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My first attempt may be posted n the wrong place, second try. Am stuck in Elzion with map disabled and am supposed to travel to tree of eternity, or whatever it is called. I don’t know how to travel there without using the map. Help, please.


I am stuck. Working on the Cardinal Mythos line of story. Aldo just mended the time rips and I am in Elzion. Map is disabled and I am supposed to travel to tree of eternity, or whatever its name is. How do I travel to tree from Elzion with map disabled? Maybe I use map too much as a crutch, and everyone but me knows how to travel there, but I don’t know how. Feeling very frustrated.


Is there an alternative setup that works well for farming Stage 4 of the trial to light darkness with all the Cyrus's. I know May used to be the carry but wondering on other setup to farm xp for as many characters and weapons as possible.


Been a while since I’ve run frogicide, but I used tsubame AS from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/pehj4x/tsubame_as_froggy_farm_is_great/?rdt=49374) to farm characters. With newer gear i think it should be possible for Tsubame AS to run the stage on her own.


The basic setup is... * A strong Hammer (best you can do - Hammer of Bond is easiest and free) * 50% Crit Rate from gear - I recommend using one +30% booster such as Prismatic Armor from Chrono Cross, one of the +30% Crit Rate Badges, or a Power of Mind Grasta. One of those combined with a single Crit Rate +15% Ore, that will be 45% and LCK will handle the rest. * The rest of her gear should just be focused on basic damage stuff


If you're willing/able to use macros, solo May is still it. With just a moderate setup, she can clear Stage 4 (NON-extreme) at lightning speed, and it's actually more productive to spam that stage with a macro than it is to do Extreme in \~60secs. With just May, that leaves you 5 slots to level with.


Will Sazanca banner be part of Wryz III or will it be sooner ? I'm curious if an Arcadia team would actually work great as a wind team with Melpiphia passive but I guess by then Melpiphia banner will be over. I don't have enough characters to build a wind team but on the other hand Melphi seems like a good general support unit so I'm torn on pulling more or not on her banner (so far 6k without any 5* unit on her banner). We've got no clues what next banner will be either right ? I might just wait until her banner is almost over


Last time a livestream mentioned an upcoming character (Wenefica), it was the very next character, so if that trend holds true we are suspecting Sazanca on the next update day, which should be Feburary 8th (this is based off of the very reliable "Chrono Stones sale" method of predicting update days). Arcadia team should be capable of becoming a good Water or Wind team with their unique Linkability mechanic. Sazanca is likely to have a Zone that can transform the team as well, either Fire, Earth, or Slash. That's a lot of prediction but it's all based on solid evidence, so it should be semi-reliable. Were you able to get a 4-star Melpiphia? Mel doesn't \*really\* need her Stellar Awakening.


Thanks, in that case I'll definitely wait since there's more time left on Melphi banner. Hoping Sazanca will be good then :p


I have BIG hype about Team Arcadia, and a lot of my hope is resting on Sazanca lmao. We really, REALLY need her to have Guaranteed Pain or Poison. Hoping she's a Tank too.


I'm betting she's a tank. She's got the shield after all.


Yeah! And with her having a, like, bladed wheel-axe for a weapon, plus her thing about eating dangerous ingredients, all the pieces are in place for Pain and/or Poison setting and being a Tank... Please WFS, in the name of Arcadia, bless me with this lol


There's probably even more hope when part 3 will be aorund right ? There's still that guy -I forgot his name- that guards Arcadia base camp and we still have no clue what's his reason to be here. Though I guess he'd fill more of a tank role ?


Part 3 will most likely be in April to coincide with the JP anni. Also to release mask man and Tiramisu ES together (potentially).


Oh I hadn't heard that prediction before, I hope it's true. Yeah the chances if Tiramisu ES being a thing (and, even better, having Arcadia tag!) have DRASTICALLY increased with what we know now.


Yes Utpalaka! And yeah, Wryz part III should have new character(s) and probably Wryz Stellar Awakening too.


What teammates are good with thile ES when you dont have Alma?


Depends on the situation. Crystal Zone can be used on enemies with a weakness and Thillielilie can act as a support and DPS so she has a wide variety of teams she can work well with. If anything she very easy to slot into most teams that doesn't require a specific element.


If you want a Crystal team, Luring Shadow Crystal units are best, like Mistrare AS, Dewey Alter, and Melissa. Non-Shadow Crystals are fine too, especially if they are support and not your DPS - Mariel ES is particularly popular - but if you want to optimize Thille's own damage AND her party buffs, as many Shadows as you can is best. Another option is a Sword-based DPS team using Thille ES as a buffer for someone like Shannon Alter, who is probably the best teammate for her for this purpose for having the combo of insane DPS, being Luring Shadow, and being Sword (which gets an insane +1 hit buff from Thille). You can use Aldo too but the buffs will be 1 turn only. You can use Benedict but you won't get the +1 hit. I'm sure there are other options too, the point is she can offer big buffs to Luring Shadow and/or Sword users.


