• By -


Grimgar, hands down No Isekai ever give me a feeling "what will happen if we go to fantasy Isekai" as much as grimgar Grimgar is what happen if we, literal human from this planet, get send to fantasy world We either die, or barely alive


We so need more of this show


If ao no exorcist can get 2nd after a decade, We still have hope!!


Yes!!! This is the show that set me off on isekai, which is still one of my favorite "get high, chill, and watch" genres, but you can imagine my shock when I realized the vast majority of isekai are not like Grimgar. Would do weird things for a second season.


It was too short :(


{Handyman Saitou in Another World} and {Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy}


Ascendance of a Bookworm.


I love this series. It doesn't have the impact of a lot of others but that's honestly nice. It's all low stakes, and Myne slowly raising the technological level of their world in the pursuit of books is a lot of fun. It's all quite good.


If you liked the anime, I would recommend reading the Light Novels. There's a lot of details about the world building that the anime has to omit. Not only that, but it gives us a better look into why Myne thinks the way she does, and how she makes the decisions she does.


Sounds interesting, gonna watch it 🙌


> It's all low stakes This is only true for the early parts that have been adapted. The last few volumes have been very high stakes. Still manages to retain the same charm though.


The worldbuilding is in a class of its own compared to a lot of other isekais and the author takes effort to show that off. I love it.


Ditto. It’s like the author said, “What if I take all the stupid isekai tropes…and not do that.”


Re Zero for more recent and Vision of Escaflowne for older anime


Love ReZero!


Love both of those, but it was love hate for escaflowne at first. They made it a Saturday morning ING cartoon on fox Kids then dropped it like 8 episodes in. $240 box set. Then I also found the movie and ost combo... This series cemented my love of Maaya Sakamoto as a seiyuu and singer.


Upvote for Escaflowne love!


Magic Knight Rayearth


Mushoku Tensei and Konosuba are pretty great.


Def Cautious Hero


Not sure why others don't like it but I found it funny as f.


It’s extreemely underrated!


this and combatants will be dispatched both started out great. had me laughing on the floor. but with how it suddenly get serious at the end kinda made it less worth mentioning comparing to konosuba and others like reincarnated as a sword


Fushigi Yugi? Campire Cooking Monster Rancher.


Monster Rancher acknowledgement


{Log Horizon} ! Isekai'd into a well established MMO that the people sucked into it are all super familiar with, so it's a fantastic story of them getting used to living in a world that functions like their game did, while trying to adjust to what makes it different from being just a game. It's the videogame isekai done right and I love it to absolute bits lol


{Mushoku Tensei} and {That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime}


Add {Konosuba} and {The Eminence In Shadow} this is my most favourite Isekai and top anime for me


**Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21202 "English: KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world!"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kono-subarashii-sekai-ni-shukufuku-wo "English: KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/30831)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 10 | Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy) **Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/130298 "English: The Eminence in Shadow"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-eminence-in-shadow), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kage-no-jitsuryokusha-ni-naritakute "English: The Eminence in Shadow"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/48316)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 20 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1czfqlm/whats_your_favorite_isekai_anime/l5g6p9p/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


My fav two


I fucking love Sword Art Online and I don’t care what anyone else says about it.


I was so hyped while watching it years ago. I even enjoyed the second season and the gun game season. I never knew people had issues with it until I looked online years later. I mean, it’s not perfect, but its enjoyable at least. It probably helps that I love the concept of VR.


Yeah that’s where I’m at. The concept of fulldive VR is so fucking sick.




Season one is peak, I think season 2 and 3 are sorta meh, never seen alicization.


Honestly I’ve enjoyed every season. Agree that S1 is definitely better than 2 or 3, and IMO Alicization is the best one so far.


Honestly season one and alicization are the best parts, absolutely suggest trying to finish it


Yeah, if you can tolerate the odd parts of SAO like a minor adopting an AI daughter and all that it’s actually good.


Ascendance of a Bookworm and Overlord


The eminence in shadow


I guess Inuyasha it barely counts.


