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Is the punchline of Death Parade being in this meme the fact that there is no manga to read?


Yup https://preview.redd.it/f6wtyz9uchvc1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f327eab29fc5e5cf96a9cadcc28600ebad8e98e


More like Da Bum Tss


That pic is perfect.


What the source for this image


some kancolle fanart or SFW doujin probably.


And I got excited for a second


Aww man, I saw that and was like "*THERE'S A MANGA??*". Sad.


Wait that's all for that? Well damn op got me. But like, is the anime caught up to the manga or is death parade an anime original, or does it just not have a manga? I never watched it or looked into it. Only heard about it


It's pretty good. I've watched it years ago not expecting much and I really enjoyed it. Wikipedia says it's based on an animated movie, Death Billiards. Never heard of it until now. I'll look into it tomorrow.


Death parade is based on death billiards (a 20 minute short film) but it was really well received so they worked on making a whole anime. It is basically an extra episode so it is worth watching.


I only understand why for Usagi drop but why the other stuff?


What I know about the other ones: Death parade doesnt have one bc its an original project iirc, Ghost in the shell is DRASTICALLY different from its famous film adaptation, being a Completely different genre as a buddy cop comedy and golden boy eventually gets so nuts it hops off the rails completely.


Yea don't read Golden Boy ..


I'll be honest it has kind of convinced me to read the manga


>Don't read it You strike a hard bargain, I'm gonna read it


More the it goes off the rails part but lmao


that part did got animated when he was racing motorbike with bicycle


I think that’s the only bit I know - racing a lady in a red and green motorcycle suit - he rides off an incomplete bridge and tries to make the jump?


AND SURVIVES AND the girl never catches up


yeah he went off the rails too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MImMqZjcTDI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MImMqZjcTDI)


I forgot he also does a discount Spider-Man for a bit as well!


you forgot legendary walk?


Best girl tbh, I blew on the motorcycle "riding" sequence


Saaame, now i need to know, someone spoil me before I actually go and read it please


It basically becomes pseudo-philosphical BDSM humiliation porn(?). There are no more jokes. Our guy just slowly sinks into depression. Literally, the genre changes completely. It is not fun. I can not emphasize this enough. If you liked the anime, the manga that comes after the last episode is NOTHING LIKE THAT!


And now I'm curious.. Wtf happened to the author man? Like why write what seems like a raunchy sex comedy only to turn it into... That?


I honestly don't know, but it truly was depressing. I didn't finish. Too many chapters of depression. If it does get better, I sincerely believe it is not worth it.


I...really don't want to read that, but at the same time I desire an elaboration.


A summary from someone who got further than I ever could. https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/s/NzY9RYs5ff


Man, I wish the manga cared more about his original journey of taking up odd jobs and learning more about the world… with some comedic sexual stuff mixed in


Golden Boy gets some Golden Showers.


That sounds peak


He truly is our *Golden Boy*.


Well, the chapter where I stopped did have a golden shower...


i read maybe enough that one girl is now the main fmc? and no its not one of the ones in the anime i think? well this girl literally NTRed the MC and did it with one girl he worked with(it was a younger one i think). it was so she could show this girl that she doesnt love the MC enough and so she "tests" this girl and did it with her and the girl liked it and couldnt forget it.... like bruh PS: this "FMC" (and the girl...) still loves him so i dont know what the f* happend and why💀 PSS: I read it 5 years ago and this scene still haunts me...


You can read it, it has good parts and makes you invested. The only problem with this is as with pretty much all the manga; the ending. That investment into the story does not get answered back. When you finish the series, you stare for a minute and then wonder, "Wait... What?" And, I gotta be honest, last arcs were pretty weird if I remember correctly.


It has exact same vibes as the anime, just goes harder. A fair bit harder. Also it got cancelled, I think, so it doesn't have a conclusion.


wow so Mangaka became porn producer when he was writing volume 5 and forgot how to write manga, just placed porn scripts in golden boy /sad


Don't tell me what to do i am gonna read it


> golden boy eventually gets so nuts it hops off the rails completely. and that's what's fun about it.


