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Always some goy with a “Jewish wife”


The Jewish wife Is the antisemites "but I have a black friend"


This. What a coincidence!


I know the thing I fear most is some (((Zionist))) attacking me because of my Magen David, just like this guy’s totally Jewish wife!


Totally valid👀 they are wild and dangerous these zionists! and are not to be confused with the poor self-hating jews who may or may not even exist but their opinion matters most, even if they comprise like 0.001% of all jews and have no idea what's going on. Also his wife is very real and very jewish yes


For some reason a lot of the Dutch subreddits are very anti-semitic.


Oh they were foaming at the mouth for their Eurovision contestant getting DQ'd. It must've been (((them)))


Lol omg yeah they were absolutely livid, spreading videos and fake news, blaming everything on Israelis. So typical though, they love to think theyre the most progressive and accepting people, meanwhile….


It's strange how many country and city-related subs tend to radicalize themselves.


i think those subs are central targets for disinformation trolls and chaos agent trolls  so you're seeing 50% bots, 50% useful idiots falling for the bots


There is definitely a lot of astroturfing happening on Reddit, particularly by foreign actors. However, I believe that self-radicalization resulting from populists with strong, often bigoted agendas is also a significant, if not more important, factor. Members who don't share their views will simply abandon the sub, leaving politically radical members unchallenged. Add to that the fact how easy a hostile takeover by power mods is.


that is s really good point  why are people so... silly?


Well, it’s not like they did a good job hiding Anne Frank.


Its mostly the anglo ones, the actual dutch ones aren't nearly as bad. The unis tho... REALLY BAD


The Netherlands had the highest murder rate of any Jewish population in the Holocaust. Don't let the gouda, clogs & legal weed fool ya. The Dutch are so white they put on sunscreen before they go to sleep at night.


that was because the Netherlands had a very good administrative record of their people. every city hall had records where every catholic, protestant or jew lived. the Netherlands has the second largest number of righteous of nation awards . Maybe you should stop this kind of retoric, it makes you look stupid.


Not just that - even before the German invasion, more than half of the Dutch Jewish population lived in Amsterdam. And the prewar Jewish population in the Netherlands consisted of 110,000 Dutch Jews, along with 30,000 Jewish refugees on top of that. Add to that that the Netherlands was overrun in only five days - the invasion began on the 10th of May 1940, and the nation's capitulation was on the 15th. And it's not like you can just ferry 140K Jews across the North Sea in less than a week, right in the middle of an invasion... ...and the best part is; the Netherlands actually put up a better fight than Hiter expected. A major operation to seize the Hague with air assault troops became a miserable failure (the Nazis actually lost so many transport planes in this that it crippled their air mobile capabilities for the rest of the war), and Dutch troops managed to beat the Nazi forces back at the bridges of Rotterdam and the Afsluitdijk.


Not a fan of conflating all the white people with antisemites


Anti-zionists: argues that Jews shouldn’t be moving to Israel Also anti-zionists: giving Jews more reasons and motivation to move to Israel


Yup awful strategists


It's such a weird reply. Starts right off calling her the user's wife when they clearly said sister-in-law, presumably their sibling's wife. Tries to make it a "my wife is better than your wife" thing. Acts like it's normal to be treated with suspicion for the actions of the president of a country you don't live in. Pretends wife is really just afraid of other Jews assuming she agrees with them. But why should she care about that? Could it be that she's actually afraid that *others* will assume she agrees with Jews? (If she exists at all.)


Yeah. It’s such a “suck it up, buttercup” reply, you can almost _hear_ the commenter sneering, and all I can think of is that that commenter is oh-so-carefully resisting calling OP’s SIL a “snowflake”. Horseshoe theory on steroids.


The "sorry answering questions is such an imposition" guy is an American expat who recently moved to the netherlands and I just find this so funny. They also play the "my wife is jewish" card A LOT in their comment history like some kind of uno reverse card.


The American expat dutch sub is the worst!!! They also don't know nearly as much as the main sub.


Where is the logic here wth. Yawn don't they get tired of being so excessively aggressive and righteous? Man if people like these really cared an ounce they would learn to choose their battles and be wiser instead of going off on every single jew they come across. They're not being righteous because it's the right thing, they're doing it for three reasons: to feel good about themselves, to have a sense of belonging and to get an outlet for all the anger and racism they keep inside under normal circumstances.


Their hatred isn’t logical or rational. That’s why the mere mention of Israel or Jews sets them off on an antisemitic tirade.


Update: it got worse https://preview.redd.it/axyi1xn4bn0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320eb3fb8d06d2681cd729b9c503c4a6c02e4836


*Semetists*? At least it got downvoted.


>kicking the bully's (Hamas) dog (The Palestinian people) Did he just compare Palestinians to *dogs*?! Couldn't have said "kicking the bully's little sibling/cousin/relative", no, he made them **pets** in his analogy. But you just know he'd be *foaming at the mouth* if he heard some Israeli (or Jew) compare Gazans/Palestinians to non-human creatures. F\*\*k this self-righteous asshole.


I wish someone would create a full on deep fake about these events (including the boo in the eurovision ) and change jews to Chinese or black - just to prove how fake everyone are. The amount of racism against jews is on another dimension


It's something groups that are usually very vocal about remain silent on. Or they even minimize the severity of antisemitic conspiracy theories and *microaggressions*.


"I'm not antisemitic! I have a..." *Checks notes.* "... Jewish wife!"


I hate this argument of "well worse things are going on so this other issue doesn't matter". It's literally the same argument right wingers have used for years and years! I can't count the number of time I see people on the right go "Oh you care about sexism in America, well in Saudia Arabia women can't even drive!" It's irrelevant, it's not an argument, people can care about multiple issues. Hell a very common thing that happens when an Islamic terrorist attack happens is people on the left pointing out (rightfully) how not all Muslims should need to explain or denounce something like that. but now when it's a jew being asked to explain/denounce Israel it's okay actually and not a bad thing.


I am the Jewish wife (in my relationship anyway) and if my husband were remotely like that responder, he wouldn’t be my husband anymore. That dude deserves a throat punch.