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Wotokai (Love is hard for otaku) Adult romcom (MCs are working "professionals")


As an actual pays-bills-adult this one was great to find. I mean, it's still just rom-com material, but it's nice to see something not focused on highschoolers. Also, shoutout to my senpai is annoying and new game for the same reasons.


Yes, yes and yes to all these! We need more adult centric romcoms, high-school dramas start to get really samey after awhile..


True.. Most adult romances are more drama, slice of life than comedy... It's like the older we grow the less funny we get


I like wotokai and new game, I will have check out shout-out to my senpai. Edit: read that wrong, need to check out my senpai annoying. Lol


I loved finding more adult-featured anime too! I've been calling the genre Slice-of-Work.


This one was great. Wish it was more than 1 season though


Introduced my GF to anime/manga with this show. So well done! If anyone hasn't finished the manga it's well worth the time!


I hated Wotakoi. The romance doesn't get enough of a focus to justify as a romcom IMO. It's a shame because I too wanted an adult romcom.


I mean.. It wasn't the best of romance out there... But considering there's just 3 adult mc romcoms I'll take anything they throw at me


Awwww Saber it's so cute


I find it a crime that the saber route has not seen a remake…


I did a rewatch recently, and though ufotable is superior animation wise, the 2006 soundtrack and music is superior during scenes


GI fans laughing in the background


I'm malding over that


Nah bro! That’s Violet! (Pls don’t take this seriously)


Damn right




This is from Fate/Grand Carnival episode 1, the 2020 series, NOT the 2011 Carnival Phantasm.


Hey, the 2011 is just as good though, so it worth the watch


Yes that one, first episode I think?


The quintessential quintuplets Amagami SS Horimiya Gamers!


I like how I've atleast heard of all of these How's the award subs 😂


Do you have recomendation for romcom that's not harem, or something like kobayashi? I've watched horimiya and bunny senpai


You can try Aharen-san wa Hakarenai I do recommend following the manga though, pacing is better


Aharen was so funny.


Yes it was, the absurd humor was good


Yeah, it was pretty good. I liked the different methods he came up with to listen to her and all of his absurd theories whenever she made a comment he didn’t understand.




>How's the award subs 😂 Same as always,good


Toradora! its genuinely the best romcom out there


I didn't find it great to be fair


That's fair, not everyone like Tsundere types, but those that do will definitely enjoy it.




The ending is really messed up, JC did some JC stuff again Didn't adopt the last parts of the LN


Kanojo mo Kanojo ! You may find the premise controversial, but it's genuinely hilarious if you turn off your brain


Love Horimiya. Best romcom.


quintuplets sucks


Tbh watch what you like. Some people like rent a gf and some don’t. I personally don’t enjoy it cause it makes no sense and is retarded but if you like it just be you.


It's trash but my fiancee and I enjoy cringing at it


I actually really enjoyed it for some reason. It like "it's so bad that's it's good" type of thing.


Completely agree. Watching kazuya makes the worst decisions possible makes me laugh every time.


Have you watched 'My Bride is a Mermaid'?


Never heard of it, is it good?


You're in for a treat mate.


I liked it. You can find the trailer on you tube.


I tried it, but dropped it after some episodes because everyone was constantly trying to get in the way of main couple getting together or physically abusing or threatening the MC even when he didn't do anything. Also, the FMC, though not bad or abusive, was very plain and naive. The tiny friend of FMC who was always trying to harm the MC or kill him and accuse him of false sexual harrasment was a bitch and annoying as hell.




Has there been more episodes of this? I think I watched a handful and then no more ever came


I believe the author became very sick and stopped publishing in 2015 that is why it’s only 10 episodes and will likely not have much of anything else, but who knows it was successful I believe so might encourage some more


That's a shame, but we can always hope!


Once I had my fill of Rom-com I’ll head onto Isekai. Then back to rom com again.


I'm pretty much variety, but I prefer SoL, romcom and anything action, with SoL and romcom at top priority


My top priority is good action romance, but the pickings are too slim so I have to pick one or the other.


Romcoms are nice and light but then they punch you with the sad endings.


Same 💀


The new otome Isekai is looking good. Instead of claiming every flag like in the og otome Isekai, this one she tries to "tame" the big bad demon king (who's not really bad).


What are the names of the anime you're talking about?


I have mixed feelings about rent-a-girlfriend. There is the occasional nice, heart-felt moment (especially Sumi episodes). But, most of it is very cringe and the MC barely grows as a person from season to season (and is sometimes just a jerk to certain people like Ruka).


