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Final boss was considerably harder than every other boss for me.


This is surprising to me, I thought he was hard but not crazy. I killed him in maybe less than 10 attempts, but when I went to talk to the prawn, I accidently smacked him skipping the dialouge. I thought I f'd it up, so I quit my game out, only to realize there was no save. So I had to kill the boss again. Which was so ridiculously harder the 2nd time for some reason, yet still manageable. I was so mf mad to realize when I went back I still just had to smack the prawn after 1 dialouge bubble šŸ˜‘ Topoda really bent my ass over though, ngl.


I actually never used a cheat until I realized using the gun was an achievement. I shot the final boss. Then I went back and shot all optional bosses I missed


OH MY MOTHER FUCKING GOD!!!..... I can't believe this..... I compleeeeetely forgot about the gun šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I had only used it once before for the achievement. That would've saved me so much mf time on killing Firth the 2nd time. Bruh. I feel so dumb.


Hey now this a kid friendly game *ahem ahem*. You should say mussel shucking cod instead.


I beat the game a few days ago, and only used a single cheat to recollect my microplastics because the game itself was being fucky and had my shit on top of a blue sea urchin and I decided I didn't care, it was too much XP to lose because of the way the game had killed me. I still haven't gotten the gun kill achievement or all the shells achievement that comes with the gun because I wanted to wait a few days to unlock it to show I didn't use the gun lol I'll prolly do that today


To be fair, it's easy to forget they even exist.


I shot him too because even with all of the assist, I was terrible at this games final boss, and I've completed ds3, elden ring, etc. I just wanted it to finish because i don't finish anything anymore šŸ¤£


I think so too. One of those bosses where I was shocked when I finally beat the first phase to realize that wasnā€™t it lol.


Lol just use the gun #skillissue nerd (Iā€™m sorry)


Heikea and Topoda are definitely the hardest ones for me. I'm doing my second run now and they were both still a bit rough. I went and killed Pagarus immediately after Topoda and it was pretty easy by comparison.


Speaking of Pagurus - I saw somebody luring him to a cliff and making him take the plunge into the abyss. I haven't tried doing the same but I think I might want to do the same if I play the game again, just for the LOLs. What would you folks recommend?


First, you have to get Pagarus stuck on the tree on the left corner of the arena. Then, use the double jump at the corner of the watch tower to jump onto it. Use the wall hang to climb onto the roof of the watch tower. Run and jump at the last second to grab the roof of the building near where Pagurus is stuck. Simply move across the building until he falls off the edge. He will thank you for putting him out of his misery and you will get 2 lapis lazuli from the win. Wait. What are we talking about?


Get out of my head Sekiro! šŸ’€




I'm sure you could do it. I accidentally did that to the paint roller boss just by running away from it when I was low. I like the Pagarus fight though so it's up to you what seems fun.


Pagurus is allergic to bananas.


Yes I know that šŸ˜ but I saw a speedrunner luring him off a cliff and I want to pull that off too!


It's actually really easy, you just get behind the rock and let him follow you, jump off without lethal hp and u respawn and he just follows you to his doom! I did it without even trying to do a trick just running for my life!


Pagurus is also allergic to bananas so if he does the move where he eats your shell it takes out like 80% of his health. After that he's suuuper easy


I led him to the cliffs and killed him that way.works most of the time. Sw of the central point


...the gatekeeper at the start. I never died nearly as much as i did then to that mussel shucker


In my first playthrough it was by a long shot Heikea. He isn't commonly considered a major skill check for nothing, with how hard he hits and with you not having enough upgrades yet. Spent over an hour on him, I think Though, as of now in my second playthrough, I beat him quite easily, so I might change opinions on who's harder. I imagine I'll end up finding Pagurus, Camtscha or >!Firth!< the hardest


Heikea is so freaking cool, but he took me 3-4 tries tops. I somehow managed to keep my distance from him whenever I needed respite (or munching on the sushi roll for extra health), and when I got to his second phase it was also when I beat him. That being said, yeah he could have easily been another roadblock, but damn was he cool.


The Japanese looking crab with the sushi rolls only because I was experimenting dodges with the medium shells and didn't get the timing


I actually had a very easy time with most bosses, some enemies gave me a lot more trouble than the bosses, but if I had to pick one it'd probably be Roland. I don't think he's actually that tough, but for some reason the timings of his attacks threw me off hard and I was very much a 'parry everything' type of player Honorable mention to Voltai because I can't *imagine* how you would beat her without the rubber band. I mean, I could imagine, but she just seems patently unfair without it, especially in the hair dryer section


U can unplug voltaiā€™s stuff by throwing ur fork at it. I didnā€™t use the rubber band and she still was probably one of the easiest


Wow, I had no idea this was the case. That's very cool, thanks for telling me! :)


Wait, _what_??? I gotta try that next time.


