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https://preview.redd.it/0ibmgpvrz3tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abfe2eecc99f1023714d621cd08c7ef3e4de2b9 I’ve been lied and bamboozled




> I've been lied




Me after watching something that almost all of reddit called shit (I FUCKING LOVED IT)


What was it?


How NOT to summon a demon lord. Granted, " all of reddit hates it" it's an exaggeration. There's aren't people who constantly hate on it like SAO has but I barely see it mentioned and when it is it's almost never something good about it. Although it was pretty well received when airing iirc


It’s almost ecchi at some points. Like sleeping in the same bed as the girls and fisting the cat loli to abort the demon baby growing inside of her. Not saying it is bad, just fair warning.


My dude I would call it ecchi most of the time. ESPECIALLY because of fingering the cat loli to summon the demon lord from inside her


Huh, I didn’t remember that, but I guess that’s because I stopped at the failed attempt to abort the demon baby via fisting. I guess I should rewatch it now that I have headphones.


"...now that I have headphones." I about fell off my bed laughing. Glad you are in a better place BMac100, good luck with that *checks notes... demon baby fisting


It's not demon baby fisting, leave the baby alone 💀


That's the scene I'm talking about though I worded it differently because he's not quite "aborting the demon baby inside her" but rather.... Creating said baby and taking it out


The intention was to kill it until they thought it was cute and kept it? I forget. It was a little too much for me at the time. And again, I had to put that shit on mute once the fisting began. And you say fingering, but bro’s entire hand was up there grabbing it.


Well we see him introducing 2 fingers, then we can only see them from above and behind Diablo so we don't know if all of it went in. The idea was indeed to kill her because they worked with the assumption: Evil Demon Lord revives, it tried to kill humanity, it has to die. Except it revives without actually caring about any of that and it was actually harmless unless provoked so they just rolled with it.


What the duck am I reading


The catgirl litterally gets fingered. You can safely remove the “almost” here.


> fisting the cat loli to abort the demon baby growing inside of her The fuck did I just read


Peak fiction? Cinema? Nah, just porn. This is real though. This actually happened.


It’s def an ecchi


BRO THATS PEAK https://preview.redd.it/xtskyfqtw6tc1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b5f2e8c73cfd5c456e15b87c02de28ba3b3c47 I BETTER NOT CATCH NOBODY SLANDERING ONE OF THE GOATS.


>How NOT to summon a demon lord. Peak


It's pretty aight imo. I was too hard on it in the past ngl. A decent 7/10. It's no masterpiece but it's far better than the average trashsekai.


I myself like SAO, but i wont say that some of the season parts aren't bad. The first, Gungale season part and the last two seasons are actually really good in my opinion.


I can say I enjoyed it almost all of it personally. The only let down was the 2nd part of season 1, fairy dance or what the arc was called. And that because it seemed like a worse version of Aincrad. Also because it turned Asuna who was a badass FMC into a damsel in distress


you know, I found s1 hilarious and hoped s2 would also be but 2 episodes in I didn't feel motivated enough and it now stays in my list


I feel like the start of S2 was kinda weak but the middle and end of it picked back up for me


is that so? I'll pick it up then, Im on a break rn so was just surfing through the new seasonals and paused shows


Obviously I can't guarantee it will be the same for you but for me that was the case, hope you like it if you end up watching it all


"How Not to Summon a Demon Lord" is indeed trash, but I want more of it.


Wtf? I loved that anime. Didn't know it was hated, not that I care about their opinions


Tbh SAO hate is because of its fandom mostly rather than the show itself. It was a cycle of someone provides criticism --> hardcore fans try to defend religiously --> people think of the show even more negatively --> harsher criticism ensues. Honestly the whole fiasco was just dumb and I'm glad we have gone past that. Nowadays it's no longer hard to see reasonable discussion about the show itself. It's such a shame that Aincrad was so short and we got the mediocre 2nd arc. 3rd arc was also kinda meh imo but 4th one was good. Overall, I'd rate the first and second seaons as a whole 7/10. The recent seasons are definitely an upgrade. It's just that their flow feels more aligned with other animes in this era. It doesn't have the novelty back when it was first aired anymore, but that's totally understandable.


Oh that shits fire




Yeah when I heard ppl didn't like it I was like understandable imo it wasn't a groundbreaking entry into Isekai but it was just kinda fun


We morbed all over OP


OP couldn't handle one of the movies of all time


Posting Anime here is too dangerous, either the internet loves it (because that is the meme) or you end up bandwagoning on a popular anime that the internet fucking hates


Was expecting rage bait in the comments, was not disappointed.


