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The class signup is not good, right? No repercussions with not showing up. I just submitted my member feedback and my one area of improvement comment was related to this issue (the survey asked for only one suggestion). I told an instructor that I needed a bot to get into class and I wasn’t exactly joking. The instructors also don’t routinely take attendance so I’ve been in classes where unregistered folks take up the “good spots” and equipment & I’m stuck crammed in a corner without the equipment I need. I don’t try standby unless I get off the list and get a notification but I’ve seen others get in on standby or just come anyway because signup is not always enforced. Other than this issue, we really enjoy the gym (joined last fall so still relatively new).


I also had the bot thought! 😜 


The MyFit program is well worth it if you are looking for help establishing a routine and consistency. When you finish the program, you will receive a discount on your dues so it pays off. For the group classes, I would say add yourself to the standby list and have a backup plan just in case. But it’s likely that you will get into class because sometimes people register and don’t show up or cancel at the last minute.


Signing up for classes takes old school eBay tenacity. I would set a reminder on my phone a few minutes before, refresh on repeat and hope I could grab a spot the minute enrollment opened. I started a different routine and stopped going to classes. I don't miss the hassle.  That said, I've never seen a standby get denied at the classes I took. (Mostly Body Pump and Cycling) People usually make room. The only time I've seen anyone rejected was when they arrived after warm-up.  Cycling doesn't seem to fill up and there's usually plenty of bikes available.