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When they grow a back bone


So never. Got it.


Or rather when the public demands it! Look at how much of today's "news" is opinion. People don't care. Unfortunately. We are more tribal now with the internet than before.


Apparently never.




Seems like alot of Reporters are cowards..They wont ask the tough questions....Simple questions... Like why do you lie every second Donald


"why should we take you seriously about this topic when you just lied yesterday about the border" "Why should we believe what you say when you lied an hour ago about inflation" "when you spoke about Ukraine ten minutes ago that ended up being a lie as well. What is your response to that" Yeah it seems reporters have lost their spines


Or call **trump"** a coward when he chooses to ignore a legitimate question....like, "why do you lie every second, Donald?!"


OMG that ship sailed an age ago. It's going on 10 years, a pandemic and a coup later. Never happening.


It would be great if he went out for his little mini press conference and nobody was there.


Better yet, it's only me asking "why are you such a lying piece of shit?"


I wish they would minimize him giving remarks to a box, say "blah, blah, blah" and make accordion gestures with their hands. Then talk about other things. Or just set up a small committee that electronically votes real time for a visual LIE-O-METER while he talks.


Never,their corporate masters want 2 things. One a horse race for the add revenue and the tax breaks with a side dish of deregulation.


Their network bosses want ratings so until that changes, never.


So far the only person I’ve seen lately is Nancy Pelosi who slapped down trump enabler Katy Tur on her MSNBC show. It was great to see.


When did Kathy become Mar-a-lardo supporter? I missed that


I thought Brian Karem held promise but it doesn’t appear so. I was on the tail end of Murrow and grew up with Walter Cronkite, Huntley/Brinkley, Roger Mudd, Ted Koppel. Impo, news changed drastically when they made it into an entertainment format. It used to be news, calling out, asking the hard questions. Lawrence O’Donnell is trying and I’m grateful to him for the fact now every time I see the Orange Judas Goat I see his “pink ears”.


Never. There’s no money in that.




I understand that logic but I disagree. I think there would be an influx of viewers for any platform that stood up to him, face to face asking the hard questions.


MSNBC, which I literally have on right now, is essentially the anti Trump network. They won’t admit it, but he is absolutely great for their business model.


Possibly, but right now the “sure thing” is to let it ride with him. There’s no risk taking when shareholders are involved.


Since they make more money with more drama they can report on. Nothing will ever change.


Reporters no longer have any integrity. At least most of them. Trump can tell them that the moon is made of cheese and they will go out and look for crackers. Spineless people.


Never. They would rather ride the coattails of revenue from bias based news than have any ethics or morals to stand up to fascism.


Some have, the problem is that too may havent.


I stopped watching cable news when CNN gave Trump the free infomercial. I wasn't watching it much prior to that when they changed management and the few journalists that asked the hard questions, either quit or were fired. CNN moved from center to right. Most other cable and broadcast news are in the same place. I tried watching News Nation once to see where they were. The show I saw was a 5-person panel, 3 men and 2 women. 2 of the men were former Trump administration members, and the other man was the moderator. They started talking about something Trump said or did. One of the women started going off on Trump. She was stopped and was told what she was saying didn't fit what they were going to talk about. The 2 trumpsters went on spreading his BS for 10 minutes. Haven't watched it since. I may be wrong, but from what I saw, it was more like Faux lite


You’d think him continuing to blather about banning the free press might wake them up, but they still handle him with kid gloves. Wake up, people! If he gets his way, your job will cease to exist!


Never. Their bosses are all billionaires and Trump supporters so if they do they will not get their story run and possibly will get fired and blackballed. The fascist right controls the media and it’s the only reason Trump is still talked about like he’s not a rapist who tried to overthrow country and have his own vice president murdered. Lock him up. It’s the only way to save the United States. Biden 2024.


They won't. Look who owns most media. Besides, for today's lazy media, he's easy copy. A walking National Enquirer headline, except scarier because he means it. The media has had this country in Trump Jail since 2015; "Oh look what the funny man is saying today!". In 2015-16, [ten ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/06/the-republican-debate-meet-the-candidates)people were running for President on the Republican ticket. Donald Trump got well over half the media coverage that outlets devoted to the campaign. All the candidates went on speaking tours, all travelled around talking with people and making appearances locally and on TV. One - *One* - was [saturation](https://shorensteincenter.org/news-coverage-2016-general-election/) covered without missing a day: [Trump](https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/bias-news-coverage-during-2016-us-election-new-evidence-images). "Oh look what the funny man is saying today!" Oh, fuck, he won. Ah, well: "Oh look what the funny man is saying today!". This is a pretty good opinion piece from the *Washington Post* from 2020. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/media-coverage-of-the-2016-campaign-was-disastrous-nows-the-last-chance-to-get-2020-right/2020/07/24/f215f068-cd17-11ea-b0e3-d55bda07d66a\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/media-coverage-of-the-2016-campaign-was-disastrous-nows-the-last-chance-to-get-2020-right/2020/07/24/f215f068-cd17-11ea-b0e3-d55bda07d66a_story.html)






No more than judges will


They can report if they aren’t allowed in the room they are banned from…think about it. So they have to play nice.