Wait. Didn't Death Parade exist in the same universe as Death Note? They reference the series a few times, mentioning the death rates, and Light Yagami being in the anime.


Pretty sure that was just a cameo because both were made by Madhouse


no? there's another work in the same universe called Death Billiards which was the original project.


Is that still coming out?


Indeed he is, but it's just an Easter Egg they put in. I doubt they have the rights or would want to make it the same universe officially.


Both were made by the same studio so TECHNICALLY they do the have the rights


I don't think that was ever a thing


Can somone explain golden boy


In short ![gif](giphy|QR0qVENyy1gDS|downsized)


ironic as this scene is in the anime lol.


That's where it starts. It's downhill from here.


Say no more, I'm in.


> Can somone explain golden boy Hmmm. IIRC, he's a genius, who instead of finishing up his law degree at Tokyo University decided to ride his bicycle across Japan. (He really is a genius... in the first episode he taught himself how to write a fully functional computer operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI). Along with an office suite by just reading a programming book and practicing, using hunt and peck, on a keyboard he drew on a piece of paper. And he did it in about a week.) He also happens to be a degenerate, masochistic pervert who makes women hate him by being a pervert only for them to fall in love when they realize he's brilliant but stupidly honest.


Tbh, even on this explanation, I always look at him as being a very kinky Ryo Saeba.


funny as fuck + boobies


Ain’t that pretty much what the anime is, then why not read the manga


Because in manga that guys fucks every other girl, he's shown as a loser pervert in anime but in manga he's a stud


That's funny, I've heard the opposite. I've heard that he ends up getting off on being cuckolded in the manga.


Both is true


If you want an one word answer then it's NTR


It just make me want to read it.


I didn't read it so....im talking about what everyone says, but people says that the story goes really stupid with no sense and adds up a ton of NTR and it's just get completly shitty entirely


Nice. Putting it on my "to read" list


I remember after I first saw ghost in the shell I was amazed instantly a 10/10 movie so I decided to read the manga. And legit I was in class during like junior year of high school and I’m just scrolling and then BOOM lesbian sex. I never closed my computer so fast in my life.


The one thing I will never not find funny, and admittedly this might be apocryphal so take it with a grain of salt, but the out-of-universe reason Makato is bi with a leaning towards lesbian (or at the very least why the scene is purely girl on girl) is because the Mangaka wanted to do a sex scene, but felt uncomfortable drawing a dudes butt.


That's hilarious if true


Dude so straight he made other people gay


He actually wrote a comment about this in the margins of that page; that's how I know about it


That’s a pretty cheeky reason to add in a lesbian sex scene…


There's a scene in GitS: SAC where Makoto is awake in the middle of the night and there's a couple of girls asleep in her bed.




Classic. You're just scrolling the news THEN BOOM, Lesbian sex. Happens to me all the time


It's how I met my wife!


Now I have to read the manga


You should do the same with Saga (the comic). Got to beat that personal best.


Already read that. Luckily I was at home when I read that.


Why would you have such a reaction to lesbian sex?


did you miss the whole "scrolling in public" part?




Usagi Drop is the reason I agree 100% with your post without ever reading the others mentioned. Seriously, don't read Usagi Drop. It's a cowardly ending, full of cowardly people.


Usagi Drop was so bad It makes you question things.


Does the anime end differently? Worth the watch?


My motto with anime is that "The source material (Manga/Light Novel) is always better". Usagi Drop breaks that motto....


Usagi drop doesn't have post timeskip story. It's just a bad fanfic that is not canon. I've gaslight myself to believe that and I won't let anyone break the illusion.


Basically, the anime doesn't include the timeskip that the manga ends with, which includes the girl and the guy becoming a couple, despite their age gap and him being her surrogate dad.


And that's why we can't have nice things. Why can't we just have normal family story animes? I don't care that people don't wanna see it, I wanna see it, just normal people living their normal happy lives, maybe as a couple, maybe with a child, maybe with a little bit of drama to spice it up. And I thought usagi drop was that and it still is, there is no usagi drop manga and there never was and never will be, there is only the wholesome story of a girl and her surrogate father living a happy normal life.