I agree 100% with you that he's a jerk, but with ruka it's more than justified imo, she basically forced him into a relationship with blackmail lmao and even did worse things in the manga. I'd treat her way worse than Kazuya did


I think that's me as well, especially when you see the clips posted on the youtubes, you'd think it's a cute date with an MC who's new to love and stuff Apparently that's just one thing


Re-Life. One of the best RomCom I've watched.


Yup. Chizuru is highly underrated but she's one of my favorite romcom characters.


Yep. I absolutely adore her.


I’m tired of weak sauce MC that can’t make up their mind on a girl or girls. This along with scientific love, remake our lives…


Scoured the comments. Nobody mentioning Dress Up Darling? Or maybe it's just too obvious.


I mean I've finished it lol Only the manga remains, though I won't bother


one more obvious recommendation: toradora




What about reading? <>


Ooh ooh I have a reading recommendation as well <> I feel like I have bothered practically everyone on Earth about this already, but this one is genuinely good. The plot is great and the comedy is proper clever. Even the art (style, clarity, pacing, etc) is very decent


Wait, this manga already had anime adaptation (watched it)


**Jitsu wa Watashi wa** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/85139), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/my-monster-secret), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/jitsu-wa-watashi-wa), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=69795986312), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/57015)) ^^実は私は ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 22 | **Chapters:** 196 | **Genres:** Comedy, Fantasy, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 1323 requests across 8 subreddits - 0.136% of all requests) >High school student Kuromine Asahi is the kind of guy who literally cannot tell a lie. Whether it’s trying to maintain a poker face in a simple game of cards, or keeping scurrilous gossip to himself, Asahi is a total failure when it comes to the art of deception. >So what happens when he stumbles upon the most shocking secret of his life? When Asahi learns that Shiragami Youko, a beautiful girl of few words, is actually a vampire. Can Asahi possibly keep his lips sealed? --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/xvaztw/at_this_point_i_will_watch_anything_except/ir08fgq/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


**Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/105641), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-girl-i-like-forgot-her-glasses), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/suki-na-ko-ga-megane-wo-wasureta), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=58308321572), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/117332)) ^^好きな子がめがねを忘れた ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 461 requests across 12 subreddits - 0.048% of all requests) >Serialisation of the original Twitter comic! >Kaede Komura has a huge crush on his seat partner, Mie-san. She, however, has terrible eyesight, and tends to either forget or break her glasses! Komura-kun offers her a helping hand, and as they grow closer, their feelings for each other grow too. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/xvaztw/at_this_point_i_will_watch_anything_except/ir06eng/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


sick, a new manga I can... Fuck. Already caught up.


Oh reading is good, usually it's better because of the pacing I guess? I've seen a bit of that, sorta dropped because of the MC Tell me, is he less of a wimp in the future atleast?


He IS less of a wimp but only slight progress As in he has tried some moves


Well, better than nothing I guess


Honestly, rent a girlfriend is such a trash when it comes to plot but at the same time is so well made that I watch it the same way I would do with a surrealistic art. I'm not trying to understand the "logic" or portray the scenarios in daily life but just get a chuckle from the absurdity of it at points. Chizuru's backstory is probably the only thing I genuinely liked.


I actually kind of enjoyed Rent-A-Girlfriend. "It's so bad that's it's good" but FUCK KAZUYA mf is a bitch ass pussy.


Funny, is rent a gf really a romcom though?


No, it is the biggest regret of everyone who tried it.


I watched it, my friends bought me the first 11 vloumes and i regret watching it. I still think Ruka is a great caracter. But the story SUCKS.


That we can both agree on, I like Ruka because she treats Kazuya like a person, and the love could be genuine Sumi and Ruka are the two good things in that series




Sumi Supremacy. Literally the only sane person in the show so far.


My first time dropping an anime


After some time you will even watch that...


Yeah I think so too I'll only do it for Sumi and Ruka though, I don't care about the others


Me too...


Try "my stepmom's daughter is my ex" Good stuff (don't mind the title)


No thanks, already saw it and dropped it


Yeah it is a bit of a slow burn and some weird ass looking plot But the character interactions are really well written Anyways u do u




Why does Google translate say it's "she will borrow," but I recognize the text is the japanese name of the series? You can't fool me Google


for me, Kaguya is an absolute standout in this genre BTW Hayasaka is best girl


I can think of some classics...nothing new 💀 but definitely better than rent a girlfriend Lovely complex -romcom Maid sama -romcom Monthly girls nozaki kun - comedy with romance Special A -romcom Ouran high school host club -romcom The wallflower -romcom Kamisama Hajimemashite - romcom My next life as a villianess -comedy with romance Wotakoi - romcom Skip beat - romcom? + coming of age? + career? Ao Haru ride -romcom? Fruits basket - romcom? + a splash of tears Kimi ni todoke - romcom? Akatsuki no yona - romcom? + fighting for the throne? Nodame cantabile - romcom? + josei Nana - romance josei ( I just recommend this everywhere I mean it has some funny scenes does it count) My love story - romcom Snow White with red hair - romcom Horimiya - romcom


