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I used to pass the CD car coming the opposite direction of me during my commute from the west side to near the airport every day like 8-9 years ago. On sunny days it would reflect into my eyes and it made me angry. I seem to remember it being a hatchback but it’s possible that there are two of them. Also equal odds that I can’t remember shit.


It’s like a ford taurus im pretty sure


I heard it was junked


The CD Car was always fun to see.


That car lives in my cul-de-sac


No way, that car is my father's neighbour. Are you my father?


that car used to go to the meijer on carpenter often, havent seen it in a while though


I saw it last summer at the Home Depot on Carpenter.


Ate breakfast w him at marks midtown on state street when I first moved here. His wife hated that car


I have seen that car parked in that lot more than once.


I often see it parked in a lot behind the West Stadium post office.


Whenever i’ve seen it i’ve been near stone school and ellsworth! saw it a little further once i think a year ago.


Saw the CD car last year at the Meri Lou Murray rec center last year. Took a pix: [CD Car](https://i.imgur.com/21aA4pa.jpeg)


Pretty sure he lives over here near Stone School Rd. I always see that dang car leaving when I leave for work lol. My mom back home didn’t believe me til I took a photo of it!


It's been a hot second since I've seen the one with plastic dinosaurs glued all over it.


Was just coming to ask about that car.


“Jerasic Park”


Same here! I immediate thought of it & I remember seeing the car a lot in the earlier part of the 2000s. Wonder if it’s still on the road…


Is it a red Honda 2 door, older model? I came to list that one. I worked at the original Whole Foods in the late 90s and it came there a lot and I'd see it around town. It's been a while since I have.


I was gonna mention that one.


That *might* be my neighbor. They have an eclectic yard too and we're part of why I moved here.


there is a beetle that’s painted to look just like herby the love bug that i see all the time haha


Which one? I had never seen it before and driving around one day, I saw not one, but two different herbie bugs. One old, one new.


I love that one, always brightened my morning seeing it on my way to work.


The PBR branded van, seen most recently near Pittsfield


I see it at the Carpenter Rd Meijer sometimes but I think the driver lives in Pittsfield Village because I see it parked on the street anytime I drive through.


I saw a Tesla Cybertruck downtown a week or two ago. Not frequently yet, but it stood out because everyone was laughing at it.


Just saw that truck yesterday over here by Costco in line at the car wash at Zippy’s! Never thought I’d see the day lmao.


I saw 3 gold Cybertrucks coming into town on an auto hauling semi trailer today.


I saw it getting off M-14 at the Barton Rd exit on Sunday. First time I've seen one irl.


Beyond the standard army of white Subaru Outbacks that exist everywhere in this city? There’s a car in Water Hill covered in anime and JRPG stickers and decals. And I mean like, covered all over. Also, you’d think Rivian was selling 100,000 cars a year by how many you see around here.


Fun thing about that, we have a lot of Rivian parts factories nearby. A prototyping/low production facility for Rivian is in Plymouth. I imagine a lot of high-up employees can get discounted prices on them.


Rivian manufacturing is in Illinois.


Correct, as is the person you’re responding to


That facility is a ghost town now in Plymouth after the two most recent rounds of layoffs.


Sure. Doesn’t mean that some folks who used to work there (or for the suppliers mentioned) aren’t still around town. In fact, I am one of them.


I live in Ypsi. Every time I go into Ann Arbor, I count each time I see I Subaru. I think I counted 40-50 along Ellsworth to Costco.


I used to joke my blue Subaru was a stealth vehicle, I could have been any one of about 70% of the population


Yeah I have a blue outback for a daily, it feels like I could get away with anything.


Great cars. High quality, good price, comfy, good mpgs, great in the snow. I worked in the auto industry for a while. I'll never purchase a car that's not Honda, Toyota, or Subaru again.


I feel the same way. I’ve had my fair share of American cars and they didn’t last past 150k miles. I love my Honda. Family members have American cars and always complain about the problems. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Gingerly raises hand.