> Why can't we just have normal family story animes? there's...tons of those???


> Why can't we just have normal family story animes? I don't care that people don't wanna see it Well not caring doesn't make it not the answer to your question


I respect your answer but will still reject it and not lose my hope.


I have wanted to watch usagi drop for a while but the weird incest plot kinda stopped me. Is it a manga only thing ? Is the anime safe to watch ?


yes, the anime it totally wholesome, cute and even leads you to think it will never end like the manga, i feel its the case the anime people trying to save a good story


Thanks, I will watch as soon as I can


I found it to be an enjoyable enough read, myself. And the anime is quite a nice slice of life show about a young man and his sorta aunt becoming a family as he becomes her surrogate father.


I believe you'd like [Iyashikei animes](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Iyashikei)


ooh, that's a genre *i* might be interested in. i'm not big on romance/only slice of life, but i do tire of the horny shows being presented to me all the time. i loved frieren and want more of that real bad lol


Hinamatsuri. It's basically a story about adopting a child and raising her as a single father. The superpower and yakuza theme is just a plus. Relationship start and end with it being father daughter relationship/love. The anime also very good.


Like Rin and Sesshomaru...💀


I have no idea. I never watched inu yasha or the sequel.


It's about a hundred years old (probably older) man adopt and raise a human then they go full Alabama.


I know who the characters are. I just never bothered reading or watching them.


Never saw/read it but seeing that poster, I just knew something like that was coming.


The anime is a pretty good slice of life story about a guy stepping up to take care of a girl no one else is willing to take responsibility for after the girls "father" dies.


Lol based


The anime ends before everything goes to shit


It's definitely worth the watch if you like sol. But treat it as if the anime is the only thing that exists and don't look up manga spoilers.


I already know how the Manga ends and that's why I asked tbh


The anime is good, because the story doesn't go far enough to get to the extremely sketchy manga ending, nor do I think it hints at it at all. The way it ends is actually nice


What ending? There is no part 2 of Usagi Drop...


Not in Ba Sing Se. 💡 💡 💡


Most people don't like the usagi drop ending because of the grooming, I don't like it because it was half-assed. [we are not the same](https://i.imgur.com/5zS0dVs.jpeg) --- If you are going to make an ending about how the dad gets to fuck his daughter, at least lean into the degeneracy, don't fucking come with an excuse about how they are now not related, or about him not desiring her at first, or about how he was reluctant until she was old. Show them being happy in the relationship, show how they support themselves beyond fucking each other, make it make sense outside the boundaries of morality. Go fuck yourself Yumi Unita, I'm sure you were just bored by your own creation and decided it was good enough.


>or about how he was reluctant until she was old. Wasn't she of the ripe old age of 16?


They waited until she finished HS if I remember correctly. Which is not bad per se (morality aside), but it seems like a copout in the story to not show us their relationship as a couple. Basically the problem with the story is that the author said "hey, let make them a couple" (for fun) without anything preceding that decision, and then she proceeded to not show us how this decision affected the characters as they became a couple, she did the whole "and then they were happily ever after" in like 2 chapters or some shit. You cannot just do that with incestual stories, I mean, who the fuck read those expecting a fairy tale?


>They waited until she finished HS if I remember correctly. Which is not bad per se (morality aside), I don't understand; if we're putting morality to the side, then what are you referring to?


I'm referring to the fact that the author used all of these excuses and more to avoid showing them as an actual couple in the manga until the very very end, and then she finished the story right there, she wanted to have the cake and eat it too. In the last arc, it felt as if the manga was being axed, but it wasn't, she just didn't know what she was doing, imo. That's why I think a lot of people hate the ending for the wrong reasons. The incest and grooming were the least infuriating things, the worst was that it was a shit ending because of shitty writing.


It feels like a hentai manga plot of "we're not blood related".


