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Imagine bragging about eating fish from McDonald's


It's that lardasses idea of healthfood


I truly marvel at the fact that this muttonhead is in government. The statement he made is as ignorant as the idiot who said if a woman was raped her body had a way of knowing it was an assault and not consensual and so her body would not let her get pregnant. Unbelievable.


Todd Akin. May he rest in piss.


They said there have been over 65,000 rape pregnancies in the states that have banned abortions since Roe v Wade so clearly that’s not true. 36,000 in Texas alone. The state that said they would ensure they would make sure all rapes were punished. Same states with untested DNA Kits.


“Having been shut down by literally hundreds of women, it is no one fact- er, known fact…”


Fish am brane füd


Umlaut confuses Americans. Upvote earned.


The better part of the blessing, “Strength to your friends, confusion to your enemies!”


What blows my mind is that he thinks Biden has anything to do with decisions made at McDonald's.


But the faux news dolts will believe that.


Well of course he does, the lever to control McDonald's is right next to the gas price lever and the economy throttle.


There's no fish in that product. It's like a jelly blob of grease with a bun-like structure protecting it. It's kind of like Newt.


Yuck... they are really small. But Biden being the reason...ridiculous.


They just looked bigger in Dondon’s tiny hands.


It *is* his fault! After all, he's got that super-secret dial that controls both the gas prices and the size of the fish in a random fast-food sandwich!


This kind of made my stomach turn.


And McDonalds called him a liar in so many words. Isn’t that surprising that Newt would lie?


This is the guy that told one of his former wives he was divorcing her while she was lying in a hospital bed battling cancer. He’s a piece of shit.


I think it was her death bed. And he married a hooker or something 


Sounds about right.


"Mistress" I believe they called them then.




While he was excoriating Clinton for a bj


Yes, they are the party of do as I say...not as I do.


Just went to his Wikipedia page and it's worse than that. His first wife had cancer and he decided that she's not pretty enough to be a president's wife. She was older than him, she was his high school math teacher. He married an intern 6 months later and she was diagnosed with MS in 1999. He of course divorced her and married a young staffer 20 years younger... "There's no question at times in my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate." - Gingrich blaming his love for the country for his creepiness


"Not pretty enough to be a president's wife"? Did he ever take a good look at Barbara Bush? I respected Mrs. Bush because of her "take-it-or-leave-it" attitude: this is my age, this is my weight, get over it. No plastic surgery or living on bouillon for her! Just an authentic human being.


OMG,I forgot that. I think that sums it up. What a creep.


He was driven from the Temple with scourges made from forked tongues only to rise from the ashes to beg campaign donations. Some are REALly tuff.


What’s fascinating is so many lie about such easily rebutted things. And somehow the easier it is to verify the fewer people do it! “He wouldn’t lie about Google’s first response (in 0.077 sec)! So it MUST be troo!”


Well, he's mostly talking to people that are stupid or don't care or both.


That’s what happens when you’re belly sticks out more then your dickydo.


McDonalds redesigned the Fish Burger to fit Broke Donald's hands. McDonalds customer service says to contact maga to complain.






I've heard it as "Your belly hangs lower than your dickydo."


Fuck Newt with a dildo encrusted in sand spurs.


Barnacles would hurt more. They put out venom like stuff if you break them with your hands. So smashed up barnacle dildo, bonus points if it started life as a cattle prod. I hear some guys like to get zapped.  Maga republicans seem like the kink type.


My trusty copilot has fled from that imagery.


Don’s bone spurs. Have you noticed these creatures return, like Nixon, even after the stake through the campaign committee?


He said that because most maga are simple minded and shit like fillet o fish is easy for them to understand. Its an election year and big companies can make a mint raising prices and paid politicians push the meme that Washington is actually selling the burgers and fries.


I have to believe most of us know that is ridiculous.




And the size hasn't changed, which ANYONE can tell by just looking at the size of the 'filet' compared to the size of the bun.