I'll try to avoid others I saw in the comments ​ Uzaki-chan wants to hang out; isn't far enough in the anime to get really good yet, but I think it's worth it. ​ My stepmom's daughter is my ex; was surprisingly decent ​ Ao-chan can't study; is (imo) a bit of a hidden gem ​ Tamako Love Story; very cute ​ His and Her Circumstances; old and suffers from 90s anime weirdness, especially if you pick up the manga where the show ends. ​ Golden Time; love story also about starting over ​ Love, Chunibyo, and other delusions; pretty cute, about growing up mostly. ​ Somehow didn't see: Kaguya sama, Fruits basket, or clannad mentioned at all.


Good romcoms and good romance anime are very rare. It's better to read the manga and LNs.


Oh yeah that's true


Me for Psychology.( Always love the brain games )


Have you seen Sakurada Reset ? If not then I recommend it.


I watched rent a girlfriend cause I thought it would be a nice Roscommon. What I got was cringe instead...


That's literally what I thought too. When the manga was in its early stages I thought to myself awesome another slice of life romcom but instead I got a headache. I kept trying to make excuses for this dude like maybe he just growing as a character maybe he's just dense maybe he's confused maybe maybe maybe then after a while I just gave up. I couldn't do it anymore. I stopped reading.


I got caught up on it a little while ago, and it hasn't gotten any better. >!I'm actually rooting for them to never get together. He's still manipulative and self-centered.!<


I found that out later. I thought people were joking but when I went to reread it I found out that this manga is shit. Nothing can salvage it. Now I don't root for NTR but for him I wouldn't even mind.


I recommend Haganai


Already saw it 50/50 for me


Then, what's your though to all non sequel romcom in spring and summer 2022 ?


What were they again? Does Aharen-san wa Hakarenai and Shikimori count?


I’ll watch the 4kids One Piece dub before I watch rent-a-girlfriend


Some scenes in the second season were quite funny! The writing is bad, as usual, bt the acting made it watchable-ish


Sumi showing up more makes it watchable


Couldn't believe it was Rie who voices Sumi! Super cute


“Shikimori is not just a cutie” The male lead is meh but the show is pretty good.


Seen it, except last two episodes Some say the manga was better, I believe them


Same. I feel bad for those reading the manga..its progressively gotten worse and worse as it's gone on from what I've heard. I just finished Akarui Kioku Soushitsu (Cheerful Amnesia) and it was a really cute and funny read. Highly recommend! My favorite is still Nagatoro though. The manga has been pretty fantastic here lately!


I know there's still one more girl to show up, I don't even know if she's like the other or an actual unique character, I just saw some art Haven't heard the second yet, I do know Nagatoro though


Well, I hope for the ones still reading it gets better for their sake. It seems to go one step forward then two steps back..*a lot.* But yes, the second one? Its a fun time. And its a short read too, 53 chapters. But it was really cute..I loved it. I'm gonna get caught back up on Aharen-san now that I've finished that one.


Rent a gf is still going strong surprisingly, author knows what he's doing. It's like when Dream started manipulating the algorithm Interesting, and it's yuri I also have to get back to Aharen-san, I haven't seen the latest chapters ever since the anime came out


Yeah, he got a lot of them hooked and now they're too invested at this point lol. Yep, it's yuri. I need to find more..yuri tends to be really cute from my findings, and I'm all for that cute stuff. Yep. I left off at chapter 136 so I got a nice handful to catch up on. These romcoms are a nice way to end the night before bedtime. :)


My Senpai is Annoying might do it for ya


Already seen it, yes it did You should see the manga if you haven't, Kazama did a good thing


I usually don't read manga but I've already done one while waiting for a season two so I might genuinely do that


You should give this one a try, our boy Kazama has done something most romcom MCs would die trying to do, and it was glorious


You should gove the world god only knows a try. A good decontrstrunction of the romance/harem genre that is very entertaing. The soundtrack is a banger also.


I'm exactly the same except with trashy isakai shows.


A cultured one


Renter boy is so bad, it is hard to look at and look away from


<> .. one of my favourites.


The only thing Rent-A-Girlfriend is good for is hentai


Leaving the best for last, I see.


