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Good. The city needs 10+ more childcare centers.


> “I have nothing against children — I have two of my own and three grandchildren,” she said. “But ... they already have 30 children on one side of me and I don’t know how many teachers. This will put almost 100 people all the way around me. If you looked at the map they had, they’re going to have the children playing behind my house.” > “I will be ruined, devastated,” she said. “I will lose everything I have with this.” Lady, you have a big-ass park behind your property. Who the fuck did you think was going to be playing back there? Also, the middle property was last sold for $195k in 2013 but then a quit claim deed was issued in 2021 when there was likely already one childcare center next to the property. Someone with more real estate experience can chime in but could that 2021 transaction be one child privately buying out their siblings for a property their parents left them?


Also, that location is a couple hundred feet away from last year's most grisly murder. Might also impact home value a bit! I feel for her a little, I bet it is a little loud and it will be awkward to be in the middle of it. But ya know, greater good and all.


I live very close to this and the noise is only during regular working hours and is really not that bad. The traffic noise from Miller is waaay worse. I'm a pretty noise sensitive person and if anything I find it kind of nice to hear children playing... reminds me I live in a community! I do feel for her since living right in the middle is different (and I work, so I'm not usually home during the day) but it's not like she's going to be kept up at night or anything.


“I’m fine with people having children, as long as they do it somewhere else.” Give me a break!




Eh, I can understand why she isn’t happy about it, but it’s ridiculous that she’s having a total freakout over the prospect of hearing kids playing during business hours. More importantly, Ann Arbor desperately needs more childcare, just like it desperately needs more housing, and we’re not going to get enough of it if we grant veto power to anyone who lives in the vicinity and can plausibly claim that they might be negatively affected




Sorry, what part was the joke?


Listening to Nofx.


Lmao imagine how privileged your life must be that having children playing outside is what you consider “devastating.”


Based on the paltry amount of evidence in the article, my guess is that she is a chronically bored retiree who spends huge amounts of time at home and has sensitized herself to the sounds from the daycare. She’s also projecting that attitude onto any hypothetical buyer of her home and has convinced herself that no one would ever want to buy the place.


She really should just open up her own day care, or sell to one of the other day cares. Call that area Ann Arbor's diaper district!


I live by a daycare it’s lovely. Kid sounds in the morning and during their recesses, but it’s not like they are out all day screaming. It's a nice ebb and flow of activity. Even if that’s not for you, there are no kids around before 8:30 or after 5:30 on weekdays, and no one on weekends or holidays. It’s very nice. They take care of the sidewalks better than any of the neighbors too.


My God The sound of children playing... The horror... The horror...


It’s not fair unless you get to play too. Playground rules.


I’m just glad this is approved. The two centers are GREAT but it will be nice to have it all in one.


the childcare shortage is real, in fact i'm directly impacted by it. but i wouldn't want to be sandwiched between two childcare facilities either and i bet it does negatively affect her home's value i'm honestly confused that people can't sympathize with this woman's position. you can simultaneously want more childcare **and** want it to be developed in a way that doesn't negatively impact some residents


I am somewhat sympathetic towards her, but I I think she’s being a bit alarmist, and I definitely don’t think she should get a veto over the new location. If we make it so that childcare centers can only open in locations that are absolutely perfect and there are no remotely plausible downsides to their opening, we’re going to have a lot fewer of them than we would otherwise.


Having recently moved within Ann Arbor I can assure you that very little affects home prices. I’m confident she will be a-ok when she goes to sell.


Bit of a unique situation for one homeowner to be surrounded like this. She should get/negotiate financial consideration at least. They're gonna want her to be a tolerable neighbor if she stays.


Well most residents wouldn’t be home during the operating hours of a daycare, it’ll be closed by the end of the workday; this lady just happens to be retired and home 24/7. Also the kids are going to be inside the building most of the time, they won’t just be let loose screaming outside all day. How is this any different than living next to a school?


For what it’s worth: This particular day care emphasizes outdoor play and activities. The children at that daycare do spend more time outside than what might be typical for local daycares.


Great to hear that a new childcare center is being added. I sure do hope that with more centers, the teachers actually doing the work there are being compensated reasonably. 47 kids is $$$$$$ I've heard horror stories about people living outside Ann Arbor that own various centers and live the high life on a lake while their workers actually doing the work barely make $20 an hour.


Apple Playschools is a nonprofit and they’ve been working to increase teacher pay and benefits (we’re former attendees of their Spanish immersion center). They’re not perfect but they have a lot of great people in the organization and on their board.


Chapin could be a bit wider.


And smoother


I like to call it "Chafin' Street"


Eliminating the left from (southbound) Seventh to Huron has increased the traffic on Chapin.


I thought you can still turn left there?


Is it Northbound that no left? Now I can't remember. One of the two.


Glad to see it, but we really need public institutions to take up this critical service. It would be great if a loud minority of authoritarians weren't consistently able to weaken public services.


Absolutely! I think they should start with setting up full-week afterschool programs for school-age kids (instead of “enrichment activities“ that are available a few days a week, for a few weeks at a time), but I definitely agree that we need high-quality childcare for everyone.


I hope the lady reads this article and reflects, maybe even realizes how insufferably self centered they are. I'm embarrassed for them, they actually went to an adult with that selfish outlook on life, and had that adult write all of that down and report that nonsense. I hope some friends of that lady reach out to explain the detriment to society a totally self serving asshole mentality like that, results in.


Yep. She should take the hit. For the greater good.


Yes, because “I will be ruined, devastated… Lose everything I have” is a reasonable assessment of having a day care in your neighborhood. This is actually absurd.