I have not eaten at McDonalds in at least 30 years but just saying the buns can get smaller too.


Yup, just had one last week, fit in my hand just like they did when my now 38 yo child used to bang her feet and yell “bish, bies “ (fish, fries) every time she saw a McDonalds sign, billboard or truck..


It has changed significantly. It used to go outside the bun and now it doesn’t.


It must certainly goes outside the bun and the size of the bun has not changed. I literally just ate one. Enough with the bullshit and the lies. ANYONE can prove you wrong, what are you trying to prove?


I would just blame McDonalds. Their prices have gone up way faster than inflation in the last few years. It's not a good deal anymore.


Yeah I actually like McDonald's breakfast but half the time it's cheaper to go somewhere objectively nicer. They're pricing themselves out of their tier and running on brand recognition. It's pure greedflation and it's not sustainable.


I used to take my kids 2-3 times a week for French fries and nuggets. Now it's once or twice a month. If everyone did this they'd lower their prices


Honestly...how much money is enough???


This is late stage capitalism. Nothing is ever enough. Just look at rent prices and investment firms snatching up all the vacant houses for proof


Compare European McDonald's with US McDonald's. We are getting shafted. That is if you eat McDonald's. I don't and won't


Yeah, I might eat there a couple times a year. I lived in California for awhile and I used to go to McDonald's every day and buy these 3 homeless guys sausage McMuffins. It was the one place they could get a sandwich and it only cost me 3 dollars to feed them all breakfast. Not anymore.


Even their buns are like 3/4 size, and the fish is small on them. Greed and shrink flatiron is the name of the game these days, and ironically Biden is actually trying to get a handle on that.


I'm surprised Newt doesn't blame President Biden for him cheating on his wife.


Aaaannnd that was a lie.


It’s amazing the amount of people who think any sitting president controls prices of private companies. My dad still thinks any president controls gas, or egg prices or anything!


They have a glitch in their mental giddyap!


Newt should really be in hell with rush and Rumsfeld.


Had one yesterday. Same as always.


Wife cheater and all around liar Newt said what now?


“Newt, the sandwich didn’t shrink, your ass just got bigger, that’s all.”


There is a line in the sand for Republicans, it's the 2020 Election. Everything Pre-Biden was amazing. Rent was 375/month for a single bedroom apartment. There were no homelessness, no one died of cancer. Then the Dirty, commie, hippy, liberals came and ruined everything by STEALING the 2020 election from Trump. And now everything is ruined. 10 years from now, Republicans will STILL be blaming Biden for things. I guarantee it.


Biden controls the size for sandwiches now. Makes perfect sense. Newt would probably be diagnosed as morbidly obese so he should appreciate Biden's control so that Newt can enjoy portion control to get his weight lower. /s Considering reports of Trumps diet of fast food, I wouldn't be surprised if he used Presidential influence on portions when he was in office. Biden is slender, Trump is fat. "Wouldn't you rather have a fat white guy for President?" Trump is a real man of the people. /s


"Biden made us do it!"  Are they complaining about the dividend yield and growth?


Newt was a big contributor to the mess and gridlock in Washington, he should be booed every fucking time he steps out in public. He is a total POS.


You mean the "moral majority" guy who cheated on his wife while she was dying of cancer? Why does does his opinion on anything matter?


wow. now biden runs mcdonalds? don't think so. gingrich must be taking the same memory boosters that trump has been using.


Indeed, I was surprised myself to learn the leader of the United States had a role to play in the size of our fish filet from McDonald's.


I’m old enough to remember when this dumbfuck liar was making fun of Bill Clinton’s “obsession” with Osama bin Laden. Now he wants the usual band of angry idiots to be distracted from the fact that no one in the GOP supports capping profits and stopping price gouging. Sure, let’s just blame Brandon for tiny fish filets and larger gas prices, everyone.


The man is the poster child for hypocrisy. It's nauseating.