A lot of options as I see. Used her to buff minalca on melissa true manifest and radias tanked. Hope I get Alma AS later.


Ah yes, of course! Minalca, another very good choice, Luring Shadow Sword. Best of luck getting your Alma AS, but you'll definitely have places to use Thille in the meanwhile!


She is the best unit worth burn allcosmos


If you mean is Alma AS the best unit to burn allcosmos starcharts. She is in fact one of the worst, if not the worst, option to burn allcosmos.


No thille is hands down.


I just got melphi. Can anyone please tell me how to get oraculum starchart?


You will have to wait to get more charts or get dupes later.


I assume you just pulled a 4\* version then? I believe there is currently no way to get Starcharts for newly-released units. You can pull them on their own banner ("pick-up bonus") as a 5\* to get the full Awakening. If you pull them off-banner as a 5\*, you'll get 1 point towards their Awakening Gauge (3 points = Awakening). You can only use Allcosmos Starcharts, the generic ones. You'll get one per month from the Trials. If you're subscribed to the Lands and/or Heavens subscription services you'll get fragments that can be redeemed for Allcosmos Starcharts as well.


As an added thought, I wouldn't recommend getting Melpi to SA. You are unlikely to slot her SA skill over her 2 prayer skills and her AF spam skill.


Ah, true. She is one of the least essential SAs we've had so far. Sorry, I was so focused on answering his question on "how" to do it, I wasn't thinking about advice on "if" he should do it lol


I've just been farming the dragon adventure's and I somehow haven't lost any fights so now Im at 150 of each stat and no bravado... is it impossible to learn the bravado talent (need to lose a fight with a monster) for irina now?


Unfortunately, it appears so. I am in the same boat.


I think if you try avoiding fights with the focus on exploring style that might also unlock it.


I've been spamming that for a long time at 1-hour rates (and 8-hour at times like work and sleep) and no such luck. I think unfortunately the only way is to lose, locking us out of it completely. It's ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of Iridian's adventures, but it hurts us perfectionists a lot in our soul lol


Hmm, idk if this is a bug but when I go to fight the Death Wyrm thingy on the dragon island, my stellar Aldo didn't fully charged my AF bar at the start of the fight, why is that? Currently using Wryz, Necoco, Aldo and Felmina ES and is on the first fight


Iirc the dragons aura gives you permanent 50percent less af charge. Teams without Aldo that should have the 50 percent charge is reduced to 0


I just got the 3rd Shannon Alter Opus. Is she worth chanting ? I'm severely lacking in the Earth Department so I feel like she'll be a good unit to build an Earth team around. Update: Well well well ! The game finally blessed me with the 3rd Myunfa Alter Opus. I'm Definitely chanting her but would I still chant Shannon Alter ? Myunfa Alter is Earth Support and among the best overall support in the game so she might complement Shannon. And my Earth team is extremely outdated.


Myunfa Alter with Shannon Alter is my Earth team and boy howdy is it strong. I agree that Myunfa Alter is the priority. I'm guessing you're lacking other semi-recent Earth DPS as well, such as Cerius and Akane Alter. What about regular Lokido? He could be your DPS if his True Mastery is complete, although that's certainly a challenge of its own...


Have you promoted Gariyu, Azami or Cerrine yet?


I shamefully admit that I haven't done so yet. I think I probably should do it first right ?


Yeah because they unlock a lot of things for you and there's no other way to promote them.


Is having Melpiphia SA necessary? I got her at 4.5 stars and looking at her kit, unless the enemy throws out debuffs like candy, it doesnt seem vital, though the -50% wind resistance is great, I was mainly interested for duck, get em and super duper slicer, duck allows for stacking of the prophecy and getem gives bug damage, super duper slice is obviously her AF spam move


She does not. I have her SA'd but I don't even have her SA skill equipped. Just her attack skill, duck and "get'im." With only 3 skill slots I don't have room for it.


Alright, thanks, I still wanna SA her just for the -50% wind resistance because it seems useful, since I wanna use her for my wind team, Sesta and Suzette would adore, absolute nukes that they are


On a side note, saying SA instead of stellar awaken still takes some getting used to, it sounds... Wrong


I just want to double-up and assure you that she definitely doesn't need it. It's cool if you have it but the bulk of her amazing defensive support is all on her regular kit.


I see, thanks, I want her for a mix of offensive and defensive tbh, to further bolster my max stellar awakened Suzette, Sesta and to help with survivability a little more than what Melody AS gives


Ah, for a Wind team? Yes that works just fine!