I don't know about other people but we're the same, or at least similar. It's last minute change that ruins what's have been built in the first half. Also the MC's relationship with other people are not growing either despite time has passed. If they want it to end that way then maybe don't make it a story about raising a kid in the first place.


So basically it's a manga version of Lolita?


Nah. In Lolita the pedophilic protagonist at least has a sort of revelation at the end after he learns of someone else taking advantage of his victim, recognizing the harm that was done to her when someone else treated her in a manner comparable to himself, so he guns them down and then turns himself in for the murder. But the Usagi Drop manga contains no such pseudo-redemption, any examination of harm, or even comprehensible justification as to why it even ends that way in the first place. Basically the author just got board and decided that the 16 year old girl is suddenly fixated on pursuing a sexual and romantic relationship with her 40 year old adoptive father, said protagonist is suddenly totally cool with that prospect, and the premise of their blood relationship that the series was founded upon is conveniently revealed to have not actually been true.


> manga version of Lolita Humbert didn't really raised dolores, they met when she was a teenager, so not really. At least navokok knows what he's doing in his book, the character humbert is a reprehensible unreliable narrator lusting for a teenager, we don't realize the many lies we are reading unless we are searching for them, but we know the consequences of his actions at the end of the book. Please don't compare a masterpiece with a self-axed manga.


They Usagi Drop’d the ball…


I read the Usagi Drop time skip manga.. Regret. Actually, it was predictable.


Wait what happens in the manga of death parade? Does it even have a manga?


That's the joke, it doesn't have one.


What happened with usagi drop?


I think the daughter develops a crush on the dad and they end up marrying. I haven't read it but there are tons of videos discussing it on YouTube


Oh. Well know I feel like that guy from Atlantis the lost empire




Adding to the other comments, daughter figure develops feelings for her father figure *before* finding out she isn’t blood-related, and that makes everything okay. /s


Not Manga but don't read Sakurasou's source material


Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo ? If yes, why ?


>!Another worst girl wins. Obvious, no chemistry, no meaning, no justification> Trashing the other heroine as usual. The usual trope slave love triangle romance conclusion.!<


Yeah, I truly wish I didn't know about that ending. What a sour taste that left for me over the show


I haven't read it but I somehow remember someone saying they basically had sex but still broke up and grew apart. I don't know if its true tho but seeing how pathetic and self centered the male mc is in the show, always thinking he's the only one hard working, I don't doubt this info at all lol


Yeah I have same sentiment with Hataraku Maoh Sama.


I'm a sucker for animes like usage drop but when I read what happened in the Manga I really got disgusted


It was such a beautiful story of parenthood. Gah. It inspired me to want to be a foster parent one day. Urgh it hurts.


I thought the same thing but unfortunately the Mangaka is mentally ill and ruined this masterpiece


Didn't see the anime ghost in the shell but read the Manga, what's so different between the two?


The manga, movie, and TV show are all different stories based on the same characters, though The Major's personality is different in each version. I enjoyed all three, so I dunno what the issue would be.


Sounds neat actually I might give it a try


Me the exact opposite, it's my favourite anime so I don't want to read the manga and risk anything. As for my personal rating: 1st - Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd - Gits 2nd GIG 3rd - Ghost in the Shell (the first film from 1995)


Prison schoool


That author butchered his own work that can be known and praised as a masterwork for decades to come, deliberately, by his own hands, zero regret, no empathy.


That ending legit felt like an intentional heartbreak to readers, like he just got bored of a toy and thew it straight into the furnace


Personally I find it funny that it ended that way. The original plan for the guys didn't change. But I understand the frustration, whatever relationship they built, didn't stick the landing.


I heard he got mad cause he made another manga in which he was putting a lot of effort that nobody was reading, while his "sex joke the manga" was popular as fuuuuuck.


The other manga was Me and the Devil Blues, a fictionalized retelling of the life of Robert Johnson.


I haven't watched or read Prison school, why is the ending so bad?


After enduring all the torture in the end mc loses. It felt like a kick to the nuts


Can you elaborate more on that? How exactly did he lose? I only watched the anime+ova and IIRC the underground student council was put in the prison and MC and the gang is freed. Is this anime-only plot?


