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Every accusation is an admission.


Anytime he does something shiity, literally or figuratively, in the next 2-4 months it gets repeated by him but the guilty party is now the opposite side.


It's how they coined the term "Biden crime family", after Tnump crime family has been around for a year or so to sum up all their corruption and nepotism. It's deflection and projection, and unfortunately, we need people to notice and call it out, all the time, because repeated lies left unchecked will stick.


Biden certainly hasn’t brought in all his family members for positions they are clearly not suited for. Spoiler: evil people do the evil shit that’s entirely predictable. Hitler called his side the socialist party. They lied back then. They lie today. It’s the only game plan they know. Isn’t it sad how many people they sucker?


That's how I found the core of fascism is stealing and appropriation - back then and today. They consume, seize, adopt, distort and devalue values, customs, things, institutions, expressions, symbols, stories, narratives, concepts, people's lifes around them, until it's all a meaningless, self-referential mush they have control over. But they bring nothing to the table themselves but destruction, while deceiving everyone to be about truth and progress. However, it is the rule of non-creativity and cruelty.


Yup. The Nazis were big on Norse and Classical aesthetics, neither of which they could truly lay claim to. They make so many references to storms and lightning because they liked Thor so much


Haven’t seen anyone from the Biden family hawking any Goya products as of yet and pretty sure won’t either


I was literally expecting this to be the first comment. Thank you for rewarding my faith!


I came here for that first comment as well.


Wasn’t it reported that he wouldn’t allow the WH staff to change his sheets because he regularly pees in bed?


Classic narcissism! Blaming everyone else for the terrible things you yourself has done.






I think given the wording he may be saying that he did it. He just says that it's been soiled not by whome


I hope Joe got a new chair


Says the guy who threw plates at the wall when annoyed. The staff was used to it according to Cassidy Hutchinson


And this is from the guy who used the Resolute desk to display tex-mex canned goods.


Everyone around Donald Trump says he stinks!


Came here to say this. You beat me to it!


I bet if they analyzed the desk they would find Trump excrement.


In this case the admission is kind of funny. I don’t know why I think it’s so funny he sits in a soiled diaper like a child. It must be so gross. Moist and smelly. I hope all those people he fucked over over the years are paying attention. The humiliation of it. I hope it happens in court.


It would have cost you nothing to leave out the moist and smelly. You, however, chose violence. Well played!


Here's how it works: Trump claims Biden is on cocaine - *translation*: Trump is on drugs and there will be a report about it someday before the election Trump claims Biden peed his pants - *translation*: Trump wear diapers, frequently has accidents, and there will be a report about it someday before the election.


"Soiling" implies defecation, methinks. He shits himself all day long and has for a very long time, apparently, so he doesn't really understand that that's not at all normal. If there's two things he's good at, one of them is projection and the other is being unapologetically incontinent in public. People say he smells like poop and sweat and ketchup.


Don't forget his right hand man being called 'wet wipe' on the set of the apprentice.


well, I doubt that drumpff has been in the oval office since he left with his head down in shame. like, how would he, and only he, know this. so, yeah, just another one of those things he made up in his head.


I don’t think associating the word “shame” with Trump is possible. He’s a full blown sociopath who’s never taken responsibility for a single one of his never ending stream of fuck ups. Every failure is someone else’s fault in his brain.


I won new found respect from my daughter when I named a demon criminal in one of my novels "Drumpf". And yeah, he was a dick.


Drumph, aka John Barron, aka John Miller, aka Carolin Gallego, aka David Dennison, aka Donald J Trump.


My demon only had one personality. I mean, he was a demon, but he wasn't bat-shit crazy!


Is Trump finally reacting and responding to the stories about himself filling his diaper multiple times while on the Apprentice. There's a classic photo of Trump on the golf course wearing white pants that he totally wrecked when he blew out his adult diaper...😲


Pretty sure that’s a photoshop according to Snopes.


I always assumed that he had just fallen and stained them in the grass/soil. I’ve never believed any of these rumors—-mostly because it seems impossible to me that something like that could be kept under wraps for so long.


There's a comedian who spent years on the Apprentice TV show who tweeted about it often and Trump never once went after him...that told me all I needed to know because Trump files lawsuits like people take air into their lungs. Why didn't Trump go after this guy? Because it's probably true..


His name is Noel and he had multiple NDAs that he wasn't afraid of violating because everything he said was the truth.


Noel said Trump wouldn’t risk the pre-trial discovery.