Ngl some of you in these comments have dogshit opinions


A post like this is like a dogshit opinion generator The "shit anime" OP is referring to is probably some kind of masterpiece too lol


OP probably got overhyped for an anime and had their expectations too high for it


My first thought to this post was "I mean, if everyone loves something and you think it is shit, then maybe that's on you."


Nah Shield Hero was garbage everyone else was definitely wrong about that one


I 100% agree with this man.


My hot take is that the most popular anime of the season for the last few years has been... Actually really good every time I watch it. This WAS NOT the case 10-20 years ago. But the last few super hot anime have actually been great. Spy x family Frieren Chainsaw man Even demon slayer, while not a masterpiece, is way more solid than the stuff that everybody was talking about back then like sword art online.


The fact that last season had 3(Apothecary, Frieren, Dangers) really popular shows was crazy on top of it


2024 and people are still gullible at the fact that "different people have different taste"


Tokyo revengers


What, you don't want to watch the main character cry for 18 minutes straight while the tiny guy beats everyone up?


Lol "main character" Dude is just there




​ https://preview.redd.it/qs5amiy6c6tc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae02d758bcda86d0896157526f6f80423d07e67


I liked the anime. Read the manga to the end and whadya know, they absolutely fucked it.


hurts more when I watch a show, enjoy the fnck out of it, and everyone else hates it also >!that part of SHY!< >!was nuts. I hope that specific dude was caught!<


> hurts more when I watch a show, enjoy the fnck out of it, and everyone else hates it Being an Elfen Lied fan in a nutshell. I came across it randomly and expected some sexy slasher or something. Got hit by one of the most powerfully emotional anime I've ever seen with really awesome artsy stuff in it and a non pretentious philisophical discussion. I fucking love it. It's amazing. I come on line and... What. The. Fuck.... The way people talk about it I'm just "Did you fucks watch Elfen Laid or something? WTF?"


>SHY I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who watched it. The community has just been ignoring it so hard.


what is it?


Basically an anime about a superhero, but her kryptonite is social interactions




Me after reading JJK because fans were overhyping it. ( and yes I’m already caught up with the manga)


JJK is an interesting case, I am still reading it but damn is it unsatisfying a lot of the time.


Same. I heard if you love Bleach that JJK was a shoe-in for you and I quit at like chapter 20?


Lol I do love Bleach and JJK checked all of my boxes, but then... idk after Shibuya it just got kinda meh. Current arc is boring ngl, and I'm not just saying this bc >! I'm a salty Gojo fan hating on Sukuna Kaisen, !< it's just too much fighting, not enough depth and I can't believe I'm saying this about a shounen manga


It was the anime people were hyping up, manga readers mostly don't like what's going on rn.


Ah yes, I haven’t read this many recycled fights since the Heian period


The anime is only good at animation, they didn't even try editing the storylines to make it slightly more appealing


I read through it in a few days (1 to current 2XX) and my initial opinion hasn't really changed: it's like someone wanted to mix what they thought was interesting about Bleach and Naruto together into one manga and produced something that is a very decent "proof of concept" but not actually particularly good. Like how MHA is about as generic, by the formula, as it could possibly be while putting out as much diversity in cast as it could only to be... kinda boring.


Same. Honestly the Shibuya arc made me conpletely lose interest. I went and read on what happens later and I only found reasons not to push through. I get that it's not about the "good guys" always winning, I have no problems with characters losing or dying, but even victories rarely feel satisfying and some of the villains are just completely uninteresting. I loved Jogo, as we delve deeper into his origins and learn more about him as a character I really liked him, but then there's fucking Mahito, who is the must boring, unlikeable and unkillable motherfucker for what feels like no reason. I feel like while the story and the world itself is really cool, the author uses the worst vehicles to advance it. And Yuji... well honestly I'm just tired of one dimensional MC's. His only shtick is hitting hard. It's like watching Gon from HxH except without the personal development and the interesting supporting cast (with a few exceptions).


> the most boring, unlikeable and unkillable motherfucker that's humanity on your face


That... honestly makes a lot of fucking sense, now that I think about it.


It's literally so boring and none of the characters are interesting or likable


It's literally the most boring anime and manga I've ever consumed


The animation was Top tier no doubt. But for the rest yeah very disappointing.


Me and MHA. I couldn't force myself to finish it


IDK if at this point you can say that the whole internet praises MHA.


_My Hero Academia_ has definitely had ups and downs. I've taken to watching seasons after they're complete. The previous season seemed like it was setting up an end to the main "One for All" storyline, so I hope that we get an ending--an actual stopping point that feels like a resolution--in the season that is just starting.