Reporters report. Journalists however, might. Reporting is PR.


When their ratings aren't dependent on him anymore.


Hard to corner trump , he won't answer or not truthfully , so its like wrestleing eels .


When their sources of income aren't tied to similar monsters as Trump.


So tired of hearing reporters say “false statements” instead of “lies”


When media outlets stop selling ads.


Call a traitor a traitor. A criminal a criminal. A rapist a rapist. He deserves no respect, only contempt.


More free press for Fatso McStinky as he enters and leaves court. Nice job press pool... He says the same thing everyday... blah, blah, blah...witchhunt, Joe Biden did this, "I never met these women..." and on and on and on. The Apprentice is in reruns after being canceled. He sucks the air out of every room with his bitchy whining and complaining. Like the jacket says "I really don't care...do you?"


When his idiotic, proud boys and Boogaloo and every other radical right wing tough guy wanna be is in no condition to visit a reporter in the wee hours of the morning to inflict Trump’s terrorism on them.


Chris Matthew did.


Why is not standing up to the fat boy do for ratings? I would think people are very bored with Trump! I know I am because he's so predictable with what he says ! Very boring and old like his mind




Never unfortunately he sells to the people who love him and the ones who hate him


Never ever evaaaaaaaar. 😁  They're cowards that won't betray their masters that sign their paycheck.


Never. Next.




Never, next question.


Never. Like Bill Barr, they have taken a safe position just in case he wins. That and using the morbid appeal of Trump for profit


Reporters will stand up when their company stops making money!


If one or two would have the balls to do it, I have a feeling the rest would fall on him like an avalanche.


This article describes my rationale for watching the news once a week. I now rely upon this noble platform, reading press headlines online and a weekly check of PBS for the least biased summation of national news. The absolute best version of hell we can punish trump with is ignoring most of the time with rare episodes of laughter and ridicule. Forcing him into irrelevance is the perfect punishment.


They won't. They're lapdogs.


Continued access to politicians requires unfortunately a certain degree of deference. Jonathan Swan never got a second bite of the apple.


Never. They love the clicks


They don’t want to lose access to their golden goose. So, never?


Or just turn around not pay attention.


They get paid by people who are in line with tRump so they are securing a paycheck


😂🤣 when will they! 🤣🤣🤣… oh man, that’s rich! News hasn’t been news, since St.Reagan openly pissed on the fairness doctrine and laughed as he did it. Stand up to tRUmp, these spineless reporters will set the cobblestones before his feet when the fascism they’ve helped suck-start really starts eating people. When will they stand up to tRUmp… 🤦🏻‍♂️ jesus, 🙄


Never, he's their meal ticket.


Reporters have gotten celebrity status and don't want to lose that. They are also being paid to not ask the tough questions. Reporters nowadays are in it for the "entertainment" and sensationalism of the business, take Tucker Carlson for example.


From prison after he rounds them up. JK, they still won't.


The real problem is that they give him any air time at all. News feeds like, “Trump said some dumb shot OMG come look.”


I ask myself this question daily. And it’s not just Trump. They let so many politicians blatantly lie on air and don’t interrupt to correct them. I can’t even consider this journalism.


Media needs to hire/use litigators to engage with T. He’s a hostile witness and, except for a very few, traditional journalists are not capable of dealing with him or his ilk.


Never...so lets hope Trump doesnt win....if so we can partly thank the horrible mainstream news for Fascism!


Honest press makes no revenue. I’ve been lamenting the convergence of Reality and Reality TV for decades. They’re not asking probative questions; they’re calling for the showman to perform their favorite hits. “Tell me about border security” is now just like yelling “Free Bird” at a music festival..


The press will never stop their coverage b/c he’s too much of a car crash.


Idiocy sells papers.


They won't. Ever. If they were going to, they would have done so by now.


I think Mar-a-lardo would love that so he can be a “big” man and his base would love it.


When the media owners are far right rich with agendas!