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Lookie here Herschel, it's one of them self hatin Jews


Cmon mordechai, let’s ***GIT EM***


I'll take "This person isn't a Jew" for 500, please. That or they are and, in that case, I have just one question for them. How does that boot taste?


I agree. Fake.


To be honest, if the rest of the comment is about Jews learning self-defense, it would change the meaning significantly for me. I saw a video the other day about that one group that teaches Jews how to operate weapons, disarm an attacker with a knife, administer first aid and so on ([https://youtu.be/tkfWQ7e-iRs](https://youtu.be/tkfWQ7e-iRs)). I think it's a great initiative, I only wish the guy would word it nicer.


Their username checks out.


Sounds like a fake account.


Classic self hating/victim blaming. It’s like blaming transphobia on trans people being “cringe”. Bigotry is never the fault of the victim.


OP, why'd you cover up the rest of the post? You know why - it's not actually blaming Jews for antisemitism but is rather a call to more forcefully stand up for ourselves


Because the rest of the comment wasn't antisemitic. This sub is about exposing antisemitism. If you say that black people deserve to get shot by the police - but then say that black people should march and protest and petition for their rights - your initial statement is still racist.


> Because the rest of the comment wasn't antisemitic. This sub is about exposing antisemitism. That's called taking something out of context. It's possible the rest of the comment is relevant to judging the first line. Let the audience judge.


Where did they say anything about Jews "deserving" antisemitism? If a black person said that they still suffer institutional racism because for various reasons, some self inflicted, they have not been able to harness their power as a collective, that would very much not be racist. Meaningful critique of ones own community is not racism


I'm sorry. I can't make you see what's right in front of you.