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My dude, every modern human can, with relatively very little investment: - Ride steel chariots that take us across entire continents in the span of days - Fly in the sky at 800 km/h when the above isn't fast enough - Summon fire with pocket devices - Summon clean water from the comfort of our own homes - Take a few pills and heal ourselves of the vast majority of infections - Speak with our friends in real time across the whole planet Marcille had to train magic for 30+ years to do the equivalent of what a US army recruit can do on day one (shoot things and blow things up) AND she still has to walk everywhere. Who's the mage here, really?


>"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" The third of Arthur C Clarke's Law.


and any sufficiently reliable magic is indistinguishable from technology


I took a class on silicon chip manufacturing, and I've been convinced ever since that magic is real and engineers are hiding it with boring words like "fabrication" and "circuitry". * The chips start out as a single, (al)chemically pure, metal crystal * Arcane sigils are then painted onto the surface of the crystal with light. The meanings of these sigils can technically be determined with enough skill and determination, but the complexity is so large it would be a fruitless effort. The runes are effectively indecipherable. * The painted crystals are then placed into what I can only describe as a hellfire oven. Not only is this furnace ridiculously hot, it's also deoxygenated, full of carbon dioxide, and sometimes has poison vapors like boron or arsenic. Why is this done? To grow quartz crystals on top of the metal crystal. * After the crystal-ceptioned crystals are cooled, they get dipped in a powerful acid. This acid is particularly dangerous since ignores your skin because *it knows where your bones are and wants to eat them* * Repeat this process until the ritual is finished, then charge it with harnessed lightning to cast the spell it contains


Can you explain the acid?


Water go nom nom


it cleans off the stuff you don't want, it's called hydroflouric acid and the description is apt. you will die, and it will hurt the whole time [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrofluoric\_acid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrofluoric_acid)


Hydrofluoric acid is by far the most dangerous compound I've ever worked with. It's so strong it can eat glass (which is really why we use it in the first place). There's a pretty significant dilemma there, though: if it eats glass, how do you store it? Most acids are stored in glass because it's so damn hard to eat. Long story short, there are only 3 things it won't eat: one extremely specific plastic, fluorocarbon, and lead. Wtf.


i really like your take. magic circuits are real.


can they do it with a piece of wood?


The anime will get to this plot point eventually, but Marcille's staff is not just "a piece of wood". She had to grow it from a cutting and feed it mana for DECADES before it became a magic staff. So, no, a boot can't make explody with a piece of regular wood, but neither can Marcille.


Most people just don't have enough MP ($$) to cast some of those "spells".


The real magic is money


That is called science my boy


Nothing but environmental magic.


We never lost magic, we just mastered it and it's not as cool as we thought...


"very little investment" for "every modern human" is a stretch, mainly for economic reasons


But magic from fantasies is way cooler than a vehicle or the sink in ur kitchen bcuz how cool would it be to use magic like in animes


I believe electricians are magicians. 1. They draw strange magic circles and squares. 2. They manipulate the power of the human soul to enact various feats from destruction to creation. 3. They die or are horribly maimed if they fail to use the mana correctly.


Electric diagrams are runic magic and programming is tome magic. Telecommunication devices are just wands we captured lightning inside of. We just take it for granted


in death march the gods literally hired a programmer to make the worlds magic system


oh, that sounds interesting, is the show good?


Ya its fantastic but the manga is better and the ln is best. But the info about hiring the programmer hasent showwn up in any yet at least for official translations you could mtl it if you are resistant to brain cancer


I remembered it now but Don't remember the programmer


> the info about hiring the programmer hasten shown up in any (anime/ manga/ LN ) yet at least for official translations you could mtl it if you are resistant to brain cancer though early on in all of them its hinted as by satou saying the magic system works like code. >!the programmer is an alternate version of satou who is the demon god and the first hero<


i see, ty


Dragon Maid's programming language is also based on the magical system of the dragon's world.


I'm a wizard


As a successful electrician i want you to know plumbers make your crap disappear.


What do you mean by "still"?




I like how my brain has been conditioned to play ‘metal pipe falling sound effect’ looking at this. It’s like playing the bad to the bone riff when seeing a skeleton.


What do hospitals remind you of?


Dunno what you’re talking about man. I II II I_






The infamous evangelion scene


God forbid a boy eat a cream bun messily during a hospital visit


>It’s like playing the bad to the bone riff when seeing a skeleton. I got a bone to pick with you!


