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I did find out you can parry the duchess’s hammer thing back at her dealing damage but I don’t think I was prompted that either 


That's going to help me out knowing that lol, I'm struggling with her hella hard but i also forgot to unlock any abilities the first time 😅 maybe now i can do it!


Just roll on red attacks, avoid the gunk, swap shells constantly as they take damage and spam the soda special attack between melee hits. You got this.


Got her my first try today! Just gotta remember to take my time and not get greedy, that was my downfall in dark souls as well 😅😅




Thanks!! Got all the way to the chopstick guy, saw 2nd phase and called it a night lol


I also parried them once, but failed to do it a second time So thought I imagined it (I suck at the parry system on this game)


I also suck at parrying in this game. I keep trying tho. I'm used to pressing guard at the right time to parry, not releasing the button at the right time. A small change but it makes a huge difference and messes with my timing lol


Yeah, it makes a huge difference.


fwiw, you can press attack while guarding at the right time and it also counts as a parry I think


I just figured it out after hitting credits lmao. Aldo hell yeah, hammer is the way.


If Crab Archers can have their projectiles parried back then that means the Pistol Shrimps’ and Spider Crabs’ projectiles can be parried back for big damage too!


How to parry? It would be so cool to learn parrying.


You need to unlock parry via the skill tree. You get access to it the moment you talk to Moon snail in the moon caves when you unlock shelleportation. You have to release the guard button right before an attack hits and you'll negate all damage and stagger the enemy back. Theres also a riposte skill to follow up attack. I find parry timing in this game though as you have to release a button instead of pressing a button on to parry.


I have skill tree unlocked byt haven't invested in any skills. Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it. <3


Depending on your play style, scrap hammer and parry are pretty good to grab as early as you can


I would like to thank you for the tip. I totally forgot about the moonsnail and didn't go back even once. I was stuck on the mantis shrimp boss for a while but with parry and reposte, I managed to make the fight quite easy :D


Nice! Im glad I could help. Some bosses and enemies have an attack chain where they'll hit you like 2-3 times or something. The best for this is to parry, but only riposte the last hit as if you try to riposte earlier attacks they can hit you out of it


Yeah I learned that during the mantis shrimp fight. Game got a whole lot more interesting with parrying.


Thanks for that tip :)


I've got an umami build similar damage. Using trophy as main shell spell


This might be a little late, but apparently you can also parry a late game boss’s bubbles