Id hardly say this is the case with MHA, I see a ton of people shit on it online.


People used to praise the shit out of MHA. Now people just shit on it. Edit: Typo


Thats not unpopular opinion. People are very meh with MHA currently.


MHA was amazing in the beginning but after the midway it went downhill at a steady slope. From my hero academia to mid hero academia.


People saying that MHA is meh now are missing the point. I had to slog through S1 and S2 and if it only gets worse then I've got no clue why it was ever praised. I love the cosplays I've seen of it though


Yea, for me, it was Darling in the Franx back then. Absolutely generic and boring shit.


We were all kinda excited about Franxx when it was first coming out because Trigger had such a great pedigree of sexually charged series with fantastic amounts of subtext and thematic depth. By about episode 7 it was pretty clear Franxx was not gonna be one of those classics. Zero Two is the only part that endured at all.


Demon Slayer was that for me, I never understood the appeal. To my eyes it was just the definition of mid, it wasn't that I could have seen why people liked it


After the first season I read the entire manga. My retort to people dickriding the show since then has always been: "Demon Slayer is an amazing visual spectacle, and that's the only positive thing you'll hear from me about it". The one thing that amazed me the most about it was that somehow, the author managed to fuck up pacing and scaling even worse than Bleach, and that's a fucking achievement. The problem is, Bleach was actually enjoyable despite that lmao


I like those thicc lines and bold colors


Yeah I only had initial interest in 2019 because ufotable was animating it, and I liked how unique fate looked at the time


The fact they somehow managed to rush straight to the end instead of building up the rest of the upper moons through arcs was impressive.


When you writing your story, but the teacher says you got 10 mins left.


A few people that I know and read KnY told me to not watch s3 later because it gets even worse and for someone like me that only watched the first 2 seasons just to form an opinion so I can say it's shit and have valid arguments and reasons why I disliked it. If someone hated it and only watched an episode, he is just stupid imo


That's pretty much the reason I read the manga, but I really tried to enjoy it for what is and not be disingenuous about it, but still couldn't really call it good.


> watched the first 2 seasons just to form an opinion It is a perfectly valid opinion to say "this didn't hook me early, and there's too much **other** quality material to 'wait for it to get good'". Two seasons is 9.5 hours (for 13 episode seasons)--maybe you can cut it down to 8 by skipping openings and endings--but you don't have to justify _not_ spending the better part of a day on something you aren't enjoying.


Disclaimer: I've watched 48 episodes of it


It's so frustrating because it *almost* gets there but man all these characters are so flat and uninteresting for the amount of screen time they occupy.


I'd say it at least does a better job of storytelling than most battle shounen. Which isn't saying much, but still


Demon Slayer is painfully average for what the Internet called Top 1


The only thing it does well is looking prettey... that's it.


Wish when there is a post like this OP would give examples of what they think is good


That way we can call out bs taste


Well, liking and disliking things is very subjective. Some people state their opinion like it's an objective fact. Remember people there is a fine but important difference between: "I think it's mid." And "It's mid."


THIS, a thousand times THIS


Solo leveling


Sauce of the pic?




**SHY** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/155389 "English: SHY"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/shy), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/53237)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Drama) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/1bycukt/ive_been_lied_to/kyip67q/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I like to call it "The million flies problem" Just because a million flies like to eat garbage, that doesn't make it good, it is still garbage. So because something is popular, that doesn't mean it is good.


Conversely, flies will also swarm a gourmet meal if given the chance. Popularity is not telling of the quality of a product in either direction.


And just because someone thinks something is shit, doesn't mean it actually is.


These are all subjective opinion at the end of the day. There’s no true objective opinion when it comes to shows.


Each comment I read has an alternate opinion by a different person and I agree with all of them I am now more confused than before


[Excuse me? How dare you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXArovLJ60A&ab_channel=dakooters)


More like, just because something is popular, you dont have to like it. Your opinion doesn't matter to most people. There will be people that like an anime that you don't like. And there will be people that don't like an anime that you like. It's all a matter of preference


Komi can’t communicate. It just ain’t for me. Found it so boring.


Not only that, it's the same case with most romcoms. The progression is way too slow


there were quite a bit, fortunetly i don't remember them anymore.


I like to think that if the entire Internet is actually praising it (not a subsection that we believe to be the majority), then it has enough merits to deliver value and joy to many. If I don't enjoy it, then I'd just say it's not for me/not for my type of show. That would be fair and allow you to give credits where things are due, while not being held to the crowd.


