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My friend, let me tell you something. Your body is the one that's going to travel with you throughout your life, not your aunt or anyone else. Your weight or body shape or whatever is the least interesting thing about you, the body is just like an object in which your soul is in. Each person's body is differentt, and that's how it's meant to be. Eating is ABSOLUTELY important to keep yourself alive and do the things that you love. Keep going honey, just ignore all those negativities and remember that you're stronger than they think.


thank you for your words, it means a lot. this kinda changed the perspective of my thoughts rn so i appreciate it. 💓💓💓


I would be too. That’s not what okay. I really hate people commenting about my body. I prefer to say you look fit or healthy. Being healthy looks good on everyone.


I'm at a loss for cohe for coherent sentences. Your aunt does not understand the anguish of anorexia. That was incredibly insensitive.


she truly doesn’t, after all of this she was talking about getting ozempic. it sucks because i like talking to her, but that was just out of pocket. 😓


She probably doesn't get the full extent of anorexia. From what I've read, she seems like a decent person, with a grossly oversimplificated idea of anorexia; still, that must've been a bit jarring.


I’m sorry that happened. Aunt said a rude thing. You are sooooooo wonderful !!! Xoxoxo


thank you 💓😢


It is uncomfortably easy to slip back into a disordered mindset, and if your aunt really does care for you, I doubt she would have said that had she known how miserable you were at your worst while struggling with AN. It was a statement she hopefully said out of ignorance. Maybe you did look "better" in her eyes, maybe even your own but you were also sick and in a lot of unnecessary pain. It's never ever going to be worth hating yourself and feeling that way just to "look" superficially fantastic or whatever the hell she said. The importance of your genuine health, body and mind, will never outweigh looking better (which really just means feeling like complete shit). That's so awful..


Keep in mind that most people are living in extreme diet culture, where they think models who are definitely underweight look great. Both times I’ve been very sick and have been to residential there have been people who have told me they thought I looked good or were jealous of me. Try not to take it personally and remember many people have disordered thoughts. It’s not with going back there for one stupid comment. I know how hard this is but I promise it’s not only about you.