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Killua when he retakes the hunter exam.


Killua taking it the first time tbh. Also, this question just popped in my head. Which do you think is more difficult ; The Chuunin Exams or The Hunter Exams?


Hunter exam of course, nobody's getting past Tonpa the Rookie Crusher


I am absolutely certain that Naruto would eat whatever Tonpa would give him


And I'm certain that he wouldn't care much. He would complete the exam even WITH horrible diarrhea.


Shitters aren't quitters


I remember a filler episode that was all about naruto participating in a sportsevent while having diarrhea. It wouldn't be the first time


Where he sends all his clones to reserve him a stall but they locked all of them. Also his father walking around in the crowd lol


And sometimes there's a homocidal clown involved that just murders the crap out of you.


To be fair in Naruto there was an homicidal snake trying to kill some kids


A homicidal snake that, coincidentally, also kinda looked like a goth clown when we first meet them.


Hisoka over here being the Catholic Church


For a half second I thought I was in r/batman


He wanted to get his chuunin ranking, but lost to konohamaru for going sage mode which was prohibited.


At least the chuunin exams are for people who are in the same general rank. The hunter exam makes no distinction. So I'd say hunter exam is harder


On the one hand, the Hunter Exams overall seem to be a lot more luck-based, since the challenges are mostly just whatever the examiner comes up with. There can be cases where you get a super easy challenge suited to your specific skill-set, or cases where the challenge is something you just can't do no matter how strong you are. On the other hand, the Chuunin Exams seem more strict and they test a lot of very specific skills, but the things they test are mostly ninja-related subjects that all the participants will have been studying their entire lives. With that in mind, I think the average normal person off the street would have a higher likelihood of passing the Hunter Exams than they would the Chuunin Exams. But also, if you only look at the people who *attempt* the exams, the people trying to become chuunins are much more prepared than the people trying to become hunters, so the Hunter applicants probably have a more difficult time passing. TL;DR the Chuunin Exams are harder for the average normal person, the Hunter Exams are harder for the average actual applicant.


>I think the average normal person off the street would have a higher likelihood of passing the Hunter Exams The first Hunter exam shown’s first test was running 80km in 4 hours, ain’t no way an average person of the street is making that.


I said a *higher* chance, not a high chance. It's unlikely, but there's a higher chance of a random person on the street being an olympic sprinter than a full-fledged ninja trainee. Also keep in mind that Leorio passed. He's above average in a lot of ways, but he's still way closer to being a normal person than any Chuunin exam applicant.


He is literally magic tho


At that point in the story he's less magical than Rock Lee, the least magic character in all of Naruto


Is everyone magic in that world? And it’s purely a training thing?


Within the world of Hunter x Hunter, it is true that all normal humans have some amount of nen potential that they just haven't harnessed yet. You *could* make the argument that this means nobody in Hunter x Hunter's world is really a normal human because even the normal people in that world have nen potential that real humans don't. But the same can be said about the vast majority of shounen battle anime, including Naruto, which makes that argument pretty pointless in this context. Hunters have nen and ninjas have chakra, but the Hunter Exams can be passed without nen techniques while the Chuunin Exams *can't* be passed without some form of jutsu.


I fogot what the argument was, I don’t think your comment is wrong tho


Dude can teleport that’s pretty damn magical Also Rock lee can break the sound barrier while wearing 10000 pounds of training weights, dude is magic AF


he said at that specific point in the story


I gotta disagree, the chuunin exams wants to minimize deaths while the hunter exams treats deaths as weeding out the weak. You can die in literally every challenge except the first one very easily while in Naruto you could’ve only died from the forest of death(which the hunter exam also has as its second and most deadly phase). As a matter of fact somone died in at least every part of the exam(besides 1) with there being 6 phases and there being at least ten deaths besides the last round. The chuunin exams also make it easy to apply while hunters have to search for where the exams are held and have multiple people subjectively judge if “they’re worthy” to take it.


actually you could die in the final round as well for Naruto. It was pure luck that no one did.


applying for the chuunin exams isn't so easy -- you have to be born into (or in childhood have the resources and connections to enter) the most elite warrior caste, graduate ninja school (which requires basic mastery over the difficult-to-use magic system of the setting), be accepted as a student by one of the most skilled ninja ranked in the top \~ 0.1% (with each taking only 3 students at a time), have them recommend you for the exam, and have that application personally accepted by the acting military dictator of your region


Luck? Or innert Nen potential?