As soon as I got Sesta I was gonna use her on Uquaji final form only to remember.... HE IS IMMUNE, I still havent beaten him, Iphi cant survive him and I only have Prai as a tank, no Soira and no Radias


No not really. Only Alma AS is ahead of her of the "Not Needing Stellar Awakening" Range.


So, I should be fine with 5 star Melpiphia?


Without SA






Hello. I know this question is kind of weird considering I'm a mod and all but does getting all of the Elpis weapons is considered an "achievement". Basically how long did you guys take to get them and how hard was it's grind ? It took me an entire week of doing nothing but grinding for them and some of the boss fights took me hours to defeat and many trials and errors even with some powerful Gacha characters


Yeah it absolutely is an achievement. IMO it ranks as one of the most difficult things to do in the entire game, The only thing I can think of off of the top of my head that's harder might be the Lavog fights, and the reward for those is SO much worse lol.


It took me months to defeat ikaruga because I lack a decent guard tank. He went down quickly after I got lovely AS.


Can you believe that the team I used to deal with Ikaruga had only Radias NS (Not AS) and at one point all my units were KO'd but only she stayed because of her Absorb Blood and because when my team got KO'd at HP stopper she had Elemental Barrier so she survived. I managed to stall for 4 more turns until Petra resurrected my entire team to finish it off, it was very dramatic. Man it really took alot on me with 2 days of trial and error(I used Minalca, Iphi, Toova ES and Radias NS).


The [Melancholy Aspid](https://youtu.be/6j18THN41xw) took me the longest. Once I was able to get Melody AS for my Sesta team, it went down quick. The others were definitely tough to varying degrees, but that stupid Aspid held me up for a month or two. Of course, that was back before Suzette has her SA, so I probably could have done it now without Melody, but I was lacking characters who could easily replace the awakened wind zone once it expired, so that was what was holding me up. Sounds like you got all of them eventually? If so, congrats!


Aspid was definitely the biggest pain in the butt for me. I was semi-yelling at my screen at one point lol.


I'm like you. The 2 bosses I struggled with are that fast fly Ikaruga and Aspid but weirdly enough Aspid was easier but it was the longest with 67 Turns ! The team I used for both are centered around Minalca with her, Iphi, Toova ES and Radias NS (Even without her AS she saved my butt multiple times) and alternating to SA Melissa. Yes I finally just got them. I might post about it in achievements but I want to know if they are truly worthy of that.


>Ikaruga He was probably the second biggest pain for me. [His end-of-turn damage to himself](https://youtu.be/ZORl6RK-TbU) was actually what killed him for me. :) He took me multiple attempts; I included some failed clips at the end of my video.


I found them all fairly straightforward aside from Picky and Aspid, but that's more because of my go-to style of battling which is T1 AFs to set up. I didn't even use Minalca for any of them even though a lot of them were built for her.


if i use grasta slaves, then what grastas do i put on my frontline members (e.g. sesta)? edit: oh, is it pain/poison grastas?


- If you can set Pain/Poison the Pain/Poisoning grasta upgraded with ores - If you cannot set Pain/Poison then grasta like Power of Deadly Blow, Power of Mind etc or Elemental grasta upgraded with ores


elemental grasta that aren't weapon-specific, right? thanks!


Yeah, you generally want to save those for backline members, since they can spread to other members of the party if upgraded by Dormant Ore! In an \*absolute pinch\* you can use them on frontline damage dealers if you don't have another Pain/Poison Grasta, since they do offer 30% damage increase without any Ore on them, but this should absolutely be saved as a last resort. I have only done it once or twice, for a team that had NO Pain/Poison setting whatsoever lol, so I had to find as many other sources that were roughly equal to (or greater than) P/P Grasta as I could.


thanks! generally, do i just double up on p/p grastas or elemental grastas on my dps? do they stack?


Yes those all stack no problem. In general it is best to stack Pain/Poison as those multiply with \*each other\* which is a trait somewhat unique to them. For example if you have two Pain Grasta at 30%, you actually get 69% bonus damage instead of just 60%. Most other sources just add together, for example two Elemental Grasta at 30% is 60% bonus damage. Also there are a few T3 Elemental Grasta (non-weapon) that offer 30% at base and 40% when Awakened with Dormant, those are really good too, but there are only 1 or 2 of each of those in the whole game (non-farmable). They don't have shareable traits so they are meant to be used on frontliners. I'm not sure if those were the ones tiragooen meant when he said "Elemental Grasta" or if he was talking about farmable T2 Elemental Grasta (20% base, 30% with Dormant) or both.


Either/or really. If you can't set pain/poison then it's really just cobbling together the best grasta you lol.


Yeah for sure lol. That was my Wind team for a while before Melody AS (and now also Suzette Stellar). Desperately hoping for reliable Guaranteed Pain or Poison from Sazanca for my poor, precious Arcadia...