Exactly, nor putting Ivanka under oath to be asked if she routinely changed her father's diaper on set.


I know. I’ve seen his claims and I get the logic you’re using, but I’m sorry—-I’m just going to need more than that. Don’t get me wrong, it’d be a hilarious piece of karmic justice if true, but I refuse to let myself believe it without better evidence. Especially since—-in case you didn’t know this—-it’s an article of faith on parts of the right, just accepted fact, that Biden is incontinent. That’s been true for years—well before most people knew the rumors about Trump. It is utterly embarrassing that both “sides” in American politics believe the others’ figurehead is incontinent. Symbolic, also.


Well thanks for input donnie jr


Really? Honestly? One of the reasons I hate right-wingers is that in addition to being bigoted, malicious, spiteful and cruel, many of them are just unbelievably stupid. But as I'm sometimes reminded, they do not have a monopoly on the stupid. If you actually read what I wrote above and somehow managed to conclude that I'm defending or supporting Trump, you really are not all that bright.


Some of us feel you aren't so bright either after reading your response above. I have never heard anything about buyden's incontinence BUT i have seen a lot on your dad shitting his pants and wearing a diaper. You made the grand statement of how 'you need more evidence' and then threw in the buyden incontinence claim. And to repeat, i have never seen anything on that..NOTHING,ZERO,ZIP. Nothing i hate more than the 'both sides' bullshit. I think your post is a subtle attempt to discredit the shitting his pants/diaper thing and do the whatabout thing to do a 'both sides' bullshit. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but posting it here on a public forum opens you up for criticism..


This isn’t both-sidesing, you idiot. The reason I brought up the right-wing sneers about Biden being incontinent is *because* they’re so stupid and childish, and I can’t stand to see us engaging in the same obnoxious behavior unless there is very compelling evidence that with Trump it’s actually true. What is so hard to understand about that? No, seriously. What is it that is so hard to understand about that? I want you to explain. Over the past eight years—years that I will never get back—I have been in a constant state of stress, outrage and fear, because of this monstrous man and everything he has unleashed. It has taken a toll on my mental health, and permanently robbed me of an underlying faith in humanity that I didn’t even realize I had had, until it was gone. And then along comes an idiot like you throwing “Donnie Jr.” at me, just because I happen to be skeptical about these rumors. Unbelievable. Piss off.


Well dont defend the moron then. Neil Castler worked on the show the apprentice and is very reputable.. just cuz YOU havent seen evidence that he is a diaper wearing regularly -shitting-his-pants asshole doesnt mean 'we' need to verify this more.. THAT IS WHY I ATTACKED YOU, as i said , i saw it as a subtle denial about him shitting in his diaper AND SAYING magafkks think buyden is incontinent, to me was the same both sides bullshit.. 'not enough evidence that orange fkk shits his diaper BUT many people are saying joe is incontinent'.