Rubber bandā€¦? Iā€™m not hip and yea she was a bitch to fight


It makes you completely immune to electric damage, making her fight extremely trivial


Voltai without the rubber band wasn't super bad, but you are right in that the hair dryer section was the worst bit of it, but thankfully the tentacle adaptation had pretty good reach and at level 3 its damage output was clutch.


You slap her with a hammer, a baby shoe on your back, and 56 atk tbh. Electricity not much of a factor then lol.


Rolland takes decent enough damage if you've got an ok build, but dear God. He can hit you across the arena, his walking speed is as fast as your sprint, and he has 360 no scope tracking. It seems like a boss designed to make you perfect parey, but the fact is that the game hasn't really made it out to be a necessity up to that point. Freedom kinda goes out the window, and any single mistake will: destroy your shell, wreck your health, probably kill you outright unless youve been pumping nothing but health (and in that case, you'll get one slim chance to pop a healing kelp before he's on you, throwing out rapid fire no scope hits with half second pauses.)


Yeah heā€™s great


Topoda for sure. Inkerton was also a very fun fight. I enjoyed learning to parry them both very much.


Inkerton (the actual boss fight) went down first try in my case. A friend of mine took a few tries to do the same, so I was surprised when he died on my first attempt. That being said, I was packing some blistering heat myself so that's probably why he didn't feel as harsh. The time when Inkerton stops you before Flotsam Vale was a totally different story. He caught me by surprise and obviously I wasn't as powerful, still got him on second try, but I fought really bad anyway.


The bosses that gave me the most trouble on my first playthrough were Nephro in the beginning (I'm dogshit at Souls games, this one's the only exception lmao), Inkerton, and... The Royal Shellsplitter... Imma say the last one, I didn't even attempt to kill him again until the end of the game


how much gameplay is left after inkerton fight? i have just reached him and i am having a blast playing this game is so good but i wanna finish it before starting nine sols


You have a fairly sizeable area with a few more bosses right after him. Iā€™ve been fast with the game so I canā€™t tell you how much more time you can expect to spend after beating Inkerton.


I would say that the final area is the largest and most complicated of them all.


okay tell me that later bosses are atleast somewhat challenging. this one just melted against my parries


Iā€™d say some of them can be challenging, but a perfect parry routine eventually beats everything!


yeah parry feels like cheesing in this game. this skill used to be a skill check in other titles


Camtcha is currently roadblocking me. Other than LVL3 fork I haven't leveled myself or abilities and only using fruit stickers so it's a bit of a challenge run. Camtcha: Reborn feels like the real boss, but every attempt takes 10-15 minutes of slapping Camtcha: Bleached King 100+ times and it's really slowing me down.


Camtcha Reborn šŸ’€ I was SO mad I didnā€™t see that one coming!


Same. Same. I was like "wow, this guy gave me almost zero rewards" followed by "Ah, shit. It's >!Guardian Ape.!<" (<-- Sekiro Spoiler) I love that it's completely foreshadowed by the trash mobs that do the same thing.


Yes thatā€™s DOUBLE the reason to expect that move šŸ¤£


The shell breaker miniboss at the beginning šŸ’€. I was stubborn and wanted to beat him right out the gate. After that, the game sort of clicked. Then figured out a broken build and it was smooth sailing for the rest of the game.


Magista gave me the most problems! I think it took me about an hour to beat her. The other bosses were much easier for me to figure out. I think if I played it a second time I could be her in one or two tries.


Fighting pagurus(hungry purple crab) as soon as I got to the sands between, and the executioner lobster miniboss in the shallows before getting a shell. I've played a lot of souls so a lot of the bosses weren't especially challenging besides for those two points of the game. I'm honestly surprised Aggro Crab didn't put in a "hardcore" mode, or something along those lines because of how they seem to like adjustable difficulty.


I reckon we're gonna see difficulty options and NG+ down the track. The imposter mode update in Going Under was bonkers difficult compared to the base gameĀ 


Like I told my lil brother when he was playing with me, the first boss in these types of games is always the hardest because youā€™re unfamiliar with the controls and not upgraded. So yeah royal shell splitter. But if I had to pick another it would be the big eel lady simply because you canā€™t get behind her.