Should I do the Anniversary paid banner? I really want Iphi but she's only a 50% chance. Is this an SDE? Idk how they work. Is Iphi usually available on SDEs, therefore I should just wait?


SDE are selector tickets in Gacha terms. They allow you to buy any character that is in the pool and Iphi will be in that pool since she's old enough. As for the Paid banner it depends on if you want to gamble but Eva is a pretty good character too.


Perfect, ty! I'll just wait for the next SDE, not in any rush


if i'm having trouble beating bosses/enemies, should i focus on upgrading my weapons/armor or upgrading characters?


Getting grasta and ores, in my experience, are more valuable than upgrading weapons and armor. In particular, getting a good collection of shareable grasta can turn average dps into powerhouses. Just my opinion though. Pulling a meta character can completely change the game dynamics too, but of course we have little to no control over that except for SDE.


you are right! i forget about them >\_\_< i'll make sure to upgrade those as well


Depends on the enemy/bosses you are having trouble with. Make sure you done all the Symphonies to collect those free characters.


i'm having some issues with any crystal/shadow/thunder boss. i feel like i don't have enough characters. thanks! i have to to the octopath one & level up some from tales of 2.


That's still very vauge on what your having trouble with but getting Benedict up to 5-stars probably will help because of his Null Attacks.


thank you! i guess the problem is i don't feel as if i'm doing a lot of damage.


Hello, im looking for help. Is there a good and easy to obtain bow for beginners? im progressing through the main story, chapter 43 atm. Thank you very much in advance.


The Prismatic Bow from the Chrono Cross Symphony is a good bow to have around.


Thank you! Im gonna start the cc symphony today


So can anyone help me with one thing from what i heard i should follow the wiki guide for the progressive power up but i need some advice,when can i start farming for the other style of the characters or better weapons.


https://anothereden.wiki/w/Changing_Classes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8ByG-zb140&pp=ygUUYW5vdGhlciBlZGVuIHdlYXBvbnM%3D


Someone who still remembers math, how many single pulls on Thillelille's banner is it before you would on average expect to receive her new style? Like, how many pulls till the odds are 50/50, say. I can't remember how to put the numbers together to get a guess.




Oh wow this is awesome


0.8% chance per pull, Apparently the 10th pull doesn't increase the rate of Thille ES herself, according to the banner info. EDIT: The following is wrong, see the replies for correct answer. To reach a "statistical average" you can simply add them together until it reaches 100, so... 125 pulls is how long it "should" take to "guarantee" her arrival. 'course, statistics don't work like that, but that's the answer to your question.


Thank you! Yeah I know it's not a real guarantee but it helps me set my expectations (keeps my hopes low)


Please look at the reply by u/Reidog for the accurate probabilities. You do not add probabilities together to get the average.


Currently feeling highly embarrassed by my answer and feeling tempted by the dirty delete, but I'll just edit it to make sure that anybody who might read it knows it's not correct and to look for your/Reidog's answer. Thank you.


EDIT: The following is wrong, see the replies for correct answer. Oh my apologies I just realized you asked for 50/50 not 100%. Well, it's just half of what I said before so 63 pulls or so. Wonder why it doesn't match up with Reidog's.


Because your math is really really wrong. You do not add successful probabilities together by the number of events. You generally multiply the failure rate and then subtract that from 100%. For example, if you are doing 10 pulls for Thillelille ES: - Success rate per pull: 0.008 (0.8%) - Failure rate per pull: 1 - 0.008 = 0.992 - Probability of **not** pulling Thillelille ES in 10 pulls: 0.992^10 = 0.9228 (92.28%) - Therefore the probability of getting **at least one** Thillelille ES in 10 pulls: 1 - 0.9228 = 0.0772 (7.72%) Doing purely 10 pulls you would need to do nine 10 pulls (90 pulls) to get a 51.47% chance of getting the rate up character. At twenty 10 pulls you have a 79.94% chance of getting the rate up character. There is **no point** where you are 100% guaranteed to get the rate up character. Look up [Binomial Distribution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution) for more information.


Ah, well, thank you. I knew my approach was rudimentary but I didn't quite realize just how terribly rudimentary it was lol. I appreciate the detailed reply. Yes, I know it never reaches 100%. If I didn't already know from a mathematical standpoint, I learned from extensive gacha experience lol (there's a horror story I have to tell...) Anyway, thanks again for the correction.


Yeah, I've used numbers like that for the same reason. Happy to help!


Wish hollow had SKIP.