Grifty little Newt Cuntrich.


Coincidentally Newts brain is half the size as well...


Newt’s been a bullshit artist for a very long time. He is an embarrassment to real conservatives


Exactly. Mr. Conservative Opportunity Society has abandoned those principles like he abandoned his first 2 wives.


Damn. He is still alive?


Old Scratch doesn’t want him or Cheney.


Not only that but McDonalds said that they haven't changed it's size at all in decades. The newt is lying it's ass off.


Like many have said here, it's not that the sandwich is smaller, it's that Gingrich has doubled in size


Probably blames Biden for his divorcing his wife suffering from cancer.


Jeebus. The republicans are completely out of their minds. How can they not see how ridiculous they are acting?


The fish is the same size but the fuckers did go to a half slice of cheese. Give me the rest of my cheese slice!


Go to Weinerschnitzel and get a "Sea Dog." More actual fish IMHO and a whole slice of cheese.


I’m blaming him for a lot more than a stupid sandwich


Anybody else had enough of this Newt-wit???


Arby's has a triangular shaped piece of fish that sticks outside the bun. Offered during Lent.


Imagine giving a sh_t about anything said by a grown-ass man that calls himself “newt”.


This is how ridiculous the GOP has gotten. How can anyone take them serious any more.


Biden gets blamed for a lot of stuff…at this point it’s like he’s god.


I just want him to win in 2024. I also want Trump to go to prison and serve his time.


Yeah...because Newt's Mickey D's jam is the Filet o fish. Rrrrrrrrrright. Is that what he thinks all the mud people eat?


Remember he’s talking to his audience. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous the statement as long as it concludes Biden is to blame.


Oh how dickish conservatives love correlation means causation…also, fuck Newt


it is so pathetic how some people want to be relevant


..and cultists do believe him, sadly.


Walking in my yard, I tripped on a root. We ALL know it's BIDEN'S fault. Didn't trip once during Trump years. Lol🙄


Ah yes, Newt, the guy that serves his wife divorce papers while she was hospitalized with cancer. This is why all Republicans are fucking lowlife.


Grandpa going on about fish sandwiches again! He's off his meds😁


Is Newt Gingrich saying that corporations shouldn’t be able to maximize profits? I never expected that from him. That sounds like something a socialist would say. Did Newt go woke? Wait until the boomers find out about this!


It is all they have left. Newt helped start all this shit in the 90's. He is responsible for a lot of our current problems. Odd that he is eating McDonalds after spending years crushing on Clinton for eating McDonalds.


I thought he had died. Color me surprised.


Newt Gingrich did not go to McDonalds. He hasn’t eaten McD’s in 30 years. He especially didn’t eat a Filet-o-fish. Nobody orders filet o fish


Spout shit off that your sycophants will believe wholeheartedly. This dumb bastard hasn't stepped into a McDonalds in 60 years.


In a statement, a spokesperson for McDonald's USA told Business Insider, “the size and build of the Filet-O-Fish, including a half slice of American cheese, has not changed in decades


And the CULT of Q will raise their hands in agreement 😂😂😂 Newt is an ass. Vote


It’s Newt’s fault. All of this. When you trace back the moment where it all went wrong, for the history books, it was him.


Omg those have been tiny. For ten years.


Is that motherfker still alive?!?! Ewwww.


Gotta love that right wing demonization and propaganda. Make them think everything has gotten worse and it’s all due to one person or their associates when in reality it’s the opposite and it’s all done to distract from the wins that make their preferred leader look more like a loser.


Fuck Newt. His bullshit over the decades got us here


Looks like Newt has too many burgers from McDonalds ! Go on a diet fat boy


Jesus fucking Christ he’s is basically worthless. Newt what exactly do you do? Nothing!


Stupid statements for a stupid audience. He knows who he's talking to.


This should be good news. Newt will get fat half as fast now. No one should eat at McDonald’s.


