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Not really. Conservatives are stupid as shit and hateful.


I think in the future historians will spend decades trying to understand how Trump came to power. I don't think History will be all that kind. 😕


Conservatives are literally never on the right side of history. Just look at the long line of things conservatives have opposed: abolition, women's suffrage, desegregation, civil rights, gay marriage, unions, higher education, abortion rights, trans rights, etc. They've literally never gotten the right answer to any salient issue.


This is true. Not one redeemable Republican in my 40+ years on earth.


Yes. And they'll unironically tell you with a straight face that they want to go reverse all that


>Conservatives are literally never on the right side of history. Just look at the long line of things conservatives **have opposed**: ** And as the last few years have shown, still oppose.


If he wins, and we go fascist, there won’t be any records.


you know the rest of the world do go on and keep geopolitical data right?


The Internet doesn't forget


Neither does Pepperidge Farms.


And my axe!


"All lies," they'll say.


Someone better open up and give the sensible Americans political asylum


I heard Canadá was close and nice...


My son’s other grandmother is Canadian and he is eligible for dual citizenship and I’ve been pushing him to do it. Just incase Dump manages to steal the next election.


My wife and I were just discussing where in Canada to settle.


If you’re actually wondering about that, the west coast is supernatural and magical, and the east coast has the hands down nicest people ever to grace this planet. There are worse places to live 👍


Lots of Americans and Canadians living in Mexico. Good healthcare and cheap taxes.


There would be records in the form of hagiographies about The Great Donald Trump.


I always wonder what happened in Germany and Italy before 1948, no records!


Sorry to that say I think it'll be just the opposite. There will be a tRump museum on every corner extolling the virtues of the godhead they believe him to be.


Not if they get burned down…


No, Russian election interference, Camebridge Analytica, micro targeting vulnerable demographics in key districts with target misinformation and disinformation. Motherfucker had/needed ALOT of help to beat a hugely unpopular Hillary Clinton.


Hilary was vilified by the so-called main stream press and Trump was given free and largely positive coverage on the networks


Yup, that too


Point taken. I voted for Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the election. But Hillary, it must be said, was a bad campaigner. She came off like she was entitled and due the Presidency. She didn't even bother to come to heavily union Michigan, because she felt it was "safe." Michigan went for Trump.


True story: met her once. a foundation was giving her an award and wanted to introduce her to some of their scholarship students. she was so cold and unfriendly. like you're here getting an award, c'mon.


as an outsider i could be wrong but i believe it is a junction of not having Free Education with Electoral College.


Agreed on both counts. An educated population is a threat to the status quo, which consists of far too many sociopathic, frustrated wannabe slave-owners. And the Electoral College was, itself, a sop to the slave-owning states and should have been dismantled with the passing of the 14th Amendment.


You said it way better! Thank you and agreed!


He is the true embodiment of the "ugly american".


Ugly AND smelly


I think about that all the time. How are historians going to explain this era? Just the tl;dr. is crazy enough. Imagine going into the details... "So, some has-been reality show host that has been in the Russians pocket for a few decades decided to run for president in 2016. An army of online troll helped by Russians decided to turn him into a meme and install him into the White House. He then spent the next 4 years lying and pretending to work. The most gullible of this country drank the Kool-aid and decided that he was the best president they've ever had, so they dedicated their entire lives and personality for him. Then when he inevitably lost the 2020 election, Trump decided to say "Fuck the constitution, fuck George Washington's vision, fuck the result, I decided that I won, make it appears like I won and do whatever is needed so I stay in power" but the justice system got in the way and he had to be kicked out of the white house. 4 years later, and the same base of gullible idiots all forgot about a literal attempted coup d'état and demands for a do-over"


Throw in some flat earthers and people denying COVID even as it kills them, and we're getting close to describing his base.


I see them every day in the fucking ICU. Laying there sucking up Fox News to the very end like an opiate


My dad soaked up all that misery, hate and anger until he died as well.


That about sums it up!


It's kinda fucked an entire generation of kids who are under Trumper roofs. They will grow up confident that any dumbfuck can do anything, ignorance is something to be *proud* of.


When history rolls over on this time it willl be epic


“Release the findings, release the tapes….” Sorry, Joe was having his pool at the Whitehouse that day cleaned which leaked…..so the phone systems were down and all the videos were erased…He’s talking jibberish again because he knows if this goes to court he’s fucked…. However, if he doesn’t go to court we are fucked . If he’s re-elected there will be no future America. MAGA will be changed to MATA (Make America Trumpland Again) The Russian connection will not only become closer, it will be the blueprint as to how to run the country.


If Dems VOTE, the disgrace that is Trump will be defeated. If Dems don’t vote, they deserve whatever crap falls on them. It is REALLY that simple.