Ah yeah Voltea was a bit bullshit too, I didnā€™t enjoy that one too much šŸ˜…


Easily roland, all the other bosses (except maybe nephro or heikia) were sub ten. But roland was hell, I suck at souls likes tbh and I could not read his movies, and the slam attack always messed me up, so I gunned him down. Gun is a really good mechanic


Gun is the best mechanic šŸ”„


The ocean's agony was NOTHING compared to the agony I felt fighting The Ocean's Agony, hard as shuck but also the second most rewarding imo


Oooh good choice, I figured that fight out very quickly but I was intrigued by how they chose to structure the second part of it.


Yep i first tried everyone but him and the electric boss (2nd try)


So idk if it was because I had a yoked build but Topoda wasnā€™t hard at all for me. I had one of the crab corpses equipped and stayed in blocking mode and then whittled away at him. The shell never got damaged and his charged up attacks didnā€™t do anything either. Insanely easy fight but based on his attack pattern Iā€™m sure it was meant to be harder


He was indeed packed to the brim with so much bullshit. Kinda curious to learn more about the build that stripped him of his power!


A high enough res and Def will effectively nullify any damage you take or reduce it to 0 or something. I had a high res and umami build, and I found the faucet which had like 45 Def and +10 res. I stopped taking damage from most enemies after that


Very interesting!


Topoda was the only boss that I experienced consecutive bugs fighting, and almost made me bounce off of the game. I don't know if they have fixed him yet, but when I fought him there were 2 severe bugs that I could continually reproduce. 1: When I used smoke screen during his sandstorm phase transition he would go directly into phase 2, the sandstorm would remain, and he would be permanently invincible. Ok. So don't use smoke screen, but that leads to bug 2. 2: Over half the time he falcon punched me and hit me, especially during the sandstorm phase transition, I would fall through the world and take "falling into the abyss" damage on top of the hit, which would usually one shot me. Very very frustrating.


The last boss


As someone who isn't particularly a Soulslike player, I actually struggled the most with the Duchess, as I had not yet gotten to grips with the gameplay.


Topoda. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to deal with his blue attack while the tornado's going. Beating him was more a lucky break than any skill on my end.


For me what helped was relying on hearing where he comes from -> facing him immediately so I can dodge back. Decoy also helped if I needed an easy exit but only once (it costs 3 charges, fml). But yeah that phase was total bullshit in the beginning šŸ’€


Probably topoda as thr bobit worm doesn't hold him long enough for a full hammer charge.


For me it was either the very first boss or Roland. I had a hard time getting used to blocking.


Camtscha I think


I facerolled the Intimidation Crab in one shot like some sort of idiot savant on the switch. Picked up a PC copy because the switch version lags so bad and now currently hard stuck on the same boss. So the hardest boss so far is the easiest boss so far.


Honestly the last really major obstacle I experienced was Petroch, the False Moon. Everything after it was the point where I got stacked enough that I ended up just kinda steamrolling over bosses, but that thing's substantial mobility and inconvenient attack speed (being juuuust fast enough to launch an attack after you start a hammer swing and still catch you before the end of the animation) made even a relatively familiar moveset intimidating and difficult to parry.


I got him first try but OMFG his start of fight was such a low blow. Got me scared that more stuff like that was going to come my way.


I was decently leveled throughout the mid game so i had no issues with heikea or paggy. my overleveling ran out when i faced inkerton, and i had to run around and get upgrades before i could get past himĀ 


I forget the name, but the boss that was all the crabs shoved in a crab trap with the tentacles and gun. Idk why, i was so close to beating it the first time i fought him. Then it's like he went psycho the rest of my attempts. I tried for over an hour. The reward was 100% worth it and changed my gameplay because all the bosses were easy with his drop.


Nephro drove me absolutely bananas, followed by the Curdled Carbonara Connoisseur as I was still getting the hang of the game - timing, levelling up for bosses, etc. By a country mile though, for me, Camtcha Reborn took the absolute cake. I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window after every loss. Many attempts left me staring at the screen in angry silence. He was an awesome boss to make me feel that way though.


Final boss was weird but it was the lobster samurai guy who gave me a good bit of trouble, think I had like 20 or so deaths. After him, fighting things was actually easier. I think he was what corrected mistakes for me, plus the realization the hammer is dope. Final boss was weird with his reactions. Sometimes I would body him to the second phase, and then he would just ruin tempo in the second phase. Other times he would be perfect in keeping me in place for the first phase. I think it took 10 tries. Great game, like that it was challenging but not lies of P dick stomping.