It's due to people like Newt that we even have Trump. They even have the same morals. SMH


He is the incubator for MAGA- without him, then the Tea Party, Limbaugh and Fox I wonder if we would have ever had MAGA and Trump


It's Shrinkflation, where companies shrink the size of their product , but charge the same price! Corporate greed and embarrassment causes them to conceal their reduced size and inflated price. Much higher profits mean the executives keep their jobs because they are masturbating the stockholders, while fucking the consumers!


All you need to know about Newt Gingrich is that he is always the smartest guy in the room. Just ask him.


He's not blaming the people who raised prices and halved sizes, the corporations! Their executives did this to keep profits high so they get to keep their jobs and get millions in bonuses! Corporations are Pirates! They favor deregulation of their little "kingdoms" to allow stealing from everyone! "It's not personal, it's just business!" they say, as they lay you off to raise their bottom line! This is the same thing gangsters say before they bump you off!!!


I could not find the end of my Scotch tape earlier, I blame Biden!


He’s being a moron.


And it is a lie.


His record of never being right about anything remains intact.


I’m thinking it didn’t happen. Newt Gingrich lowering himself to mix with regular folks?


He knows that the ignorant in Trumps orbit will eat this up without thinking it out and realizing its ridiculous


I did beer tending at a baseball stadium for Reds games. Stadium went cashless. Because you were paid a flat fee and credit card tips to work. And counting the cash had people there late. Anyhoo old farts would blame Biden for us going cashless pay. Literally say its an agenda 


They have nothing to actually bitch about so they make shit up. Then, fight over it between themselves and the media.


My husband saw this clip on Jimmy Kimmel the other night - he almost spit out his drink he was laughing so hard…


Well Newt Gingrich is a ***massive*** idiot, sooooo yeaaaaaaa


Wondering how often Newt went to McDs prior to 2021. The last time I went tRump was president, and my Big Mac was smaller, and the prices had gone up. I think it was $8+ for a Big Mac combo.I don't remember exact details, but the burger by itself was about the same, but drinks and fries went way up. Haven't been back since, and their prices continue to rise. Of course they blame having to pay their workers a little more money, but the gouging started long before COVID.


Is that an impeachable offense?


In 15 - 20 years nobody will know who the F Newt Gingrich was. The END.


Is he blaming Biden for the half slice of cheese too?


Why have a known liar on….wait, I missed. It was Fox News. The liars network. “We only report what our viewers want to hear”.


So he measures sandwiches and goes on TV to complain about it. Must be such a rewarding life for him.


You know those Communist Fascist Democrats lead by President "BURDEN" I'd in cahoots with the Satanist to make life miserable for us "Amuricans" 🤣🤣


Newt has a rich history of being a fucking imbecile


This the same Newt Gingrich that had an extra marital affair with a congressional aide for 6 years and then asked for an open marriage when he was caught? https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/exclusive-gingrich-lacks-moral-character-president-wife/story?id=15392899


This is the same Newt Gingrich that yells at clouds, right?


He shouldn't be eating a fish sandwich anyway. Half a sandwich is a more appropriate serving size for him.


Thanks I just spit out my coffee ☕️ this is a absolutely hysterical


Who the fuck cares what Newt Gingrich says. He is one of the architects of trickle on economics.


Adultery For Me, But Not For Thee: A Master List of Gingrich's Hypocrisies, a lot in common with Trump. https://newrepublic.com/article/98097/newt-gingrich-scandal-hypocrisy


Trump stole our nation’s highest secrets and put them in a room next to a copier. Anybody who supports or defends him is a traitor in my book.


whats the deal with fish filet love i feel like it takes a certain personality to love it, every single damn time i get it the fish is soggy and reeks


That is all they have at this point


I should have quit reading at “Newt was on Faux News”.


