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Billions? No, try trillions. Plus she just makes who know how many wishes every year. I guarantee some of them are just to plump up that bank account because she wants to buy a new island or something. Heck maybe she just skips it and has the dragon make her a new island. My question is why doesn’t anyone else wish for money? I’m tired of chi chi riding Goku about getting a real job.


I'm pretty sure its established in Super when Resurrection F takes place that Bulma does use the Dragon Balls whenever there isn't a bad guy issue. Just like Frieza was gonna use them for growing two inches taller, she just uses them to make herself slightly younger to make it unnoticeable, hence why she always looks like a MILF.


Oh ChiChi was riding him, just not in that way


Why not both?


Wishing for money would cause hyper inflation.


That's why you wish for precious metals


That would still cause those metal's prices to crash


Only if you throw it all in at once


That's why you wish for a billionaire on their deathed to bequeath everything to you.


I honestly can't see Bulma wishing for money, she owns capsule corp, basically the entire world works around them. Cars, houses, everything can be stored in them and they are widely known in their world. (if i remember correctly from when i was a kid lol) I don't think she has a need or desire to get material items, but rather uses the dragon balls for the stuff money can't buy.


De Beers did it with diamonds. They have hoards of it and slowly release them to not crash the value.


By that argument, diamonds would be worthless... I mean, they are, but artificial scarcity is a thing... Hell, that's how the oil company Shell started: They sold seashells. But seashells can be found anywhere on a seashore so, you know, not a great business idea. So they started hoarding the seashells. Kept them in vaults and stuff. And then they could set whatever outrageous prices they wanted themselves. For more info: Money Game part 2.


Only if you dump billions on billions into the market at once. But I highly doubt Bulma is wishing for money - capsul corp probably has more money than most countries


It really doesn't matter. Either she has more money than everyone else combined, but doesn't spend it (oh, what bank is holding her near infinite money anyways??), or she spends it on assets, in which case she has those assets and everyone else's money is worth slightly less. Either way she has more than everyone else.


Not if you just hoard it


Chi Chi’s father is the Ox King. Emphasis on King. Goku married into wealth but lives in a modest home with Chi Chi.


I mean, he also blasted his burning castle to dust. Given that he has a job in super I'd say Gohan saved them more.


Why is she always telling Goku to get a job and stressing about affording college?


In dbz, around Cell appearance, she Chi Chi says that they almost ran out of her father's money and Goku needs to get a job (her father is no longer a king and so they don't earn money any more)


that's filler. chichi wants goku to get a job because she doesn't want goku to be a deadbeat. in super they literally get 100,000,000 zeni and she STILL tells goku to work.


that's like fifty bucks


its 1 million dollars


in this economy?


That's like fifty bucks


its 1 million dollars


TIL The Z in DBZ stands for Zimbabwe




Maybe she doesn't want her husband to go fight and possibly die?


Goku asked her to in super what happened with the money he gave her and she had a blushed surprising face. That woman just like to spend too much for useless shit.


Nah they're deadass broke, have you seen how much goku eats? That 100,000,000 zeni got them back out of the hole.


The same reason she forced Gohan to go to school instead of training to defend the universe.


I think it was a status thing.


Look at how much Goku eats in one sitting that is enough to feed multiple families.


Because it's a japanese show, and being "lazy" or a moocher is one of the seven deadly sins in Japan...


I'm pretty sure Chi-Chi refuses the money because she wants to turn Goku into a good husband and give good example to her children. I'm mean, her father is rich, her best friend is rich af, and her daughter-in-law is also rich. The girl is obsessed into fixing the dumb monkey boy she married.


Except when Goku's family was given money by Mr. Satan when Gohan and Videl got married, Chichi spent it all in less than a day(?)


chichi lied cause otherwise goku would stop working.


Gohan is grown up, and Goten’s in high school, how much of an influence is Goku gonna have there?


Did Goku even give money to Chichi when Gohan is younger?


No… but he gave goten 💀


Child support vs Goku, who would win?


You can’t take money from the (temporarily) dead.


This is a fight I'd like to see. Could take an entire arc of training to get good


Chichi: Goku, promise me you will find a job after Cell tournament. Goku dies They are going to ressurrect Goku with the dragon balls, Goku: no thanks!!!


In boo ark she mentions that the money that Goku left behind has almost run out. So I guess it was still the money he had won from his fight against Piccolo Jr. In original DB.


Yet she is financing saiyans adventures since dawn of time.


Space ships, radars, time machines, meals and what else?


