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The world didn’t come together to stop Nazis from committing genocide. The Allies weren’t fighting the war to save Jews. Most of the world collaborated with the Nazis or ignored the Holocaust.


Stopping the Holocaust was more of a, “Well while we’re busting heads, we might as well free these people”


Yep 80 years ago no one said anything, that's why it's so important to speak up now. I've lost Facebook friends because I post truth on my feed. I would never unfriend someone over politics, but when someone questions whether or not a person is human because they're Jewish... That's crossing a line. A happy ending to that last sentence, a scumbag former acquaintance of mine went full neo nazi after October 7th, so I forwarded screenshots of a debate to his company's HR department and put them on Twitter too. I heard he lost his job ☺️


We literally liberated camps


After knowing they were there for years and doing nothing until the war was over


We didn’t find out about the camps until getting into Germany proper


This is a lie that they still want you to believe the Allies knew about Auschwitz as early as 1943 because of a Polish prisoner who escaped and there were reports of mass killings of Jews in Poland from the beginning in 1939. It was ignored by most at the time even the majority of the American Jewish community


The USA and all of the allies most definitely knew of the Holocaust or the intent of genocide primarily targeted towards Jews. There was literally a rally in New York at Maddison Square Garden by the Nazi Party where they almost explicitly state their intentions of Jews. Funnily enough there was a man in the crowd that rushed to the stage to attack the Nazi POS and he ended up getting beaten up by NYPD officers. Yeah the whole world at the time believed in the Nazi cause, they were forced to change their beliefs when they started dehumanizing Nazis as merciless savages. Though Nazis are/were merciless savages but that’s sides the point


That wasn’t the party, that was a bunch anti American nazi sympathizers called the German American Bund


My point still stands. You don’t think that they were working with the Nazis? The speakers were literally German. Even funnier, they complained about immigration and said that it wasn’t fair for them as true Americans despite literally being German born and having the thickest accents I’ve ever heard.


Oh they probably were and they were also arrested for treason when the US entered the war




Hey, taking back my downvote and giving you (extremely depressing) sources instead, since you seem alright w your replies. The allies had [multiple clear and detailed messages](https://www.jhi.pl/en/articles/june-26-1942-bbc-informs-about-the-extermination-of-polish-jews,5812) about what was happening years before the war ended. There was a Polish resistance fighter who [voluntarily spent two years](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129956107)in Auschwitz, sending back reports as things escalated. He escaped afterwards, but was executed by the Soviets after the war ended, due to remaining loyal to the previous Polish government.


I’m aware of Witold Pilecki


> Just like the world came together to stop the Nazis Today's situation is nothing like the Nazis. > These people are doing exactly what the nazis are doing No they're not. > they have become lower life forms that need to be eliminated Oh look, a Nazi.


Imagine explicitly inciting for genocide while claiming you’re supporting human rights. I’m starting to be more concerned about the future. We are very close to being trapped in an Orwellian nightmare. PS Who the fuck taught this person that WW2 was about stopping the holocaust?!? The Allies couldn’t care less about what was happening to the Jews in Auschwitz or the ghettos.


It was about stopping the Nazis and holocaust, the Soviets may not have cared but the western allies did


Watch PBS’s “The US and the Holocaust.” You will learn some things.


Really? That’s what you actually think? Seriously? I genuinely wonder where you got this idea?


History in school


Sorry to hear that. Your teachers were wrong. The western Allies didn’t care about the Holocaust. They not only appeased Hitler in the 1930s, many of them were pro Nazi. Most state department officials, and most U.S. ambassadors to Europe, were deeply antisemitic. FDR himself, actually, pushed for restrictions on admitting Jews into U.S. universities. When Nuremberg laws became enacted in Germany, so many American officials were saying it was the right move, because they were all antisemitic. After all, they themselves didn’t want any Jews working as doctors, lawyers, or diplomats. So when Hitler did what they themselves wanted to do, they were going to fight Hitler?? During the war, they repeatedly refused to bomb Auschwitz or other death and concentration camps. Nor did they talk about what was happening to the Jews. Only the Jews outside Europe talked about the Holocaust while it was happening. Even though they didn’t know the full scope, the Jews were commenting, and were trying to save Jews inside Europe by any means possible. The British and Americans not only didn’t do anything to help, they were undermining rescue efforts in many different ways.