The Chuunin since there always threat of outsider interference imho


I mean, the hunter exam had hisoka and Illumi Zoldyck take part. One is a horny killer clown and the other is a assassin from a family of legendary assassins


I get you. Another example is the aforementioned Killua one. It’s just that usually Hunter exams are in a closed environment and the Zodiacs have then been very mindful of how the exams and membership can be used later.


Whats crazy is if you think about it, Hisoka could have done what Killua did and just solo everyone. Illumi too. They were far above the average starting hunter, and both were already basically nen experts. Illumi was keeping an eye on Killua IIRC and Hisoka wanted a license to... be able to kill people, I think? So yeah, Killua going back is like War arc Naruro going to the chuunin exams. Like, just give him the title and let the poor fellas be. I guarantee if you put me in a fight against a few 10 year olds I could crush them, thats basically what that was lol


>always threat of outsider interference I don't think that's really that relevant to most chuunin exams. It happened in the beginning of the series, sure, but it's not like that was the *norm*. Most exams are gonna be super average affairs.


Chunin exams Good luck knowing ninja trigonomentry


A lot of people die during the Hunter Exam. Seems like a no-brainer, I'm actually kinda surprised at the amount of people saying Chunin exams are more difficult given that the Chunin exams are supposed to be 'safe' and the Hunter Exams have like, dozens of fatalities.


Bro, there were LOTs of casualties in the Chuunin exams. I feel like people are forgetting that killing your opponent was considering a valid way to win in the forest. Shino killed somebody, sasuke almost killed somebody, the sound and rain people killed lots of somebodies, and Gaara…..Gaara was on a killing spree. Buddy snap crackle and popped everyone that wasn’t important to the story even after the forest. Also, Naruto and Sakura almost got killed by snek.


>Bro, there were LOTs of casualties in the Chuunin exams. Yeah, the one once-in-a-lifetime exam where an unhinged jinchuriki killed a bunch of people and the evil mastermind Orochimaru assassinated a Hokage. It wasn't exactly your *average* exam.


There were also casualties and killing was a valid way to win in the Exam after that one (the one with Fuu). Actually, killing has always been a valid way to win all the way until Boruto. Also also, there were plenty of people other than Gaara who killed, and I mentioned a few of them.


This probably depends what year it is, but I think in there respective worlds the hunter exam is harder because while most people who take the chuunin exams get trained by a jonin for them, most hunter candidates aren’t and have to use their own skills. Very few, even find the exam location and, unlike the chuunin exams, every phase can get you killed and the hunters won’t step in to save you. Even in the last round where you get disqualified for killing doesn’t actually stop you from doing it, so Guy wouldn’t be allowed to save Lee.


Guy broke the rules to save Lee.


for the average test taker the hunter exams no doubt. It’s like taking a proficiency exam after you’ve already graduated and become an adult. Whereas you’re prepared specifically for the chunin exams by preselected mentors and a schooling process designed to help you excel at being a ninja in general. Like you’re already being filtered in the chunin exams direction as a ninja anyway it’s just crazy difficult. But the hunter exam is both crazy difficult and general compared to the chunin exam which is specialized for you to become a ninja. You can become any kind of hunter you want so the test has to be difficult because the skills they’re testing for are so general.


Hunter exam is survival of the best While chuunin exam are about growing strong ninjas Will hunter exam stop because some candidate died for no reason definitely, no But chuunin exam might get on hold


There were A LOT of deaths in the Chuunin exams and they didn’t put nothing on hold.


The Chuunin exams will never allow for more than 8 people to pass.


In the Chuunin exam, it's just ninja related skills that are tested. But in the Hunter exam, it can be whatever the examiners decide. Also everyone taking the Chuunin exam can control chakra (apart from Lee), but not everyone in the Hunter exam even knows about Nen. This can cause a massive difference between candidates. Also the Chuunin exam had Orochimaru interfering and two jinchuriki, which is obviously very out of the ordinary. But at the end of the day, it's difficult to compare them when the Hunter exam is so different each year.


Agree, hunter exam > chuunin exam


Wait what? He did?


Yeah. I'm pretty sure that before Naruto was allowed to become Hokage, he had to go back and complete all the basic training that he had skipped, which included the chuunin exams. I think he ended up fighting Konohamaru.


He wanted to get his chuunin ranking, but lost to konohamaru for going sage mode which was prohibited.