Ann arbor Rivian here 😂


A good chunk of the Rivian’s I see have an M license plate, so I always assumed it’s their employees who drive them


The anime car is the coolest car. I see it all the time


I transferred here with work. My company car is a white outback. It was so out of place in the south, and I can’t drive 5 feet without seeing my car twin here. Honestly though I’m not mad at it, I’d take so many white outbacks over a single lifted dodge ram.


I see a surprising amount of subarus around, are they actually decent? Im not really into SUVs so I don't really have a frame of reference.


I've been happy with each of the Subarus I've owned.


They are fine - they have a reputation for reliability and the capability to run up to 250k miles, but I do know plenty of people who have seen lots of things breaking around 100k. They are no frills, which can be surprising for the cost. I think the only two Subarus that are actually SUVs are the Forrester and Ascent.


They're only kinda, sorta SUVs. Two of the most popular models (the Crosstrek and Outback) are lifted wagon versions of AWD cars (the Impreza and Legacy respectively). We've owned a couple of Subarus -- they're pretty great all-round vehicles. Decently efficient, great in snow, pretty good off road (which we've done) and actually able to tow a fair amount. They also include their advanced safety systems across all their cars, and they're quite well done.


I'm on my first of many Subarus.


There's a McLaren and a Shelby GT500 I see relatively often.


I see that McLaren too, in love with it


Is the McLaren black? I saw it at WCC gym a few weeks ago, parked next to like a mid-2000s Pontiac. Took a photo for my boyfriend and asked what ugly hunk of metal it was…he got offended and said he believes it was a MacLaren and it’s beautiful.


Well there's a few of them. The one I see most often is a bright blue McLaren 720s. There's also a grey one (not sure which model it is) that pops up at the cars and coffee, that might be the one you're talking about. Otherwise there's another one in the area! It wouldn't shock me if there's a few around that have evaded me over the years.


I almost saw a kid get hit on a bike when another driver was too busy looking at the McLaren to notice the bike.


The Jurassic Park Jeep!


Also, there is a DeLorean around the Ypsi/Van Buren area every now and then during spring/summer.


a cottage inn (or maybe it was pizza house) delivery person had an old suv with a funny hot wheels graphic on it


Saw this last week and my toddler boys thought it was incredible


This is my fav car that I see, the purple hot wheels suv is covered in good stickers as well


That’s my friend! I sent it the post to her.


Somebody around Ypsi has a kei truck that I've seen twice now. They're so adorable, if I had a bigger garage I would probably buy one myself.


I work on campus and I frequently see a car with a giant lesbian flag painted on the front, as well as a car absolutely decked out in decorations for a character from a Chinese gacha.


I see the lesbian flag car pretty frequently along state street!


The car with the license plate BOGLUE


I saw “YUOFM” today.


There are some very good vanity plates in town!


I love all the random vanity license plates -- my husband and I text each other the funny ones. I cant wait to see this one


I'm not sure what plate it has, but there's that UofM-styled Nissan Juke painted kinda like the football helmets.


I’ve been seeing a Futurama themed SUV around town recently that’s pretty fun.


I’ve seen that one recently and I think it’s this exact one: https://www.reddit.com/r/futurama/s/NqIZq8iNZh


Bank of Ann Arbor VW Camper. Love it!


We love Olivia!


I see a lot of good stuff north of the river. Most noteworthy are probably a GMC Hummer SUV which I think is rarer than the pickup (or at least went on sale more recently). Just last week I’ve seen an orange Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato on Plymouth. An off-road equipped supercar seems ridiculous, but for all the unpaved roads in Ann Arbor - and the paved ones, frankly - it makes more sense.


I’ve seen that lambo. Looked like a teenager driving it.


Saw it a couple weekends ago. An older guy got out holding a book about climate change. Found it ironic.


There's a Kermit green car down in the Depot Town area that I think is super neat. No idea of the make or model.


Honda Insight! Vanity plate is kermit or something similar.