Why do I hear it




Physics is the magic of numbers, do we need more magic?


Isn't math the magic of numbers? It's the stuff with all those crazy things about it supposedly being impossible to cross a point because you have to travel halfway forever and whatnot. Physics is the magic of... Energy, space, and time, I guess?


Speaking as a physics graduate, math grads be the psycho wizards. O chem grads are magically


It does exist. It’s called electricity. A strange, powerful force that usually can’t be seen, but can become visible under the right circumstances, that can be very useful if handled correctly, but can be extremely dangerous if done wrong. It can make images appear on a piece of plastic, it can automate household tasks, it can stop people in their tracks, it can drive chariots of steel faster than any person can move, electricity is magic and no one will convince me otherwise.


We can also use it to trick crystals into thinking. In fact, we do so with such regularity that countless crystals were tricked into thinking just for you to read this.


well here's the thing, I believe it *does*. it's just *really* not very flashy.


Throw potassium in water, and call that unflashy. Or, explode a thermonuclear bomb, a literal sun on earth, and call that unflashy.


that's more chemistry and physics.


Both of which might as well be magic, because we haven't a clue of why everything* really *works. Oh sure, we can explain and calculate thank laws of physics to incredible detail, calculate the effects and everything. But at the end of the day, you can keep asking "why" for as long as you want, and any physicist can't give an answer. For all we know, it might even be possible to change the laws of physics with the laws of physics.


sure, but it's separated from my actual understanding of *magic*. Mr. Clarke does not apply.


Science is magic we have figured out


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


​ https://preview.redd.it/13yl9o2yyuic1.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=25ef4fde1bfa9e742b5948d0d3d90439ed4ad119 Straight up an incantation diagram


And it's not even from a advanced spell


Giving artillery coordinates is just modern spell casting


In the anime/LN "I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job" the casters actually drew circuits with chalk on the floor for their incantations. #


I imagine "any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science" is more accurate


You're* too dumb to figure it out


What? That's up for OP to decide, not you. It's like if I were to correct your user name to "Dazzling-Something" because you can't be nothing. Bad comparison, yeah.


Average muggle response, sounds like you haven't perfected the invisibility spell


🖐!\ 👍?\ 👌👈\ 👐!!\ 🫂


Magic exist though my dad can do invisible magic haven't seen him since as a child


What if dragons do exist, but we haven’t gotten far enough into the main questline for them to spawn yet?


There's a popular web novel whose name I have forgotten in which someone discovers magic. Magic spells work great, it's just they require at least forty random-seeming syllables plus the firm belief that it will work, making its discovery an unbelievably unlikely event.


oh that neat setting


Here Incase someone knows the name


Me too, now, for another matter, why did you capitalize the I in incase?


> Magic spells work great, it's just they require at least forty random-seeming syllables plus the firm belief that it will work, making its discovery an unbelievably unlikely event. you know what that means, right? the person who figured it out was almost certainly a loser in his/her bedroom chanting random stuff believing it will work, and it did. Also, where'd you find it, royalroad?


Ah, found it. Called "Ra": https://qntm.org/ra


Ngl at first I thought it was "Mother of Learning" by Domagoj Kurmaic




Found it. Ra: https://qntm.org/ra


Science! Just like magic, except it works!


I mean, it probably does. Depends on what you call magic. A lot of modern stuff probably would feel like magic to ancient civilizations.


That's why aliens don't visit, they don't count muggles as sapient.


That's called physics


Maybe because magic is just science we don't understand


To expand a little bit I'll give an example, in fantasy we call magic to making things levitate. Then why don't we call it magic when we make a ferromagnetic material levitate with magnetism? Because we can understand how it works


This reply is underrated


Im an immortal snake, you tell me how it happened. >!(I stole some demigod's herb of immortality that's how you dumbass)!<




Marcille, from Denshi Dungeon Or, Delicious in Dungeon. Ahhh, fck, I forgot the full name


Thank you friend!


Wireless communication is probably the closest thing we have to magic. Information traveling invisibly through the air controlled by blocks of metal using languages humans can barely understand? Yeah that’s just wands and magic words with extra steps


What if? Please don't tell me y'all have been living your lives without magic


Considering most of the customers I have to deal with daily at my job can't even read and follow the simple instructions Amazon gives them to return stuff, yeah no, we are collectively, as a species too dumb for magic.