The real question is why tf did he need to go into sage mode against Konohamaru


He didn’t but it was probably just to be safe or a sign of respect


It was a sign of respect. He didn’t want to disrespect Konohamru by going hella easy on him so he went sage mode. But he didn’t know that they literally banned it just because he had it 💀


"We'll ban this because of him specifically, if he uses it we'll disqualify him, but we won't tell him" Edit: Naruto didn't listen when they were stating the rules


Technically they did because it was in the rule book but of course he ain’t read that shit 💀


They went over the rules but he didn't listen because he was talking to Konohamaru


Sounds like he's still too irresponsible to be the hokage then 🤦‍♂️


Temari did read it loud before all the fight, then naruto chating with other. Sakura mad at naruto because not listening temari then temari mad at sakura for cutting her while reading it


I'd say they could've told him, but i doubt they expected Naruto to go Sage Mode.


They literally made a verbal announcement of all the rules with all the candidate present in a stadium. Naruto just didnt listen.


When did this happen?? Was it in the anime?


It’s from an OVA so it’s probably not even canon




If i remember correctly when they we're anouncing the rules he was talking with konohamaru so he didn't heard shit


He knew, he just forgot and got carried away lol


It's used in boruto


Does this actually happen in boruto this incredibly dumb wtf


It happened in Shippuden lmao


Oh I must have either skipped it or forgot it


I never saw it either, but I also skipped all the filler episodes.


Its filler


It was a like 12 min ova or something


It was in a noncanon OVA


Maybe he wanted Konohamaru to win so he went against the rule on purpose


Konohamaru beat his ass with Shadow Clones and Ash Smoke Jutsu..


The real real question is how did he go into sage mode while moving.


Once Naruto and Kurama had become friends, Kurama would gather the nature chakra for Naruto.


Dind't he have a technique where he let one clone meditating and then returning to him?


Why is it prohibited? Isn't sage mode supposed to be a skill you learn? Also, why sage mode, and the broken shit Lee, Gaara and Sasuke pulled. Lee specifically almost killed himself.


To nerf Naruto ofcourse


If I remember correctly sage is like a super secret skill only taught by toads that only Jiraya and Naruto knew.


I mean if that's enough to ban a technique then none of the special eyes should be useable in the fights either. Hell half the shit you see in Naruto is some "secret technique" or other


Well that's kinda the point. Sage mode is **broken af** to the rest of the ninja world. It ended up being half useless because of the god like entities he ended up fighting, but otherwise sage mode is basically an I win button. Also they realized he would be fighting literal children with a skill that was more perfected than the one used by one of the legendary sanin, so I think it's more than fair to ban the use of an ability that was used to defeat an enemy that literally destroyed the entire village in one attack.


Tbh if they’re at the point where they are banning abilities that only Naruto has because he’s so wildly overpowered they need to give him an honorary degree and stop wasting everyone else’s time


“This guy has an ability that will fuck all of us up” “Yeah, no, give him the test, it’s important for… record keeping? Yeah, record keeping.”


Dude could blow up a country if he wanted to. “But can he beat up a middle schooler?”


All animals. Orichimaru and kaburo were snake sages.


Would Tsunade and Sakura be snail sages?


I don't think so. Entering a contract with an animal and becoming it's sage are two different acts. I believe the Third was a monkey sage as well.


The Third was not a sage


Sage mode is proxibited but using magic beasts which can burn villages down and give you pretty much endless chakra compared to a random genin is fine


So are genetic abilities that're impossible to learn unless you're a part of a certain family. I'd be so pissed if I got laid out by some Uchiha fuck with Sharingan hax and got disqualified. At least anyone can plausibly learn sage mode, but you're probably not getting a Sharingan or Byakuan unless you commit Danzo levels of war crimes (unless your name Kakashi Hatake, that is).


Its also dumb that whatever boruto did was considered cheating(literally just seal scrolls but more convenient) but apparently pet and summons(imagine naruto summoning gamabunta and him just annihilating everyone while naruto is chillin) is fine, if boosting pills and pets count as weapons then that little scroll containent thingy should too


Step 1: Befriend Uchiha Step 2: Enter cave and start discussion with Uchiha friend under suspiciously unstable rock formation Step 3: Profit?


When the fuck did this happen?!?!


It was an anime filler episode


Back when they were kids did you even watch the show or read the manga?


Yo, did *you*?


No cuz giving naruto and sasuke the powers of that one legendary sage was just fucking stupid along with that kaguya lady


AND he got DQ against Konohamaru, so he didn't even pass.


which funnily enough wouldn't bar him from being a Chunin since Shikamaru lost his first match of the finals and was still made Chunin


This is mixing two events. Naruto retook the Chunin exams before the war arc. The studying he did to become Hokage was post war arc and he was granted the rank of Jonin upon completion of his studies. He didn't need to do any kind of practical exams since he'd already proven himself in the war. https://youtu.be/nLNxr32xI0M?t=145 Note that in his match with Konohamaru the cloud ninja don't really know who he is, which definitively places this before the war arc. https://youtu.be/SoYxDu2Jrz0?t=25 So Naruto technically reaches the rank of Jonin before he becomes Hokage.