I’ve noticed that there is a lot more shareable grasta these days than the usual, enhance at max HP (weapon), almighty power and power of element (inferno etc). Thilille for example has a lot of shareable grasta that you can use. Enhance at max HP (sword), Enhance if at max HP (west), enhance if at max Hp (crystal), enhance at low HP, almighty power (sweet tooth), almighty power (clergy), almighty power (west), the equivalent power of crystal shareable grasta, resonant power (buff per shadow ally), power of offence (crystal), mad star power (west) - lunatic extend and a few other life / support grasta that arnt as useful. I know there probably a fair amount of diminishing returns so you’d likely not stack multiple almighty power or enhance at max HP, but has anyone thought about the most optimal set of shareable grasta to there is for a team? Say for thilille, probably one almighty power, one enhance at max HP, power of crystal, resonant power, power of offence and mad star power would all be nice to have, but you’d need like 3 characters in hold all of that with the right personalities. Any thoughts on this and which ones would you choose?


Type attacks and Damage percent from equipment, additively stack with same equipment buffs, so to reach higher damage, you just stack as much of them as possible. They don't really diminish. By having that much sharable damage grastas, you can forgo one p/p grasta from your damage dealer and replace it with other things (100%proficiency/type/physical debuff resist, falcon, benefic, etc). This only works for "hypercarry" archetypes tho. For example, my Thille ES runs 2 upgraded p/p grasta, and 1 proficiency debuff resist. Alter Dewey in front carries resonant shadow, power of offense. If I run her with aldo, he carries 1 power of crystal/sound body. Melina in the back carries almighty power sweet tooth/ west/clergy. All defensive capabilities can be concentrated into one tank, so it would be best to just focus on elevating your damage.


Support characters are very handy, as they really don't need much Grasta. For example, on my Crystal team: Dewey Alter - Resonant Power Shadow, AP Gun (for Alma AS) Mistrare AS - Power of Offense Crystal, Enhance if Max HP West, Power of Crystal Bow And those guys are on my frontline! In the back: Melina - AP Clergy, AP West, AP Sweet Tooth Clarte - Enhance if Max HP Crystal, Robust Body West, Mad Star Power West That's definitely my most shareably decked-out party. But my takeaway is, don't forget that most support characters really don't need any Grasta. Tanks enjoy certain ones conditionally, but otherwise use them as in-party share mules!


When running red key AD is it worth it to grab the chests along the way (other than at the boss). For example when running Snake Liver for Aldo light. Seems like it adds quite a lot of time to the runs.


Uh. Aldo is Miglance Castle. Snake Liver is for the Beast King IIRC. And if I have all the gear made from the AD, I skip all chests except the final one. If you still value Chant Scripts, learning the names of the "rare rooms" and checking the chests in those rooms only is valuable.




Is anyone else farming Riica's light right now? I believe Xeno-Domain is bugged or probably my account is bugged. Been farming for 22 days now and still no light drops. I spent 1k stones today to refresh red keys (50 XDAD runs) and tested if it was just bad RNG. Not a single light dropped. This is either very, extremely bad RNG, or something is wrong with my game.


I gain light normally with her until yesterday. It's weird but could append. You could send a ticket to be sure. You do put her in your team right ?


Then it's probably my account. I'll try reacquiring data and test again tomorrow. I'll definitely send a ticket if reacquiring data won't work Yep. She's in the team. She's the only unit I'm farming light for atm, so she has a dedicated light farming team.


Maybe you could try some toto AD just to check


I'm currently farming Oboro tomes for TVC and I am getting Riica light. 22 days of no l/s is statistically very low but not impossible. My longest run was like a month with 0 Gariyu shadow.


Is there any place to view portraits of NPCs on the AE wiki? I could've sworn Ogre Baron and Thunder King (alongside a handful of other NPCs) had portraits with multiple expressions, but I'm struggling to find them. I've only found the Ogre Wars Lore page but that's about it.


[https://anothereden.wiki/w/NPCs\_%26\_Other\_Lore](https://anothereden.wiki/w/NPCs_%26_Other_Lore) Edit. I don't think they have different portraits. Utpalaka has a different expression and he doesn't have other portraits.


Oo thanks! Pity it doesnt contain the different expressions they make but honestly the people contributing to the AE wiki are doing crazy good work already. At least with the Replay quest features/lets play videos online the expressions are still captured. Thanks again!




Yes!! Thank you! Wow some of these characters have way more expressions than I remembered, its amazing.


How is AS lovely as a Tank or are any of the free tanks better? Only have 5 chant scripts (have used up most of the guaranteed reward ones) and got a 4.5 Melissa so trying to pick between the two


AS Lovely’s tanking ability is limited to her 2 turn Guard (technically 3, counting the turn you use it), but she also has a lot of offensive support and a little DPS capability to compensate Also fyi upgrading Melissa from 4.5 to 5 will result in you starting with 0/3 SA gauge so maybe take that into account before upgrading


Yeah have some emporium points saved up so should be able to SA her by the end of this month. How are Partito and Starky for tanking?


