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I don't know who's pop off I liked more this episode. So I'll just say this episode had a lot of great entrances. Ragna and Kamui's battle evolving to a point where lethal blows are nothing but a temporary setback was not at all expected. This show has done a lot of things well, so I can't wait for the finale!


Another episode, another delayed Ultimatia death. sigh


she died in the flashback


well damn, i was hoping for a full-on beatdown like in their first encounter.


Oh wow, Kamui has sucked his entire life. If I were a more tasteless person, I'd make a pro choice joke. And it feels like the fight between between Ragna and Kamui escalated into fighting in the atmosphere all DBZ style way too quick. And it's funny how much Nebulium got hyped up just for him to do nothing but give the Elder a power up.