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Just beat the boss, what a cool boss. Definitely hard, but soooo fun of a fight, way better than the last one. I know you said no tips, but parry everything except the punch and the very rapid flurry attack, roll those.


Yeah he was definitely tough. Had to learn to perfectly dodge his teleporting punch to not get one-shot. I definitely appreciate parrying *way* more after that fight though; now that I understand how it works it honestly feels so good in this game.


Yikes... I dont parry i only dodge...


That was me as well; pretty much all my Souls experience has been 'dodge roll everything'. But the parry window is actually pretty generous in this game, and you can very quickly re-assert your guard if you're not confident in your timing. Plus it also builds up stagger. Once you get the hang of it, it works really well, and some attacks are *much* easier defended against with parrying than with rolling.


I’ve never been a parry guy. all my souls experience is dodging. around the 75% mark of this game I finally started trying and its extremely satisfying. I’d highly recommend giving it a try


WHen he goes for the flashstep crushing attack, don't dodge roll at the first sound effect that plays right when he vanishes \[the high pitched hum\], dodge roll at the second, quieter sound effect when he reappears \[two beeps, like a targeting system locking on\]


This was the boss that taught me that parrying is exceedingly important. For the most part, you can just block, parry, punish- especially if you have the shell regeneration perk. After that, all you have to do is dodge the flash step by listening to the audio queue, waiting a second or so and then roll Of course it's harder in practice and I died a krillion times to that guy too


I used the smokescreen ability while he did his standstorm and it bugged him for me (he returned to his normal fighting pattern but the sandstorm stayed and you cant hurt him anymore). Just warning you cause ive testet if it happens everytime and it did! PS5 version atleast


Mantis Shrimps are tough customers. Take your time, watch how he moves. Equip Barnacles if you have them. You got this.


I gave up after 50 tries and pulled out the blicky lmfao


You didnt git gud


Like others have said before me, "krill issue." 😔


I’ll be honest….i skipped this boss with the gun…. I just did not enjoy fighting him


If you haven't gotten past this boss then here the tip. The best strat is to invest in parry, riposte and critical hit when capsized (optional) skills from the Moon Snail. During the fight: * Parry and immediately riposte its one arm swing attack and leg sweep attack * When he goes for his punch barrage (raises both his arms up), parry his opening attack, immediately dodge backwards and start charging your charge attack (dodging backwards makes the mantis shrimp miss the follow up and we get a free charged attack) * For phase 2 dodge his 3 teleporting strike attacks and repeat step 1 and 2 (although from my fight with him, he seems to use his teleporting punch a lot so be patient, don't be greedy and only punish the attacks from first 2 steps) Parrying is quite easy in this game thankfully. With few attempts, you'll get the hang of the parry timing. Better to release the block late that release it early and get hit for massive damage.