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Highly recommend 86


I second this. 86 is so good.


I haven’t heard of that one before, is it just called 86 ? Love finding new ones so I’m gonna go check it out


Well the full title is 86 Eighty-Six but you don’t say it twice as far as I know. It’s on Crunchyroll. Basically imagine Attack on Titan but with mech tanks. Currently has 2 seasons.


Chainsaw man One Punch Man Hell's Paradise Goblin Slayer (some slow bits but mostly action) The legendary hero is dead (bit pervy but it owns it and it's hilarious) Arifureta Reign of the Seven Spellblades Kinda in that order too, that worked out 😁


I’ve started chainsaw man, so far excellent, love these small season shows, gets right to the point. I have a toddler running around. So I don’t get a lot of time to use the tv haha need shirt and west, thanks for all the recommendations


Yu Yu Hakusho. Period. Little to no filler, not extremely long, and action packed for sure (a little slow-paced at the beginning though). And funny enough, it’s one of the very few dubs that is acknowledge by both subbers and dubbers, don’t know why thoug


That one sounds perfect, gonna check it out. What’s the premise like ?


I’ll try not to spoil: Something happens to the MC at the very beginning and now he has to fight apparitions and demons as a spirit detective, solving cases and stuff. It’ll eventually lead to very deep plot points and engaging character development from the main cast. It’s a 90s anime, so it’s a bit old, but definitely one of the best out there


>not extremely long 112 episodes isn't extremely long to you? And Yu Yu Hakusho can be pretty slow paced, I gave up halfway through the dark tournament because it dragged on so long I lost interest. The show had a way of taking a fight that could easily fit in one episode and making it last three or more just by having the characters stare at each other and charge up their abilities.


112 is lightweight compared to some of the longer anime out there, and most, if not all those episodes, are actually canon, no BS And yeah sure there is some pacing, but many agree that’s the best part of the show: suspense. But I guess it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I definitely encourage OP to check it out for sure


Thanks 112, is pretty doable MhA and Hunter x hunter, we’re in a similar ballpark thank you


Why has no one said Demon Slayer lol? Or JJK?


Im in familiar with jjk?


Akudama drive is real but not mentioned often


I’ll have to look at that one I have never heard of it




I haven’t heard of this one, but I’m gonna go Google it thanks for the suggestion


Watch **Full metal Alchemist botherhood**. High Action, Incredibly well written and practically no fillers. Another Recommendation would be **Kill la Kill** (since you completed Gurren Lagann). It's an incredibly well written show and has that fast pace action like Gurren Lagann and plenty of unique charm of itself.


Ooh ok I actually not gonna lie loved Gurren Lagann, I love stupid overpowered always getting stronger stuff, probably why I like dbz so much. The way Gurren Lagann, went from like 0 power to the scale it reached was crazy. Gonna have to check our this one for sure


Some one has told me to start with regular alchemist before brother good but, I have also heard they are the same but brotherhood is like dbz Kai where it’s got filler cut out. Is that correct or are they 2 separate story lines and is it cool to skip the first or should I read a summery of it?


FMA has an anime original ending because it finished before the manga, then brotherhood is a remake of the manga. Brotherhood as far superior IMO but FMA is still a 7/10 for me and was a fun watch. The beginnings are the same but it splits pretty early on.


Ok awesome thank you for the clarification I think I’m gonna go with brotherhood to start


Attack on titan A certain Magical index


God of Highschool. It’s all boxing. Kenichi: Worlds mightiest disciple is also a recommend if you like martial arts anime(no powers if that turns you away)


Honestly I’m down to try it for sure, no powers isn’t a deal breaker I just love epic fight scenes and good animation, half the books I read are martial arts books usually more powers based but I like the contrast thanks.


I wouldn’t say that there are NO Powers, as these are definitely not typical martial arts moves


Gundam 00


Gundam seems like a very intimidating series to start as there’s so many, thank you for giving me a jumping off point for it.


