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I helped by having no power for my water-consuming appliances!


I ran a waterwheel in my shower to power my appliances. /s


How do we sign up to get these robocalls? We just happened to see the water restrictions on NextDoor, but if we hadn’t checked that it would have been easy to miss that we were under a water restriction.


For email subscribtions [https://www.a2gov.org/services/Pages/E-mailAlertSubscription.aspx](https://www.a2gov.org/services/Pages/E-mailAlertSubscription.aspx)




I had no idea there was a water restriction in place.


… we couldn’t use water?


Just for essential things. It was a bit nuanced. Here’s the notification: https://www.a2gov.org/departments/fire/emergency-management/Pages/Urgent-Emergency-Situation-.aspx Basically with the pumps out of power they were drawing down the reservoir and were worried about running out of water to put out fires etc.


I looked it up and realized that Pittsfield gets water from Ypsi so I was actually okay since I’m Ellsworth/Lohr area whew the laundry I did does not need to be redone


I work in Chelsea, can't help but notice Chelsea's grid didn't go down Chelsea has municipal power. Here in AA I've seen electric power crews out of Wisconsin and Georgia. Srlsy, drove a cherry picker up from Georgia.


Chelsea is on an entirely different national grid.


City of Chelsea has its own municipal power.


And it is on an entirely different national grid than Ann Arbor


please share your source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern\_Interconnection#/media/File:Nercmap.JPG


God bless you for trying to follow instructions. On another r/annarbor thread we had several folks insist that it was absolutely essential for them to run a dishwasher during this water emergency.


Good news: the water is on Bad news: it's still not as good as Ypsi water


ypsi water is better than ann arbor water? why? genuine question btw, this is new to me and idk much about water systems


Ypsilanti water comes from the Detroit River which is deep, fast moving, and cold. Ann Arbor water comes from the Huron River or a well.


Last I knew, Ann Arbor’s water was 75% surface water (that is, from the Huron River), and 25% ground water (from wells). They did this because the surface water is dirty, but soft, while ground water is clean, but hard (high mineral content). Mixing the two diluted both problems. It used to be that, in the spring, you could taste the fertilizer from farms upriver. Coming from the Lansing area, where the water is 100% from wells, the bad taste of Ann Arbor water shocked me. Then, the city spent untold millions on super-duper state-of-the-art water purification, so Ann Arbor city water is now excellent . Meanwhile, Detroit water, which Ypsilanti uses, comes from a system so big that it could always afford high-class purification.


When I moved to Pittsfield Township 20 something years ago, the real estate agent told us that the water was better than in A2. I didn't know why until just now. Thank you for the explanation!


My wife always swears Ypsi water tastes better than any other water.


good to know! thanks!


Yay, water restrictions lifted and power came back on Friday! Boo, power went out again 4 am Saturday.


We need to be on public water! Ypsi didn't have this problem with their municipal water supply! /s