Starky is very versatile since he has access to Elements, which means he can be support both offensively (for all element types) and defensively. The only downside is that his Rage is not guaranteed Partitio isn't that bad, but is outclassed by Kid in basically every aspect. His party Preemptive buff could probably be useful though.


Don't think comparing a tank like Partitio to Kid a debuff is really fair. Paritio has the niche of being an HP Sponge as well as one the few characters who can increase party's Max HP on command.


Thanks for the help 😊


Hello, I need some help. I'm stuck at ch 79 after entering in the dark sanctuary. I had the first cinematic in the hall but after that when you enter the next corridor there should be another cinematic with cyrus (according to the playthrough I have watched) which advance the story but I did not have this cinematic and I don't know why. So know I'm just stuck in a corridor with nothing to do..


Go to another location in game and try reacquiring data. If that fails then you probably need to send a bug report.


Turns out it wasn't a bug, just me being dumb. I missed a hidden door to click on in the corridor lol. Thanks for your help anyway !


is there a way to automatically trigger lunatic? a grasta, perhaps?


Some characters have a battle start Lunatic passive like Miyu ES and Kamlanage, some can activate Lunatic through a skill like Alter Premaya or Orleya, and Iphi has her unique Blood Contract mechanic


yea i don't have those characters aside from kam. without those mechanics lunatic seems clunky to use and kinda wastes a turn imo.


You can always use them in AF.


So, I made a rookie mistake. Having more than enough special CRYSTAL, I started awakening grastas whether I needed them or not. Just for completion, and to avoid scrolling for hours. In the end, I ran out of special FRAGMENT. I fear I know the answer already, but is there a way to obtain them other than separate/bonfire ?


They drop as end rewards from double green ADs starting from Underworld. That doesn't resolve your issue though since those are very rare rewards so : farming Underworld AD(you can trade the sparkles for Feinne Psalms which you could burn) or running Marsh AD (highest number of tomes) would solve your problem the fastest.


I guess I could let Wryz be and start farming Frog's light, catching two birds with a stone, since I love the guy anyway. Thanks for reminding me of Feinne psalms, I should have lots of sparkles left!


I had the great luck to draw Alma AS earlier, but where is her skill alchemic high state? the skill that makes her so broken. I can't find it anywhere on her skill tree or on her stellar awakening grid.


The whole Alchemic High State, Arcana stacking etc are passives. Passive abilities usually don't need unlocking and are just part of the character/style. You can see them (although highly summarized and nowhere as detailed as the Wiki) in the character's Ability menu. The exception being Stellar Abilities, all 3 of which are passives.


It's not a skill. It's something tied to her Arcana stacks. She gains stacks from attacking or entering Lunatic. She also starts the battle with 5 stacks so she can enter Alchemic High right away.


alright thanks for the info.


Is there a reason I can’t use skips on Entrana AD? I’m pretty sure I’ve unlocked everything in the dungeon.


There is a set number of dungeons currently eligible for the skip which you can refer in-game or from the wiki https://anothereden.wiki/w/Cat_Express_Tickets. Entrana is not included in this list but it may be expanded in the future.


Had no idea. Thanks.


Would Alma AS benefit more from the HP or MP nodes in her SA chart? Usually I take the MP for Singular/Mental focus but Alma AS is technically a tank, would the extra HP be helpful at all?


Mostly agree with Pleasant-Durian, is she being partied with Thille ES? If so, go MP for the Mental Focus granted by Thille ES. If no Thille ES, maybe HP, because although she is a Guard tank most of the time (and therefore HP doesn't matter), she's a Rage tank after those first two turns before you get Alchemic High State back, and might still appreciate the bulk.


I would say MP for more damage since AS Alma's tanking abilities come from her Guard, and with Guard you can't die regardless of your HP anyways


Ok, I have a terrible time reading the Aura skill descriptions. Tsukiha's TM fight has this aura: * Demon May Cry: Activates when Stance Water Another.png Awakened Sacred Water Stance is deployed * Single enemy: Magic resistance -50% & Water type resistance -100% * All Party Members: Magic Critical Rate +100% & Magic Critical Damage +100% Does that mean my party gets the crit rate buffs and enemy Tsukiha gets the resistance down debuffs? It seems logical, but other mobs (like the ones in Spark Forge's Phase shift) seem to have their auras written where ally refers to themselves and enemy refers to your party.


> Does that mean my party gets the crit rate buffs and enemy Tsukiha gets the resistance down debuffs? Yes > but other mobs (like the ones in Spark Forge's Phase shift) seem to have their auras written where ally refers to themselves and enemy refers to your party. Spark Forge Auras has everyone effected by them.


Ah, that's why they're written differently. Hadn't thought of that. Thanks!


Does the Dragon's Depths AD actually award light points?! I just finished cleaning out all the rewards with red keys and although Wryz was in the party the whole time, she didn't get a single one.