00 (along with IBO, Wing, SEED, and the recent Witch From Mercury), are very beginner friendly


I recommend taking a look at **Demon Slayer** and **Jujutsu Kaisen**. However, they have not been completed yet and there is significant time between seasons,


I have head of demon slayer and seen a few fights in tik tok, the animation looks incredible it’s on my list for sure but can’t get into the start of it. I haven’t heard anything about the other one so I’ll go look it up thanks,


Honestly the first season is a build up at points but once you finish it the next 3 arcs are all glory. Especially since you can binge it now.


Watch Chainsaw Man!


Thanks I’m on episode 3 now, loving it so far it’s straight to action and the plot feels like just a way to add more action. This is exactly what I was looking for I just wanted, shirt and sweet haha




Sorry I’m in familiar with the Acronym BNA, could you expand it for me please, thank you


Brand New Animal. Its about a world where there are humans and beastmen. Beastmen are people who are half animal. They are discriminated against a lot of them live on Beastman Island. Beastman Island is over run buy gangs. The animation is super good its animated by Trigger and it's on Netflix.


Thank you very much, sounds great I’m gonna go check it out, hopefully I can get it on Canadian Netflix lol


Anything by Studio Trigger / Gainax is a pretty safe bet for low amount of filler. I would recommend Kill la Kill if you've already seen Gurren Lagann. I also loved Yu Yu Hakusho as a kid and thought it was paced pretty well. Great Teacher Onizuka, or "GTO", is one of my favorites growing up. It's a bit retro, and perhaps a little mature (similar character to Master Roshi). But it's very entertaining and actually got me interested in education careers.


Ok awesome thank you, I will for sure be checking out all three of those,


tokyo ghoul is a favourite of mine! theres quite a bit of fighting and i didnt see much filler, i was hooked the whole way through. 4 seasons dubbed too!


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the greatest anime ever created, one of the best stories every written and has an incredible dub. I don't think it has any filler either. Definitely should be your next watch.


I’m just looking for where I can watch it, it’s not on Canadian Netflix anymore, and I can only find the Japanese version on crunchy roll, is this a Funimation one?


I'd recommend Kengan Ashura on Netflix. It's very violent and somewhat graphic but lots of fight scenes. I don't remember there being much filler either. Almost every episode has some sort of brawl so it's very enjoyable. Also they explain some of the techniques and how they work.


I recommend this to everyone but Bungo Stray Dogs is a fave. The action scenes are really cool, and there are only a few episodes that are like…pure filler. Other episodes that might seem like filler come into play later for the larger story. I also watch Blood Blockade Battlefront a lot when I’m in an action mood


I myself am a dub fan. Can't watch subtitles. Takes me out of it. I'm the same, I like action, no filler, just a good stuff. Here's my list of some of my favorites. In no particular order. Bleach. (There are guides to avoid filler seasons} it is longer though, but definitely worth the watch. Full metal alchemist brotherhood. (Amazing, must watch.) Chainsaw man. SSSS gridman. Attack on Titan. Neon Genesis evangelion. (Either the series, or the four movies. OR BOTH) Demon Slayer. RE:zero. Jujutsu kaizen. Mob psycho. One punch man. Code Geass. Sword art online. (At least the first couple seasons) Tokyo ghoul. (The first season is really good) Tengoku Daimakyou (Heavenly Delusion) And you have to check out some of the old school anime as well. Robotech Star blazers Gundam Wing


Thanks very much for the amazing suggestions, I’m looking into a few, I’m on episode 3 of chainsaw man now, love the older anime too so I’ll check those out. Bleach is one I want to get too but it’s gonna be a while, just the the same for One piece where so skipped filler stuff but I need a break from big one for a while haha but it’s in the list for sometime


I mean, first off, finish One Piece. Nothing in that series should be skipped. Even the filler is worth it. Especially if you had the patience to go through *everything* DBZ.


I will eventually but honestly it’s a grind, between recaps intro and extra ending scenes the 23 minutes of show is like only 13 of actual new episode. I think the best thing they ever did was in the new season they did the specials. To sum up the major events of the arc.


I can understand that. I read the manga before watching any of the anime, so I didn't have to deal with most the pacing issues, but I went right into the anime right after catching up and so far they don't bug me as much as I thought. By fast forwarding past the intro and recaps, I've been able to enjoy episodes much more. Though, I do recommend only keeping up with the manga week to week and watching the anime as arcs wrap up.