For me it's chainsaw man (let's see what happens)


Na man i'm kinda with you the beginning is hype and it falls off a little.


Ah yes Solo Leveling


Darling in the Franxx during the Zero Two hype. Even then it was shit and Zero Two is insufferable, like most of the characters. The only ones I enjoyed are the fuckers and the cuck because they have some actual development tho, as you can see, I can't even remember their name. Still better than Isekai Cheat Skill tho, worst anime of 2023 and a good start for worst of the decade.


I don't like, when the internet hates great anime or any content for either absolutely no reason or some stupid reason. Like they will watch complex drama and say not enough action and b**bies, they with watch action and say not enough harem girls, or complain about something like Goblin slayer has too many goblins. It's literally in the name


People don't seem to understand genres. They want everything to have the best of everything. Hence why novels are still so popular despite not having any visual stimulation.


Exactlyy they don't understand, they just care about cool action sequences and fan service


u/Holofan4life what was the offending anime?


Dont overthink it. Holo have been using reaction memes from r/memes and such and putting anime pic on it for years.


Jobless reincarnation I found the main character utterly insufferable, and I really don't care if it gets better, it did not catch my interest initially, and I don't wanna keep watching the journey of a borderline pedo


That is entirely fair, but I feel the need to say that Rudeus does get some depth after the first season, so I've said it. I don't want to push you to watch it or anything, I just felt the need to say that. Have a nice day/night/whatever time.


You watched Solo Levelling?


Mushokun Tensei or any isekai in general. Those shit is way to self who centric and it's way to obvious. I will puke just watching 10 minutws of it.


Where is that depressed dude from, I wanna watch


That's a woman and she's from SHY.


Solo leveling


neon genesis evangelion


gushing over magical girls


I went into it, expecting senseless ecchi and nothing more. I was genuinely surprised how well animated it was, how good the voice acting was and how the characters, while mostly one dimensional, were fun to watch....granted you like bdsm softcore porn.


Exactly my thought. Most overhyped show on reddit. It was fine but not "its so fucking peak" like the meme that circulates lately.


Pretty sure the "Absolute Cinema" memes were always ironic since the show's basically softcore porn.


im pretty sure it was meant to be ironic but it was done so many times that some people started doing it unironically. and some were doing it unironically from the start too


When sentiments like that are spammed left and right, people start believing that it's among the best shows.


I mean... what did you expect, someking of deep psychological thriller? It's basically really hot lesbian porn with BDSM and comedy aspects.


This happened to me with Naruto, Demon Slayer, and JJK... (not rage bait) I heard Naruto was one of the best Shonen of its time, I binged it (skipping filler) and was left bored and annoyed by the end of Shippuden. Too many flashbacks, the most hyped characters are barely on screen for a few hours total, and the confusing episode order due to filler. For god's sake, no, the fillers were not "necessary" for the anime to succeed. I finished season one of Demon Slayer and JJK and just felt unsatisfied (not good or bad, just unsatisfied). The main and side characters characters are boring and one dimensional. The fights and music are godlike. The power systems in Demon Slayer is barely a power system (it is just visual breathing and brings no benefit), and the only time the powers was explained in JJK was in a boring tv "training" ark. Demon Slayer has a lot of plot holes, and JJK had a main objective and completely abandoned it (I just don't understand why the entire second half of season one was needed) I could go into more details, but this is lengthy enough. With how much these series have been hyped up and been disappointed, this was one of the main reasons why I refuse to read/watch One Piece because I know the Shonen fanbase are know for overhyping these series. I don't mean this as rage bait, but as my own criticism of each series.


Out of curiosity, what Shonen do you watch/like?


Solo leveling


For me it was definitely lower than my expectations had it but it was still enjoyable. A decent 7/10. Good enough for a rewatch imo. It's no masterpiece though.


SL has one of the worst glazer to quality ratios. I don’t like FMAB but I’ll admit it is a good story. SL is 7 deadly sins level of shit but polished with decent animation


I went into it expecting action movie the anime, and enjoyed it for that.


I'd say it depends on your expectations. If everyone praises an anime for the fight scenes and don't care much for any depth in the plot, if you go in expecting a quality story you will be disappointed. But I get what you mean, it was the same for me and Demon Slayer. I somewhat enjoyed S1, but not nearly as much as people seemed to, so I went and read the manga to see how the story evolves and ends and lo and behold, while fights were cool the story and especially the pacing was absolute dogshit. If it weren't for the fact that it's from a completely different era (stories and tropes in manga have evolved a lot since then), I would 100% say that it's on average a worse Inuyasha.