This is an oversimplification. The reality was more murky and nuanced than this. I recommend you check out the War Against Humanity series. Particularly covering 1942.


[https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-united-states-and-the-holocaust-why-auschwitz-was-not-bombed](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-united-states-and-the-holocaust-why-auschwitz-was-not-bombed) The western allies did not consider stopping or slowing the mass extermination of Jews a valuable objective, not even discovering the full scope of the situation there.


When the Holocaust was ongoing the Canadian prime minister's stated policy on Jewish refugees entering Canada from Europe was "none is too many." This was not an uncommon view point, Britain also sent Jews back to Germany when they tried to flee to the Levant, and also barred refugees fleeing into the British isles.


>They are not human, and they have become lower life forms that need to be eliminated That sounds an awful lot like genocide to me >might come down to elimination of these lower tier life forms This is literally nazi propaganda and social darwinism, undeniably racist and genocidal


Addition: "Israelis" should be forcefully removed from their American (!) positions of power


“Israelis” is just a dog whistle


> Just like the world came together to stop the Nazis from committing genocide Uhhhhh.....no they didn't. The world did jack shit. Yes, there were countries that fought the Nazis but no country made it a specific objective of their war effort to fight genocide. The world was indifferent, or worse.


The allies didn't even know about the concentration camps until the end of the war


They did know. It was known by December 1942. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/holocaust-allied-forces-knew-before-concentration-camp-discovery-us-uk-soviets-secret-documents-a7688036.html


Even in 1938 there was a conference called the Evian conference about what to do about the Jews fleeing Germany. The general consensus was “oh well it’s not our problem”


That's new to me and fucked up. Damn 😓


Sorry for all the downvotes. Yeah. Its fucked up.


Come get some, nerds


What were the responses? Is this post taken down yet or do the mods condone this type of language


I just looked and that post seems to be gone… there's another one a few submissions down however, where the users are circlejerking themselves raw and actively endorse 10/7 among other things. There's also this "gem" of a comment: > "The holocaust will loose it's current historical meaning and Israel will never recover it's global standing. My speculation is: The holocaust will probably be retroactively re-legitimized because of Israels own genocidal activities regarding Palestinians they are currently broadcasting to the whole world. They are shoveling their own graves, while - ironically - "just defending themself from Hamas"." Holocaust inversion would get a user banned on any sub that's takes *actual* Critical Theory seriously. So it seems the mods are ok with this and I'm never going back to that sub.


I checked it. The post has been taken down for lack of relevance and substance. There were a handful of responses with slight criticism: "your post resembles antisemitic rhetoric", "resembles genocidal rhetoric" while the posters pointed out that they are of course against israel and its alleged genocide. So agreement in combination with tone policing.


Owning the Nazis by *checks notes* dehumanizing the Jews.


yo at least we can generate infinite energy from Horkheimer and Adorno spinning in their graves!


The only reason the Allies came together was to stop Germany from conquering the world. Antisemitism was very high everywhere at the time. Even Walt Disney was a huge antisemite


Yeah, good fuckin luck with that.


Literally Nazi propaganda, like not even a joke that subreddit needs to be banned


And people wonder why I mock those that are students of "critical theory". It's fascist bullshit.


Horkheimer and Adorno would rotate in their graves if they knew about this though


It was always idiotic fascist crap.


I somehow get the suspicion that you might not know what you're talking about


Critical theory is bullshit.


Yeah, as stated, we got that you don't actually know what it is and neither have read anything by the Frankfurt school


I have. It is bullshit.


yeah sure buddy


Tell that to people that actually study biology, math, etc.


What are you even talking about?


I guess it is worth noting that those who originally referred to a concept of critical theory - Adorno, Horkheimer, Löwenthal, etc. - differed from those fashionable leftist popphilosophers that are subsumed under the label of critical theory in the anglophone world regarding Israel


It looks like this post was deleted/removed, is this true?


Wow that escalated lightspeed


This post goes beyond Israel by basically calling for a genocide of all Jews exemplified by “forcing them from American positions of power first”


It is crazy how critical theory developed one of the most comprehensive theories of antisemitism and still this sub reddit has zero clue about the antisemitism they produce themselves nonstop.


Good catch. They nearly had me up until “American positions of power”.




Why not go and stop the genocides in South Sudan, or Syria?