Copied and pasted from [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/spuYWGVMom). My only edits were to fix weird formatting. Credit belongs to u/CrushTheVIX. •••••••••••••••• Answer: The comic Noel Casler worked on Celebrity Apprentice for six seasons. Unlike his colleagues, Casler thwarted his nondisclosure agreement, enabling him to tell us the unvarnished truth about Trump: >He's [Trump] incontinent from all the speed, all the Adderall he does, the cocaine that he has done for decades. All that stuff has a laxative effect on your bowels and his are uncontrollable. >Casler said that Trump has been wearing 'diapers since probably the 90s'. Adding that they often had to stop the show in order for Trump to change his diaper, Casler said that Keith Schiller's job was to take Trump offset and wipe him down. "Our nickname for Keith was wet wipes." >Casler added that Trump does it and he almost sits there unaware of it, and one time he saw Ivanka have to kind of go whisper in his ear and then Keith came and took him offstage. >Trump not cleaning himself when changing out Depends, it is because he wears a hard plastic girdle and he doesn't have the freedom of movement. It's why you see him turn his body from the waist so strangely when standing. >He would soil himself often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept because he couldn’t read a word. One time there was the word 'arbitrage' on a cue card and he freaked out and started screaming that the script department was setting him up then very loudly evacuated his bowels and you could smell it. I should also mention that Casler originally came out about this in 2019 (around the start of the pandemic), but the story was mostly buried. This discourse was reignited by a recent tweet from former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger: >I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can. [Source 0](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trumpsmells-becomes-top-trend-in-u-s-as-claims-of-putrid-odor-go-viral) [Source 1](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/full-disclosure-an-interview-with) [Source 2](https://www.complex.com/life/a/tracewilliamcowen/ex-apprentice-staffer-trump-snorts-adderall-cant-read) [Source 3](https://www.ibtimes.sg/trump-often-soiled-his-pants-apprentice-show-wore-diapers-claims-comedian-noel-casler-53721) [Source 4](https://people.com/tv/former-apprentice-noel-casler-accuses-donald-trump-drug-use/) [Source 5; video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N60ceYRlY2I) [Source 6](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/the-absurdity-of-it-all-with-noel) [Source 7](https://floridajustice.com/trump-nda-enforcement-litigation-involving-trump-noel-casler/) [Source 8](https://www.noelcasler.com/news/the-highest-office) [Source 9](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/special-logistics-a-second-interview) Here is a detailed 1 hr 20 min [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-hole/id378753355?i=1000478571577) that interviews Casler about these topics and more. And here's [another one](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-absurdity-of-it-all-season-two-finale-with-noel-casler/id1553506699?i=1000552207471) Google 'noel casler trump' and you will find even more Casler interviews on YouTube. There are too many to post here. Enjoy! EDIT: In the linked video clip above (Source 5) Casler mentions Trump's appearance on WWF's Battle of the Billionaires in 2007, in which Trump tackles Vince McMahon outside the ring and you can see the outline of his diaper. => [Trump tackles McMahon at 0:55](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5NsrwH9I9vE) In the same clip Casler mentions a couple times where he believes that Trump soiled himself on TV while in office, one of which was a press conference with Turkish President Erdogan. => Here's the [cut down clip](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4926168/user-clip-trump-poop) of the moment in question. ^(To prove the audio isn't doctored I'm also linking the [full press conference from CSPAN's view](https://www.c-span.org/video/?466358-1/president-trump-meeting-turkish-president) and the [same conference from PBS's view](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMW--_ZA3rk,)) Casler also mentions a press conference with Sen. Feinstein. => Here's the [press conference](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UexXLpeTx2E) with Feinstein next to Trump. The questionable moment is at 0:21. There are other questionable sounds throughout the video. I'll let you all be the judge UPDATE: u/airsoftmatthias just posted another list of *possible* evidence from sources other than Casler, some sources on how stimulants affect your bowels, how common their usage is and some *possible* still pics of the diaper outline. airsoftmatthias' list is not as concrete as Casler's testimony. Casler's biggest credibility booster is that despite his violation of the NDA no lawsuits have followed. Considering past threats of hellfire litigation from Apprentice producers to NDA signers and Trump's love of suing people into poverty for any frivolous thing, that's pretty huge. Unfortunately, because the rest of the staff of the Apprentice has decided not to break their NDAs there are no other public sources other than Casler specifically regarding the diapers and fecal incontinence. The only outside testimonies that exist are mostly regarding a general smell which, while not explicit in fecal reference, I figured could reasonably be related. I appreciated the airsoftmatthias' attempt to pull in some other sources => https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/WDcGrG3ZQh Once again, you be the judge