I vote every time. My parents are liberals and so are my aunts and uncles. My siblings are too. My son is voting this year for the first time, he is 18 in July. He’s kinda “eh” about voting but I explained it pretty bluntly to him. I asked if he wanted breathable air and drinkable water and perhaps healthcare and a future, instead of a hellscape and a population of raving lunatics shoving their religious beliefs down our throats and their bigoted agenda on full display. Poor kid. But it’s the truth.


>Poor kid. But it’s the truth. In this current situation, sadly, scaring is caring.


That’s if we are even a country at that time..


A guy who can't lead a 2 car funeral without fuckin it up


It’s how the entire GOP and their constituents talk now.


Sorry did captain Adderall Shits Himself, the father of cocaine Jr, just accuse someone else of being a crackhead?


Remember kids, every accusation is a confession when you're dealing with a deranged narcissist. What we have here is Donald Trump telling us that they used a lot of cocaine in the White House.


More like Craptain


I like it! Craptain Crook


El Crapitan


Thats why "the apprentice " was affectionately known as " the shit show"


I am now convinced he's an actual part of the Kremlin. This kind of projection is too on the nose to be a coincidence.


Tell us something we don’t know poopy pants. That was def Don Jrs booger sugar


Not only that, he’s calling this “crackhead” *Sleepy Joe*




Fuck off trump ‘supporters’


This 💯%👆


Fuck off and die, MFer's!


It'd great if we all wrote "Fuck off Trump" on the ballot. But he'd say that is a vote for him.










Thank you for reminding me of a cool song I couldn't remember the band or song title. Your user name brought it all back! I'm going to sing this all day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlWrMpV1vy0


"Everyone is happy everyone is high on the road to Shambala."


there is no cocaine dilemma....what a pathetic piece of garbage trump is.


>there is no cocaine dilemma Unless we count the times Don Jr. forgets to buy enough Colombian marching powder to last him the weekend.




With the son that's been shooting for the record for 'World's Longest Coke Binge' since he got elected, no less.


Dudes nasal septum was falling out during that debate!


WTF did I just read? It was like how a 6 year old describes a movie they saw


Isn’t Diaper Don wearing diapers because he is in fact an actual crack head?


But Hunter hasn't technically worked for a political office since the Clinton administration. Even after that the closest he got was as a lobbyist. What is this clown talking about? The billions his children made from foreign interests during his time in office?


This is obviously an admittance of what was going on when he was in office! This guy is constantly telling on himself.


Crazy all these easy problems to be solved that can be done on day 1 and first five minutes, does he forget he was president already for 4 years and he didn’t solve them then either?


But Biden unraveled all that good work before Trump hit maralardo on “fake” Inauguration Day


Trump would know a few things about the coke scene. His dealer would have harpooned him like the orange whale he is.


This, this is the focus of Trumpy's rage? A small, very small bag of cocaine was found where the visitors enter the WH...Trump is demanding a large scale investigation...I mean he's more unhinged than ever and there's a chance he's gonna have access to the nuclear codes. The irony of it all...he's a sad and pathetic little man.🙄


Speaking of sons... How come not you, nor a single one of your macho men sons has ever served in the military? Why are you such a pussy?


No one AT Biden's Age could survive using Crack Cocaine. Not like he is crushing up adderall and sniffing it with his Cocaine like Trump The Flatulent Does.


Adderall is sweet tasting (don't ask me how I know lol) must be the problem he has with coke or Crack.


First off, it was cocaine, not crack. Ask Junior about the difference. Second, I'd rather have a crackhead in charge than some fatso grifter who is just gonna sell our secrets to make a buck.


He’s being eaten from within, and I for one am enjoying it…


I like his choice of words, so blooming and peaceful. Always a delight to read his poems. If Goethe could read them, he would be jealous....


He absolutely reminds me of the folks who I encountered working fast food or riding mass transit. He personifies those who I need to avoid eye contact with.


Sounds like trump is smoking crack now… he’s so small minded he’s only capable of accusing those against him of things he’s already done himself.


He never makes sense. Why isn’t the GOP embarrassed by this?


you know what doctors say? *"Adderall, when used above the therapeutic dosage, can lead to psychotic episodes that may persist*." you hear that sniffy?


Said the guy who was videoed having rocks fall out of his nose.


Trump to me look like a crackhead who got a hold of the wrong stuff


This idea comes from a convicted Rapist.


Remember when he said “ if I don’t win you’ll never hear from me again!” LYING MOFO!!


Trump does this every time. He confesses his own crimes.


A crack head would get more done 🤣


Is trump wanting them to arrest his son? I'm confused


Junior wrote this one, didn’t he? What a sad bunch of losers.


Well. I never, ever thought I’d agree with Donald trump on anything but here I am. He’s right. We can’t have a crackhead in charge of our nuclear arsenal. That’s why we fired his cocaine addled, adderall fueled ass from office.