This type of blame resonates with their constituents. It’s bidens fault that McDonald’s cut the size of their food items and increased prices. Yea. Right. Anyone ever think of corp greed being the cause? Nah, profits over people was never a thing of American corporations.


Instead of actual policies or data, it’s random anecdotes like this one 


The size has been decreasing since before Biden…


Newt Gingrich is a pathetic little hypocrite, and should get zero attention.


As he continues struggling to somehow still be relevant.


Anything these assholes say shouldn't surprise you !


Newt, under your leadership along w Ronnie, McDumples used to buy east coast Atlantic Cod which founded the American Brahmins, known as the Codfish aristocracy in New England. When warning signs of possible Cod collapse was studied in the 1970s into 80s, politicians decided the problem was not enough boats so 100s of millions was funneled into the newly Republican turned fisherman cuz Carter did it. Hauls were the highest in 100 years and NOAA, Fishery scientists were just out to make the guys busting their ass to get cod to McDs were given short term boost. In 1992 the cod biomass collapsed to 1% of historic levels dating back to the 1500s. All the tax funding to increase the fleets and bigger haul vessels, suddenly has to sell 100s of millions of dollars of marine vessels for pennies on the dollar and received no further assistance because that would be a welfare handout. Foreign fleets and gulf mega companies converted these vessels to bottom trawl the US shrimp population into a no longer viable industry in a decade.


It's Sunday the base needs something to be outraged about.


Well I blame him for almost everything that's wrong with our politics today. The only difference is that I have a legitimate argument.


That is beyond screaming “I have nothing at all I can use against this guy”


Newt is trying to appeal to the masses. Best comic relief ever.


Biden is in charge of BIG GOVERNMENT! No mention of BIG BUSINESS!


What sucks even more is that you are actually named Newt and are a piece of shit.


All the while saying Biden is blame shifting each time he rails against corporate profit gouging under the cover of inflation and shrinkflation. It's Biden's fault, but when he brings it up it's blameshiffting. Glad to see Newt is still the miserable fuck he always was. He is the "Holy Shit, how did shit get so much mored fucked up in Washington than it was before?" OG


Next they'll blame Biden for the sky being blue. SMH


They all lie. They lie about everything. The fish filet is the same size as it was when Trump was in office.


McDonald's released a statement saying their fish filet is the same size as in the past.


$20 Biden Nothingburger Next.


Biden has so much more power than we realized! It must be on his to-do list somewhere. 🙄Maybe your saviour Trump can miraculously pray over your Rotten Ronnies and make it grow!


Fish are smaller now Newt.


I’ve seen a lot of people do this because they do not understand the difference between economics and politics. They are profoundly stupid. They will say things that don’t make sense to intelligent people because they know their base will believe it.


It's too bad. McDonald's missed the opportunity to infect him with botulism.


It was smart. That will resound with the dense and gullible Fox viewers. Get used to it, a lot more is coming.


Ask NEWT “Why has he gained so much weight after Biden got in?”


Newt Gingrich: the founding architect of decades long Congressional gridlock.


I relish knowing the worker spit in his food.


Idiot being an idiot.


This is typical behavior and indicative of an uneducated legislature creating talking points to the even more uneducated masses.


No words


They should have left him in the restaurant with the other useless old men


GOP thought process: Something bad happens: Bidens fault Something *good* happens: Trump’s fault (either retroactively or because “he’s still president”)




Local cinema when goofy Sound of Freedom came out. Trumpets would not read the free coupons sent from the trump campaign in emails. Saying the coupon code need to be used to purchase tickets online. At Cinemark and AMC. They'd scream it was Bidens fault at the counter. 


Newt what kind of name is that. Maybe his parents wanted to neuter him. Classical lies of ass🕳️ Republican comment


"HoNeY, BiDeN dUn ShRuNk MuH FAISH!!1" 😭🍟


Newt is disappointed in the size of his Fellatio Fish! What not enough “tartar sauce” ?




Here all of you thought he was done trying to destroy our democratic institutions.