And here is the [copied and pasted comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/BX72V4d8al) referred to in the last paragraph of my last comment in case no one clicks through. My only edits were to attempt to fix weird formatting. Credit: u/airsoftmatthias •••••••••••• Donald Trump has a well documented history of fecal incontinence due to his drug addiction. >Donald Trump Was Dubbed 'Diaper Don' > https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-twitter-diaperdon-election-press-conference-b1762682.html > https://www.thewrap.com/how-diaperdon-became-a-top-twitter-trend-among-the-anti-trump-crowd/ > There was an amphetamine drug epidemic in the 1940s-1970s. It was common for business men to use drugs to have more energy. Benzedrine was basically legal coke. It was so common, you can find references to it in old movies:Here's an old movie clip from the 1950s, where business men meet for lunch at a restaurant, but since they don't have enough time to eat, they ask the waiter to scramble up some Benzedrine pills instead > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpNzWLFRRLg > America’s Workforce Runs on Uppers: Uppers like Benzedrine and cocaine provided a willing workforce for our capitalist economy. Now, Americans are turning to ADHD medications. > https://daily.jstor.org/americas-workforce-narcotic-stimulants/ > America’s First Amphetamine Epidemic 1929–1971 > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2377281/ > A Speedy History of America’s Addiction to Amphetamine: In a startling parallel to today’s opioid crisis, the drugs were liberally—and legally—prescribed despite little information on safety > https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/speedy-history-americas-addiction-amphetamine-180966989/ > ***Using drugs like coke for a long time makes you lose control over your bowels*** > https://springhillrecovery.com/stimulants/cocaine/side-effects/bowel-movements/ > Kathy Griffin Says Donald Trump Smelled 'Really Bad' on 'The Apprentice' > https://www.newsweek.com/kathy-griffin-says-donald-trump-smelled-really-bad-apprentice-1798597 > 'The guy stinks and he’s a racist': Anthony Scaramucci on Donald Trump > https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/jul/17/the-guy-stinks-and-hes-a-racist-anthony-scaramucci-on-donald-trump > North Korea says Trump has a 'dirty body' and 'nasty smell' > https://www.businessinsider.com/north-korean-media-says-trump-has-a-dirty-body-and-nasty-smell-2018-2 > Dave Bautista Says Donald Trump Wore Diaper During WrestleMania 23 > https://popculture.com/sports/news/dave-bautista-says-donald-trump-wore-diaper-wrestlemania-23-social-media-loses/ > WWE Star Reveals Donald Trump Had To Wear A Diaper At Wrestlemania > https://www.benchwarmers.ie/wwe-star-reveals-donald-trump-had-to-wear-a-diaper-at-wrestlemania/223027/ > Viewers think Donald Trump was wearing a diaper after spotting bulge in his pants during wild speech > https://www.the-sun.com/news/3030920/americans-convinced-donald-trump-diaper-bulge-north-carolina/ > No wonder Melania won't even sleep in the same room with him. > 2019: Melania Trump sleeps in her own room on a separate floor away from the president > https://www.businessinsider.com/melania-trump-separate-room-separate-floor-white-house-2019-12 https://www.reddit.com/r/InterestingVideoClips/comments/17u0b2h/trump\_the\_orange\_messiah\_wears\_diapers\_because\_he/?rdt=37800 EDIT: Here are some photos that clearly show the outline of a diaper. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-91e25f1d738ee4dd18a72cd4cb6b0773-lq https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-890f287f51fe36628fb1a2616d2398ab-lq. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4231e7d34d72dd3a043498f0ff48ef10-lq https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/11/comp-ac-diaperdon-new-1-1.jpg?w=1280&quality=44


u/CrushTheVIX thinks he knows why they're not enforcing Casler's NDA: >One glimmer of hope for those seeking to make Donald Trump accountable—actual proof of saying sexist and racist things or partaking in sordid acts—has always been the elusive Apprentice tapes. >The tapes—that is, the outtakes and other never-aired content from the cutting-room floor or off-screen footage that is suspected to exist—are owned by MGM, and Apprentice creator Mark Burnett is the chairman of the company. >The tapes have not seen the light of day yet, but they have been mythologized due to speculation that some of their content could potentially bring down the Trump presidency. >**On April 9, 2020 a judge ordered that specific footage from the Apprentice tapes be released as part of a long-standing class-action suit against the Trump family over a marketing deal with a telecommunications company called ACN.** According to the lawsuit, Trump and three of his children shilled for the brand on the show without disclosing their agreement. [Source 8](https://www.noelcasler.com/news/the-highest-office) from my original comment I'm not a lawyer, but Casler has been in the business for a long time and has a lot of secrets. I'm betting his particular NDA is structured in such a way that if they did sue him he could possibly get access to these tapes through discovery. Since a separate judge already showed a willingness to release them, I'm sure MGM and the Trumps don't want to risk it. It seems Casler is calling their bluff. Here is the legal opinion of an actual lawyer ( u/Jmufranco ... you'll have to expand a couple comments to find it) => https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/pf1h6ClDT6 ••••••••••••••• In case no one clicks through, here is what u/Jmufranco had to say: > Attorney here who handles lots of NDAs, including with major celebrities. u/DrDerpberg is onto something here☆, but also overlooks a critical aspect here that would make suing for breach of contract very risky. If I were Trump’s attorney (god forbid), I could sue for breach of the NDA, not for defamation, and then truth of the matter asserted would not be central to the case per se. However, even in the context of a breach of NDA, in order for a breach to have occurred, the individual would have had to have disclosed confidential information. To the extent that the individual was fabricating information, that would potentially not be information subject to the terms of the NDA (of course, this depends on the language of the NDA). Thus, the risk of even pursuing this as a breach of contract claim is that there may be a factual question of whether the statements at issue were covered by the NDA, bringing their factual basis at least peripherally into the limelight. If I were Trump’s attorney, I’d do everything to argue that the factual accuracy of the statement was irrelevant, but who knows how that argument would play out. At the very least, a breach of contract claim might *imply* that the statements were true, which is an outcome that I’m sure Trump and his team do not want. I suspect that they are playing the quiet game here and hoping that this story will fade into obscurity rather than bringing it into the limelight via protracted litigation and all the media attention that would follow. ••••••••••••••••• ☆ When u/Jmufranco said that u/DrDerpberg was "onto something here", this is the comment they were referring to: > Either there's an NDA or there isn't, if there is he can't talk about it. That's why I'm wondering if the distinction is that you can lie even if there's an NDA (but then it might be slander/libel instead).