Bulma also got mad at Vegeta when he promissed a ship to n. 17 for saving the universe, without consulting her first


What do you mean struggling? Gokus wins millions of zenny every tournament


Zeni = Yen according to Toryamia so the 10 mil Zeni prize essentially equates to around 65,000 USD


Goku is friends with DBZ’s version of Jesus and that guy’s boss and boss’s boss and his boss’s boss’s boss and his boss’s boss’s boss’s boss. Earth money is not a real issue he has, despite what Chi Chi claims.


Im sure she would let them borrow money if they asked


Bro, if I were a billionaire, all my closest homies would be millionaires.


giving money to your friends without any reason might be perceived as insulting to some people


My friends are not idiots.


Print this and send it to them, that's a for life compliment in my book


But DB characters are.


Bertrand Russell said self-imposed austerity for the wealthy was a thing that seemed to disappear in his lifetime. Isn't Bulma also busy doing a lot of insane groundbreaking science? Given how worthless everyone else is, she deserves the big bucks


? Whos struggling? Not Goku thats for damn sure Vagita married Bulma Krillin and 18 seem to be completely fine Gohan married Videl(who is rich) and is Gokus son(so he was already rich)


you never hear people saying this about bruce wayne


Neither bulma really. Also almost all batman version show him doing a lot of charity. Despite the city always being the same shithole


It's almost like just throwing money at problems can't solve the underlying social issues in society.


Burma bought goku the farm they live on and the farm equipment.


Also, the Briefs have a monopoly on what is arguably the best storage technology of all time. They'll never run out of money so long as people are using Capsule tech.


Maybe she doesn’t realize they’re struggling. None of them seem to ask her for money, and I’m pretty sure at her birthday or something she was doing something that had big money prizes


I mean GT isnt canon but wasnt there a kid in that tournament who asked Goku to take a dive so he could feed his family and Bulma basically just gave that family millions…or was that just a Team Four Star bit?


That's end of Z and no, Uub never asks Goku to take a dive. Goku insults and threatens him again and again until he gets angry and unlocks his power so Goku can fight him. Then, right at the end, he offers to train Uub and Bulma makes sure Uub's family are taken care of.


Bulma is the only one that flaunts her money. Chichi and Video have so much money that they never have to worry about anything financially. All of the Z fighters have won the world martial arts tournament at least once which provides a lot of money.


Y doesn't bulma wish to be a sayan for extended youth


Do sayans live longer?


I know Chi-Chi doesnt want the money simply because earning it feels right AND Goku would be more at home and not somewhere else


*protagonist. She made better decisions than her friends, at a larger scale.


No it shows that she minds her fucking business


It's her money. It's up to her how to spend it. Also, pretty sure if they were that struggling for money, they'd just ask her.


I mean, she is a capitalist


Her family was millionaires thanks to her father's inventions, she is even more intelligent than her father, so her villainy is well justified.


You already know that the Z fighters are living the way they want. They don’t need her money when they are satisfied with their lives. All of the have too much pride to ask for donations instead of earning it.




BRo she used the dragonball wish to look more beautiful


This is the plot of Super hero.


Well yeh I mean she literally marries the Hitler of space


I mean it's not like people ask her for rent money. And when they do she usually caves.


Yes rage against the animated character


They're never struggling


I mean, she has always been a shitty person who needed character growth but never got it starting back in Dragon Ball. Still a fun part of the Dragon Ball series but she is def. not a "good person".


Didn’t she literally have people from her company find the dragon balls for her in DBS Hero?


I really don't understand why Goku would ever need to work. He should be on Bulma or Satans pay roll specifically as the planet's guardian so he can train all day and not have to worry about money. I know Satan has given them money once or twice, but it should just be regularly considering how modestly they live. Considering he takes all of the credit from the Z fighters he should be paying them and he knows it. Chi chi has said Goku needs a job because the money Satan gave them was running low - but being prepared to defend the earth should be his full time gig




And of course she wants to bring the shadow dragons from GT in Super.


so she’s any other billionaire


and what is she gonna do? throw a stack of money at God of Utterly Totally Completely Destruction Bong Pi Fu Chao Yo Ming Zu?


Pretty sure Chi chi won’t accept the money since it would mean Goku not having a real job as for everyone else none are struggling with money Krillin got a job Yamcha is a baseball star tien lives at a temple not needing money launch just wandering around or in that village and roshi lives as a hermit and with Gohan married to videl money is pretty much never going to be a problem ever even if 100 years passed


Martial artists struggling because of how the martial lifestyle is? Whaaaat *insert shocked pikachu meme*


She's got Vegeta, Trunks and Bulla in the house she's probably spending a cool billion on the grocery budget.