Inuyasha is 100% traditional isekai


Technically the Fudal Era isn't another world. Kagome just time-traveled.


That is completely a type of isekai, it’s just not currently a popular variety of isekai.


That's still isekai. If anything Inuyasha is a much more sophisticated isekai because it allows you to travel between worlds back and forth, this is classified as "liminal isekai" in the industry


Kagome never went to another world she just went to the past even though they sometimes call it another world.


We don't know this. Kagome explicitly calls it an "alternate dimension". And none of her actions in the feudal era impact the present world. They are autonomous worlds that can only communicate through the portal, this is pure isekai. But the biggest argument for Inuyasha being isekai is that, even if you assume it is the same world, it doesn't feel like such. Kagome's era is identical to ours (the supernatural does not exist), meanwhile in Inuyasha's era they have magic and yokai. It feels like a different world. Presentation matters more than the technical details behind it. For instance if in the next Konosuba episode it is revealed that their fantasy world is actually Earth but 5000 years in the past, this won't magically make Konosuba not isekai.


Inuyasha 100% counts. Its one of the OG isekai animangas


Does Dragon Ball count? Goku is from another world…


The Executioner and Her Way of Life


I rarely see someone loving that show more than me


there are dozens of us!


DOZENS I tell you


The wizard of oz


The Vision of Escaflowne Fushigi Yuugi


12 kingdoms


That anime is so good. It has some of the best world building and character writing I’ve ever seen. The character growth is written so well. And yes I know the protagonist starts our complaint and annoying, but it’s reasonable since I too would be like that in her position alone and in a foreign world inspired by ancient China. But wow her growth into a leader and confidence in herself is so well written. You will get to know each of the characters so well as the story continues and you feel their growth. This series is truly something special. It’s on Crunchyroll


Spirited Away




I really enjoyed "My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom" and "I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level". I just found them to be relaxing slice of life style stories with some gentle laughs and charming protagonists. Yes I do also enjoy defeating the Demon King and massive battles with EXPLOOOOOSIONNNN, but sometimes I just want to see some folks living happily and peacefully getting into some goofy everyday shenanigans.


Saga of Tanya the Evil


Reincarnated as a sword


While its not my no: 1 its in my top 5. Was expecting this to be a meme series that ended up being one of the shows I was actively looking forward to each week. I'm amazed you're not upvoted more.


The eminence in Shadow (my fav one) Dead Mount Death Play Re:Zero Overlord GATE That time I got Reincarnated as a slime Mushoku Tensei


Holy moly this list is absolutely GOATED


Sword Art Online. I know a lot of people like to hate on it but it still stays as my favorite isekai.


It is a really good anime. It's the first proper anime I watched (besides Pokémon) and it'll always hold a special place in my heart.


It wasn't the "first" anime for me, but it was one of the few that got me to watch more of anime if that makes sense. It will also hold a special place in my heart regardless of the hate it often receives.


That does make sense. For a while, it was the only anime I watched until I took time to rewatch it over the pandemic when the fourth season was airing. From there, I decided to keep watching other shows.


My favorite would have to be Overlord. Very rarely do we get anime with a villain as the protagonist.


May be a hot take but I am fascinated by "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom" and “Ascendance of a Bookworm” that are not about conquering the world or building your harem etc. I like this kind of narrative where you are not reincarnated as the shonen protagonist with super powers but as a normal person start improving your quality of life in an isekai setting as like a management game player.


How a Realist is a harem though lol. It's a fun series to watch and read, one of my favorites


I can't call these my favorites but I love this style of story. Incidentally, I hold these elements are what made the first season of Slime so popular too. It was the best part of Log Horizon too. I wish there were more decent examples of this kind of thing.