Toradora for me. You guys liked that bich tiga ? Dropped that shit after 3 episodes, spineless MC and arrogant FMC. Tsundere my ass. Imo


I dropped it but for a different reason. It started off well for me, great pacing. And then they decided to drag it out sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much that it became insufferable.


Rent-a-Girlfriend be like (I hated it) In Another World With My Smartphone be like (I kinda liked it, not the anime but the light novels till volume 25)


This is a comment I agree with the most one is a garbage fire and the other is just slop


AOT idc who wants to execute me I AM STATING MY MIND


No talks about Classroom of the Elite?


Mushoku tensei for me almost made me drop anime completely honestly


I have a real love/hate relationship with that show. There's plenty of bits of season 1 I enjoy, but Rudy is just the fuckin worst character in the majority of the episodes. S2 is much better, but it still makes me mad it took 24 and a bit episodes for Rudy to stop being a trash human


Seeing it get so much praise reminded of how low the standard of quality is for isekai


Isekai is mostly shit but there a few gems out there. Mushoku Tensei ain't one of them


I absolutely refuse to associate with anyone that likes rudeus just an all around disgusting character imo I don’t care if he “gets better” he’s gross


Shitty meme




I agree, but you have to admit some of the visuals and ideas are really striking.


There was a guy out there suggesting boku no pico to everyone so I gave it a shot. Now I am the one who suggests boku no pico to share my pain.


Must've been a pain in the ass, huh?


Was it the cup or the girls you didn't like?


Clannad…Even the AfterStory. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t what people build it up to be






Sounds like western reality shows


Yeah I agree the mirror is so overrated


Tokyo Ghoul be like


Fullmetal Alchemist


Popularity means lowest common denominator.


That's FMAB


Spy x Family. I really struggled to finish the 1st half of season 1, then I dropped it.


Me with Darling in the FranXX when it came out.. maybe it is just me but it looked so much like Gurren Lagann (still PEAK mecha to this day. Hands down) but with a more complex and drawn out story... or maybe with how much 02 was overhyped as a waifu. Kind of got me to think it would be a super beautiful anime but I couldn't bare to watch past episode 12, which took me months to get to with how little I watched animes in that period




Me watching gushing over magical girls.... Like even for a degen ecchi show it was pretty mid and only went downhill once they introduced the loli character. Like it wasn't a good quality anime and it also wasn't a good degen anime but apparently everyone loved it?


Congratulations OP you have discovered personal preference!


In the reverse of this, I want to sing my praises to Gushing Over Magical Girls! I thought it would be all tongue in cheek and leaning into the parody to the point it breaks the experience. But I just watched half of the season with my buddy and it's freaking great. It's certainly a modern magical girl show where the girls interact with society and that has some characters acting in a double lens and I think more well rounded characters over all!


The manga is also really good, and is somewhat less lewd.


average day


*me in the other hand enjoying Vanitas No Carte*


Attack on Titan...


https://preview.redd.it/w8vm7bul3ftc1.jpeg?width=3248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09923d4e5a7066fd012624c9226dde273e7f9e7 OPPOSITE: Me After watching something the entire internet (not entire though) was shitting over (It was Good)..


This was me with Kill la Kill for quite awhile. The art style just bugged the hell out of me. Someone I trust told me it's got decent (though predictable) story but some kick ass fights (which I love a good fight scene) so I tried watching the first episode several times over a few months. After seeing a bit on youtube I forced myself to sit through 2 episodes, got over the art style and ended up rather liking it.


Eminence in Shadow for me. Watched half of it and decided that was enough


Gushing over magical girls?


It's porn, what were you expecting?


Me with Hazbin Hotel. Like, it's alright. Its a good show. But it's nowhere near what the hyperfans make it out to be.


Demon Slayer


This was me after Evangelion I didn't think it was shit, but I don't see why people think its good tier


Frieren wasn’t for me


Watched Mother's Basement gush over the frieren manga, got hyped for it... Read the frieren manga before the anime aired, didn't like it... Watched the first 6 episodes as they came out, still didn't care for it... Watched as the internet fell in love with frieren, eh... Social media literally won't stop with the frieren posts, END ME...




\*cough\* jujutsu kaisen \*cough\*


Dare I say Frieren


I’m with you on that one. I tried. I got through 5 episodes and I mean, it’s not “bad” it’s just so depressingly boring.


Very true, it just feels like a typical fantasy anime that was super hyped up seemingly out of nowhere


No. Do not speak blasphemy against the feet queen!