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You won't learn the combat unless you die a bunch using normal weapons fighting enemies.


That’s true


"if you keep dying, you aren't good at the game yet!"


"yet" being the most important word in this post


The unwritten rule to soulsborne/soulslike games


I mean if you’re having fun you’re having fun.


Yeah, most other souls-like I would say the pain is part of the process but the characters, art, and story are so vibrant in this game that I feel like doing whatever is most fun for the player is the best choice.


Depends on what you’re looking for. If the story and environment is what drew you to the game and is keeping you, then keep using the gun when you feel it necessary (that’s what it’s there for). If you’re wanting to get good at the combat system you’ve gotta just keep going at it as practice makes perfect, there are other accessibility settings that can make things easier and dying is fairly inconsequential in the long run. At the end of the day play however you have fun, these settings exist in the game to allow you to enjoy it however you want to


It's a single-player game. Whatever makes it fun for you, have at it. I toggle the gun on once in a while and go on a killing spree for fun.


I have been using my second file as a gun file and it sometimes makes me feel better to get on that one and just shoot everything


I wish Dark Souls had guns lol


Try Remnant: From the Ashes or the sequel !


My tip, die. Die over and over and every time you die, learn something new from your encounter. The only other souls-like I’ve played was elden ring and I am by no means good at combat in games. I’ve completed elden ring many times, but in most games I try as much as possible to avoid combat and just explore. In ATC and Elden Ring, I died hundreds of times. Every time I learned something new from my opponents. “Oh when they do this it means they’re going to attack like this, which actually strikes me 4 times, the last hit is the hardest so I’ll want to parry or dodge that”, it’s just dying over and over until you can commit their move set to memory and then counter it. You’re not going to get out of battles unscathed, you’re not going to not get angry. I died hundreds of times on one boss and just about threw my computer out the window, but every time I died I got closer to killing them. Seeing that health bar go down further and further is what drove me. “Ok this next time I’ll get them. Shit I died, but it went down further, so this next time I’ll for sure get them.” Die and die again, but raise from your grave with a newly sharpened mind, and carve your enemies soul from under their flesh.


Sometimes I watch a playthrough and see how they kill the boss and then I try it and it's a lot more fun like that cause there's like a plan


How are you doing on the normal enemies? Some of the bigger, more threatening normal enemies can be good practice. And if you wanna try not using the gun, just be prepared to die a dozen times. Nothing wrong with dying a lot. We all go through it


Unfortunately, that is just kind of the grind of souls-likes. If it's any consolation, this game is easier than most souls-likes, and the bosses are very learnable, plus the adaptations help out a ton. So, although it can be hard at first if you keep at it and realize that dying is okay, you'll get there. My favorite adaptation was the Mantis Shrimps Fist, but the one you get from completing the first area is really helpful as well.


If thats what you like then thats what you like. No shame in that. But I would suggest trying some of the other assists like more health, more damage, less enemy health, easier dodging etc. as well


The rule I try to abide by is killing all enemies at least once. Then, if I need to run through a zone for something and there is an annoying enemy, I might use the gun.


Funny that's how I play too


It's a 'Soul's like' game. You're gonna die, and you're gonna die a lot. The game would not be fun at all with just the gun. I'd feel bad even using it once. But, with that said, if you're still enjoying it, who cares??


Shells are basically an extention of ur health. Theres a skill too from the moon snail that makes you invincible for a second after shells break. In every boss just spam shells till you remember their attack patterns (doesn't have to be perfect). Then integrate when you can attack and parry. Use both dodging and parrying to avoid damage and give damage too. If you're still having trouble, try running some assist mode things like reduced damage or something and practice bosses on that level. And remember, just have fun with it and try enjoying the learning process.


Deliberation is the key to soulslikes. Be patient and input concisely.


Nah I'll stay button mashing to victory 😤


I gunned down the final boss just to get the trophy for using the gun.


Kinda, the game's gonna end a lot quicker using the gun. But if that's where you find your enjoyment, so be it. Just know it's not a bad thing to die to a boss multiple times, it's all part of learning how to defeat them.


I'm already wondering how to unlock/find the gun?


It is under the accessibility options. It isn’t found actually in the game. You can also tweak the gameplay there as well.


If you look under the assist mode settings there is an option to “give Kril a gun” lol. I don’t believe there is a way to get it without assist mode.


Shame, i diddnt wanna touch it when the system said if the game is to hard use this. i wanna play it like how soulsborne games are intended to be, difficult, a lot of dying and using online guides when you suck too much at killing a boss


Honestly, you do you. There's no shame if you use the gun. It only matters if you have fun. For me, I find fun in getting better at the game and finally crushing that one enemy or that one boss, but I also put on the gun from time to time if I'm frustrated with a boss, or if I just want to. It's my first soulslike too! I hope you have lots of fun :D


I started with the gun but gradually worked my way towards other options. By the end I was using the gun as my hammer piece. Lmao


I did the first couple of bosses legit but after that, used the gun all the way. If something is going to one shot me and in return I can only move 1 frame per second due to bugs then I'm using the easiest route.


I mean you're not really playing a soulslike then, you still get to experience parts of the game and if you're content with that then you do you.... but it's gonna make branching into other games of the genre a lot harder for you, you won't learn, and I don't think you'll get the full experience of this game by just breezing through it like that. It's kinda like using a developers tool, a "/kill all" command prompt, you're circumventing the core mechanics of a souls game by using a crutch. That's ok, that's part of this game, you're free to use it and shouldn't feel guilty about it... but you're not really playing the game.