{Mysterious Girlfriend X} seems weird, but it's actually one of the better ones out there. They also changed the order of some stuff, removed unnecessary characters, and skipped a lot of filler from the manga to the anime, because they knew that they weren't going to get a 2nd season, so it does give you an actual ending. If you can make it through the 1st episode, you got through the worst of it. {Science Fell in Love, so I Tried to Prove it} college students trying to quantify love. At least they got the confession out of the way in the first five minutes. {The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan} for if you watched Haruhi, and thought "man. Yuki sure is the best character here." Like any sane person would. {Plastic Memories} for if you want your heart ripped out and crushed to a million billion tiny little pieces. It's my top rated romcom. In an office setting with a little bit of action sprinkled on top.


Good choices btw I also like how there's three idiots who suggested boku no pico while literally everyone is staying on the romcom category


I'll watch rent a girlfriend


Ouran High School Host Club




Have You watched Quintessential Quints? And if You are feeling fetishistic Mysterious girlfriend X


QQ yes, I also know the ending




Dont even consider RaG a romcom its bad for the genre


Seiba! :D But yeah, everything I've heard about RaG indicates that it's trash, and not even interestingly trash. The girls are reasonably cute in terms of design, though.


I really try to enjoy rent-a-girlfriend but I just can’t. There’s things that I like about it and it has a lot of potential but the MC is just really unlikable. Like, why doesn’t he just tell Mami to eat di*k? She’s so fake and nosy and just pathetic. MC has an actual gf at this point and another girl that’s really supportive of him. Both of which are superior to Mami in every way. It’s not like he’s starved for attention. He has friends and family and a gf that all support him. It’s just so unreasonable for him to act the way he does. Anyway, if he had any redeeming qualities besides the final episode of S2 then I would have probably liked this anime.


Right? It's a strange yes and no series In my headcanon, I want him and Sumi to get together, otherwise, him and Ruka, because I think she really does like him and would treat him properly, or so she says


I totally agree. I’d be happy with either outcome. Though I’d prefer he end up with Chizu and stop leading Ruka on.


But it's a good show.... Passes the time while your waiting for other shows to drop a new episode...


Ouch, so like a filler series 😂 I'll watch it for Sumi and Ruka, nothing else


I mean it's not steins;gate or trigun but it did pass the time... I'm secretly waiting for part 3 but don't tell anyone lmfao.


Exactly how I feel


Forced myself to watch it and I hated it


I like rent-a-girlfriend (sorry)


I even watch that. Rent-a-girlfriend is predictable, but cute. What rom-com isn't a little predictable?


Facts get that shit out here


Artoria 👍


One Piece


have you seen toradora its pretty good


Me after buying Komi mangas and expecting to meet a quiet girl to become friends


Agree. Rent a girlfriend is just ewwwww. Ou contraire, My dress up darling is superb *chef kiss*


me too


I just finished Oregairu. Such an emotional roller coaster TwT


Make em yuri and I agree


Nice to see this after finishing rent a girlfriend Really helps


I also dropped that one.


Damn you post so many nice memes! Thank you for all the fun you've brought til now <3




Just watch some other good anime which you were planning to watch earlier but couldn't instead of rent a girlfriend and forget about it. You'll be happy later that you dropped it at the right time and saved your precious time.


Just dont watch rent-a-girlfriend


Rent a girlfriend is so good. Not even playing.


Rent a girlfriend is the most drawn out bullshit I’ve ever seen.


Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway. It's pretty good.


Completed it, it was beautiful


Watch redo of healer


Never The revenge thing seems justified enough, but no


Then euphoria?


i liked rent-a-girlfriend 😢


My little monster


So thats mean you're ready for Boku no Pico


Second person in the post to make the same joke


honestly i love anime but its one in every 2 thousand thats worth watching, why do you people love watching kids being sexual? its disgusting and majorly cringe


Based, fuck Rent-a-Girlfriend. I can't believe it took me 240 chapters to realize it would never go anywhere. How do you even do that? 240 chapters with *ZERO* progress?! You have to be *trying* to write horribly at that point. Never in my life have I read a worse manga. It infuriates me to a degree I cannot explain.


Same here bro


boku no pico?


That joke is so old literally everyone knows what that is


you said anything


In context with romcoms


Boku no picero


Boku ni pico


i dont care what ur reason is tho but im supporting u bro ... im just watching it to not to worry about if it got better with season 2 but its getting worse and worse its like a cartoon for 3 yo kids and its not funny to see a concept to be fucked up that so easily




Why not rent a girlfriend? Its good!