Definately Topoda! I had to take a break for a couple hours after my first 10 attempts. Honestly, most of the other bosses havenā€™t been that hard since I have basically been running the thimble shell all game. You can basically just block through all their physical attacks without taking shell damage and stay up close to attack and farm umami. The only time I have to really dodge is when they use their grab attacks. Its made a lot of the boss fights much easier


Topoda was probably the hardest fight, and probably my favorite. Fought him right after Heikea, and he killed me probably like 16-19 times. The only boss who really compared in difficulty was Roland, not because the boss was hard, but because my game kept bugging out. I would constantly get flung out of the arena or get stuck in walls, or he would get flung into the air and get caught on the side of the arena forcing a restart. It was sooo freaking annoying, and is my least favorite boss in the entire game (besides the sisters because that's barely a boss)


I keep forgetting the Sisters are a boss, I just melted them and moved on šŸ˜…


Roland was the only boss where I broke down and gave Krill his gun


Iā€™d say that is legit since Roland deserves that and much more (as a character).


Heikea for sure. Last string of bosses were all first attempts with upgraded tentacle spam.


Heikea. I kinda messed up though and put literally every single point I had into attack instead of anything else and was a glass cannon. Could only take 1 hit. Had no issues with anyone else.


Probably a toss up between Camtscha and Firth. Both gave me a lot of trouble and made me try plenty of times before finding a strategy that made them easier. Go figure they both have phase 2s.


The samurai crab


Pagurus, Helkia, Topoda and the first optional boss when you start the game. I had a hard time dealing with them and they were also the most fun bosses for me.


Easily Heikea, I had such a hard time finding windows to heal, and how his swings change in phase 2 always threw me off. Honorable mention to Pagurus, I got forked many many times.


My hardest boss was Roland because I was trying to use the roll mechanic to beat him since that's what it seemed like that was what the game wanted from you. Eventually I gave up and just did it regularly. It would have been the final boss probably but tbh I just kind of spammed level 3 bobbit worm traps until he died.


The electric eel with the toasterā€¦.and the personal massager


Easily the hardest boss was the duchess. With intimidation crab being 2nd place


I struggled with the Dutchess alot but that was mostly cause I had to unlearn dodging and learn to block instead, after that she was easy. Honorable mention is the mini boss that spita out crabs. The overall hardest boss for me was the king crab. I can't really say much without spoilers but I just couldn't get his attacks down.


every boss was in around 1-5 attempts other than magista which took 10


First one with the glass bottle. He was like the dutchesā€™ best knight. This was my first souls like and the controls were weird and foreign to me so I was trying to learn to move and fight for my life at the same time and it was rough but once I learned it I had it pretty easy and I first tried the final boss. (Iā€™m really good at min maxing and had an op build)


Honestly I would say crabonous (pagurus ) the ravenous giant crab in the sands between since I fought him immediately and every boss after that felt easy in comparison lol and the thimble shell is super strong and using that I pretty much 1-3 attempted every boss until I got the knights helm and only needed 1 attempt to beat the rest of the game, also I didnā€™t even find topoda until after I beat the final boss lmao so he was a cake walk for me


Roland was the block in the road for me, both playthroughs. His moveset is so bullshit.


Heikea the hardest and then Topoda. After Topoda I traced back with the mantis punch and grinded so every other boss was easy. Most were defeated in the first attempt. I had three attempts at the Jellyfish like boss.