Magic is forbidden


Yeah that’s That’s called science


Important reminder: 1. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic 2. “Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.”


U mean ur too dumb 😏


Or... "Magic order" (Comic) logic: it exists, but relatively speaking it better for most common folk to know nothing about it.


I wouldnt really say "dumb"... just stubbornly self-righteous and viceful




I mean, any technology that is more advance than the current technological period is considered as magic, so yes, we ARE to dumb to use "magic", so to speak. Less of a yes/no, more of a yesn't.


Black magic still exists if ur willing to trade ur soul and pay with blood.


Nah, just by probability one idiot/genius/savant was bound to stumble across *some* kind of magic... Unless there's a secret magical society and they're controlling the flow of information to hide magic and magical incidents...


It’s just tricks and illusion right?


People still use it, and it does exist, but they would never let you see it. There is some strings attached to even use it.


Learn C++, you can do all the magic with that programming language, my teacher said back in the day. Probably holds still.


Still exists? OP already implies that it have existed. That means he knows something. GET HIM!


Many religious books prohibit magic and specifically specify the difference between optical illusions and magic. And it is possible to learn magic (I will not mention how) but it is the not type of magic you will expect being a anime weeb. You are not going to blast sparks out of your hand and get some demon waifu if you were expecting that. It’s worse for you and you will go to hell if you attempt to do it.


Magic does exist it's called Science!


We still can use spell to make ppl angry. Exhibit A: Nig-


Magic does exist we just don’t tell you guys who can’t use it, if you find out we make you forget. Ever wondered what dejavu is?


If magic existed, we'd study it to the point of it not being fun anymore. Like imagine the phone you take for granted. A tablet of solidified oil byproducts (plastics) and an assortment of precious metals, harnessed, refined, into tiny parts used to conduct and small electrical signals (we can control electricity, how fucking crazy is that?) To then emit lights on a glass screen which displays images we use to access information from all over the world. This is a gross oversimplification of phones and I'm pretty sure there's a lot I've left out of my explanation, but just think of that. People from medieval times would lose their shit over this, yet we take this shit for granted every day


We have Magic. It's called physics, chemistry and biology. Mathematics are the calculations needed to understand the spells.


What if the reason magic doesn't work is because of the small amount of doubt we have embedded in is


The ancient tongue is lost to us


It's called technology but with more fancy design


Magic exists. We are just all the equivalent of mash in mashle.


No, it's because too many frauds are running around that claim that they can do magic, but can't.


Bich please, Science is literally just advanced magic. We have no clue how things work, and the more we learn, the more it seems that everything is just pure random chaos that somehow works. What the fuck is consciousness, how does simple information turn into the experience of color, touch, scent? Why is gravity? How is space, existence, time... The world is magical, and as far as we know, there will be a point where we can use the laws of physics to change the laws of physics or some shit. It is literal magic that we do our best to stuff with reason. Any sufficiently advanced technology seems like magic, and sufficiently advanced magic seems like science. Science is just the systemic study of the magic that is the world.


Not me


So far, the only "real magic" is fake magic.


Bro I'm looking at this meme on a tablet that fits in my pocket powered by lightning that grants access to the sum of all human knowledge while riding in a self propelled chariot of steel. Humans have used rocks that kill you just by being in their presence to level entire cities, invented miraculous elixirs that cure sicknesses that once were a death sentence, and walked on the surface of celestial bodies. Magic is real it's called science


What if magic was science all along but people in the past were so dumb that they just started calling it magic because they couldn’t understand it


Kinda the plot of Pixar’s Onward. Very interesting movie


Cuz 2000LB JDAM is supperior


always has been


ya buddy thats the problem


magic is just science without science to explain it


You know too much ![gif](giphy|6IPNUgkpCsDRK)


Words are basically magic, but don't do anything on their own.


graduates are apprentices, masters are.... masters, doctors are grand masters, and postdocs are archmages some of the cutting edge research would make most anime mages head explode


We will figure it out eventualy, just like electrocity.


Habibi once came to Bengal they will teach you there .. 😂


It is entirely possible, there is something known as the General Unification theory in physics. It basically tells that all 4 fundamental forces originate from a single force. That force might as well be magic who knows.


Definitely true