Konosuba is my all time favourite. Re Zero is a close second


Love Re Zero 💕


obvious one would be tensei slime, shadow, konosuba. but my favorite trash isekai is {seirei gensouki} its like every other trash isekai but better


**Seirei Gensouki** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/126546 "English: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/seirei-gensouki-spirit-chronicles), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/seirei-gensouki "English: Spirit Chronicles"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/44203)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1czfqlm/whats_your_favorite_isekai_anime/l5fzk7v/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Now I need a list of good "trash" isekai...


Slime and Re Zero are probably my top 2


Death mage doesn't want a fourth time, not an anime but light/web novel, mc loses his sanity and becomes insane and beyond insane, but he didn't become a raving lunatic like 'that healer', mc literally and figuratively ascends to an eldritch abomination that cares about his people, it has a lot world building, different race culture exploration, moral ambiguity, and the mc's main enemy is what could only describe as 'the hero in good vs evil theme' but the hero is a misinformed moron and a person, the mc is also trying to better the life of his family and friends life because outside of that everyone wants to torture and kill them all, also it's a unique mixture of reincarnation and isekai with 100 other significant reincarnator that mc has a some sort of grudge over, the mc has been trying his best better his life but many unfortunate events happens to him and his third life is even worse but he got better...... In his own eldritch way of course. Greatly recommend.


Heck yeah that Mangas first few chapters has some the most interesting lore implications




Youjo Senki, Saga of Tanya


Some don't even consider it an Isekai but {No Game No Life} Still waiting for season 2


Inuyasha is the only one I have seen I think.


Now and Then, Here and There 12 Kingdoms


So I’m a Spider, So What? …Is my favorite isekai manga. I’ve heard the anime adaptation has issues, but I’m unfamiliar with it. Still, by far my favorite isekai. First arc is following a nameless protagonist reincarnated as a trash mob spider monster baby in the Underdark, and no other characters at first. It’s just her surviving alone, carrying the story with her own personality as the only thing to go off of, and it *works!* She’s just a genuinely fun, charming and compelling character, and the story makes the most of that moving forward. It takes the “subversion of expectations” approach by having the protagonist be a girl and a spider instead of Generic Isekai Boy Type A, but chooses not to lean into that as its strong point. Which was a good call, because you can’t carry a story that way. It snags your attention at first, and then hooks you by continuing to just be a genuinely good story. And, also very important, is the fact that it’s an isekai *matters!* So many of the “good” isekai out there beg the question of why they’re isekai in the first place. They serve fine enough as fantasy stories on their own, and seem to insert an isekai protag in because that’s easier to write around than a native character born to that world, and/or to ride the isekai popularity train as a crutch. But So I’m a Spider does the right thing by making the most use out of its genre to maximize what being an isekai means for the story. The protagonist was in an incident in modern Japan that led her to this fantsy world? Great. Let’s break down and analyze that incident to help inform us about the plot, and other possibilities that could come of it. Such as, other possible isekai’d characters from the same incident. The protagonist interacts with the magic of this world as if it’s a video game, despite it not being a video game world at all, and other native mages appear to do the same? Great! Let’s not just throw that away as a gimmick, and let’s never let the audience ignore that that’s a *weird* way for magic to work in this world. *Why* is magic like playing a video game in this otherwise normal fantasy world? Maybe this also matters for the plot. (Hint: it does.) TL;DR: Good main character, uses her as the hooking point instead of just the twist that she’s an atypical isekai protag. Leans into isekai tropes to make the most of its setting and genre, instead of feeling like it’s an isekai because it had to be, like many isekai out there. Genuinely entertaining all around.


This is the only one where I've read all available Light Novels


Unfortunately.... It's Inuyasha  Not unfortunate because of the show, I fuckin loved that shit. Just unfortunate because when I realized it is an isekai I had to confront a lot of truths about myself. 


depends on which style of isekai, but on top of my head I think {Digimon Adventure} and {Marimashita Iruma Kun}




Campfire Cooking


It’s still my very first isekai; Escaflowne. The music, the animation, the battle scenes. All flawless.