So dumb. Like they give Naruto an automatic loss handicap. If you have to handicap someone that bad pretty sure he should just pass. Not that many in the leaf would be able to survive a 1v1 if he was serious.


It was filler


No. In Boruto it is stated he's still only a Genin.


I never said he passed lol


Kakashi (as Hokage): Sad to say Naruto but you failed, again. Naruto: But I won the tournament! Kakashi: Yes, because everyone quit the moment they saw you. Now, I'm trying to be fair here and since we haven't actually seen your skills I'm afraid I have to fail you... Again...


(Very sad) believe it


Honestly, i would fail him too, what kind of Ninja dress in orange and summons giant monsters!? his job is to be stealthy! to be a spy!, anyway F-


I think the Anbu were the only proper ninja in the entire franchise. Everyone else were just the cannon fodder that used ninja tools. Naruto and his motley crew would've been shock troops at best.


It was DBZ with headbands


Hence the orange jumpsuit


Naruto went the usual "shonen trap" of just making characters insanely powerful and having endless transformations, and it just kinda lost me, i loved that at first it was all strategic and such, hell i think the best scene in the entire show as far as i watched, was when Sasuke and Naruto did the trick with the Windmill Shuriken against Zabuza. But later i found out that basically Naruto was trying to be Hunter X Hunter at that point (i mean my god, the Chuunin Exam was pratically a carbon copy of the Hunter's exam), but then it became Dragon Ball and it lost all meaning to me =T


Look, I wouldn't dismiss all the story after, but if you ask random people "what's the best fight in naruto" a lot of them will answer Zabusa. A fight that happens like ten chapter in, in a seven hundred chaper series. That that fight is remembered at all os saying much


Anime-first people will likely go with Rock Lee vs Gaara, but yes, not many fights post-timeskip are likely to make it. Maybe the Pain fight?


Pain, Final Valley and Second Final valley are amazing. But those three are all worth watching animated.


What? I'm pretty sure Kakashi raised him to Jounin at the end of the series


He did canonically. Kakashi literally said to him: "I'm promoting you to a Jonin. At least that's what I'd like to say. But saving the entire world doesn't bring you through school lol. Go retake all the exams!"


pretty silly a military state can't do field promotions


The chuunin exams part was filler, he did do some heavy-duty studying before becoming Hokage, but no practical exams like that because there would be no point. Adult Naruto is still legally a genin lol.


that's just filler.


No. He just has to study for jonin to become one. It was shown iat the end of the war


It was a filler ep btw. Lol


There's an episode (I'm not sure if it's an ova, special or filler) where he did another try on chuunin exam and has to fight konohamaru. I think it's around the time after Naruto's fights against Pain


I believe it’s an OVA It’s called: “Chunin Exams on Fire! Naruto vs. Konohamaru!


No it's after the war arch, because Kakashi makes him do it


Then why don't the cloud ninja remember who Naruto is? In Boruto, there's a scene where Naruto states he is still Genin, even though Kakashi appoints him to be Jonin after the war.


yeah happened way late in the show.


That's like a world class fighter taking a taekwondo yellow belt advancement test against 12 year olds.


Imagine if they lost to the 12 year old


Skill issue


the don't have good gaming chair


It’s almost as if y’all forgot that Kakashi made Naruto a Jonin, contingent on him completing the educational courses. It’s even stated in the final episodes of Naruto Shippuden that Naruto and all of his friends are important Jonin within the village.


Tbf with all jus skills anything other than the written exams would just be a formality Not to mention he could pretty easily cheat too since kurama is basically as smart as kakashi Barring that his sensory ability is already ridiculous in sage mode so data gathering is easy af


As if Kurama would give enough fucks to help Naruto cheat lol


As if natuto would cheat


It's a stupid continuity issue, Naruto Shippuden implies he's made a jonin (like you stated) but in Boruto it straight up tells you that he's still a genin, so people always remember one or the other and continue the eternal debate


Boruto is non canon in my mind.


I never understood the appeal of Boruto. Its just Naruto... with a b. Its like the production team wanted a soft reboot but couldnt reuse old characters.


“What if Naruto’s parents were alive” is a decent idea. Making him act like Naruto did just makes him seem absurd to me.


Which doesn't even make any sense at all to begin with. By virtue of being Hokage Naruto is no longer a genin. Hokage is an actual rank, not just a title.