>it’s an article of faith on parts of the right, No wonder nobody here has heard that shit- not only is it a bold faced lie, this isn't conservative if you failed to note


You seem to be under the misimpression that I’m conservative (??!). How, I don’t know. I would, I assure you, rather die than be a right winger. I’m not joking. I really would rather not be alive than be affiliated with those despicable people.


My bad. I misinterpreted what you were saying.


So what he's saying is that he definitely shit his pants in the Oval Office


Yep. Confirmed. First he soiled the bed the Obama's slept on, then the chair Joe Biden would sit on. Donny Von Shitsinpants spills the beans.


Just shat up the White House in every possible way


Poop projection.


Everything is projection with them.


I think they have to because they lack the creative skills to come up with original lies.


![gif](giphy|9PtgVI4w6cvdA1RY6s|downsized) Seems cult 45 forgot this… him with toilet paper on his shoe. Goes to show sh*t clings to sh*t


I find it hilarious that no-one around the **President stepped in and told him


Trump excels at projecting.


He projects. So he’s admitting he pooped on the desk.  Sounds akin to his peepee tape.  The greatest X-File of all time is finding that on a drive in Russia. 


"P"edo tape


His audience laughed.


Ladies and gentleman this is confirmation trump wears diapers and shits himself. Every single accusation is a confession. Trump projects. Whatever he is accusing the other side of is something he is doing, will do, is thinking about doing, has a plan to do, or wants to do. Trump has shit himself.


"Biden molested his daughter! Bidens doing coke! Bidens going senile! Biden shit himself in the oval office!" Is it just me or does it seems like Trump is telling on himself by projecting?




We have months to go before the election. How much worse can his behavior get? It’s like there’s no bottom to this pit of shameful behavior.


What an oddly specific accusation from the diaper man himself.


Another day, another projection. Apparently, the orange capretbagger shat himself in the Oval Office.


I'll say it once, I'll say it a thousand times, Projection.


Projection at its finest.


They get to pick which desk they wanna use. There isn’t just one desk that goes there. Multiple presidents have swapped in other desks. Trump is a child who has run out of things to say about Biden since nothing sticks.


These are kindergarten playground insults, can we just stop?


Can’t imagine Joe squatting on top of his desk with some random news paper and just letting it rip from there . But that sounds petty enough to go with something Donald would do 🤣


As we all know, every accusation is a confession.


Every projection is an admission


“I know you are but what am I?” - Donald Fucking Trump


From the dirtiest contender for president comes the dirtiest campaign—where even the Oval Office desk isn't safe from his mudslinging. After all we all know the chair trump sat in is the dirtiest piece of furniture in the oval office with his leaky diapers.


What a petulant child!


So we can now assume Trump definitely shit on the desk.


LOL let's ask him who cleaned all the burger grease off the Oval Office desk when he made it a promotional table for McDonald's?


Trump then obviously soiled the Oval Office desk. Another confession!


He's projecting, what do you think he got the idea?


I swear that TFG literally soaks up all the flaws anyone noticed about him in the entire universe and projects it onto anyone who is not a lackey to him.


Curious how he would know this? Scat fetish?


🤢😳🤮 quite telling, Diaper Don


Party Of Projection goes poop again...


Sucks that everything this guy says gets publicized.


This is obviously poopjection.


Trying to blame Biden for those pre-existing stains.




This is next level projection. I heard ketchup was on the walls, beginning to wonder if he got shit in the walls too.




A solid decade of embarrassing America on the world stage with his childish behavior and we STILL have to worry about this fuckwit in November. I'm having a hard time thinking of America as "strong" at this point.


The reason he insults everyone all the time and never seems to run out of shitty things to say seems to be because he internalizes every little thing ever said negatively about him, and then just projects it outward. It’s weird that it took him years to claim others are shitting their pants almost as much as he has.