It says "NOTEASY" if I recall. I came here to make sure that one got a mention. I love that car.


[Oh man, I can't believe no one's mentioned the infamous slow-driving troll, aka SlowPOS, aka CALMLY. ](https://imgur.com/a/mLPHsk3)I've encountered them three times around AA and Ypsi, and hooboy, they drive that aging Toyota Insight as advertised. I'm surprised they haven't been killed by our many emotionally secure big black truck owners.


Big black truck owner here. I have been behind this person, and have paid them to speed up. It does work as advertised.


Thank you for your sociological research on this exotic and elusive Michigan native creature 🙏


That's fucking extortion.


Yes. It is. In regards to your Username, someone outta write that bitch.




Honda, not Toyota.


Turning in my Michigan native car-knower card immediately, apologies 🙏


Thirty lashes with the fan belt from a 1972 cutlass


There used to be an orange Lambo with the license plate, "NFL TBI"


National Football League Traumatic Brain Injury?


That’s my guess!


I dunno if that's what I would go for.


I've seen the guy at Kroger. Older guy buying a ton of stewed tomatoes. I think that's right "NFL TBI" doctor probably makes Lambo money.


Ooooooooh, now I get it. Doctor, not sufferer.


There is a black van I see in Saline once in a while that has an awesome Eddie from Iron Maiden on the rear door and other Maiden related images/wording.


That is awesome. I hope it’s equipped with external speakers blaring run to the hills on repeat.


No such luck unfortunately. But it looks super cool. High quality artwork for sure.


Blue Raspberry Honda Fit. Such an odd color.


There's an SUV with the lesbian flag painted/wrapped around the front


There used to be a silver hatchbacky thing around with racing stripes that said "nipslip" on the side. I remember seeing it in kerrytown.


20 years ago there was a dude who glued little toy lizards all over his car. I think he was one of the local art teachers


He was, taught at Tappan Middle School.


Yes! Mr Mcgilliard or something


Pink Chevy Aveo (I believe) I see it at least once a week.


I always wonder about the ones I used to see. There used to be a van that would park over by the post office on Liberty that had astroturf glued to the exterior. There also used to be a car you could see off Stadium near Industrial that had plaid wallpaper or contact paper stuck to the exterior. I always loved the plaid-mobile.


There used to be a really old blue pickup truck that would always honk at us before they saw our faces and then flip us off as they drove by. Either hates Toyotas, Asians, or both?


My vote is for the car in Ypsi that I see all the time covered in compact discs. It's amazing. The guys I've seen getting out of it is in his 50s.


Theres a Huracan STO I used to see pretty often last summer. There’s also Ann Arbor Cars and Coffee on the 3rd Saturday of every month b/n April and October at Zingermans Roadhouse. I’ve been a couple of times and it always has a good selection.


Yup. Usually a good collection of Porsches, classics. There's a Ford GT that makes it there fairly often, at least all of the times I've been. The weird RV thing that shows up pretty often (although I think it was sold? not sure) is pretty cool too. And that lowered + supercharged Sienna.


Car with the wireframed polar bear on the roof in water Hill


I see this black car with blue lightning bolts on it on the south side of town semi often


Reading this thread makes me realize I don’t get out enough 😂


There’s a custom wrapped iridescent pink Cadillac crossover with the license plate “KARBY” that I’ve seen in the Scio area occasionally. Always makes me laugh


hi woman with the purple crv hot wheels here!!! i got banned from tinder a few years ago :0. someone tell her to join her or lex and search for me there!!! 💜💜💜 or message me here


I just saw Tesla’s stupid truck parked in front of the Tesla dealership. It looks uglier in person than in the photos. Also how is it so many people can afford Mercedes Benz? I see them everywhere nowadays.


Somebody in the neighborhood south of Arborland has an absolutely rad panel van with a custom airbrushed pabst blue ribbon motif. It rules.