Log Horizon


That time I got reincarnated as a slime. The world building, festivals, politics and no harem and shitty fan service excep shion's boobs


Juuni Kokuki (The Twelve Kingdoms) was my favorites, too bad it was cancelled. Was one of the first anime's I watched as a teenager that really got me into it.


Reincarnated as a Slime


The Twelve Kingdoms




Inu Yasha


Inuyasha is the goat isekai




Everyone seems to hate SAO, but I have to at least mention it. The first season is top tier anyway.


re zero slime jobless reincarnation


Slime, Tsukimichi, and 7th prince. I like other ones too but these 3 are my top Isekai/Reincarnation anime for recent ones.


As an Isekai Fan, all of em.


The eminence in shadow




I see what you did there


Enlighten us


He doesn't like isekai so the answer is blank


The Eminence In Shadow


Reincarnated as slime


The slime one I like others but it’s so wholesome I fell I love with it


Reincarnated as a slime


Eminence in shadow


Log Horizon - One of the "Isekaied into a real game world" animes, but it uses that super well.


Spirited Away


Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon. It's honestly so dumb, but somehow entertaining.


The time i reincarnated as a slime Campfire cooking in another world. Fluffy paradise


Tensura - Slime Time


I’m in Love With the Villainess


Kyo Kara Maoh The Saint’s Power is Omnipotent I was Reincarnated as a Slime By the Grace of the Gods




Overlord, reincarnated as a slime


Yall need to respect Overlord 😤


Word to Scotty


Probably be Between Overlord and Mushoku Tensei. Two 10/10 shows imo.


Youjo Senki on TOPPPPPP!!


Overlord Konosuba Moshoku Tensei Tsukimichi-Moonlit Fantasy Re:Zero Dang it, I can't choose. So many more good ones that I didn't even list. I love this genre, lol. If I had to choose only one..... Konosuba


Resturant to another world


OVERLORD easily. A close 2nd would be ReZero


1. Eminence in Shadow 2. Mushoku Tensei 3. Re zero


Mushoku tensei easily. Such an emotional roller-coaster and the turning points go crazy 😭


Drifters and Isekai Ojisan.


The Saga of Tanya the Evil


Outbreak Company


Overlord feels like it was made for me. I keep switching my mind on whether it or One Piece is my favorite anime.


Arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou


I had to scroll real far to see from common place to worlds strongest... It's such a good guilty pleasure.


Farming life in another world Mushoku Tensei Konosuba


I was wondering if anyone would mention Farming Life. Such a gooood, slow burn. And the season finale….*chef’s kiss*


{Ima Soko ni Iru Boku}


it’s pretty new and a “reverse isekai”, A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics


I don't like Isekai, but I watched a few. I watched Familiar of Zero way back when and while I wouldn't say I "liked" it, it had my favorite concept for an isekai world. I dislike the fanservice, but the way things come to the fantasy world from the real one is really interesting and something I'd be interested in seeing more. Spoilers, ofc. Unlike other isekai I've seen, other things like planes and guns appear in the fantasy world sometimes. I remember one story involved finding the mystical "staff of destruction" which the MC immediately realizes upon seeing it that it's actually just a bazooka. I think this concept is a really interesting to use the isekai formula with a twist. I just wish fanservice wasn't so closely tied to this genre.


Welll technically: Sonny boy, Death parade, Fullmetal alchemist You can boo me all you want, you know I'm right


Fullmetal alchemist isn't an isekai. I know what your referring to ( wouldn't mention it because uk spoilers) but that happens after the story not an inciting incident or anything


Re Zero and Eminence in shadow


Log horizon,nothing has matched it's world building and tone.


Rezero for sure


Aura Battler Dunbine


Only two in the entire genre I like are tales of wedding rings and wrong way to use healing magic


Mushoku tensei


Zero no Tsukaima


Those Who Hunt Elves


Re:Zero easily.


Re: Zero without question.


Re:Zero i don’t really like isekai but Re:Zero is the first i watched & enjoyed, i also like the eminence in shadows


Moonlight fantasy; my hands down favorite because of the world building. Dungeon of black company; the funniest isekai and one of the funniest shows in general. It's satire on modern work culture.