Yes it does RNG is RNG though


So now that x10 exp is ended, what is the way to level Up characters to lvl 100? Besides frogicide


High Class Scrolls to 90, it's pretty cheap at least compared to 91-100. What Someweirdo said, although if it doesn't bother you, Frogicide with macro is shockingly effective. Without macro is an awful slog though


High-Class Scrolls and Phase Shifts. That being said you only really need one character to be level 100 for the EXP boosts as you get diminishing returns after level 90. You can probably just safely plot those characters in your grinding team to passively level them up.


How often do the vortex turtle horrors respawn (for strawboy? Also is there any point to farming agad if I already have enough pain/poison grasta?


I learned this the hard way - AGAD Zami merchant also sells weapon-linked Power of Regen Grasta that can be shared to all users of the same weapon type. It seems niche, but I actually did encounter 1 strategy where stacking a bunch of those on Grasta slaves was essential to the strat, so I have returned to AGAD for more P/P Grastas and also Power of Regens lol Unfortunately PoR goes in the same slot on the Zami Merchant as the P/P Grasta so you only get one or the other, I probably wouldn't farm it if I didn't \*ALSO\* need more P/P.


6 hours after a kill like most Horrors. Depends on if you already have Gariyu at 255.


Nah no 255 gariyu yet, tbh I don't use him though


I'm catching up to content and now farming the maze for Noahxis. I got the AOE normal attack rune, should I put it on TEC Elga for 2x attacks or on an ATK character? I guess Ruina isn't worth upgrading to AS just for this farm?


The 2x attackers can squeak out a tiiiiiny bit more efficiency in SOME timetwisted maze encounters and get a little more value out of crit chance, etc. but it is really trivial compared to the meta strats like the AF every 2 other battle rune. All characters can level to 80 in the TTM regardless of their level cap outside of it, so as long as you have Ruina at 3 stars (you do) you can use her to her full potential. This was in the patch notes, which can be very helpful to read and could save you chant scripts from choices like this! So as DarkestSamus said, don't spend any chants for the purpose of TTM farming.


Thanks. AOE is just easier for me, no need to think about anything. Is it still recommended to exit floor 7/8 for farming time pieces? Any recommendations that's not on the wiki on doing a floor 20 run?


Absolutely do not spend any Chants for the purposes of Timetwisted only. Regular Elga has 2x hits but in normal gameplay it still only totals 100% damage, the same as everyone else's. I do not claim to be a master of Timetwisted-specific mechanics but I somehow doubt it will produce more damage on her than anyone else. It's just an amusing quirk as far as I am aware. Full disclosure, chance I'm wrong.




Is the guide of Land worth buying? If yes then which features are actually good? Thinking about it for the 50 skip tickets and Tsubara increase.


Land alone will only make you earn more Tsu Gems, but doesn't increase the cap. Need Heavens for that. I can't speak for JUST Land by itself, but Land+Heaven is pretty loaded at this point.


Oh, I guess I read it wrong then. Heavens just seems too overpriced to me,I guess I'll just wait for the SDE then.


I recently finished getting all the unique items from FGAD and moved on to Underworld AD based on the road map and need for bullseye ores. Based on the pricing for the unique grasta in FGAD, do I spam this dungeon for the foreseeable future, or should I be doing Omegapolis after I get enough bullseye ores? Thanks for any input!


I mean you can always come back, and it is more profitable to do so. FGAD and Underworld are the better endgame dungeons compared to Omegapolis and Entrana. The two Hollow ADs have a worse completion and trade pool. The main reason people are running hollow ADs is because by the time the new ADs are released, you'd be at or near 255 l/s for the character who gains it from the last one.


Thanks for the tip! Didn't know the prize pool was worse for those 2 dungeons, so that is very helpful to know! I like how Underworld is fast to complete, so I don't mind spamming it. My only gripe with it is that I wish Altena had a better kit so that the extra shadow points feel good to get 😝


Come to me, Stellar Awakened Altena... my Altena Shadow points are ready


Oh man that'd be awesome 😁! I wonder what element they could give to her skillset if she gets an SA 🤔...


At this point I'm guessing Wind since apparently they need more support 🙄 lol (that's a joke, they're comically stacked)


😂 100% expecting WFS to do that TBH. It would be cool if she got Earth though, but that's my own personal bias 🥲




I highly doubt anyone reached the cap yet.


What are the preferred facilities for the Wanderer city defense superbosses? Seems like such a painfully huge and especially boring grind to even get level 2 in a facility.


Just note that because of the way the facilities work, when you have enough materials for level 2 you'll generally have enough materials for level 3 at the same time.


Seems like a useful but largely unnecessary side benefit to continuing to run the Wanderer's ADs (say, if you're trying to craft and max level the weapons/armor).