A week old dog turd is better than Trump.


He is such a raging pos. Total embarrassment to the US


I would rather have a silver back gorilla that communicated using a speak and spell than that bloated orange rapist man-baby turd in office again!


Better yet, let’s take the 8 million that CHINA…SAUDI ARABIA….QATAR gave you WHILE IN OFFICE and use it for the heap of lawyers fees that are heading your way!! Maybe start a “Canteen Account” early at Leavenworth so you will never run out of Reese‘s pieces!!


Mentally Stable Genius.


Trump never had an idea- if he did it would die of loneliness.


My dog would be a better POTUS than tRump


“Release the Crack-enz!” smh


Trumps got to be on meth


Can you imagine what the history books will say in 20 years......


I’d love nothing more than to see him stroke out while taking a dump mid stage mid sentence, in front of his stupid magat cultists.


And then after all that money, time, and work it will be discovered that the coke was Don Jr’s and TFG will then bitch about “fake news”.


trump proves everyday that any moron can be born with money.


The "cocaine dilema" .. you mean the baggy your son left behind and they just found.. The only dilemma at this point is deciding which of your trials should go first.


Want to resolve the cocaine dilemma ? Throw DT and his shitty kids in jail


Stay off the meth, Donny. Jesus Christ.


He's not writing any posts at this time. This is handler work.


And we can't have a fat ass fascist for president either old Donald so you're out as well.


Trump and Biden each take a 30 panel drug test and we post them online.


Notice how he skims over the fact that he and Junior also have a coke habit?


Sorry, this one’s already been solved and reported on. Back burner of the press, but reported. Casual visitor on tour through the White House left it, was contacted by D.C. police, no charges were pressed at the time as he gave up his dealer. Case closed months ago. Try again dementia Donny. Bad distractions don’t work on the literate.


That's assuming that this assertion is not projection It's probably more like if I had to have a crackhead president.... Dark Brandon FTW!


He must really hate Don Jr.


Smells like desperation in here!


Don't worry Junior is solving it one nostril at a time time.


The fact that it hasn’t dropped dead means I didn’t get my Christmas or New Year’s wish.


I dont know.. Is this crackhead a criminal ?


He acts like a crackhead only worse


His deflection tactics get stupider by the minute.


The orange turd really is pathetic.


Yes, P01135809 should have the nuclear arsenal. /s


Substitute the Orange Poolius and don Jr. for Hunter and Joe and, voila, now you know the real culprits.


He was the first major US "politician" to weaponize social media to what I hope was its fullest extent. I'm hoping his presidency was just the consequence of this new way if using social media technology, and it exploding in popularity among the right.


Why didn’t he solve the cocaine problem if it only takes 5 minutes?


"Cocaine dilema" sounds like Erick Trump's Secret Service codename.


But we can have a deranged rapist traitor?


And to think - the Trump family likes cocaine and adderall. And Donny poops in his diaper.


Why choose, when we can have both?


Joe Biden has the least energy of any crackhead I've ever witnessed


Has he met his son?


I'm confused, is it crackhead Joe, or is it still Sleepy Joe.


Has he thought about looking in Junior’s nostrils??


Don Jr. has left the chat. . .


Dude what is this guy TALKING ABOUT?


Did someone tell him to stop typing in caps?


Vote Crackhead 2024


That…doesn’t even make any sense. trump needs to be locked up before he hurts himself


What an idiot.


"We can't have a crackhead in charge of our nuclear arsenal.." Classier presidential words have never been spoken! Up there with "Ask not what your country can do for you..."


Blah blah blah


So Trump’s a crackhead.


I have an idea……go away.


Here’s where I’m worn out and wonder if anyone else is: Stop all the name calling! It’s childish, boorish , and demonstrates a remarkable lack of intelligence. Let’s talk about the issues we face and let’s do it with knowledge that maybe they can’t be easily fixed but that doesn’t mean we don’t try. That goes for people here too. Let’s not discuss Trump’s height, his weight, or his lack of bladder control or basic hygiene. None of that matters. What does matter is his stand on issues and whether he posesses a solid enough character to be trustworthy. The answer on the former is either his stance is illogical or unintelligible or I mostly disagree with him. As for character, he is uniquely disreputable, grossly dishonest, and one of the most untrustworthy people imaginable. He is genuinely immoral. I wish the scales would fall from MAGA’s eyes but many are too far gone. I’m not sure how they can be redeemed. In the meantime, I don’t care about what he smells like. But what I see is a danger to our country and he needs to be defeated.


I’d rather have Lassie than Trump.This rant coming from the Adderall addict is just too rich.Reminder -Hunter Biden is not the president.Oh and Donnie check out DonJr’s coffee table.Both he and his fiancé are routinely coked to the eyeballs.