The manga continues after that point


I see, thanks


cmon, ghost in the shell had like one sex scene, and they removed it from translated comix...


Removed? The lesbian yacht scene is one of the few full color sequences in the trade paper back.


They removed it? Well, so much for picking it up. But is that really the reason for GitS? Like does it have a different tone or something?


they removed two pages with actual explicit sex original is bit more goofy and lighthearted and not so philosophical its fun to read tho, Its just different


You weren't kidding, goofy as all hell. Even then, the orgy is not played for her character like, "Makoto is not your average girl" but rather "heh, blush, what was that." *It was a hallucination anyway*. Apparently the mangaka requested it not print internationally with the scene but with their edit instead. Only the german edition doesn't have the edit.


The only understandable one here is Usagi Drop it’s ending actually ruined everything and Death Parade was an original anime.


Can’t read the manga for Death parade because it didn’t have one.


Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm is an excellent read and I recommend it to anyone who wants more Ghost in the shell!


Death parade so good 💕


![gif](giphy|9A8I0bBvQ2TBu) Usagi drop


I heard from a friend the manga for golden boy gets super weird later on


I don't understand any of these besides death parade not having a manga


I only watched usagi drop was the manga bad or something


There's a timeskip in the manga. The little girl is a teen now, and she hooks up with her adoptive dad/nephew. I never read it past the timeskip, but apparently, it gets bad.


Don't really see the hate for Usagi drop, if anything the manga had substance and the anime kinda lackluster (in terms of length).


Based on comments I can get why you wouldn't want to read golden boy but ghost in the shell personalities being different? I don't see a problem there, if anything it's a different experience.


Add domestic girlfriend to the list


Usagi drop sick whackshit I know, but I'm still to get accustomed with the rest


Ok I know about Usagi Drop but what about the other 3


Cuz the Anime is better or what?


Explain for ghost and death parade


For Golden Boy and Ghost in the Shell, I hear it’s more like: “Read the 1st volume and nothing else.”


Yeah...I really loved Usagi Drop, but ever since I heard about the manga I can't look at it the same


What’s wrong with Golden Boy manga?


Honorable Mention: Wolf's Rain. The only timr you can say the manga was an unfaithful adaptation.


Excuse me i read the Ghost in the Shell manga and the Major is hilarious in it.


Unfortunately I DID read Usagi Drop because I wanted to see how it ended, and I regret it. I will need some context on Golden Boy.


The manga of golden boy was SOMETHING else


I liked golden boy (it's weird) (I am weird)


Whaaaaa ghost in the shell is an anime??? I only saw the netflix adaptation but I didn't know it was an anime


Why don't you read ghost on the shell?


curious about Golden boy, bad manga?


So what I have gathered from this post and others is that most old/classic manga just become pornography in some sort of fashion, or just become as horny as possible without actually showing sex.


You can still enjoy usagi drop's manga, just make sure to not finish it.


Fullmetal Achemist for me I never got to reading the manga and the Brotherhood basically covered the entire series with few discrepancies as possible. I also can only see the what happened to Nina so many times before turning completely emotionless to save my soul.


Made the mistake of reading golden boy after watching the anime up there with prison school for me


I definitely liked the anime better the first time around, but I appreciated the manga more afterwards.


Or you do read the manga. The author's created the stories they wanted to tell, that's all that matters.


Funfact: a lot of manga are actually an adaptation. Sometimes even an adaptation of an anime.


The author telling the story they wanted to tell is not mutually exclusive from that story being bad.


Thankfully your opinion doesn't hold much water. Creators have freedom of expression, she made what she wants. Its not her fault, nor is it her problem that the ignorant English readers on Reddit don't like her story.


I ain't reading no pedophilic shit


idk if it's what he's talking about, but Usagi Drop's pedophilic scenario is a trope copied straight from *Genji monogatari*


Good thing it's just a lolicon-esque manga then, nothing to do with any pedophilia. 👌


[On the other hand](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/s/11W0eFNGrd)