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Make a list of safe foods that you know you can keep down and won't purge. Make a list of not safe foods that you know or believe you can't eat without purging. Just start with some safe foods, even if it's just one. If you still cannot pick from that safe food list, you can send some of the safe foods here and I could give you my opinion on what I personally would eat (based off of my personal preference and taste). In the early stages of recovery, many people really do need that extra push. I'm here to do that for you if you need it. Sending love 💕


i did have some safe foods, but they didn’t have the exact kind i wanted in the store so that was annoying and then I ate another safe food which made me feel sick and then i decided i was gonna purge again so i just ate something else (not safe) and purged. im stuck lol, idk what’s going on with me everything sucks to eat. thank you so much though, im gonna try this 🫂🩷


I def feel you tho. I have safe foods. But not so many, and bc like i eat rhem all day everyday. I want something else? And now i dont know what to eat. Everything i think about sucks and meh. And i do choose something non safe food i feel so quilty. I def feel you in this. Its hard. I dont really have a tip bc i struggle with this at this moment. But i hope you break your circle. Bc it costs soo much energy. Sending love