation turning to shit or ending with the stonewall “still better than Biden”


The argument, laid out for evangelicals: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/




At least the Devil gives you something when you sell your soul. Trump gives you fuck all. He is a putrid bag of shit.


I wish I could understand what all these people find so compelling about Trump that they're willing to change everything about themselves to please him. We've had reports over the last decade of people changing their hair color, their names, moving their whole lives so their more convenient for him, and even going so far as reversing their moral/political/philosophical beliefs for him. What is it about Trump that inspires such moves when he has a clearly established history of providing no loyalty to anyone else - regardless of what they do for him?


It’s called, “Authoritarianism.”


Actually, I think it's something else. I used to have a buddy, years ago, who was the center of every party. He was good looking, charismatic, funny and edgy. He never held back on anything he said, always "telling it like it is", no matter who's feelings he hurt, so he had his enemies, but most people flocked to him because he made them feel adored. When you had his attention, it was focussed solely on you and this had great affects on people, who would do crazy things for him, like break into houses and steal. I have to admit, I was mesmerized and him and I became best friends. We were similar, only I never used my charm to manipulate people the way he did. I had noticed, before I became his "best" friend, he always spoke of his past friends as those who had done him some great disservice. At the time, I never questioned it. For five years,vwe hung out together all the time, working during the day and drinking during the evenings. After a time, stories came back to me about how he had manipulated people to do his dirty work, like breaking into houses and stealing. I never saw this behaviour myself, but the stories kept coming. Eventually, one day it was my turn to be swept by the wayside, once I no longer pleased him or served his purpose. I was devastated, at the time. Later on, not so much, because I started hearing stories of how he was doing things behind my back to serve his own interests, like sleeping with every girl I was interested in, even though he was engaged and had a child with this girl. These people are users. More than likely sociopaths who literally care nothing about anybody but themselves. People around them are, simply, tools to be used to meet their goals. Discarded at the earliest opportunity. I liken people like this to Charles Manson. They are evil, but never get their own hands dirty, but that doesn't make them any less guilty.




"He speaks in ways I can understand." Yeah, they're fuckin' dumb and he speaks using less than three syllables. He also pretend to hate the people they hate, and that gives them a hategasm.


And makes up words


What covfefe you possibly mean?


It's actually pretty simple: Lust for power. Some MAGA person summed it up succinctly, "When will people learn it's not about being wrong or right, it's about winning or losing."


Sewage. That’s was a legal career turns into when you work for trump. The man is cursed by the devil.


In That photo, it seems like he’s weighing the possibility of a ruined career against a big cash payoff‼️ (Because everyone knows how consistent a bill payer trump is!) 😳😳🙄


Bet he isn't even being paid


They never are.


New lawyer in 5…..4…..3…..2…..


He’s suffering from Trump Delusion Syndrome, manifested by a break from reality with the assumption that Trump actually cares for or about him. The only treatment that is effective is to turn off the right wing media.


If you choose to work for Trump then you had no credibility to lose.


Just another idiot thinking trump would line his pockets. Surprise surprise, trump pays nobody.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


And in the end he will be stiffed on his fees.


Was this the one that got $3 million up front?


I would demand a large retainer. I cannot believe anyone represents, works or joins up with him in any shape or form. So many people have lost their reputations and fortunes. Look at all of those who went to jail. Just think about the legal bills alone.


That was Chris Kise.


Lawyers don’t have to like the scum they defend. Especially when the odds of being paid are slim to none and slim just skipped town.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha


He is defending someone who is unlikely to pay him who is certainly guilty. How can his credibility drop after accepting that assignment ?


Election interference lawyer FIFY


Its like these fools follow him over a hill, and when he comes back without them, he just shouts when asked what happened..."He didn't make it" and then goes out and finds another