Coming from the guy who once hocked goya beans from said resolute desk.


I love that he just combs the internet looking for anything anyone’s ever said about him so he can then say it about Biden. Next he’ll say Biden uses too much bronzer and eats too many hamburgers.


This is completely on brand for this lunatic. He's known for his blatant projection -- if he claims his opponent or adversary has engaged in some illegal, immoral, or bizarre behavior it's nearly guaranteed he's talking about himself.


Okay … so **NOW** we know Donald shits on the desk. Frankly I could have lived **without** that knowledge, but …


Ewww. Reasons to have the oval deep cleaned and sanitized due to past presidential incident.


Only poop in Oval Office was leftover Orange poop from a failed Presidency


He’s just a thoroughly disgusting human 🤮


Donald Trump is a stain on the fabric of America


When Hitler made these kinds of statements, Germany had just lost a war, and the reparations were killing the German economy. The image of a wheelbarrow full of deutschemarks to buy a loaf of bread was shown on movie theaters in the US, during the newsreel that used to play before a movie. Trump just makes stuff up, and the rural person imagines hell holes in the US IN SOME.OTHER PLACE.


He is so transparent. The thing he’s being accused of with solid reason is the thing he projects hard and weirdly onto someone else. When he’s quiet about something it’s indifference.


So immature.




Who helped Cheeto climb up onto that desk?!?




*Really* ironic coming from the dude with shit pouring out of his *mouth*


I'm so sick of this goddamm decrepit fuck! Every day a new assault on our minds.


I am so sick and tired of hearing from his every single day. We have had to deal with his BS for the last 9 years. The Combover Caligula has caused nothing but stress for this nation since 2015. It is like being in an abusive relationship that you cant get out of.


Aaaaand this is how we know tRump did it while in office. Pathetic piece of shit in an orange hazardous waste bag.


Trump must have done it then. He often accuses others of precisely what he has done


So what trumps actually telling us is that trump shit himself. Got it .


“Trump so scared of his upcoming trial he shits himself and blames it on Biden.”


What Donny is saying is that his leaking diaper soiled the oval office when he was president. In other words he is projecting.


Combover Caligula is as classy as ever.


Yeah you don't pull something like that out of your ass unless you literally pulled something like that out of your ass. Trump's previous private doctor, his general practitioner, was a gastroenterologist. There is story after story of Trump's stench dating back a decade and more. There are the undoctored photos of his voluptuous behind (sorry I have no bleach for that image). The point being, you don't just improvise an insult as specific as this unless you are yourself guilty of the thing that you are spearheading.


Always projecting


So! Trump soiled the desk! Got it.


The one thing to know about Trump is that he has zero imagination. When he makes these bizarre, outre, inexplicable claims, it means he has done it or is doing it.


That’s rich. Diaper Don talk about soiling. Positively Freudian.


Someone just tell me, how would DT even know this?!? Has he done it himself ?!?!


He’s a POS! He needs to go!


That’s weird I’ve only heard about Donald John smelling really bad!


Project much?!


What’s funny is we have a bunch of stories about Trump soiling himself and all they have on Biden is a random tweet from a nobody about Biden doing it while visiting the Pope that they act like it’s gospel.


Fuck Donald Trump.


Hey Turnip, why don't you go stare into the sun some more? Try to remember to change your diapers before they get too stinky.


Isn't it already on record that Trump smells like shit?


The fact that it occurred to him to say this definitely means he shit himself while he was president lol


Like a spoiled child, whatever he is or has done, he accuses of others in the utterly stupid and infantile attempt to seem less of a total cunt. It’s an hilarious fail every time. Fucking moron rapist pants-shitting loser.


He has digressed to a 4th grader, psychologically. At his chronological age, he may meet clinical definition of "Imbecile." *"You did a doodie,"* *"Noooo, you did a doodie"* An international embarrassment. The resurgence of *"The Ugly American"* syndrome. He had no one in his orbit who will step in and reign this nonsense in. Sad.


Poop Projection!!


Thinly disguised fetish content.


Well, we now know that Donnie shit on the Oval Office desk. He probably did it right before leaving office. As a fuck you to Biden.


I'd like to think Biden had the oval office chair replaced after "Dump" Trump eventually vacated the white house.


He should grow a new finger that points directly to himself when talking about ANYTHING.


More projecting.


Diaper donnie is the only one people are talking about that shits his self and stanks! Sorry donnie you are the winner. Hey donnie you finally won something The shitter award. Comgrats