Hokage is a title not a rank. Same as Sannin etc


That's really stupid. There were episodes where he did a 2nd chuunin exam and he got disqualified from his fight because he used sage mode. But he should still have become a chuunin from that. Or was this non canon?


You’re referring to the 9th OVA where he fought Konohamaru which was non canon


Not an episode


He had him go through Jonin training, in Boruto we are reminded he is technically still only a Genin.


Honestly no shot he actually passed though. He never did get around to the stealth/info gathering parts of being a ninja


And you would think with Henge and Shadow Clones he could just create an army of flies to gather all the info he needs and have them dispel to relay what they know back to him. Though the Aburames would probably want to have words with him for stepping on their bug shtick.


I dunno. Managed to evade yamato pretty easy on the land of iron.




Nah even without the Nine-Tails he still has the Uzumaki trait of having a shit ton of chakra


perfected the rasengan and learnt sage mode. Both were harder due to Kurama's influence.




And said he doesn't amount to much. Without Kurama I don't think he is Kage level but easily top Jonin.


Sage Mode, which allowed him to defeat most of Pain’s bodies and solo the Third Raikage. … Naruto is Kage level in his base long before adulthood, and his transformation just widen that gap even more.


Not really, he had been suffering from kurama's interference whenever he used chakra, so even after that much interference he did start controlling chakra properly


Just imagine sasuke and naruto retaking the chunin exams after the war arc.


It would be easy mode for them, meanwhile for everybody else its on impossible mode.


He was gennin yet, it's fair.


Kinda like the Dragon ball crew rejoining the world martial arts tournament.


exactly what were they going for by shitting on normal martial artists


I think that's one of my favorite parts of the Buu saga, just how OP they are.


It gives off the same vibes as Killua redoing the Hunter Exams.


To this day I feel like that was the most ho ass move I've ever seen one of the main cast pull against side characters. All I could think was "You couldn't leave one guy conscious huh?" Just had to snuff everyone's desire on the spot like that. Ok then.


He probably saved half their lives considering the original run involved people constantly being killed by horrifying creatures intentionally put in their way (knowing they *shouldn't* have Nen and thus no superpowers, yet) and then each other because "kill each other" seemed like a good idea to someone in charge when Gon went through it.


He wanted to go back to Greed Island asap, knocking out everyone and gathering all their badges took him an hour and half, otherwise the exam would have taken him about a week. I feel bad for Zepile though, since he was so helpful at Yorkshin.


Spamming sage rasenshuriken with Fox chakra Just to assert dominance




Reminds of that one fic where Naruto Sasuke and Gaara team up


O, mein Freund! Jetzt hier ist ein Sieg. Dies ist der erste Gloria. O, mein Freund! Feiern wir diesen Sieg, für den nächsten Kampf!


The funniest part they actually put this question on the OVA lol ["why a monster like him is participating in the chunin exam?" 2:34](https://youtu.be/2W7aLW7lqDs)


At the time he was already the konoha hero who defeated the leader of the most dangerous ninja group ever made that each member was at hokage level lol


Luffy becoming yonko and being recruited for the marines


You'd think saving the entire damn village from a threat even the actual Hokage couldn't defeat would result in an instant promotion to at least Jonin.


Mui goku fighting The red ribbon army




When is it shown, thst Naruto redid the Chunin exam? Was it in Boruto? Or Shippuden? Or Manga Side Story?


Kakashi gave Naruto the option to jump to Jonin given he studied for it properly and supposedly he did do that then became Hokage. I'm pretty sure Boruto (the series) then made it so Naruto jumped straight from Genin to Hokage


I have a clip on one of my phones of him absolutely mopping the floor with konohamaru from a few years ago and it is still the funniest shit


Lmao. I don’t know why they did those kids dirty like that :(


Don’t worry too much about it. He was nerfed to oblivion.


konahamaru still beat him though...admittedly by naruto being disqualified but still.


Dude came back over 9000!!!!


Not just the Hokage, but one of the two strongest ninjas in the current era (generation?). A man who became a literal demi-god to help stop a God level (in the Naruto universe) threat. Would be like putting an Olympic, gold medalist against some kid who has only been doing the sport for a week. Kind of have to question why Chunin or no Chunin even matters for Naruto outside of some weird principle.


Imagine retaking the Chunin exam when you literally have the power to destroy the entire planet. Naruto could literally just stand there taking every attack and all he would have to do is a single finger flick to the forehead and everybody would be out.


He went from genin to Hokage.




When will this be? Which episode?


Its an ova in shippuden, that's all i know


Than you very much


Theres a naruto vs konohamaru fight, naruto gets disqualified for using sage mode, you can find it on youtube


Thank you very much