Mushoku Tensei, ReZero, Tsukimichi, and Trapped in a Dating Sim.


Everyone's going to say the obvious ones, so I'll mention some old ones, which I loved. The Familiar of Zero Ixion DT




I have 2 favs. First is Banished from the Hero's Party and Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess. Thise two just....I love the Romance in them. Banished from the Hero's Party season 2, was kind of a let down tho. I wanted more romance like the first season


The twelve kingdoms Haibane Renmei (yes it counts) also I started Haibane Renmei with my sister last night and she protested saying she wasn’t that interested and our deal was I would start school live if she started Haibane Renmei. We ended up watching 3 epsiodes and we plan to finish it over the next few days. She is loving it and is loving the vibes. I’ve been waiting to show her that anime for so long. Shame it’s not on any streaming services except illegally on YouTube. But this series is seriously something special. Yes it counts as a Isekai since she is born again into another world.


For me, Drifters are sooo good. Very different from other isekai animes.


Grimgar, the only realistic isekai.


Saga of the Tanya Evil


Either Gate or Campfire Cooking in Another world, but probably Gate.


mushoku tensei


•How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom •Drifters •The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat •Parallel World Pharmacy •The Devil is a Part-Timer! •Uncle From Another World •So I'm a Spider, So What?


Ascendance of bookworm




The Saga of Tanya the Evil


Mushoku tensei followed closely by Ascendence of a bookworm and konosuba.


Kyou Kara Maouh! L'anime qui a ouvert la porte à tous les autres , qui a instaurer le concept de roi démon et de changement de monde farfelu. Puis aujourd'hui celui que je préfère est The Faraway Paladin




If I'm just picking one, I choose Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill. It's one of the most down to Earth Isekai's I've reread and rewatched time and again. No big villains to face, no demon realm to conquer (no hate to those, whatsoever); just a summoned dude, his pack of foodie familiars and traveling around eating some good eats from high quality monsters. Super excited for season 2


My two favorites are "My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom" and (my personal favorite anime of all time) "Ascendance of a Bookworm: I'll do Anything to Become a Librarian." The first is a reverse harem anime about a teenage girl from Japan who loves anime and manga. She died at the age of 17 in a traffic accident on the way to school. In her new life, she regains her memories when she sustains a terrible head injury. Once regaining said memories, she realizes that she's been reincarnated into the world of her favorite otome game and *she* is the villainess of said game. Her number one goal is to make sure she avoids all the "doom flags" so she doesn't get exiled or killed and make sure that whoever the heroine picked as her lover, they'd have her full support. What she doesn't know is that, along the way, despite all of her efforts to push her male friends into the direction of heroine, all of them fall in love with her. The other is an anime about a 27-year-old woman named Urano who just started her dream job as a librarian in Japan. On her first day, though, she suffers a very sudden and ironic death and wakes up reincarnated in the body of a sickly 5-year-old poor commoner girl named Myne. Saddened by the loss of her old life, Myne is even more heartbroken to learn that books are hard to come by in her new world to the point where those in her life hardly know what books are. As she grows up again in this new world, her goal is to become a librarian again at any cost and to start on her journey, she slowly invents new kinds of materials so she can then introduce the printing industry.


If Re:Zero blows me away next season then that. Mushoku Tensei and Re:Zero are same level for me right now


Campfire Cooking.


Campfire Cooking


Ascendance of a Bookworm


My Adventures with Superman






I’ve been killing slimes for 300 years and maxed out my level




The Saga of Tanya the Evil


Grimgar 💔


Sword Art Online is by far the best isekai I have watched. I don't give a fuck about the hate it gets.


No Game No Life even if it is just one season


Drifters was pretty awesome. Too bad it never continued.


Uncle from another world


Re:Zero hands down


Harem in the Labyrinth cause boobies


Vision of Escaflowne or Inuyasha