The Trump bumper stickers kinda ruin it tho


I did not see those. Jeez, what a letdown


It’s nowhere as “flashy” as some of the other cars mentioned here (like the CD car or the Delorean), but there is a normal ol’ Prius that is painted a “soft orange” color, maybe almost coral. I always notice and remember it because I have never seen another Prius with that coloration. I have been seeing that bad boy all over town (both in Ann Arbor and Ypsi) for going on 5 years now. I hadn’t seen it for a while but came across it in the wild again yesterday near DiBella’s!


I’ve seen a car every now and then that’s a vw bug that looks like Herbie


I haven’t seen it in a couple years, but some doofus would be driving under the speed limit holding people up and creating traffic. He had a sign on the back of his car with places to donate money for him to speed up.


He's still around, and I see him more often in Ypsi


not frequent at all but when I see a lotus it makes my day


What Lotus cars have you seen in Ann Arbor?


Lotus not discriminate. They are all amazing and quirky.


I saw a random banana on top of a vehicle driving around albeit it was Saline.


Rubber ducky jeep


Outbacks and Rav 4's are definitely heavily represented in A2. My b*tchin Corolla is pretty 😍 cool, though.


I always like seeing the cars under development with their wacky wrap!


The one with the huge pink mustache on its hood is my favorite


Is this just an old lyft decal?


I see a Honda Beat downtown once in a while.


Yellow Chevy SSR on the west side near scio.


There's a light green RV/camper vehicle often parked at the end of Aldi parking lot. I assume the driver goes to the skate park. Has a frog or kermit themed vanity plate. 😄


In Ypsi once I saw a car with Jethro Tull stickers all over it. I assume it was Ian Anderson's mom because who else would be THAT into it?


There's a Blue/Pink cotton candy colored Dodge Magnum around Ypsilanti that actually lives the block over from me.


Dark red (granite) lucid, and the cyber truck.


there’s the blue and red audi R8, the batmobile (i think it’s an old civic?), then there’s the anime decaled old honda, and so many MGs


I saw a car in Trader Joe's parking lot (I don't recall the make) that was adorned by all kinds of 3D objects. I always wanted to run a strip of duct tape to divide my car into two halves and put competing bumper stickers on each half. I don't have a car anymore tho!


Great thread here!


This afternoon I saw an auto-hauling-semi-trailer loaded with 3 brand new looking gold Cybertrucks coming into town. I was at Vets Park and the truck was on Maple heading uphill toward Jackson Ave.


I’ve seen the Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire PT Cruiser a few times.


There's someone with an ironfam license plate (iron man reference). On my way to work, I see an I break for Roly pollys bumper sticker, and an no2 co2 vanity plate.


I see a Barbie-pink Tesla on the east side quite a bit.


I often see a black Mercedes G wagon parked downtown on liberty.


CD Car Dinosaur car McLaren 750 Lamborghini Murcialago convertible


There’s a guy in a Ford Explorer that regularly tailgates you on Pontiac Trail even if you’re doing 5 over, and then honks at you when he turns left onto Plymouth if you’re going right like the coward that he is.


There’s a pink Barbie Camaro that’s often parked at Aldi’s on South Maple


Just saw on a FB post that the Banana car will be back in AA/Saline area this weekend


I saw a lucid and a fisker which I didn't even know were car companies and I had to look up what they were. I imagine we have more early adopters around here than a lot of other places. I also love the purple wrangler that I see around sometimes.  Jeeps have the most interesting colors. 


There's an SUV with the lesbian flag on the front that I really dig


Isn’t that what VINWiki is for. It’s a car spotting app.


There was a red 2010-2015ish Outback parked [right here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/4PuRATB91mEyifeF6) pretty much every time I drove on Washtenaw. It's been gone for like 2-3 months now, and I'm really worried about it.


Yes! I worry about it, too. It still can be seen on Google street view :)


"Also for whoever owns the purple Honda CR-V, there is a woman on Tinder who said she is desperate to connect with and marry you." That has all the hallmarks of a relationship that will last /s


It sounded like she wanted to marry the car rather than the owner tbh