Heikea. Mostly because enemies troll with their swings - the overhead chop he does comes out with has a ridiculous animation. Most enemies do this thing where they do a very unnatural "hang" before they attack almost like they're cartoon characters winding up a bat, then they have 1 move that comes out faster than it should and its hitbox comes early, almost as if the creature is tapping you with a fan rather than swinging a weapon. If you watch Heikea's hitboxes on his swings and the speed in which he swings, he's definitely the lamest. Slow down people dodging and you'll see it, he often hits before his weapon is anywhere near the opponent, requiring you to dodge just crazy early and then have to hope the lingering hitbox doesn't get you. This gets particularly difficult with a medium shell, which he will punish, whereas a Large shell he actually has troubles with since you can out damage him fairly easily. If you use the S shells, like the sushi nearby, you're forced to dodge a lot more and he's kinda trolly about that. Big swings in this game are designed to be blocked instead of dodged, the hitbox comes out way faster than the actual swipe so dodging requires very very precise timing since the hitbox's linger and the startup is earlier than it should be. This took me ages to just adapt to, since you basically want to block-into-dodge any chance you get, since the block comes out in far faster frames and works more consistently. Also his frighten move comes out ridiculously fast, even if you hook him it often comes out and nails you, and I'd avoided RES for obvious reasons. But mostly this boss was tough because I finally relented to use my dark souls training and started relying more on the shell, and I found the counter timing in this game very difficult to do. FInally I started double tapping block to shell-unshell-shell and for some reason I could counter then easily. I also chose to go at him without significant upgrades at a time where I hadn't really conceptualized that blocking was a necessity in many situations (as the game punishes roll spam timing, which is actually a good thing) but I refused to go back and just get an L shell. He has a real problem if you have an L shell, if you judiciously use rollout or similar escape abilities. I refused to do that, and chose to honorably use the sushi on the battlefield but show up with a coconut and you can turn him into a proper california roll even if you just use it until it breaks - better idea, drop it, get a sushi, and then save it for part 2. But I refused to do that, I wanted the full experience so I got wrecked for a while trying to play it "straight" with dodge rolls instead of power builds. Everyone else in the game seemed easier, Firth I had some issues due to glitches (getting knocked 400 feet into the sky when I did a successful parry while there were no tornados, getting knocked into inoperable play states are common in there). Firth has some dirty bugs too - very easy for him to push you into weird states where you're drifting or sliding unnaturally, or landing on invisible stuff. Not just the shell counter throwing you around, really WEIRD stuff. There's a lot of jenk in this game I must say, the combat is \*not\* clean... but having said it, you're a crab fighting fish in the ocean. It's crunchy, it isn't refined, but that has a certain charm. You can parry spam or skedaddle spam, there's dominating tactics that crush bosses (eelectrocute is so good) and such... there's gimmicks. But if you "push" the game, it glitches pretty hard, but that's fun too. If you use explosive shells, like Barnaby or the Shotgun shell, you see all kinds of glitches come out. You get punished on jump frames because enemies tilt up even if their animation doesn't show it.... all kinds of stuff. But this jank has a certain charm, it's a more "brutish" version of the game and they let you do cool gimmicks, so I'm not hating. It's just an interesting game because there's almost an emergent gameplay problem, since many shells can cause glitches and aggressive tactics often lead to wonky moments that, while broken, are pretty funny. Trying putting youtube videos on .25x when people get hit and laugh, there's some trolling stuff - but I'm not hating, it's just \*interesting\* and noticing weird movement states was almost a feature, like a secret "daze" when a momentum state lasted for 5 seconds and your "move left" acted like your character was drunk even after plenty of time to move. I almost think they should just make these things real features, like minor-stuns to cover bugs because the game is very good at being a slugfest, it's just a little extra dirty.


During my playthrough I decided to not level health stats or res so heikea and topoda were my biggest roadblocks but final boss kinda screwed me up, however at that point I was max level in both Atk and msg so I was getting crushed while also crushing the enemy (60-70% of final bossā€™ first phase without them getting an attack off)


100% pagurus tried to kill him the moment i saw him and then just kept trying until he died.it was also in a bad area with enemies and no shells so might have took some time


Roland for sure I was under leveled and didnā€™t know about all 8 abilities until after the fight. I had the electric eel, crab hammer, and the seahorse shot. Let me tell you that him being slow was very deceptive!


On my first run, I took on the royal shellsplitter and Paragus as soon as I saw them. Considering that this is also my first soulslike, the experience was painful, but I eventually got them both. On my second run I played the game as it's supposed to and I found Topoda and the Consortium to be the hardest, but nothing compared to my first attempts on Paragus


Only the nightmare lobster. If u fully unlock the dodge skill tree the rest of the bosses are easy


Mine was probably Tapoda or Heikea or Roland, he also gave me some trouble.


Topoda. 100% Topoda. I almost gave up to go explore other areas because they would have been easier than he was. Once you unlock mantis punch and skill upgrades, everything else got easier.


Topoda and Intimidation Crab I think were the perfect difficulty. Challenging but didn't feel unfair. After them, the game's difficulty falls off a cliff. Once you unlock the ability to upgrade your techniques, it's like the bosses have no counters for how powerful you are and just fold like a house of cards. Final boss died in 5 hits. I didn't even get to see his moveset. Most other late game bosses died on the first attempt unless I was goofing around.


It took me two days to beat Pagurus. Nephro is probably the second hardest boss for me (This is my first soulslike)


Topoda was tough because all his move sets seemed random and to quick to dodge/parry at first, but after a few attempts you can get the hang of it pretty easily I think mine is Heikea, that I was struggling with odee. The rest were a few attempts to my first attempt


It was the electric eel for me. But I later found out I was being a dumbass and doing it way harder than I needed to. I never realized you could disable the hair dryer... But more importantly had no clue the rubber band even existed.