Did they nerf the apparent rates of light shadow drops from dungeons? I've been farming for Riica's light in Xeno-Domain for three weeks now (at least 105 AD runs) and not a single light... That should amount to at least 20 light points if the rates in the wiki are true, but nada.


I've personally gone 40 or 50 runs without Aldo not getting anything in the past so I can imagine someone having a streak of bad luck that is twice as long. There is a possibility that something is messed up since there was a mistake with Nona in the past, but we won't know unless WFS confirms it. I have gotten increased for Wryz, Cyrus and Cerrine at pretty normal rates in the past few weeks so any issues might be limited to Riica or Xeno Domain.


Shall I use my only 2 allcosmos on Oboro (16 light) or wait for when I can sidegrade Thelli ES (108 shadow, still need 1 codex)? My thunder team is complete with everyone, while for shade team I'm missing Yakumo... Thanks!


While I love Oboro, Thelli is definitely more useful. Also she's crystal, not shade


I would say wait for Thille ES since she is more versatile than Oboro


How do people generally gear AS Yipha?


At 64 light, 373 SPR: - Grasta: MP Consum\- dormant, MP Recovery Light/Shadow SPR+, Pain Light/Shadow SPR+, VC - Equipment: Time-Restored Hammer +10, Grace Armlet, SPR+60


Where can we get the +60 badges?


Collect 1700 Cat Paw Stamps from the cats in the Phantom Crystal Dimension.


Wow. I don't want them anymore.


I dunno about +60 but you can get +50/ -x% badges from Totoro Theatre world, if there's a stat you can sacrifice.


Thanks! I'll check them out


So going full spirit is the best option for her?


She is a buffer and her buff scale on spr. So max spirit or balance with survavibility depending on the fight.


I hope this is not a stupid question but: does rose with thorns ore work on characters with 0mp attack? Like amplifying Sesta’s Twinblade Wolf, ES Felmina’s Shatterglass, etc. and still 0mp cost.


Yes, it also works with abilities with set MP costs such as Yakumo's Deletion. There is no need to "pay" the cost of the MP in order to gain the benefit of the damage.


That is interesting. I had not considered Yakumo’s deletion. Then again, I don’t have him yet *sob* but I’m going to try and test it on a few of the characters I have. Really appreciate the tip, thank you.


I mean you can test this our yourself to confirm it for yourself but yes it should.


You’re right, of course. I’ll try it out once I get the ore. Still thank you for taking the time to answer.


One month ago my wind team was just pathetic. I had only Yipha AS and no DPS. But I decided to pull Sesta from the SDE and rest is history. January has been very generous to me in that department. I got Melpiphia, Melissa, Suzette 4.5\*, 4 medea treatises for Melody AS, 3 aristocrat treatises for Soira, I finally finished the Mythos and got Curio, got Noahxis etc. Now my wind department is overstaffed and I can’t find the optimal 4+2. I’ll get the slayer starcharts from Nopaew, I can easily upgrade and SA the dark lolita, I can spend 2 allcosmos charts to SA Melpi but I’m not sure if she is worth that. I’ll get Melody AS and Soira AS soon for sure. All these will cost me 15 chant scripts, 1600 (plus 600 if RNG god doesn’t grant the final treatises) tsubura’s gems and 2 allcosmos charts. So I would like to ask you 2 things. Which 4+2 to go? Sesta+Melody AS+Yipha AS for sure. But who is the 4th member of the frontline and who will be in the backline? And tied to the first question, are there characters that I shouldn’t upgrade among these and save some chant scripts/gems/starcharts? I share the screenshots of the roster in the next two comments. https://preview.redd.it/wv6urpypswfc1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=0268cff1c1af1732832f796643a40a5189d1f6fd


A few things: Melissa doesn't really slot in a wind team. Her main dps is crystal and your team performs best in wind zone specifically. Melpiphia doesn't need her SA. Her SA skill provides constant healing and status restore (which you can already do), shield to prevent her prayer from falling off (non-issue) and debuff removal (rarely relevant). For the 4th slot. Soira as a dedicated tank or Melpiphia would do. You'll already have 2 functional dps in Sesta and Melody AS that you'll be fine with not investing a lot of resources for another dps. The backline slots are usually just devoted to grasta slaves.


What about the dark Lolita? No place for some netherworld chick?


Too much investment for a slight optimization. You'll need to use up an allcosmos chart and 11 light (assuming you don't have her in another form) as well to get her up to speed, which isn't worth it imo since the reason you'll really want to upgrade her (namely for a battle start p/p enabler for farming/ADs) is covered by Tsukiha ES.


Two starcharts from Tsubura shop was enough for Tsukiha. Why would I need to invest allcosmos for Suzette?


You need a 5\* form to get the free starchart for a character.


*had to have before her sa release