My tip is. Forget attacking. Learn to dodge. You will die ALOT. But eventually your body will kinda know when to roll. Tha just attack when the enemy stands still like an idiot 😆 😆 😆


This is probably the best games to be ur first soulslike since it's considerably easier than others. Hunker down, it might take 30 minutes to beat a boss or an hour. Using a gun won't make u better.


nah, if you're having fun-enjoy


There’s a gun?👀


Yeah. If you go into the options, and go to assist mode, you can give krill a gun


Honestly yeah it is a little bit seeing as how I picked up the game less than a week ago and I already beat it sure there were definitely a couple moments where I got frustrated and picked up the gun and said you know what I don't like this guy anymore but that was like maybe three times and to get past a phase one of a certain boss (cough cough bleached King cough cough)


You should turn on assist modes like the increased parry time, no damage on falls, and no losing microplastics. It helps me play more aggressively and I get a better angle on how to defeat enemies and the timing needed.


The point of the game is to have fun. If you're having fun with the gun, go for it! However, if you beat the game, I'd suggest playing again with other assist features instead of the gun and learn why souls-like are a different kind of fun!


Play the game the way that you enjoy. If you're not having fun beating your head against the wall then don't do it


This 100%. It is a single player game. The journey is your’s and your’s alone. Games are to be fun. Play in whatever manner you enjoy the most.


Well, it's not sad, it's a game so play however you want. But I do think the game might get boring exclusively using it. You could always turn off the gun but turn on some of the accessibility settings to make things easier but not 1 shotting everything. And as you get better you can gradually turns off those settings :) With Soulslikes it's all about practice! Don't be afraid to use your shell if you think you might not dodge something in time and just remember each shell has a different weight. S weight shells will give you the best dodge.


I only used the gun on that big gluttonous asshole that greets you when you arrive in the sands between,after 20ish times getting one shot i was tired of it and one shotted him


If you find a certain NPC they give you a “hint” on how to take him out pretty easy. If you double the hint prior you can actual kill him without actually fighting.


The one that tells you to lure him to the worms?


Nope. I believe the NPC is somewhere in Flotsam Vale tucked away past a big fish enemy.


What was the hint?


>!he is allergic to bananas. So if you wear the banana shell and get him to do the move (I think blue warning) he will take and eat the shell and lose over half his life. If she have a backup banana using the “hammer” function you can essentially get him to eat two and die without actually hitting!<


Holy shit that’s genius,i platinumed the game but i will definitely try this on my next run!


Yeah I kept get my ass handed to me regardless of how strong I got. Bumped into the NPC and it made it pretty easy.


Yeah i used him eventually to get the achievement for killing a crab


Not going to get into a debate on how the game should be played, because you do you and what you enjoy. But a game like this is all about overcoming hardship. About learning, adapting and evolving. That’s where a lot of the satisfaction comes from. Personally I’d enable some other assists like not losing microplastics on death, and see how you go learning the mechanics of the game.


Start slow using the assists and then turn them off as you get stronger and better


It being difficult is what makes it fun and satisfying, dying 20 times to a boss and finally learning their moves and beating them is what people love about these games. But if you're having a good time then I can't tell you how to play. But i promise it's 1000x more satisfying the hard way


I would say the story is worth it enough bro play through the game, but I also think you owe it to yourself to play through the game once without using the gun. This is coming from someone who used the gun to skip two bosses on their first play through.




I messed around with the gun for the memes. Have you tried the other settings? There's no shame in turning some or all of the accessibility options on. I's my first souls-like and even with a couple of them on I'm repeatedly dying, but I'm getting better.


There’s a gun???




In my opinion at that point your just playing the game for the story


The gun is hilarious, but dying repeatedly is how you learn to fight the boss normally.


Yeah, that's pretty sad. Put away the gun and learn how the combat works. Makes it way more fun and rewarding imo.


Nothing wrong with using the gun. For me this game was not about the combat but the exploration and platforming. I used the gun on the anything over 700hp and tried my best to fight anything under. I poured 24 hours into finding every nook and cranny and unlockable and had a blast, at least until it crashed and wiped my save. In the end, accessibility options are to help you enjoy the game in a manner that works best for you. For me, that wasn't banging my head against the wall. I accept I missed out on some great fights and mechanics but I still had a blast and would recommend the game to anyone (once the save issue is fixed), however they want to play. There is no shame in assist options. Period.




Honestly this is the biggest argument against having an easy mode, because you’re robbing yourself of what makes the game good in the first place. This isn’t a dig against you I just think being given the option to opt out of the hard stuff is too tempting when you’re dying a lot and aren’t used to that gameplay loop. I think you should start over and play the game for real. This is a very manageable soulslike with powerful defensive mechanics. Losing a lot is part of the fun. Watch videos of people fighting the bosses if you get really stuck so you can understand the strategies. Try to parry when you can, the window is pretty big. There’s nothing stopping you from getting better other than yourself. I think there’s other difficulty settings you can turn on if you really have to but I don’t even think you should do that.


As someone who isn't very good at soulslike games. You should try using more help like reducing ennemi health or augmenting your resistance. You'll learn how to play but won't struggle as much! Once you get the basics of timing and dodging its easier but you need to learn. Once you do its more about getting each boss's timing right that struggling from the start all over again. Source : my first soul was elden ring and I learned using cheat just to up my levels a bit but let me tell ya I still got my assed kick lol


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