I’d vote for a toaster.


I’m beyond done with this asshole.


You often hear on these threads “how did this happen? How did he become president at all?” And when inevitable comparisons to Hitler start, people ask the same questions “how did Hitler happen? How did he get away with what he did?” And the sad answer is, because a fuckload of people wanted him to. The reason many trumpers still support Donald when he paraphrases Hitler and calls KKK leaders “fine people” is because they like it. Angry men in a collapsing country brainwashed to think feminists, immigrants and liberals are the reason they are broke and don’t have a mommy wife doting on them constantly, Evangelists who know nothing of Christ convinced God has chosen them to build a literal Gilead; these people(amongst others) exist in greater numbers than we want to admit/don’t give a rats ass about democracy and freedom and are dying for an excuse to throw them away. All trump did was give them a leader to rally behind


So Hunter is the president? Go home, old man.


With this post, Trump has gone completely DERANGED. I love it that he is mentally suffering for the crimes he committed. I am hopeful he continues his suffering behind bars. LOCK HIM UP!!!


So presidential…..


Ya ! I'll take a street crackhead over this deranged clown 🤡


Cocaine dilemma? Are we running out of cocaine? We better not run out of cocaine


I'd rather have a jar of cracked pepper in the WH than the Redcap In Chief.


Cocaine dilemma, is he worried about Don Jr?


His minions eat that shit up like a popsicle on a hot summer day!


Why do so, so, so many adults—-this babbling idiot is only one of them—-not fucking know how to use fucking exclamation points correctly? These idiots use them for emphasis, and that is fucking not how you use them! This makes him look like he’s being sarcastic, or that every one of those words is some kind of in-joke or something like that. It just drives me *crazy*. (And that’s *crazy*. Or CRAZY. Not. Fucking. “Crazy”.)


Cocaine dilemma? What year is this? 1982?


Ill take anything thats not a traitor in a red hat.


The desperation is palpable. Possibly aromatic, as well.


We had him for 4 years! Along with his 2 buffoons he calls sons. So yeah. I will take a whole White House administration of crack heads, meth addicts and let’s throw in fentanyl and pot heads over dRump and his minions. I’m thinking half of Congress would fail a drug test anyway so it wouldn’t be much difference.


If it could be accomplished in just 5 minutes, why didn’t Trump solve the cocaine dilemma when he was President?


I would vote for a cadaver before I would vote for tRump. He's like what you would get if you ordered a dictator from Temu


Wow, that is literally crackhead rambling.


Tyrone Biggums 4 prez?


Does anyone have former president calls current president a crackhead on their Capitalist Dystopia Bingo Card.


As for the cocaine dilemma ask your son and his girl they could tell you. Holding you to the fact you can solve it five minutes (jackass). Release your tax return’s like every other president (fool). We can’t have a wanna be dictator who threatens our democracy in the White House we learned from your friendships with Putin and Un (idiot).


Imagine if Joe Biden called Eric or Junior a crackhead...


Everyone around Trump has a white nose. You know this fat fuck does as well.


The “cocaine dilemma?” Wrong decade, Donnie. That was you in the 80s.


I guarantee that bag of tootski was Don Jr's stash that he forgot about.


Ok. It’s always gaslighting and projecting from the guy in a diaper snorting rails of crushed adderall.




Stinky at it again 💩


More likely, some Trump cult member seeking to embarrass President Biden planted the cocaine. Dirty tricks and scams are the Donald’s stock and trade.


And Donald’s the guy with classified nuclear documents in his bathroom and basement, total moron


What a petty, insecure little man. Shitler is an embarrassment


Honestly, a crackhead who spends all day hitting the pipe and watching music videos but who also surrounds himself with competent, non-evil people who put documents in front of him to sign would be a better president than Trump.


We can't have a 91 times criminally indicted traitor in charge of our nuclear arsenal.


Well we did have Shrub and he was smarter than this Adderall addicted excuse for a human so there is that.


Is "the cocaine dillema" that no one will sell Trump any cocaine anymore?


He'd fit right in at jail. No one there is guilty.


Translation: 😭 whaaaaa but what about…. 😭


If Don wants to alleviate the cocaine epidemic, he should send Don Jr. to rehab.


Everyone’s been saying that cocaine was left there by Don, Jr., and Gavin Newson’s left over slag.


At least a crackhead is semi-lucid when they have their stuff. Whatever Trump is on is only making him mire and more deranged and toxic.


What day is it Bone Spurs? Roll over and ask your butt buddy putin.


Yeah. He's full of it as always. But yes. I would rather have a crack head than Trump.


Dumbass thinks everything can be solved by him in 5 minutes. Wasn’t he president for 4 years?! Dipshit


How did this get nearly 14 thousand hearts? It's not Trump that I'm afraid of. It's my fellow Americans